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Trust No One

Page 14

by Velvet Vaughn

  "Did you get their names?"

  Biggins shook his head. "They knocked on my door, asked questions. It was late, dark outside. I told them I already told the other cops everything I knew, which was nothing. When I couldn’t help them, they left."

  "Could you describe the cop?"

  Biggins gave a brusque shake of the head. "Eyesight ain’t what it used to be. I’d just stepped out of the shower, didn’t have my glasses on."

  "So you don’t know why someone would want to murder Mr. Colbert?"

  "Colbert was a nutty old bastard, but he never caused trouble. He stayed to himself, rarely left the boat. But a few days ago, he started bragging, said he was gonna be stinking rich. Said he'd be able to afford to take the Lucky Lady down to Florida. He had pictures."

  "Did he show them to you?" When Biggins shook his head, Dorian added, "Tell you about them?"

  Biggins laughed humorously. "Nope and I asked. He said he couldn’t tell me yet. Don’t know what he meant. Said he might tell me all about them just before he loaded the Lucky Lady up to haul her to the Atlantic."

  "Did you tell this to the other men?"

  "Nope." He grinned. "They didn’t bring me a mess of red crawlers."

  Dorian smiled back. "Thanks Mr. Biggins. You’ve been very helpful."

  "Thanks for the crawlers," he said, lifting the canister.

  Dorian nodded. "Semper Fi."

  Kendall was still scowling when he approached. "Did Mr. Bigot tell you anything useful?"

  One corner of Dorian’s mouth quirked with humor. "Biggins, and yes he did."

  "Well," she prompted.

  He didn’t fight the grin this time. "How do you feel about neoprene?"

  Chapter Thirteen

  Olivia surreptitiously checked her watch and plastered a bland smile on her face. Thirty minutes and they still were not seated at their table. It wasn't just that the restaurant was packed…it was…but Byron made reservations. No, the reason they weren't enjoying a much-needed glass of wine at the moment was the man himself. It figured he would invite her to a restaurant where he knew everyone, probably trying to impress her. The way he shook hands, slapped people on the back, kissed babies, you'd think he was the one running for office.

  "I'm sorry I'm distracted," he apologized once they were finally seated. "You deserve my full attention." He flashed a mega-watt smile.

  Oh, he was good. Those hazel eyes focused on her as if she were the only one in the room…until someone called his name and just like that, his attention was diverted again.

  Olivia swiveled her head, hoping to locate a waiter. If she didn't get a glass of wine soon, she couldn’t be held responsible for her actions. Thankfully a sommelier appeared, forcing Byron's attention back to the table. Without consenting her, he perused the extensive wine list and chose a bottle. Good thing she loved red wine or she might've been upset. Once the man departed, Byron turned his attention back to her.

  "I hope you like Merlot." Too late now, she almost said. Instead, she nodded politely. "It's an excellent wine, good vintage."

  The sommelier returned quickly, uncorking the bottle and pouring a shot into Byron's glass. He lifted it, swished the liquid around and then sniffed before taking a sip. He let the Merlot slide down his throat before he nodded his approval. If he was trying to impress her with his wine etiquette, he failed miserably. She tried to picture Alex sniffing a glass of wine and almost choked on hers. He was definitely a beer in a bottle type of guy.

  Once they were alone again, Byron asked, "So how long are you in town?"

  Olivia took a sip and answered, "Just a couple of days."

  "That's too bad." He lifted her hand, his thumb stroking her fingers. She fought the urge to jerk her hand back. Really, she should be flattered. He was good-looking, successful, potentially on his way to a prestigious position in Washington. But there was something about him that set off her internal warning sensors. She trusted those sensors…they hadn't let her down yet. "I do get to New York quite often." This was said with a leer, as if it would matter to her.

  She took a sip of the very expensive Merlot he selected, no doubt in an attempt to impress her. It was deep-bodied, robust and velvety smooth. The wine did impress her…much more than Byron.

  She feigned interest as he blathered on about his very important job and how very important he was, nodding and making polite noises of agreement. God, what an ass. She found her mind wandering to another ass, this one of the fine variety. Detective Alex Mylonas. Just thinking about him sent a tingle of awareness through her body.

  Olivia sensed the air around her change, charge. She looked up to see a waitress escort the man as if conjured from her thoughts to the next table. Her heart skipped a beat. He wore a navy sport jacket over a white shirt, no tie, with matching navy pants. He was a bit wrinkled, as if he'd just come from work, but was still the most devastatingly handsome man in the room. Did he have a date? Was she in the restroom? The waitress was clearly flirting with him, and he her as he flashed her a mega-watt smile. Then his gaze drifted to Olivia and he gave her a jaunty salute.

  Her heart skipped another beat.

  Funny, but he didn't seem surprised to see her. He nodded at something the hostess said, his eyes never leaving Olivia. The hostess gave up and scampered away. He looking rumpled, tired and so incredibly sexy she completely forgot to breathe.


  "I can’t believe I let you talk me into this," Kendall grumbled later that evening as she tried to adjust the wetsuit over her chest. They'd watched the interview on Alex's dish at the cabin, after which she fielded congratulatory calls from her mother, boss, and several co-workers. It was tricky convincing her mother that she was fine and not to worry. It was a good thing they were separated by so many miles. She never could lie to her mom face-to-face.

  Her boss wanted her back in the office immediately to capitalize on her success. When she requested a leave of absence instead, her boss was positive she was interviewing for another network and offered her a huge raise. Although it was the news she desperately wanted a week ago, her job just wasn't as important as finding the men who murdered Kiki and Bridget and Stefani. Dorian interrupted her thoughts.

  "You're just lucky Daphne’s suit fits, otherwise, you’d be sitting on the sidelines."

  "Yeah, well, it doesn’t," she grumbled, struggling to tug the zipper over her cleavage.

  "Need a hand with that?" he asked helpfully.

  She hated to admit that she did. With a huff, her arms dropped to her hips. The move caused the suit to gap and Dorian’s eyes glued to the movement. "You zip, I tug," she instructed.

  He moved in front of her and caught her gaze. She struggled to swallow as his eyes hypnotized her. It would be so easy to fall into his arms, let him hold her up, absorb his strength. She swayed forward, intending to do just that but he gave her suit a mighty tug that closed the zipper and then turned away. Fine. He wasn't interested. She could pretend not to be, too.

  Her cell rang and she grabbed it, thinking it might be Olivia. "Hello?"

  "Kendall? Kendall Buckley?"


  "Hi, Kendall. It's Gray Posten, Senator Hofstra's press secretary."

  "Oh, yes, hello Mr. Posten."

  "Gray, please."

  "Okay, Gray."

  "Listen, I wanted to call and apologize for the way I handled things earlier. I didn't mean any disrespect. It's just…I'd seen Ms. Larrson on television before and knew she would do a good job. But after watching the interview tonight, I was completely out of line. She couldn't have done a better job. You were wonderful."

  "Thank you."

  "The camera loves you. You looked amazing."

  Er, how did she respond to that? "Thanks."

  "So, I know you won't be in town long, but I'd love to take you to dinner, get to know you better. I do get to New York often so…"

  "Are you asking me out, Gray?" Dorian spun around, a thunderous expression on his face. She bit back a smi
le. Maybe she was wrong about the not interested part.

  "Yes, I am."

  "I'm leaving soon and I'll be pretty busy." Dorian nodded his approval at her answer. "But I'd love to get together, say tomorrow? Lunch?" She chewed her lips to keep from laughing. Steam was practically pouring from Dorian's ears. He was shaking his head no so fast she was surprised he didn’t shake something loose in there. "Yes, I know the place. Okay, I'll see you then."

  "You are not going out with him."

  "Uh, I think I am."

  "You hot for the press secretary, Buckley? Hoping to get a little afternoon delight?"

  She slapped the back of her hand against his chest. "Don't be crude. I agreed to the date for the same reason Olivia did…to find out what he knows about Stefani."

  "What is it with you two falling on your swords?"

  "I'd say it's pretty darn good detective work."

  "That's assuming you find out anything useful."

  "Assuming that we do, yes." She shrugged, "If nothing else, I'll get a nice meal with someone who actually appreciates my talents."

  He crowded up against her and she gasped. He gripped her upper arms and pulled her closer. "I appreciate your talents, Kendall. All of them." Then his mouth slammed down on hers. She barely had time to react before he was licking his way inside, stroking his tongue against hers. Her arms went around his neck and he changed the angle, going deeper. Oh my, the man knew how to kiss. She whimpered when he pulled away, not wanting to break contact.

  "If you insist on keeping the date, you aren't going alone." His voice was low, gravelly, she was happy to note.

  She had to calm her breathing before she could respond. He was still holding her tightly against his big, solid body. Their mouths were just inches apart. She didn't want to talk, she wanted to kiss him again. Finally, she managed, "Well, I can't take a chaperone, if that's what you're thinking. He would never open up to me."

  "Then I'm miking you up and I'll be in the restaurant, too."

  "Fine." She smiled.

  His head jerked back. "Just like that?"

  "I knew you wouldn't let me go alone. That's the perfect solution."

  He nodded once. "Good." His tone was gruff and she had to stifle another smile. Then he kissed her again and she melted against him. She wanted to pull the zipper down his wet suit and feel his hot, hard body. His cell rang and with a harsh curse, he broke the kiss and grabbed the phone to answer.

  Kendall fanned her face, trying to calm her racing heart. What was it about him that made her forget everything, including her name? She'd met handsome, strong, capable men before, had even dated a few. But Dorian threw everything out of whack. He'd been cold to her at first, downright rude when refusing to help her. Still, she was drawn to him. She needed to focus on avenging the senseless deaths of her three friends instead of what it would feel like to have him deep inside her. She needed to find a murderer, not a lover.

  Shaking her head, she put her game face back on as he ended the call. Then a thought occurred. "I can't take my cell with me and Olivia is supposed to call so we can pick her up."

  "Don't worry about her." He gathered supplies and loaded them in a duffle. "She'll be fine."

  Kendall narrowed her eyes. "And you would know this how?"

  "I just do."

  She poked him in the chest. "How. Do. You. Know?"

  He huffed a sigh. "I mentioned her date to Alex, the location. Suffice it to say she has a bodyguard and a ride home."


  Olivia tried to keep her focus on her date, but it was hard when she felt Alex's stare like a physical touch. She wanted to pick up her glass and move to the seat across from him. Instead, she did her best to ignore him. The man speaking with Byron left. "I apologize again," he said, his arrogant smile saying he was anything but. He wanted her to know he was important.

  An older man with a bald head and a round belly covered by an apron appeared. "Mr. Wilks," the man greeted with a hearty hug. "Good to see you."

  "You too, Luca."

  Luca's bushy brows dipped. "Your girl Stefani, I saw her on the news. She was," his voice lowered an octave, "murdered, no?"

  Olivia stifled a gasp and tried not to react when Wilks cut a quick glance at her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Alex sit up straighter.

  Byron nodded solemnly. "Yes, yes, she was."

  "Did they catch the person responsible?"

  Wilks shook his head.

  "That's terrible. Terrible," Luca repeated. "I will light a candle for her at Sunday Mass. Let me bring you a special appetizer. For my condolences." He hurried away.

  "Nice crowd tonight," Wilks commented, gazing around the room.

  Oh no, he was not getting out of talking about Stefani. She placed her hand on his forearm, squeezing gently. "Your wife was murdered?" She injected just the right amount of surprise and horror in her voice. She could practically feel Alex's eyes narrow as she touched Byron.

  He shook his head and shrugged carelessly. "She wasn't my wife, or my girlfriend, really. We only dated a couple of times weeks ago. I hardly knew her."

  Uncaring bastard. The two dozen phone calls told a different story. "Still, that must be horrible, especially since you said they haven't caught the killer yet."

  "The Chicago Police do a wonderful job." He sounded like a true politician. "I have complete faith that they'll solve the case with due diligence."

  "Aren't you upset?"

  He looked thoughtful. "We didn’t know each other well, but she became possessive, controlling. She called me numerous times a day, checking up on me. I'd had enough. I told her to quit calling but she wouldn't take the hint. I grew to despise her."

  Funny how the relationship rapidly progressed from a couple of dates to the point he despised her.

  His phone jangled and he checked the screen before giving her an exasperated grimace. "I should've turned it off so I can concentrate on you but the senator pays the bill so I'm always on call." He put the phone to his ear. "Is everything all right, Senator?" He listened for a minute, his brows furrowed. "Are you sure you should do that?" Another pause. "Of course it's your decision." He lowered his voice. "Yes, yes, I know you would do anything to have your wife back."

  Luca returned with a delicious-looking appetizer. Wilks absently waved his hand, which Luca took as approval and departed. Her mouth watered at the treat in front of her. Watching her weight was a constant battle. The cameras truly did add ten pounds. But it looked so tempting. Sensing Alex's stare, she looked up at him, one brow raised sardonically as if he could sense her internal battle.

  Wilks snapped his phone shut, and she jumped, jerking her attention from Alex. Wilks slid the phone in his jacket pocket, his face troubled. Focus, Olivia. She needed to concentrate on her date. She'd missed the last half of his conversation alternately drooling over the food and then Alex. She was failing in her spying efforts. "Is something wrong with the Senator?" So she was prying, sue her. Unlike Posten, the senator's press secretary who recognized her, Wilks thought she was strictly a make-up artist.

  "I probably shouldn't be talking about this," he said, lowering his voice and glancing around. "But you know the ransom demand the senator received this afternoon?" When she nodded he added, "He's determined to pay."

  She tried for just the right mix of surprise and confusion. "You don't think it’s a good idea?"

  "Well, he needs proof of life first. Any nutjob could send a note, hoping for a big payoff." He shrugged carelessly. "But ultimately it is the senator’s decision."

  His phone rang again. He gave her a look of chagrin, apologized again and answered. "Hello, Governor. Yes, I know…no, he shouldn't…of course…I’m on my way." He snapped the phone closed, a muscle ticking in his jaw before his expression slid into his practiced politician smile. "I’m very sorry. This wasn’t a good time for a first date." He grasped her hand and guided it to his lips. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Alex’s eyes narrow. "I’m sorry to cut this
short, but I have to leave. Can we reschedule?"

  "I’m not sure how long I'll be in town."

  "Then I'll just have to hope luck will be on my side and I can see you again before you leave. If not, I'll look you up on my next trip to the City. Can I drive you to your hotel?"

  Olivia shook her head. "I think I’ll stay and finish this appetizer."

  "Stay as long as you want…dinner's on me. I insist," he added when she started to protest. He bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips. She really had to force herself not to glance at Alex, especially when she heard him growl.

  She watched Byron stop Luca, probably explaining the bill was on him. He gestured to her and Luca nodded.

  "Fast worker."

  She gasped and spun around to see Alex slide into Byron's empty chair, a bottle of beer in his hand. She smiled. She had him pegged correctly. "Since your date apparently had other things to do, mind if I join you?"

  "He’s headed to see Senator Hofstra. The senator is determined to pay the ransom."

  Alex’s brows shot up and he straightened. "Ransom?"

  Uh oh. Good going, Olivia. The police obviously didn’t know about the note. "Umm, handsome. I said you look handsome." She flashed a glittering smile.

  He shook his head, his eyes narrow slits. "You said ransom." He pulled out his cell.

  She grabbed his wrist with both hands, stopping him. "Please, Alex, you can’t say anything. The note said not to contact police and I don't want to be the cause of anything happening to the senator’s wife and child."

  "I’m a cop, Olivia. If I know about it I have to do something."

  "Please?" She couldn’t mask the desperation.

  His eyes roamed her face, cataloguing her features, a storm brewing in the blue depths. She was asking him to go against his beliefs, his principles. It wasn’t fair, certainly. She had no right to ask this man of character and integrity to break his moral code. She prepared herself for his refusal. Finally he sighed and she relaxed. He slid the cell back into his pocket. "I’m breaking so many damn rules, I might as well turn in my badge," he grumbled before tossing back a healthy swig of beer.


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