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Paying the Viking's Price

Page 19

by Michelle Styles

  Her throat worked up and down as she traced the lines of the hare. She conjured up an early memory of her mother wearing the hare and confiding that seeing a hare always meant that good fortune was sure to follow. Finally everything would work out. She could do her duty and find a measure of happiness.

  ‘Thank you,’ she whispered finally, knowing the words were inadequate.

  ‘My pleasure.’ He took a step closer to her. ‘I do want to give you pleasure, Edith. Remember that.’

  She glanced about the stone room, suddenly aware of what her mother might have thought about her being here. ‘I should go. There will be things that need to be done. Not the least of which is putting the cup back where it belongs. You needn’t worry. I won’t take it again without your leave. I’m no thief.’

  He put his hands at her waist and gently undid her belt, taking off the pouch that held the cup. He laid it on a bench. ‘I will keep it safe for now. When you require it, you may have it back. I hope you trust me like I trust you.’

  A single tear trickled down her face. She’d been angry with him and now he had done the most unexpected thing—he’d given her back some of her heritage. He wasn’t seeking to have everything.

  ‘They were part of my dowry. They were what I had left of her. That and my mirror.’ She brushed the tears away with impatient fingers. ‘You must not mind me. I’m obviously overtired. There is so much to be done as well. This time of year is busy. I’ve taken too much time for myself today.’

  He pulled her to him. His hand tangled in her hair, gently pulling out the pins until it tumbled down about her shoulder. ‘Not too tired, I hope?’

  A warm tingle circled her insides, driving all thoughts of the things she ought be doing away. She had missed sleeping in his arms and waking up to his lovemaking. ‘Last night was fraught.’

  ‘There is no need to explain. Some day, you will have more jewels. Promise me that you won’t run away.’

  Edith swallowed hard. ‘When I leave, I shall leave by the front gate and you can travel with me until I reach my destination...wherever that is. But I’ve no plans to go. I keep my word, Brand, and I don’t want to think beyond tomorrow. My future will take care of itself.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’ His lips touched her forehead. The gentle touch undid her.

  ‘It is not their value in money or what they can buy but what they represented.’ Edith attempted to explain why the gesture meant so much to her. ‘My mother used to tell me stories of how they came into her family. After I grew up, I never believed the stories, but when I was little, they were wondrous.’

  ‘I’m sorry about that loss, but I’m sorry we quarrelled about something which neither of us can change.’

  She glanced up into his eyes and knew her thoughts about keeping her heart safe were an illusion. She had feelings for this man. She had been so wrong about him being a barbarian. He had finer feelings than any man she’d ever met. The trouble was that some day he would go out of her life and her heart would break. She knew instinctively that it would be easier if she didn’t say anything.

  She touched the brooch. ‘My mother used to tell me to concentrate on changing the thing I could change. I found it hard to listen. I’m sorry we quarrelled as well.’

  ‘My mother used to tell me stories about growing up in Ireland. She claimed to have been a nobleman’s wife and daughter. How true it was, I will never know. But she used to say it whenever I was in trouble. I had reasons to be proud.’ His lips travelled down the side of her face. ‘You should know that I intend to look after you. I wouldn’t abandon any woman to the fate my mother suffered. I will see you safe. Always.’

  Edith found she was too tired to fight. She wanted to have his arms about her and feel his skin slide under the palms of her hands. Her feelings for him were far too new and too deep. ‘I missed you.’

  She lifted her mouth and met his. The kiss quickly became deep and long, lighting the dark reaches of her soul. His tongue moved against hers and she pressed her body against his, letting it do the talking. The kiss rapidly deepened and Edith knew she needed far more. She wrenched her lips from his.

  ‘Are you tired?’ she murmured when she could breathe again.

  His eyes twinkled. ‘Sleeping on a stable floor is not the most comfortable way to pass the night. You will probably say that I deserved it for the asinine way I behaved.’

  She gave a soft laugh. ‘I would never have mentioned it, but it is an appropriate place.’

  ‘It is far better to sleep in your arms.’

  ‘I think so as well.’ She licked her lips. ‘Shall we retire there and catch up on our sleep?’

  ‘I have a better idea.’ He drew her to him so that their groins touched, his hands cupping her bottom. The sensation caused her breath to come faster. ‘Shall I play your maid? Show you how to bathe properly? You will enjoy it once you get the hang of it.’

  ‘I’m sure I shall.’

  ‘You don’t need to move a muscle. Allow me to look after you.’ His hot breath caressed her ear, doing strange things to her insides.

  She knew then that she needed to take the lead. For too long she’d played the passive partner allowing him to do things to her. Today he’d given her something precious back and she wanted to show him that she appreciated him. She wanted to be his equal in this at least.

  ‘Will we be alone here?’ she asked, pretending to consider.

  ‘Nobody would dare disturb us, but I’ll bolt the door if it makes you feel better.’ He went over to the door and slid the bolt home.

  The simple sound gave her courage. What happened here would remain here. She didn’t have to worry about interruptions.

  ‘Good. I’m new to this, but I’m willing to learn.’ She tapped her finger against her mouth, pretending to consider. ‘I assume first you need to be naked in order to enjoy the benefits of bathing.’

  ‘That’s right.’

  Her hands tugged at his tunic and raised it slowly inch by inch revealing his bare skin. She leant forwards and tasted.

  ‘Patience,’ he growled. ‘I’m the one who knows what to do.’

  ‘I’m a fast learner,’ she murmured and returned her exploration of his body. Despite the many indentations and scars, his skin was silky soft. It held a fresh clean scent. ‘What comes next?’

  ‘You naked,’ he growled. ‘The proper way.’

  He removed her shawl and quickly undid her gown, pushing it down until it pooled at her feet. She stepped out of the gown and stood before him in her tunic. He dipped his head and his tongue drew small circles, wetting the fine linen, turning it translucent so that her dusky-rose nipples showed through.

  As his tongue lapped ever closer to her nipples, they contracted to hardened points. She moaned slightly in the back of her throat, enjoying the exquisite torture. He captured each nipple in turn and suckled through the cloth. The wetness of the cloth rasped against her breast, driving the aching between her legs to new heights. Finally, he lifted the undertunic and divested her of the rest of her garments until she stood before him, naked. His hands ran over her bottom, kneading and stroking.

  ‘This is how you get someone ready for a bath,’ he purred in her ear. ‘You were going too quickly.’

  ‘I want to try.’ She placed her hand on his chest and pushed him back to the bench.

  He looked at her quizzically, but allowed her to ease him back on the bench.

  Mimicking him, she slowly moved her mouth down his torso, stopping to lap his nipples. His chest hair was rough against her tongue. She continued southwards, making a trail with her lips, following the line of hair until she reached his trousers.

  She ran her hand down the front and felt the hard muscle underneath. Her body ached to know that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  Her hands worked at his trousers
, undoing the leather ties. She eased them over his hips and his desire for her sprang free. She put her hand on him and he pulsed silky hot. She cupped his balls, tracing the outline of each. He groaned and his hands clenched her shoulders.

  He moved as if to flip her onto her back, but she shook her head. This time she wanted to be on top and she wanted to give him pleasure. It gave her a heady sense of power. This powerful Norseman was hers. He wanted her and was ready for her and her alone.

  She lowered her mouth. ‘You need to be washed all over. I wanted to make sure that everywhere is clean.’

  She captured him and felt him grow even harder. She glanced up and saw his eyes were half-shut with pleasure. His hands gripped her shoulders and urged her upwards. She climbed on the bench and slowly impaled her body on him.

  Her body opened and took all of him. She marvelled how natural this had become and how easy it was to know precisely what to do. Slowly she tilted her hips back and forth. Each rock drove him deeper in until the climax came over them both.

  Brand crushed her body to his and felt the final shuddering of her climax. There had been an added depth in their passion today. She was fast becoming as necessary to him as breathing. He knew he wanted to bind her to him and the very thought frightened him. Dependency only led to heartache in his experience.

  ‘I think we are sweaty enough,’ he rumbled against her ear, pushing the thought away. He refused to look beyond the moment with Edith. Always in the past when he had, things had gone awry.

  She raised herself up on one elbow while her other hand played in his chest hair. Even though he thought himself completely spent a few heartbeats ago, his body craved more of her.

  ‘What happens next?’ she asked, giving a slight stretch and exposing the curve of her breast. Her dusky-rose nipple dangled tantalisingly in front of his mouth, reminding him of the delights they had just experienced.

  He knew if he gave in to his passion, he’d be tempted to go too far and deep.

  ‘We plunge,’ he said, putting her from him. The air rushed around him and his body protested.

  Her mouth dropped open. ‘In the lake?’

  ‘You are worried?’ he teased. It had been one of the great finds. Starkad spoke the truth when he said that this was a proper bath house, like the ones in Constantinople, rather than the sweat houses back in Norway. In Norway, they would have had to plunge into the lake. The Byzantines had a more sophisticated approach, inherited from the Romans. He had to assume that this estate was far more ancient than Edith had guessed.

  ‘I have never tried,’ she admitted, her cheeks flaming. ‘But I doubt I have any more of my reputation to lose. Shall we do it and truly shock everyone?’

  ‘Come with me,’ he said, relenting. ‘There is no need to shock anyone. But you will have to admit that you didn’t know everything about this estate.’

  ‘I find that difficult to believe.’

  He took her hand and led her into the next room where his men had uncovered the pool and the mosaics. The water softly glinted.

  Her eyes gleamed with pure joy. All the time and trouble it had taken was nothing compared to seeing Edith in rapture. All of his early fears were groundless. Edith was a woman who kept her word. A slight unease came over Brand. She had agreed to a year and that was all he was going to get. He forced his mind from the unwelcome thought. There were other ways besides marriage to bind Edith to him. Right now, he didn’t want to think about the future. He wanted to enjoy the present. ‘How? How did you do this? How could you create this so quickly? I’ve never seen anything like it.’

  ‘It was full of rubble and easy to clean. The men worked hard, but you and I have the honour of being the first to use it.’

  Edith went immediately in. Her indrawn breath echoed around the chamber.

  ‘Do you like it?’ he asked.

  ‘It is magical. Something out of a dream.’

  She walked into the pool and sank down. ‘After the heat of the first room, this feels heavenly. Are you going to come in?’

  She held out her arms, her dark hair floated about her and he could see the paleness of skin in the depths of the water.

  ‘Are you a siren now, seeking to make me forget my duty?’

  ‘Sirens are dangerous creatures who lure men to their death,’ she said, laughing. ‘I’m not trying to lure you anywhere but into this pool. Come join me. You’ll feel better for it.’

  ‘Is that all you want?’

  ‘Yes, that’s all.’ She gave a little splash of water. ‘Surely you have time for that. After all, it was your suggestion that we bathe. All I’m doing is following orders.’

  He smiled and decided that it was well she did not know her power. If she asked him to marry her looking like that, if she had asked for anything, he’d have given it to her.

  ‘There are times when I’m happy to obey.’

  Chapter Twelve

  ‘Is there something I can do for you, Father Wilfrid?’ Edith asked the priest later in the afternoon. The spring sun had dried her hair. Being thoroughly clean caused her worries to ease. There would be a solution to everything. She even felt strong enough to deal with the priest.

  The priest’s thin lips frowned. ‘There is nothing a woman like you can do for me except repent. I am looking for the heathen who calls himself lord of this place.’

  ‘How do you know he is a heathen?’ she asked, provoked.

  ‘All Norsemen are and he deliberately provokes me.’

  ‘Brand Bjornson served in Constantinople for the very Christian Emperor of Byzantium. Have you ever asked him how he prays? Or why he wears a Byzantine cross about his neck?’

  ‘Why has he not appeared in my church, then?’

  ‘Has he once stopped you from preaching?’

  ‘You should not use that tone with me.’

  ‘Or what?’ Edith crossed her arms. Always before she’d respected his right to speak but now she could see that he enjoyed making matters worse. ‘What will you do to me? There is a new master here. I would suggest you find a way to get on with him, rather than stirring up trouble.’

  The priest stared at her, mouth open. ‘I had best see to some of my parishioners. You have changed, Lady Edith. I used to think you considered the souls of these people more important, but now I see you only consider your pride. I will pray for you.’

  He slunk off.

  Edith sank down onto the bench and buried her face in her hands. She found she didn’t know the woman she was rapidly becoming. She wanted to take a breath and return to the old certainties.

  She had made love to Brand in broad daylight in the bath house and then bathed with him, after which they had made love again. When they had emerged from the building several of Brand’s men were standing around with huge smiles on their faces. Brand had ostentatiously kissed her before departing.

  She fingered the circlet. She hated to think what her mother might say. Her mother never put her hand on her father, much less kissed him in public. She wanted to think she was doing it for the hall and the people, but she knew she was also doing it for herself and the way he made her feel. She liked feeling like a desirable woman who was cherished, rather than someone who didn’t fit anywhere and who was more comfortable with ledgers and quantities of wool.

  A small sigh escaped her throat. The old Edith would never have kissed in public. She was worried, though, how long she would be able to be this way, how long before she reverted to the old Edith?

  ‘There you are, Edith,’ Hilda said. ‘I was wondering if you had gone to Godwin’s house?’

  Edith firmed her mouth. ‘No, but I will go and see them tomorrow and explain the situation.’

  ‘You know you are far prettier when you smile. Right now you look fierce enough to turn people to stone.’

stood up. Trust Hilda to thoroughly deflate her well-being. ‘I will take that as a compliment. There are times when I have to be fierce, but I enjoy smiling more. I trust there is nothing else amiss?’

  ‘Did you find out what the messenger wanted?’

  ‘I forgot to ask.’

  ‘Halfdan has sent a decree.’ Hilda put her hands to her head. ‘Anyone harbouring or aiding the rebels will be severely punished. Edith, you know what this means. You and I will be punished if we are caught. You must give Athelstan up.’

  ‘How did you learn about this?’

  ‘They were talking about it in the kitchen. I went to see about the bread.’ Hilda shivered. ‘I’m beginning to get a bad feeling. Why did he have to come back?’

  ‘The proclamation changes nothing. It merely confirms what I suspected. The king will not forgive readily and Brand will have no choice but to follow orders.’ She took a deep breath. ‘He owes everything to his king.’

  ‘But what about us?’ Hilda’s voice rose an octave. ‘What will happen? It is bound to come out. You must protect me, Edith.’

  ‘Your part is finished,’ Edith said, covering Hilda’s hand with hers. ‘I will not ask any more of you.’

  Hilda crossed her arms and then she tilted her head. ‘You have washed your hair.’

  ‘The sun is drying it. I had a bath.’

  ‘The one thing I will say for the Norsemen is that they smell better than the Northumbrians.’ Hilda’s laugh was a little too loud.

  A shadow fell over her. Edith felt a distinct tingle. Brand. He put his hand on her shoulder. Hilda rapidly made her excuses and departed.

  ‘She seemed awfully nervous about something.’

  ‘She wants to look her best for the feast this evening.’ She leant forwards and dropped her voice. ‘I suspect secretly she wants to have a bath.’

  ‘There won’t be a feast tonight. The king’s messenger has returned to Jorvik. I gave him a full accounting of what passed with Hrearek.’

  ‘Surely it will be up to the king to decide now?’


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