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Chronicles of Eden - Act XI

Page 67

by Alexander Gordon

  Star smiled a little then looked back down to Triska, a small blush forming for a moment that Doku noticed from behind her long bangs. The harpy gently fluttered off the bed and stretched out her legs before noticing the jinx was still watching Triska with slowly waving tails.

  “I’m going to go see how the others are doing and perhaps make some tea. Would you like a cup, Star?”

  Star shook her head while remaining silent, the jinx’s eyes seeming to be studying Triska while she slept.

  “Very well,” Doku said as she started heading out. “Let us know if Triska shows any changes.”

  Star merely waved as the harpy left the room, with the jinx then slowly peeking over her shoulder to see nobody else was around. She looked over Triska with a curious expression before scooting closer to her side. With another quick check behind her to make sure nobody was around she then lightly bit her fingernail as she seemed to contemplate something. After a pause she carefully reached out towards the cambion with a shrewd smile forming on her face, her fingers being closed together before slowly parting and creating a shimmering pentagon star formation of pink and golden light tethered to her fingertips. The jinx held her hand out towards Triska’s head while the magical radiances lightly hissed with energy, her reach making it to just an inch away from the sleeping girl’s forehead before Specca poked her head in from the archway.

  “Star!” she called out, with the jinx jumping with a loud meow before quickly closing her hand and pulling it close to her chest. She blinked then turned to see the nixie waving her over with a look of urgency on her face.

  “Please come help us! Rolian is getting a little too belligerent in her drunken state and we need to get her infernal drinking jug away from her before she gets worse!”

  “Let go of Juggy!” Rolian cried out. “Let go! Let go, meanie! She’s all mine!”

  “You’ve had way more than enough!” Falla shouted. “You’re clearly intoxicated and overly emotional right now, plus you can’t even walk straight! Put down the damned drink and let’s get you outside for some fresh air!”

  “I’ll tell you when I’ve had enough! I-I-I-I’m fine! I’m just fine! Don’t tell me how much I can drink, you’re not my mom! You’re not- you’re not- you’re not her! Let go of Juggy, you’re scaring her! Quit it!”

  “Please calm down, dear,” Doku softly cried out. “How about I make you a lovely cup of tea to help you relax a bit?”

  “I don’t need tea! I only need Juggy!” Rolian shouted before letting out a long belch followed by the sound of large gulping noises.

  “For crying out loud!” Falla yelled. “How much of that stuff do you drink anyway?”

  “And how come her jug still looks like its full?” Luna curiously asked. “How come it’s not empty yet?”

  “Star? A little help?” Specca called out again.

  Star smiled weakly and nodded before Specca ran back to the girls and the yelling escalated in the main court. The jinx turned to Triska with a questioning look for a moment before nimbly darting off the bed and warping into the hall to join the girls in the difficult task of prying Rolian’s jug from her fierce grip.


  Within the hollowed stairwell of Green Haven’s royal tree the décor was as expected of that for a high priestess of the elven community. Lanterns holding vibrant and eerily glowing green mushrooms lit the corridor, exquisite artistry was seen with the finely carved wooden steps and polished railings, Green Haven’s crest baring flags were draped on the walls, and pots holding serene bouquets of flowers were hung every so often to provide a lovely radiance and floral aroma. Yet even with all these wonderful touches and unique surroundings one question still remained that was voiced with much withheld aggravation.

  “Your priestess seriously climbs all these stairs every day?” Daniel asked as he was trying to keep his breathing steady despite the number of steps he and Clover had run up so far.

  “Well she doesn’t fly up to her home,” Clover quipped with a glance back to him as she led the way. “Is this too much for you?”

  “Perhaps to sprint all in one go,” Daniel weakly admitted as he stumbled a bit while following her. “I’ll be fine, just more surprised that she walks up and down these steps every day. That must be tiring for her and her daughter.”

  “Not at all,” Clover laughed shaking her head. “We may be believed to be fragile ladies of the forest but we’re tougher than you think. Don’t underestimate what our bodies can handle.”

  Daniel chuckled a bit then noticed Clover watching him from over her shoulder as she kept running up the stairs, the elf seeming to observe him with a curious eye while her twintails appeared to gently glide through the air behind her. His eyes then slowly moved down, seeing the elf’s quiver and bow swaying on her back before reaching her cloak as it fluttered and waved with every step she took. In doing so the cape revealed her skirt underneath that hugged her hips while her legs were seen to power on up the seemingly endless flight of stairs with bountiful energy. Her thighs were taught and her rear seemed to stretch her skirt slightly with how snug it was fitted on her, with Daniel’s eyes staring at the way it swayed before him in wonder before he realized what he was doing and quickly shook his head. Looking back up he saw the elf blushing while smiling at him now, the girl easily having noticed him ogling her which made her heart race even faster than it already was.

  “See for yourself if you don’t believe me,” Clover said with a wink. “Personally I love a good workout. The longer and harder the better.”

  “When this is over with I just might take you up on that,” Daniel replied with a sharp smile. Clover nodded while anxiously biting her lip then looked ahead, having trouble keeping her mind focused on the fate of her priestess while thoughts of her mate were now flooding her head.

  After a very long climb through the spiraling stairwell they finally reached the top and the entrance to the priestess’ temple. Running through the elegantly furnished foyer with ripped streamers and broken tables seen within it they made their way up another flight of stairs and down a hallway that had smashed furniture and torn paintings lining the walls along with scratches and claw marks seen throughout the ravaged corridor. Clover growled in rising frustration as she quickly grabbed three arrows from her quiver and held them at the ready in her bow while Daniel kept a hand on the handle of the Hellfire’s Edge as they both began to fear the worst.

  “Priestess! Priestess, are you alright?” Clover yelled as they raced down the hallway, with the elf then noticing something and stopping immediately as a passing doorway offered a glimpse of another individual in the home. Without pause she quickly took aim as she and Daniel stood before a room that had a long oak table draped with a fine red cloth covering in the center, flora woven quilts hanging from the walls while vases filled with colorful flowers adorned small tables beside them, and large glass windows that encompassed the far wall and gave a beautiful view of the forest towards the western horizon and its setting sun. And standing beside the windows next to where a large broken hole was seen a woman was gazing down at the elven grove with a hand resting on the glass as she seemed deep in thought and unware that others were behind her.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Clover shouted. “Where is the priestess? Where is Celine?”

  “Celine?” Felucia repeated as she looked back to the elf with a solemn expression. “What, have you been living under a rock? You don’t know?”

  “Where is she?” Clover raged as she walked into the room with Daniel staying by her side.

  “She’s dead,” Felucia answered, turning to face the two that now had shocked expressions on their faces. “How could you not know that? I thought every elf here was well aware by now.”

  “Dead?” Clover breathed out. She screamed and took a few steps closer beside the table while Daniel carefully did so on the other side. “What do you mean dead? What did you fuckers do with her? Where is she? Explain you fucking cunt or else you’re dead!”
br />   “If you’re going to threaten me,” Felucia plainly said as she leaned back against the window with crossed arms. “You’ll need more than simple arrows, little elf.”

  “What happened to the priestess?” Daniel demanded. Felucia glanced to him with a raised eyebrow then looked at Clover questionably.

  “What’s a lowly man doing here anyway? Is he your pet or something? Surely there had to have been better choices for you than this poorly looking one.”

  “Fuck you!” Clover yelled as she let loose one of her arrows, shooting the bolt straight into Felucia’s head with the tip piercing the glass behind with a loud crack. The sand wraith remained still for a moment then slowly reached up and pulled the arrow out with grains of sand spilling down her face, leaving Daniel and Clover speechless as they saw the monster merely tossing the bolt aside while her head reformed without a scratch on it.

  “Temper, temper,” Felucia dryly mocked shaking her head. “All you elves really are volatile wenches, aren’t you? It really doesn’t take much to set any of you off.”

  “She’s a sand wraith,” Daniel realized.

  “Wow, you’re not completely stupid after all. Gold star, kid.”

  “The Sisterhood has sand wraiths with them too?” Clover said in disbelief.

  “Nope, just me,” Felucia sighed. “And believe me it’s not by choice. I’d much rather be anywhere else than here right now.”

  “Why are you here then?” Daniel asked. “Why are you helping these monsters with destroying so many lives?”

  “I don’t have a choice,” Felucia snapped. “The salamander women here would just love to fry me to a crisp if they could, and the rest of those assholes down there wouldn’t mind melting my sand away with torches and scolding irons all the same. But luckily and unluckily for me The Sisterhood’s leaders have taken an unhealthy interest in me. It’s either be their sex toy or a pile of ash on the ground, and I’m not ready to die just yet.”

  “Their leaders?” Daniel asked. “Who are their leaders? Who is in charge of The Sisterhood?”

  Felucia glanced behind them then pointed to something, with Daniel and Clover turning to see two others standing inside the room next to the doorway. Clover quickly turned to aim her arrows at them while Daniel stared in disbelief at seeing two very familiar girls watching them from behind their masks with dangerous looking swords sheathed at their hips.

  “Daniel Sorres,” Jovian said with a growing smile. “Oh my word, is that really you?”

  “I think it is, sister,” Jacqueline mused with a hand held to her cheek. “Look, it’s our dear friend who we’ve just been dying to meet again.”

  “Who the fuck are you two?” Clover shouted.

  “Jovian. Jacqueline,” Daniel cursed, a look of anger washing over him as the sisters giggled and waved with coy smiles.

  “You know them?” Clover asked him.

  “We’ve met before. They’re the gemini,” Daniel said, with Clover pausing for a moment before slowly looking back to the sisters with wide eyes. The twins took off their masks and set them in their cleavage, their multicolored eyes and frightening look behind them giving Clover the chills all the way down her spine.

  “The… gemini?” she breathed out. “They’re… the gemini?”

  “Oh,” Jovian said holding a hand to her chest. “So you figured out what we are? Clever boy, Daniel. I’m impressed.”

  “I guess our secret is finally out,” Jacqueline giggled. “I was wondering if he would ever figure it out to be honest, he isn’t the smartest thinker after all.”

  “You two are behind this?” Daniel demanded. “You two are the leaders of The Sisterhood? The ones who destroyed Ruhelia, murdered the centaur empress, enslaved the elves of Green Haven, that was all you?”

  “Oh my,” Jovian laughed. “Have you heard of our exploits? I’m even more surprised, Daniel. I wasn’t aware you had noticed our handiwork just yet. Say, you haven’t been stalking us ever since we left, have you? Last we met you had plenty of other girls tripping over you, don’t tell me we’re the ones you’ve been lusting after all this time.”

  “Is this true, Daniel?” Jacqueline coyly asked as she flaunted her thigh. “Have you been touching yourself every night thinking of us? Were you watching earlier as my sister fucked me in the priestess’ bed? Did you like what you saw?”

  “The priestess,” Clover said shaking her head. The gemini turned to her with amused smiles as the elf shook with her anger. “Did you two kill her? You murdered Celine?”

  Jovian chuckled and pointed behind the elf, with Clover turning to see Felucia glancing to the broken window that the wind howled through before looking back at Jovian in horror.

  “I just gave her a little push,” Jovian taunted with a twitch of her eyebrow.

  Clover screamed and quickly fired an arrow straight into Jovian’s head followed by shooting the other into Jacqueline’s, the two girls staggering back with smiles still on their faces while Clover roared in fury as she grabbed three more arrows from her quiver. She took aim at Jovian with a vicious snarl before her eyes widened in shock as she saw the twins recovering from the hits and pulling the arrows out of their heads without so much as a flinch. The wounds closed up before the stunned elf’s eyes as the gemini laughed at her, with Daniel gripping his sword tightly as he knew very well the sisters wouldn’t go down that easily.

  “My, you’re feisty,” Jovian purred. “And tasty looking too. Daniel, who is she? I thought for sure Triska and the other girls would be accompanying you, I didn’t imagine you would have picked up an elven whore to play with instead. Honestly, how many girls do you need, Daniel?”

  “Did you want this back?” Jacqueline laughed as she held out the arrow. She lightly tossed it to Clover where it hit her chest and dropped to the floor, the elf staring in stunned silence at seeing firsthand how arrows were completely useless against the dreaded monster.

  “Nice catch,” Jacqueline mocked. “You seem just like Daniel’s type. Cute and dumb.”

  Jovian and Jacqueline laughed and began walking forward, each passing an opposite side of the long oak table and gently running a finger across its silk covering while Daniel and Clover quickly backed up together near the windows.

  “So where is Triska?” Jovian asked looking around. “Or Specca, Squeak, and cute little Alyssa? Are they here as well? Or did they finally leave you for a real man in this world?”

  “Oh no,” Jacqueline pouted. “Daniel, were you dumped? By four women? Poor bastard, that’s rough.”

  “Tell me you didn’t choose that Falla bitch as your girlfriend,” Jovian insisted with a laugh. “I mean, surely you couldn’t have been that desperate for some pussy. Although knowing you that deceitful bug probably wouldn’t have settled for you either.”

  “Or maybe this elf showed them all up,” Jacqueline mused with a curious smile towards Clover. “Was that it, Daniel? Did you get a mouthful of her succulent cunt and decide to drop the others just like that, all for her? Those desperate bitches couldn’t compare to some pointy ears and tight ass, could they?”

  “Shut up!” Daniel shouted, with the gemini halting with amused looks as he glared at them with Clover sticking close to his side. “I don’t want to hear the names of my beloved mates coming from the mouths of you two monsters!”

  Jovian and Jacqueline blinked, turned to each other in puzzlement, then back to Daniel while Felucia merely raised an eyebrow at him.

  “I’m sorry, what?” Jovian plainly asked. “Did you just say your mates? As in… more than one?”

  “They’re all your mates?” Jacqueline wondered. “You choose to have them all?”

  “That’s right,” Clover said while keeping her aim somewhat steady towards the monster. “We’re all his mates. We’re all a family together.”

  The gemini paused for a moment then burst out laughing, each holding their side and banging a fist on the table while Felucia merely watched Daniel with a confused look.

“I don’t believe it!” Jovian laughed shaking her head. “You’re actually fucking them all? Hahaha! Oh wow, I didn’t think they’d actually agree to that! I mean look at you! They really went through with it and had sex with you?”

  “How desperate are those girls?” Jacqueline giggled as she and her sister exchanged amazed smiles. “I mean I get they need a man to breed with, but they actually settled for him? I thought they would have left his sorry ass long ago!”

  “Shut your damned mouths!” Clover yelled at them. “Dan’s the best fucking guy out there! He’s an incredible mate to have and treats all of us wonderfully! We’re lucky to be his!”

  “You can’t be serious,” Felucia said shaking her head. “What makes him so special?”

  The gemini laughed heartily while lowering down to their knees, each using the table for balance as they bellowed with shaking heads and a few tears forming. After getting it all out, which took a while, they stood back up and smiled amusedly at Daniel as he kept glaring at them along with Clover.

  “Oh my word,” Jovian said in marvel. “This is indeed a wonderful reunion, Daniel. I really didn’t expect to see you so soon, especially not here of all places. And hearing that you actually went and did the deed with not one of those girls but all of them, I can honestly say I didn’t think you had it you. Bravo, Daniel.”

  “It is nice seeing you again though,” Jacqueline mentioned. “We have been thinking of you, Daniel. Very much in fact. I’m sorry our little surprise isn’t ready for you just yet, you caught us off guard with your unexpected visit.”

  “Surprise?” Daniel slowly repeated.

  “Should we tell him?” Jovian asked her sister.

  “I don’t know, should we?” Jacqueline replied playfully.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t.”

  “I think maybe we should.”

  “What the fuck are you two rambling about?” Clover demanded.

  The gemini giggled in unison then struck playful poses with cheerful smiles and hands held out dramatically.

  “We’re all coming to the party too!” they joyously declared. Daniel and Clover exchanged puzzled looks then watched as the twins glanced between them for a moment before irritably sighing.


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