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Chronicles of Eden - Act XI

Page 36

by Alexander Gordon

  “Um…” Kitten slowly said with a puzzled expression. “That all… sounds a little insulting more than comforting.”

  “Who did this to you?” Kryelle implored as she held Kitten’s head in front of hers. “It’s not fair that you’ve had so much stolen from you! So what if you had a failure for a mother, that’s no reason to be cast into a life of mediocrity like you have! You deserved better than this, you deserved more despite what your accursed mother was barely able to provide for your meager existence in the first place!”

  “That still sounds insulting,” Kitten commented with Kryelle’s hands smothering her cheeks.

  “What man stole your life?” Kryelle demanded with a scowl. “Who dared to enslave such a poor succubus in this world and make you his pet? Is that where your name came from? He calls you Kitten because you’re his weak little plaything now? That despicable human! The nerve he has to degrade you even further!”

  “Where is he?” Arixis growled smacking a fist into her palm. “We’ll smear his worthless hide across the ground for you. You may be cursed to be a filthy pig in this world but you don’t have to live under his foot anymore. Tell me where he is and I’ll make him scream for mercy before denying him that.”

  “Knock it off!” Kitten yelled swatting away Kryelle’s hands and backing up. “For starters stop speaking about me like I’m a pathetic little demon who deserves your sympathy! I’m not some weak little pussycat, and the name Kitten was chosen by me because I wanted it after I was born! I’m not suffering in this life at all, I’m doing just fine even though I was converted by a fucking whore with too small of a skull for her own ego!”

  “But-” Kryelle started to say before Kitten shouted and pointed to her.

  “And don’t you dare speak about my master with your callous tongue! He’s been nothing but a blessing for me ever since he took me as his! I’m way happier now than I was acting like a stuck-up succubus that I used to be before he saved me! I don’t need your help with anything at all, I’m perfectly fine because I have him in my life!”

  “You can’t mean that,” Kryelle nervously argued shaking her head. “My dear, listen to what you’re saying. You belong to a human. You hear this, yes? How could you possibly wish for such a thing? Oh dear, you don’t even realize it, do you? You’re under his spell, you don’t even see that you’ve fallen so far because of what he’s done to you.”

  “Oh for fucking sake!” Kitten yelled clenching her fists. “Stop patronizing me and speaking over me like I’m some lost child in this world who doesn’t know anything! I know damned well I’m under a spell to be his, he was the one who fucked me into submission after all and I love him for it! And I’m telling you that I’m perfectly happy being his! I’d much rather belong to a wonderful man like him instead of whatever stupid master you bow down to!”

  Kryelle and Arixis showed stern glares at Kitten from those words, the two demons exuding powerfully strong auras of malice all around them as they took great offense from what the cambion shouted at them.

  “Are you calling our queen stupid?” Arixis snarled.

  “Kitten,” Kryelle slowly scolded. “I really do feel sympathy for you. What that human has done to you has warped your senses. You don’t even realize what he’s taken from you or what you’re so foolishly speaking to us right now. You’ve lost your way in this world. But I must accept things for how they are. You’re a stupid girl, you don’t know any better. I doubt you could ever understand just how low you’ve been dragged down in all this.”

  She looked to a gemstone on a hand that she held up, her eyes showing her plotting something before she crossed her arms with a tired sigh.

  “So be it. I don’t hold what you said to us as a personal insult. Your senses are forever corrupted by your little human who made you his bitch.” She paused for a moment then glanced to Kitten with a raised eyebrow. “But I don’t believe Arixis has ever pardoned anyone for speaking ill about our queen. And I certainly won’t expect her to start now. Arixis, I leave the matter of how to discipline this aberrant pussycat up to you.”

  “Fine,” Arixis said, then in a flash closed the distance between her and Kitten who jumped in a startle from seeing the succubus suddenly appearing before her. Before she could move a hard impact sounded off, a loud crunch resonating through the cambion’s body, while her lungs felt all the air being forcefully pushed out of them. Triska’s muffled scream echoed in her ears while the taste of blood filled her mouth, the cambion’s body feeling nothing but sheer pain streaking through it without warning. The world seemed to slow down for Kitten as she was thrown back, her vision fading out and in before seeing Arixis hovering in place with a fist held down from where it connected to the cambion’s chest a moment ago. Without a word Arixis shot forward, moving through the air faster than Kitten’s eyes could follow, before again striking with a hard impact that knocked all her senses out, her mind shutting down briefly before waking up again and realizing she was now spiraling down towards ground at high speed. Before she could try to move her wings she slammed into the hard dirt with a loud thud, her back taking the brunt of the crash while dust and rocks flew outward into the air.

  “Kitten!” Triska’s muffled cry sounded off in her head.

  Her hand flinched, only slightly while indented into the soil along with her wings. Her head felt heavy to move and her neck ached from the slightest attempt to do so. She coughed out blood, more of it leaving her throat than there was air being pulled in by her straining lungs. The world spun around wildly in her eyes for a while before slowly stopping, her senses finally catching up to take note of just how badly she was hurt. And judging by the amount of pain her entire body felt, it was bad.

  “Kitten! Are you alright?”

  ‘I… can’t… what…’

  “How did she do that that? What happened?”

  Slowly Kitten lifted her head with a whine, her eyes taking notice of what Arixis had done in the blink of an eye to her. Her ribs under her left breast were dented in, making breathing almost impossible for the gasping demon. The right side of her head felt like it was about to break apart, the searing pain that was finally apparent showing just how hard Arixis had struck her in the face.

  ‘Two… hits… it was… just… two… hits…’

  “Oh my god,” Triska softly spoke in horror. “How did she do that? She’s just like you, isn’t she? She can’t be that much stronger compared to you.”

  ‘No… they’re not like… me. Not at… all…’

  “What do you mean? Hey, you need to get up. We need to get out of here!”

  Kitten slowly sat up while coughing out blood, her white clothes becoming stained in the crimson as she struggled not to lose consciousness. A gust of wind blew from her left before the sound of something landing down hard on the ground struck afterwards. Kitten managed to turn her head partially to catch a glimpse of a leg swinging over and striking her face, and then all went black. When her mind finally came to she found herself lying in a crevice with her back almost numb now. Her jaw felt like it had nearly been struck clean off, her tongue unable to move and only tasting more blood.


  ‘I… can’t move. Triska…’

  “Let me out, I’ll try to fight them off!”

  ‘We have… the same body, idiot. Neither of us… is able… to fight right now…’

  Everything was a blur for her, though she wasn’t sure if it were tears that obscured her sight or just that her eyes were aching with enough stress that made her fear they would pop soon. Unable to move and just barely able to draw in a breath the cambion struggled to stay awake, her hearing fading in and out before she made out footsteps coming closer along the dirt. After a moment she was picked up by her neck, something that again made breathing impossible for her while her arms and legs had no strength to thrash about or even lift up in the slightest.

  “Now I have your stink on my hands and foot,” Arixis snapped while holding the dazed cambion
in the air. “You’re like a smelly frog that stinks up everything that touches you. I hate you!”

  Her hand tightened around Kitten’s neck, choking the girl and causing a slight crunch to be heard from the caving windpipe. Arixis growled and held her hand aside, a dark crimson light flaring around her arm down to her palm before igniting outward with a scorching heat. The dark magic took on the shape of a double-sided spear, the glowing fiery weapon letting off hazy veils of air and smoke while the succubus wound back to strike with it.

  “To hell with you,” Arixis scowled.

  “Arixis,” Kryelle called out. “That’s enough. She’s done. Put her down.”

  “But she needs to die! She insulted our queen! She made my hands stink!”

  “Arixis,” Kryelle sternly said. Arixis jumped then nervously glanced up to see Kryelle floating above with a very cold stare at her. “It’s not her fault she’s fucked in the head. Her mother was a failure at life and she was dealt a bad hand by being easy prey for the human that enslaved her. She’s obviously no match for us, she’s nothing at all and never will be. If anything she should have our pity. Leave her be, let her live her worthless life.”

  Arixis growled then threw Kitten down into the ground with a hard slam. The cambion merely grunted as she desperately gasped and coughed while struggling to move her limbs. With a reluctant snarl Arixis recalled her fiery spear and flapped her wings, taking off into the air up next to her companion. Kryelle smirked at seeing the temperamental succubus wiping her hands with a disgusted grimace then slowly lowered down towards Kitten. She waved Arixis to go higher, with the other succubus grunting with a blush before doing so, and then landed next to the battered cambion before kneeling down beside her with an amused chuckle. She held Kitten’s chin and turned her weary gaze over to her, the blurred vision of the cambion slowly focusing to make out Kryelle leaning closer to her with a seductive leer.

  “Sorry for the rough lesson,” she cooed as she gently brushed Kitten’s hair. “I’m not a big fan of inflicting pain on those I fancy, but Arixis… well, she does get a little carried away. She just loves pain after all. I honestly didn’t plan for you to get this much discipline tonight. Oh well. At least you learned your lesson about speaking so harshly to others, right?”

  Leaning down she slowly licked up across the cambion’s nose to her forehead before whispering in her ear.

  “Like I mentioned before I don’t take what you said personally. You’re just a lost kitten in this world, you don’t understand your place in it yet. Don’t worry, I’m still your friend even after you spoke ill about my queen with your ignorance.”

  With a gentle bite on the cambion’s ear she purred softly before sitting up and tenderly running her hands down the girl’s shoulders, across her breasts, and stopping on her chest that even the light touch she gave caused Kitten to grunt in agony.

  “Kryelle!” Arixis shouted. “What are you doing? Let’s go already!”

  “In a second, dear,” Kryelle called back while keeping her lustful grin on the wounded girl. “Just saying goodbye to my friend. You know, Kitten, even with the repugnant stench of that lesser demon surrounding you I have to admit you are awfully cute. I wouldn’t mind keeping you as a pet of my own.”

  Kitten slowly turned her eyes towards the demon while showing a bloody scowl, the look only bringing out a light laugh from Kryelle as she shook her head amusedly.

  “Even now you’re still acting feisty, it’s just so adorable! Such a cute little pussycat. I just want to stay longer and pet you all night, if only I could. Please, for me, meow like a good kitten. I just have to hear it before I go.”

  Kitten growled while struggling to move her hands, the thought of reaching for her sword and trying to cut down the demon overpowering the realistic thought of how she barely had the strength to draw the sword out much less wield it. Kryelle showed a stubborn smile as Kitten remained silent, a dry chuckle being made from the succubus before she pushed in with one of her fingers and snapped another rib in the wounded girl’s chest. Kitten held in her scream the best she could with gritted teeth as Kryelle pushed the broken bone inward.

  “I said meow for me like a good kitten,” Kryelle sternly ordered. “Be a good pet and do as you’re told.”

  “I’m no pet,” Kitten forced out between her teeth. Without pause Kryelle snapped another rib in the girl’s chest, this time causing Kitten to cry out in agony.

  “Are you playing with her?” Arixis shouted out. “That’s not fair! You said we were done playing with her! I wanted to hurt her more!”

  “Our goodbye is taking longer than expected,” Kryelle called out while showing a stern smile down at Kitten. “My friend appears to have forgotten how to speak properly when ordered to. Now, Kitten, meow like an obedient pussycat for me.”

  Kitten struggled to breathe as she choked on blood and coughed, the world around her turning hazy and spinning slightly as she struggled not to pass out in fear of what the succubus would then do to her. Slowly she looked up to Kryelle as the demon cocked her head while awaiting her reply. After hesitating she closed her eyes while trying with all her might not to shed a single tear.

  “M… meow.”

  “You’re so cute!” Kryelle squealed with a hop. “Do it again! Louder!”

  “Me… meow. Meow.”

  Kryelle giggled and clapped her hands happily as Kitten opened her eyes to peek at the demon.

  “Now hold your paws up like this,” Kryelle playfully ordered while holding up her hands in pawing gestures near her chest. “I want my pet pussycat to meow for me some more. Come on. Like this. Be a good girl for me.”

  Kitten gulped then slowly lifted her hands up above her chest, that alone taking most of her strength to do, while the weight of shame she felt from obeying the demon essentially drained what she had left. She curled her fingers and mimicked the pawing motion while Kryelle showed a devilishly cold smile at her.

  “Meow… meow… meow…”

  “Louder,” Kryelle warned with a raised eyebrow. “My pet can do better than that. Show me a happy cat.”

  “Meow!” Kitten whined shutting her eyes. “Meow! Meow! Meow!”

  Kryelle laughed joyously with her tail swaying behind her, eyes watching as Kitten mewed like a cat with a few tears now leaking down her cheek. The succubus then leaned down and hugged Kitten close, something that caused the cambion to scream through her teeth as she could suddenly feel her sore back threatening to break entirely behind her from being squeezed.

  “Oh, Kitten,” Kryelle sighed shaking her head. “Thank you very much. You made me so happy. I hope next time we meet you’ll know how to properly speak to me and my friend. Until then, keep one thing in mind above all else.”

  Kitten struggled not to lash out at the succubus as she licked her ear before whispering in it.

  “When I become your master after tearing apart that horrible human that enslaved you, I’ll make you scream in pleasure as your new owner every night. Wait for me, my delicious looking pet. Wait for me.”

  Kryelle slowly stood up over Kitten and spread her wings out, her eyes going over the battered cambion with a sly grin on her face before she blew a kiss with a wink at the girl then took off into the air with a heavy flap of her wings. Kitten’s hands dropped back onto the ground as she wearily watched the demon regrouping with Arixis, the two then soaring off into the night sky and vanishing from view.

  A long while passed without a word being spoken between the two halves of the cambion. Kitten stared up at the sky with eyes barely opened as she tried to ignore both the pain her body was in as well as her shattered pride that caused even more suffering with the girl.

  “Kitten?” Triska softly asked. “Are you going to be alright?”

  Silence was her only reply as Kitten seemed to withdraw into her mind without showing any attention to her counterpart’s words. A small wind blew across the land, rustling trees and grass while blowing a few strands of the demon’s hair aside,
something that also went unnoticed as the cambion replayed the shameful event of Kryelle’s torture with her over and over again. After what seemed like forever to Triska the cambion finally spoke up in her mind as if to break the silence between them.


  “Yes? What is it?”

  ‘Don’t tell my master what happened tonight. Don’t tell him I obeyed that fucking demon. Don’t tell anyone.’

  “We need to tell him that we saw those succubi out here. But I won’t tell him what Kryelle made you do. I promise.”

  ‘Thank you, Triska,’ Kitten quietly replied, then rested her head back and closed her eyes with a tired groan. ‘Swallowing my pride like that as my master’s slave. I’m going to kill those two assholes as soon as I see them again for making me act that way.’

  “You’re not Daniel’s slave. Anyway, I’m surprised you did what you did. I mean I know you had to; she would’ve killed you if you didn’t, but still. I didn’t think anyone could make you act like that except for Daniel.”

  ‘I had to do it,’ Kitten reasoned turning her head to the side.

  “I know, to save your life.”

  ‘To save yours.’

  Triska fell silent as she was taken aback by the demon’s answer. Kitten opened her eyes and saw the image of her counterpart lying on her legs beside her on the grass, a surprised look on her face as she saw the defeated expression on the demon which was very rare to witness.


  ‘If I didn’t do as she said she probably would have killed me, and that would mean killing you too.’

  “But… what about your own life?”

  ‘Triska, if you weren’t in here with me I wouldn’t have given Kryelle the satisfaction. I wouldn’t have submitted to her. I would have chosen death over making her smile.’

  “You would have?”

  ‘I would have… if not for you being here with me,’ Kitten agreed before closing her eyes.

  “Why would you do something like that? Letting her kill you only to save your pride and deny her that moment? You honestly would have done that if I wasn’t in your head?”


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