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Chronicles of Eden - Act XI

Page 63

by Alexander Gordon

  “Right away,” Flarah said with a small salute. “I won’t let you down, dear.”

  “Speak properly to him when he is talking to you,” the first reptile girl demanded.

  “Do we really need to bother with such formalities between us?” Flarah asked with a small giggle.

  “If you will not honor your word to him,” the second warned shaking her head. “We shall not honor ours to you.”

  “You’re just no fun,” Flarah mocked before the man gripped her throat tightly. The woman choked a bit then smiled faintly at the man who was showing clearer signs of umbrage towards her.

  “Come now,” she softly said. “There doesn’t need to be any cause for violence here. We’re all on the same side, right?”

  With a small crunch Flarah gasped as she quickly grabbed the man’s arm, his hand crushing her windpipe with more strength now while his unseen gaze remained fixated on her. The kitsune’s legs wobbled slightly as she gagged and tried to breathe, her tails rustling behind her and obscuring the view of what was happening to Kindra who was still watching her sister carefully from atop the knoll.

  “Hey now,” Flarah coughed. “Take it easy. You’re hurting me.”

  “Do you understand what you need to do?” the man sternly asked her.

  “Yes, yes, I do,” Flarah insisted with a few nods. “I’ll take care of everything, just like I said I would. I promise.”

  “Have you forgotten all that I’ve done for you?”

  “No, not at all,” Flarah coughed while struggling to pry his hand away. “I would never forget, I swear.”

  “Then I expect you to take this a little more seriously,” the man continued as he watched the kitsune choking in his grip. “Do whatever you need to do to get me those pieces of The Well. And the next time we meet I expect you to show some humility in my presence. Am I clear?”

  “Crystal,” Flarah gagged with a few shaky nods. “Couldn’t be clearer.”

  “Speak properly to him,” the first reptile girl ordered.

  “Or else you and your sister will suffer,” the other warned.

  “Leave Kindra out of this,” Flarah coughed with a weak glare at the monsters. “You swore that she would never get involved in any of this. I’m the only one you can deal with.”

  “Then quit being defiant in front of our master.”

  “You know your place. Act like it.”

  Flarah coughed and struggled to move the man’s hand which she couldn’t budge at all, her eyes rolling a bit before seeing him watching her from under his cowl with a stern expression. His muscular build did hint at the amount of strength he possessed, just as the sight of the muscles around his shoulder appearing to shift and move slightly did as well. Flarah nodded and held her hands up defensively, the man then slowly releasing her and allowing her to gasp for air while her legs struggled to keep her standing. She gradually caught her breath and rubbed her neck, the woman bitterly swallowing her pride as she then slowly looked to the man who had a chilling aura in his own right.

  “Am I clear?” he repeated.

  “Yes,” Flarah softly agreed before lowering her head. “…master.”

  “Good,” he said before turning his unseen gaze to his hand that he slowly clenched and relaxed. “I’ve been gracious and given you many gifts, Flarah. You, your sister, I’ve done quite a lot for you two. Should you fail me I will be forced to take back those gifts.”

  “I won’t fail,” Flarah assured while trying to keep her voice steady.

  “See that you don’t,” the man replied before looking around the area. “Now that we have that cleared up perhaps you can prove useful to me for once. Tell me, have you by chance seen a minotaur wandering these parts?”

  “A minotaur?” Flarah repeated. “There hasn’t been one around here as far as I’ve seen. I wasn’t aware one had strolled into Koskaysil recently.”

  “I see,” the man said looking down. “She is rather big and loud, one would think she would stick out a bit more in this dismal part of Eden. Very well, we’ll continue our search for her and leave you to your work. I trust you won’t keep me waiting much longer for what is mine.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” Flarah assured shaking her head.

  “I’ll be keeping an eye on you, Flarah,” the man said as he turned to walk away. “For your sake, and your sister’s, don’t disappoint me.”

  “I won’t… master,” Flarah replied, seeming to force the last word out of her mouth before showing a small smile towards him. He nodded and took his leave while the two reptile girls remained and shot Flarah harsh glares one more time.

  “You’re hardly fit to be his pet,” the first one sneered.

  “You’re not even worthy of his mercy,” the other scorned.

  “I can hardly contain my disappointment,” Flarah retorted. “I do hope I can improve my image in his eyes very soon. Though I must say it looks like being his personal bitch does have its drawbacks. It must be chilly for you girls at night with nothing to wear but your shame.”

  “There is no shame in serving someone as great as our master.”

  “We proudly give our bodies and souls to him,” the second asserted with a flinching scowl. “Whatever he wants, he gets, Flarah.”

  “I’ll try to keep that in mind,” Flarah mocked before giving a small curtsey. “Until then, take care, ladies. I can’t wait for our next pleasant reunion.”

  “You’d better have made more progress with your assignment by then,” the first reptile girl warned. “Our master demands it.”

  “If you cannot be trusted with our master’s gift then it shall be taken away from you,” the second added. “And you will face all the consequences in its wake.”

  “Again, I’ll try to keep that in mind,” Flarah challenged as her eyes showed white rings in them. The kitsune had a sly smile that did very well in revealing she had other things in mind than obeying anyone, something the two reptile girls easily took notice of while staring her down with glaring eyes that also showed similar white rings within them. Tension was easily felt in the air as they kept close watch on each other, with the reptile girls then scoffing and turning to follow their master with tails sharply swaying behind them. Flarah watched them leave before her eyes returned to normal, an irritated scowl briefly coming over her before she glanced up and around at the sky.

  “I don’t hear Twilight heckling me,” she quietly mused. “I guess she missed that little display. I suppose my luck hasn’t run out just yet.”

  She turned to walk back up the hill before glancing behind her, watching as the man and his two reptile girls left the area without so much as looking back once. The kitsune fidgeted her hips slightly before grunting and looking down while trying to force a calm appearance.

  “I do have to give you credit,” she silent admitted. “You always do get this kitsune fired up when you’re near. I guess I am attracted to dangerous power in this world.”

  With a small shake of her head she regained her composure and made her way back up the hill to where her sister was watching her sharply and Aeon was still puking in the shrubbery with a weak groan.

  “What was that about?” Kindra demanded. “Who were those people?”

  “Just some old friends,” Flarah answered while keeping her eyes ahead at the forest.

  “Why don’t I believe you?” Kindra growled.

  “Well, to be more specific, one charming acquaintance and his two snippy hunting dogs.”

  “They must have had something important to tell you,” Kindra snapped as she crossed her arms. “Important enough to draw you away from the Dark Queen that is literally three feet away from you! What the hell is wrong with you, Flarah? How can you be so relaxed when that monster is right in front of us? We need to do something about her!”

  “I don’t think I have any soup to give her,” Flarah mused holding a finger to her chin. “I suppose she just needs to rest in order to feel better. Not much we can do about it.”

nbsp; “I’m not talking about making her feel better! I’m talking about killing her! Dammit, Flarah! Do something instead of just standing there and acting like her being right next to us is no fucking big deal!”

  Flarah murmured softly to herself then walked over to Aeon’s side and knelt beside her, watching as the chronofly slowly leaned up from the puddle of vomit she had created below the bush and wiped her mouth. The kitsune chuckled with an amused smile as her tails slowly swayed behind while Kindra growled even louder as she watched the two of them with equal frustration at this point.

  “You okay, Aeon?” Flarah gently cooed. “Aw, you poor thing. I wish I could help make you feel better, or at least do something for you. If only your hair was longer I’d offer to hold it back for you while you continue to spew such filthy retch from your mouth like a diseased rat.”

  “I hate you,” Aeon coughed before wiping drool from her chin. She glanced to the kitsune and saw the sly smile aimed at her then tilted her head slightly in question. “You already know what I’m going to ask, so talk.”

  “You can’t see them either, can you?” Flarah quietly teased. “Their fates of course. They’re like me after all. Why, I’d imagine they’re just as hard to predict as I am, aren’t they?”

  “I really hate you,” Aeon grunted. “Who are they anyway? You have yet to tell me every time I ask.”

  “So it’s true,” Flarah mused curiously. “You really have no idea who they are or where they’ve been. Their paths are just as cloudy in your eyes as mine is. How very sad, the almighty Dark Queen of time can’t see everything that happens in her timestream after all.”

  “I hate you so much,” Aeon growled. “Their mere presence irked me just as these ripples in the timestream have, though in all honesty you are still more a thorn in my side than anything else.”

  “I don’t recall you throwing up your lunch and pride during our chit-chats before,” Flarah smirked. “But I’ll take that as I’m still your favorite, so thank you, Aeon.”

  “You insufferable whor-” Aeon snarled before hurling what remained in her stomach onto the ground. Flarah watched as the chronofly tried saying something but it was lost with her throat being filled with flowing bile once again.

  “You really are feeling those ripples, aren’t you?” Flarah realized. “Aeon, what have you done? This isn’t a small change you’ve enforced, is it? You’ve done something more drastic.”

  Aeon coughed and spat out what filth remained in her mouth before slowly sitting upright with her wings gradually rising behind her again. She took a slow breath to regain her senses then glanced to the kitsune with a bitter smile, not saying anything as she could easily see the woman was growing more wary of what she may have done.

  “What have you changed?” Flarah carefully asked.

  “Just a small, itsy bitsy detail,” Aeon teased with a shrug. “Well, small in that it was really simple to do.”

  “You’ve drenched the soil beneath you in vomit because of this change’s effects on you, I’m not sure I would agree with how insignificant you’re trying to make this alteration seem. I don’t care for this riddle, Aeon. It’s making my sister anxious and I’m growing very curious myself. Tell us what you’ve done.”

  “As if you can threaten me,” Aeon grunted as she slowly got back onto her feet. She held her head with a small cringe then smiled slyly at the two kitsunes who were watching her closely. “But I don’t mind giving you a hint seeing as it’s already too late to stop it. That’s more than generous considering the riddles you’ve plague me with, Flarah. You should be grateful for so much.”

  Flarah and Kindra exchanged brief glances then watched as Aeon turned her glowing eyes to the elven forest, the Dark Queen chuckling to herself before looking down and tapping the ground with her foot.

  “I just had a little digging done, that’s all.”


  Passing swiftly along the underground rails a convoy carrying ant girls, desuwraiths, and other monsters along with a large supply of volatile explosives continued on to their destination. The ant girls working the teetering levers at the front squeaked in rhythm while they worked to keep the cars moving with steadily clacking wheels. Riding in the first car Daemon and his followers were preparing themselves for a dangerous confrontation with The Sisterhood and their leaders while in the car behind them three of their group had somewhat drifted from that mindset and were more preoccupied with another matter.

  “So is he a duck monster?” one of the desuwraiths asked, with Tabitha and Forrus merely glancing back over their shoulders to the sisters while seated against the rear of their car.

  “A duck monster?” Tabitha flatly repeated. “No, he’s not. Why would you even think that?”

  “Oh, is he a three-headed monster?” another asked as the three sisters kept looking back and forth between Daemon who kept his eyes on the tunnel ahead and the two girls who breathed out in aggravation as this conversation had not only dragged on for a long time but also had begun to circle.

  “For the fifth time,” Forrus growled. “No, he’s not a three-headed monster. He only has one head. How stupid are you?”

  “For the fourth time,” Tabitha dryly quipped. “They’re incredibly stupid.”

  “Oh, oh!” another desuwraith said holding two arms up. “I got it! He’s a cat monster!”

  “No he isn’t!” Tabitha shouted at her. “I’m the cat monster here. Do you really think he looks like me?”

  “Is he a ghost monster?” another desuwraith asked. “Is he dead? Did he die and come back to life?”

  “He’s not undead!” Forrus shouted. “My lord is in perfect health. Can’t you see that with your own eyes?”

  “I got it!” another desuwraith declared while smacking a fist into her palm. “He’s a plant monster! Right? That’s right, isn’t it? I know I’m right.”

  “How many times must we tell you?” Tabitha groaned. “He’s a cambion. He’s half-human half-demon. That’s it, that’s the answer. Got it?”

  “So he’s half-human half-demon,” one of the desuwraiths slowly said. “But what about the other half?”

  “Yeah,” another said in puzzlement. “What’s that half?”

  “I bet it’s plant monster,” the third smugly reasoned. “Has to be it. No other possibility.”

  “There’s not a third half, you moron!” Tabitha yelled. “There’s only two halves to a whole!”

  “There is?” Scay asked popping up next to her. “Oh wow, really? I don’t believe it, I’ve had it wrong all this time. I never knew that.”

  “And yet you still have more brains in you than those three,” Forrus muttered as she saw the desuwraiths arguing amongst themselves about what the third half of Daemon’s being was.

  “For crying out loud,” Tabitha groaned while rubbing a hand down her face. “Are we almost there yet? I can’t handle too much more of these idiots and their constant badgering.”

  “You’re the one who suggested they come with us,” Daemon reminded her while keeping his gaze ahead.

  “But you’re the one who gave them that option!” Tabitha defended. “Not like we could have gotten rid of them anyway. Besides they’re so annoying, you have no idea.”

  “We can hear them just fine from here,” Hollia drearily chimed in. “And I agree with both of you. They are annoying, and you’re the one who wanted them to come along as decoys for The Sisterhood.”

  “Again, it wasn’t my call if they could come with us. That was Daemon’s.”

  “Oh, oh!” a desuwraith exclaimed as she leaned over the gap between the cars and held Tabitha close from behind. “I know! The other half is mushroom! Am I right? That’s gotta be it!”

  “No way!” another argued as she leaned over and held Forrus from behind, the lycan growling and struggling to break free from the three arms that held her. “The third half has got to be dirt! He’s half-human, half-demon, half-dirt! That’s what he is! He’s a human demon dirt monster!”
  “That makes no sense!” the third whined while waving her four arms around. “It’s plant! I keep telling you it’s plant! Why don’t you two listen to me? You’re both so stupid!”

  “Let go of me this instant!” Forrus yelled while trying to free herself.

  “Scay, a little help here?” Tabitha shouted while trying to pry the two arms that were immovable off her.

  “How many halves are there in a whole?” Scay murmured while staring off into space with a twitching eye. “Tabitha says two. They say three. I thought it was six. I am so confused now. A slightly aroused too.”

  Saffron shook her head slowly at all of them then looked ahead at where her sisters were working the levers to move the convoy. The ant girls squeaked and heaved in rhythm as the train rolled along the tracks in the tunnel. After a while it raced out into a large underground cavern that had a soft blue glow to it. Everyone but the workers powering the moving convoy stopped and looked around at seeing a steep cliff to their right which gave a perfect view of an underground lake that filled half the cavern beneath them while phosphorous rocks shimmered in the walls and ceiling high above. The railway they were on continued forward before running off the precipice on a track that was seen to lower and turn atop wooden support beams. The rails gradually curved downward in a slow, wide arc within the cavern before touching down on the ground and continuing along the underground grotto between stalagmites and small pools of lake water.

  “Wow,” one of the desuwraiths said. “This place looks pretty.”

  “It reminds me of Nuci’s home,” another said with a saddened smile.

  “It reminds me of her,” the third whined before crying into Tabitha’s hair.

  “Get off me, dammit!” the neko yelled as she tried in vain to free herself from the monster’s arms.

  “Don’t you dare start sobbing into my fur as well,” Forrus snarled as she attempted to do the same.

  Saffron looked around at the tranquil sight of the grotto then quickly jumped with a loud squeak as she pointed at something with alarm, with everyone then noticing that the tracks on the ground level went along the cavern floor and stopped where boulders and debris were seen piled up against the edge of the cave.


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