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Chronicles of Eden - Act XI

Page 50

by Alexander Gordon

  “Snapper’s not a bad girl, is she?”

  “Of course not,” Daniel said shaking his head. “She doesn’t know what bad is, she doesn’t know much about the world yet. But just as you learned to be good because you wanted to be, so can she. And she has all of us to help her. Her family and her mother who saw the good in her before anyone else did.”

  “Snapper,” Cindy gently cooed, hugging the child close with a tender embrace. The youngling cawed a few times then began mauling the sand wraith’s chest with hungry growls, getting only laughter and a warm smile out of Cindy who felt her bond with the young swarm grow.

  “And besides,” Daniel added, getting a curious look from the wraith. “Maybe you still can have a daughter sand wraith one day. If it’s just a matter of eating enough to have one, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of delicious meals with your family that can help with that.”

  “You think I can?”

  “I see no reason why not. So don’t worry yourself about never having a daughter just because you’re a sand wraith. You have one daughter right now with Snapper, and I’m sure you can have another someday so Snapper will have a sister to play with.”

  “A sister for Snapper,” Cindy wondered. She looked down to the swarm that was chomping apart her sandy bosom with a giddy smile as she became excited by the idea. “Would you like a sister someday, Snapper? I promise if I can make one for you without having to kill others I’ll do my best. Anything for you, my beautiful baby girl.”

  Snapper just continued mauling Cindy’s chest with snarls and loud snaps, with the sand wraith watching her with a loving smile and the other girls showing amused smirks at the sight.

  “We’re a family,” Daniel repeated looking around at his mates. “We belong together just like this, that’s something we’ve all understood. I understand some conflicts may arise, we’re a very diverse family after all, but there’s no reason for us to draw blood from one another or forget just how special each other is to us. I love you all, equally, and I always will. I promise to love you all and cherish each and every one of you for the rest of my life, you’re my world now and one that I intend to take care of with all my might. So please, don’t fight with one another as if you’re in a competition still. You’ve all won already. You have my heart, you have my soul, and you have each other.”

  The girls turned to one another with remorseful smiles while Snapper continued clawing and chewing into Cindy’s breasts with tiny snarls.

  “So can we please put an end to the fighting and just enjoy being together?” Daniel asked them. “We’re going to have plenty of sorrow and tears to deal with later when Kroanette returns, let’s not waste this precious time we have before then with each other while we’re still able to draw a smile.”

  “Yes, Daniel,” the girls agreed, with Star and Squeak nodding with them.

  “Good,” Daniel agreed with a relieved smile. “Now how about we have a lovely breakfast and remind ourselves how lucky we are to be together. I know I’m very thankful to have each of you as my mates, and I would love to share a delicious meal with my girls to help start off our day. Does that sound good?”

  All the girls eagerly nodded to that idea, with Snapper still chewing away into Cindy’s chest and Daniel taking one more moment to admire each of his beautiful mates he would be dining with that morning. From Alyssa’s adorable charm, Squeak’s casual flaunting of her breasts that she pressed between her arms, Specca’s gentle expression as she adjusted her glasses, Luna and Falla holding each other’s arms while watching their mate with a mix of deranged and coy smiles, Pip fluttering gracefully in the air with sparkly dust falling from her wings, Clover having her head lowered while watching him with a timid smile from under her bangs, Doku smiling lovingly at her mate with her eyes completely hidden by her bangs, Star having a mischievous grin on her face with both tails slowly swaying behind her, and Cindy who smiled happily at Daniel while Snapper was now coughing out lots of sand she had eaten, Daniel reminded himself just how fortunate he was to have so many affectionate girls to care for and cherish in his life.

  “Well then,” Daniel said as he turned to lead them out of the bedroom. “Let’s go eat together, as a family.”


  Inside the dining hall Daniel was seated at the table after he and his mates convened for a peaceful breakfast to both replenish their strength and enjoy what may be one of their few moments of tranquility that day before one of their own returned to find her homeland missing in the world. And just as their bath that morning had alluded to him, those moments of tranquility would likely be few and far between that day.

  “Clover!” Alyssa cried out in the kitchen area, with herself, the flustered elf, and a panicking harpy seeing a roaring fire taking place atop the stove and reaching to great heights.

  “I was just doing what Doku said to do!” Clover barked back.

  “She did not say ignite the meat into a hellish inferno! She just said use the stove to heat it up!”

  “I just used a few grains of this fucking stuff!” Clover argued with a bright red pouch held tightly in hand. “That’s what I did yesterday to cook breakfast for you! It worked just fine then!”

  “Well it’s obviously not working now! You just fried that stuff to a crisp!”

  “Tell me something I don’t know!”

  “The fire’s getting bigger,” Doku nervously pointed out.

  “I already know that! I can see with my fucking eyes just fine! I’m surprised you can with all that hair in the way!”

  “Don’t you know how to cook anything?” Alyssa shouted at the elf.

  “Shut up, I’m still learning! You can control fire can’t you? Turn this inferno down a bit, would ya?”

  “A bit? It’s already reaching up to the ceiling! You don’t think we should stop it entirely at this point?”

  “Water. We need water!” Doku wailed as she started quickly fluttering around the kitchen in alarm.

  “Do something!” Clover yelled as she waved to the very large pillar of fire that was erupting from the now scorched frying pan.

  “I can’t make fire disappear, you idiot! I can only make it grow bigger!”

  “Well a whole lot of good that’ll do us! Can’t you do anything to actually help here?”

  “You made this mess, you fix it!”

  “What do you expect me to do? I’m still learning this shit!”

  “I can tell! You suck!”

  “Water!” Doku cried out as she fluttered around at a quickened pace. “We need water, right now!”

  Sitting at the table with a hand held tiredly over his eyes Daniel listened to the sounds of Alyssa and Clover screaming at either each other out of anger or fearfully at the fire that was filling the hall with the smell of smoke and burnt mutton. He heard Doku crying out in distress, a few splashes of water, and continued yelling along with what he believed to be the sound of pans dropping to the floor and fire flaring brightly with everlasting life. Peeking through his fingers he slowly glanced around the table to see that the other girls were more preoccupied with different things and not showing any alarm to the possibility of a raging firestorm growing behind him.

  “Goddammit, Luna!” Falla yelled as she stood behind her flailing sister and performed abdominal thrusts, the intent being to get Luna to cough out the large chunk of bread with beetles baked into the dough out of her mouth and throat that she had shoved in a few seconds ago.

  “Chew your food, Luna! Chew it first! Don’t just stuff it all down your throat!”

  Luna flailed around with wide eyes and drool coming out of the corners of her mouth, the girl either choking or laughing in one of her fanatic fits as she appeared to try and chew the food now even though it wasn’t going to help at all. Daniel watched the sisters with a quiet sigh then turned to see Squeak hunched over on the table next to him with her hands clenched, face flushed, eyes wearily rolling upwards, breasts smothering her empty plate, and breathing becoming ragged with fain
t squeaks. The reason for this was obvious given how she was twitching now and again, her hips uncontrollably shaking along with her abdomen, her panties lowered down to her knees, and random bursts of golden light that lit up behind her exposed rear that accompanied a tiny fairy’s squeals of joy.

  “You’re so tasty!” Pip cheered as she continued to feed on Squeak’s overflowing excitement from her constant licking, nibbling, and slurping of the ant girl’s sensitive flesh. “Thank you for feeding me, Squeak! I love you!”

  Squeak tried to squeak something back but was halted with a grunt then a loud wild screech that she rolled her eyes with, her attempts at keeping her senses from the fairy’s feeding ritual appearing to be wavering as Pip didn’t seem ready to stop with her meal anytime soon. Daniel watched the ant girl weakly squeaking while incapacitated from the fairy’s relentless tongue then looked to his other side at something that had some similarities to what he just saw.

  “It’s so yummy!” Cindy moaned with unbridled passion as she too was hunched over on the table while drowning in pleasure. The sand wraith arched back with a loud groan, eyes rolling back into her head, hair flowing behind in waves within her ponytail, hips shaking against the edge of the table, hands clenching then flexing on reflex, and drool coming from her mouth where a single slice of bread was being sensually chewed by the emotionally stimulated girl.

  Daniel merely raised an eyebrow in silence as he watched Cindy lurching back and forth with lustful shouts of ecstasy and desire that his mates had often performed when having sex with him, showing without a doubt the simple act of eating a plain slice of bread was just as orgasmic to the sand wraith who had flushed cheeks and heavenly admiration in her eyes. Cindy swallowed the bread, moaned with what appeared to be a convulsing orgasm of pure bliss, then shakily leaned up from the table and weakly stuttered something as she tried to keep her balance with wobbling legs.

  “It’s so… good,” she purred while slowly taking hold of another piece of bread from a plate. The girl opened her mouth, tongue gently swirling around in heated anticipation while her saliva rolled down her chin, and then slowly pushed the bread in with another heavy moan as she savored it in a rather erotic and suggestive manner.

  “I love this stuff,” she said around the dough, her head swaying back with another passionate moan being made before she slowly looked to Daniel with the most sexually aroused expression he had ever seen on anyone in his life. “What is this stuff, Daniel? I love it so much.”

  “Bread,” Daniel answered. “It’s just bread, Cindy.”

  “Bread,” Cindy heavily purred before leaning back and chewing it with wiggling hips. “Ohhhhhh, it’s so good!”

  “Glad you like it,” Daniel replied with some amusement. He watched the sand wraith shake with another powerful orgasm before she dropped to the ground with a thump, her lustful groans and purrs continuing on as she relished what she was eating. Daniel watched the sand wraith squirming on the floor while seeming to climax over and over again then looked to see Snapper enjoying her breakfast that morning as well, even though her breakfast wasn’t enjoying her.

  “Snapper, stop it!” Specca cried out as she tried to pry the snarling swarm off of Star who was lying on the table with flailing arms and painful meows from a young swarm mauling her. Snapper had her teeth sunk into the jinx’s chest above her breasts and was holding on with both her mouth and claws while Specca tried in vain to pull the hungry child off. Star yowled and thrashed around in distress, knocking over plates and glasses while her legs kicked about past Specca, all while Snapper watched her with hungry eyes and buzzing wings as she chewed on the cat’s flesh and dug her claws in deep.

  “Stop trying to eat her! She’s not food!” Specca pleaded as she struggled to open the youngling’s mouth. Snapper frantically slashed her claws on Star’s chest, growled heavily as she dug her face deeper into her meal, and absolutely refused to let go despite Specca’s shouting and Star’s painful mewing. After enduring as much as she could Star warped herself and Snapper, and Specca as well, over to the side of the room where they dropped to the ground while breaking nobody’s hold on anyone. The jinx rolled around with flailing arms, a young swarm waving her hands about while holding onto the cat with unmovable teeth, and a nixie who tumbled on the floor with them while scolding the child who didn’t listen to her at all.

  Daniel slowly shook his head then took a drink from his glass, hearing all too well the sounds opposite of peace and tranquility all around him.

  “This is bad!” Doku wailed. “This is very bad! It’s getting bigger!”

  “No fucking shit!” Clover shouted. “Do something, Alyssa! Fire’s your area of expertise, isn’t it?”

  “I’m getting Daniel the hell out of here!” Alyssa cried out. “You deal with this crap!”

  “Stop it, Luna!” Falla shouted. “Stop putting more bread into your mouth! You’re still choking, remember?”

  Luna either laughed manically or gagged heavily on the dough that was shoved into her throat, which one it was Daniel couldn’t tell.

  “Best breakfast ever!” Pip cheered between heavy slurps and happy giggles.

  Squeak sharply squeaked and banged her fist on the table while her breasts pushed down and cracked the plate below her.

  “I’m so happy!” Cindy moaned. “Daniel, please feed me more! Make me feel good!”

  “Snapper!” Specca cried out. “No, don’t bite me now! Stop, you’re hurting me! OW!”

  Star meowed loudly as the nixie screamed over the sound of Snapper’s hungry growling.

  Daniel sighed softly and lowered his head with closed eyes as the smell of smoke and sounds of his mates screaming filled the hall that morning.

  “At least we’re together as a family.”


  Outside under an increasingly cloudy sky Daniel stood atop the knoll while surveying what was once a great centaur kingdom in the land. The wind blowing by had a colder nip to it, the clouds in the horizon looked dark and dreary, and Daniel’s solemn expression he held did well to hide his growing concern for his missing mates. Behind him the girls were gathered around their campsite while watching their man standing alone nearby with troubled frowns.

  “What the fuck is wrong with us?” Clover asked, the elf having her quiver and bow slung over her shoulder, her rear placed upon a fallen log next to Specca and Squeak, and her hands covering her remorseful grimace as she lowered her head.

  “That breakfast did not go as planned,” Specca sighed in defeat.

  “Blame Clover,” Alyssa grumbled as walked out from behind the carriage with Lucky at her side. “She’s the one who incinerated the food.”

  “You didn’t do shit to help with the fire!” Clover shot back. “You’re the Wildfire Witch for crying out loud, that should have been your specialty! And in case you’ve forgotten I’m still learning how to cook here!”

  “More like learning how to make an absolute mess of the kitchen,” Alyssa shot back. “We’re just lucky you didn’t burn it all down.”

  “Stop it,” Doku hushed, herself and Star standing in front of the ride’s open doors while watching Daniel with concern. “Enough is enough, girls. Arguing and placing blame isn’t helping, it’s only making things worse. Can’t you see that?”

  “She’s right,” Falla sighed from atop the carriage, herself and her sister having their heads lowered in shame from the commotion they too helped caused during breakfast. “We’re fighting non-stop again, we’re being so loud and rough with one another, we’re acting just like we did before we joined Daniel’s harem. What’s wrong with us? We’re falling apart here.”

  “I’m sorry,” Luna sadly said. “I was hungry and I didn’t think about what I was doing. I didn’t mean to ruin everything.”

  “You didn’t ruin everything, Luna,” Specca reassured her. “We all had a part in making that meal less… peaceful like Daniel had wanted.”

  “I didn’t think you were able to swear like that,” Clo
ver mentioned glancing to her with a raised eyebrow. “I was surprised to hear all that coming from you.”

  “If you had Snapper biting your ass you’d let loose a few choice words too, Clover,” Specca flatly replied.

  “Did you try eating what Clover served us?” Alyssa spoke up as she and Lucky walked around a tree, the horse looking around at the tall grass and taking a few bites now and again. “I had a few choice words for her about that meal, and I would have given them if I wasn’t busy coughing up my stomach after eating it.”

  “Oh my god,” Clover groaned. “Enough with throwing that in my face. I said I was sorry, alright? Fuck off already.”

  “Daniel did eat the meal she made,” Doku recalled. “Though given how he struggled to swallow every bite I’m thinking he only did so to spare Clover’s feelings.”

  “It was a little hard to eat,” Falla agreed with a nod. “And black. And smoking. And tasted like charred tree bark.”

  “It wasn’t so bad,” Luna tried to reason with. “At least mine wasn’t smoking when she gave it to me.”

  “What are you talking about?” Cindy asked, the wraith sitting on the ground while Snapper hopped around her snapping her teeth with boundless energy. The two were under a large tree in the shade near the girls while Snapper leapt about with buzzing wings and clacking teeth.

  “That food was so good. I ate every bit I could. It was all so yummy. Didn’t any of you like it?”

  “You didn’t notice how burnt everything was?” Clover dryly asked her.


  “You are able to taste things, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah. Why do you ask?”

  “Did you even notice everyone screaming and running around in there?” Specca asked.

  “Screaming?” Cindy repeated with a puzzled look. “I didn’t know anyone was screaming. I was just eating lots of yummy stuff. I wasn’t paying attention to anything else.”

  “Figures,” Alyssa said shaking her head. “Our entire home could burn down and she probably wouldn’t even notice so long as she was eating something.”


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