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The Demon Tamer

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  «It emits a blinding light!» Diosmed said.

  «I can also see it. It is a light mixed with demonic darkness!» Mohat added, bewildered.

  «Let’s walk! We are only a few steps away from the enemy!» Damian ordered.

  They found themselves in the midst of a rich vegetation, which extended from the Nile to the Giza Necropolis. There were date palms, tall Baobabs, various flowers like Cornflower, Narcissus and plants like the Acacia Arabica. The boys arrived in a tree-lined avenue lined with palm trees on both sides, which they had to walk because it was the only access to the necropolis. The more they walked, the closer they came to the pyramids. The road seemed to want to take them there. On the sides of the vegetation, there were small clay houses with typical Egyptian decorations. Birds, snakes, dogs, cats, ankh and other unknown symbols were depicted. No man was at sight.

  «There is no living soul» Diosmed said.

  «The Pharaoh will have something in mind. Be careful!» Mohat acknowledged.

  «We continue. As soon as they come alive, you’ll know what to do!» Damian added.

  They continued among the trees, tall and luxuriant, called Sycamore that continued the line of Palms. They walked one behind the other, with alert and attentive eyes. After the long-treed path, they arrived on a large plain where the Great Pyramids of Egypt stood, golden in color. At the entrance to the Giza Necropolis there was a large statue with its eyes on visitors, as if guarding something.

  «This statue on the left is the Great Sphinx, twenty meters high. It has the face of a man and the body of a lion, it is placed to guard the three pyramids. Behind it, from right to left, is the great Pyramid of Cheops, one of the seven wonders of the world, here below the two pyramids of Khafre and Menkaure. It starts from the largest pyramid to the smallest and all three have a square base and faces facing the four cardinal points. Inside the pharaohs rest together with their families. The pyramid for the Egyptians is a symbol of greatness, it allows us to reach the Sun, which for them is identified with the “God Ra”. That is why they are very tall, for the Egyptians the pyramids are the stairs that lead to the sky» Tanya explained.

  «And each pyramid is at one of the stars belonging to the Constellation of Orion» Emmanuel added.

  «And everything else around, what are they?» Shayla asked.

  «Temples and minor tombs» Tanya replied.

  «And those drawings above? Birds, plants, men?» Damian asked.

  «They are the Hieroglyphics, it’s the typical writing of the Egyptians. Hieroglyphics are found on all their art forms» Tanya replied.

  They arrived in front of the Great Sphinx, with its golden color, which with its big eyes seemed to electrocute them. Behind him and not far from the pyramid of Khafre, stood the Pyramid of Naav. It was huge, twice the height of the pyramid of Cheops, almost three hundred meters high. On each of its four faces was the Symbol of Naav, red in color. Each side of the square base of the pyramid was thirty meters long.

  «It gives off a bright light! I can’t keep my eyes open!» Diosmed said, blinking his eyes.

  «It is transparent and luminous at the same time. It’s not made with ordinary stones» Damian said.

  «The stone that composes it is the Diamond, the most precious stone in the world. He created a giant pyramid of diamonds. Who knows how he succeeded...» Tanya explained.

  The seven passed the Sphinx and continued towards the Pyramid of Naav. Finally, they came to the presence of a triangular door, also made of diamonds. On the door, at the height of the man, was the Symbol of Naav. As soon as they set foot near the door, strange noises were heard. Pharaoh’s symbols appeared from nowhere on the ground and demons of all kinds began to appear from them. Skeletons, dead hands, earthworms, half-man and animal demons, demonic monkeys, enormous spiders, anomalous birds and Mummy Demons.

  «Watch out!» Diosmed shouted.

  «I knew it! There had to be something underneath!» Mohat said.

  «They are about to surround us!» Emmanuel said desperately.

  «We have to open that door!» Tanya suggested.

  Damian looked for a handle, something to open it. There was none of this.

  «Open up!» he shouted at Damian, but nothing happened.

  His belt suddenly stirred, as if it had come to life.

  «What’s going on now?» he said incredulously.

  He opened his small black bag that was tied to his belt. Inside the Dragon Statue seemed to move by itself. He took it and the green gem set in the column on which the dragon rested his feet, he detached himself and began to float in the air until he went to position himself in the Eye of Horus, right in the pupil. The door opened inward, making a great creak.

  «Let’s go in!» Diosmed shouted, who had noticed the door opening.

  They ran quickly inside, escaping by a hair to the horde of demons that had filled the area between the pyramids. The door closed quickly and the demons struck with great force against the diamond door, which was not even scratched. The guys all managed to get in and found themselves in a very dark place.

  «I see nothing!» Diosmed said.

  «Here you are!» Tanya said, creating a flame with her hands. Later, she saw a torch on the wall and lit it. Immediately a series of torches, which were on the four walls of the quadrangular room where they had just entered, were lit in unison. The fire also lit the torches that were found along the corridor that opened on the wall opposite the triangular door.

  «This is stone, we’re not on a diamond floor» Damian noted.

  «Yes» Tanya agreed.

  The walls of gilded stone were four meters long and on them were painted Egyptian hieroglyphics with deities, blue beetles, plants, animals and the Nile River.

  «It’s still dark down there, despite all these lights on» Emmanuel noted, looking toward the end of the corridor.

  «Walk and be careful, we don’t know what we can meet» Damian warned.

  They continued along the corridor, admiring the strange drawings painted on the walls.

  «Wooo!», Diosmed shouted as he nearly fell, «That stone of the floor has subsided!»

  «Fruum», a noise was heard in the distance.

  «What was it?» Damian asked.

  «Ruuun!» Mohat shouted.

  They started running quickly down the corridor, not knowing why.

  «What’s going on?» Shayla asked.

  «Ruun! There is a huge boulder chasing us! He will crush us!» Tanya scared.

  «Diosmed you make only trouble!» Damian swore.

  They ran as fast as they could, the gray boulder rolling quickly. He would have reduced them to mush.

  «Mohat does something!» Damian said, looking at his friend.

  The Wind Warrior summoned a small vortex and hurled it at the large boulder, which briefly did not move. They continued along the corridor which began to have a zigzag pattern. The boys turned to the right, then to the left. Gradually, the path continued upwards. When the vortex disappeared, the boulder started rolling back toward them.

  «As I tough, it’s not a common rock!» Mohat said.

  «We’re going up! But the boulder continues to follow us!» Emmanuel said in amazement.

  Eventually, they came to a dead end and the boulder was about to reach them.

  «Let’s destroy the wall!» Diosmed suggested.

  Just when the boulder was a few steps away from them, Emmanuel saw a small statue depicting a pharaoh, with the typical funerary mask, protruding from the wall. He touched it and pushed it towards the inside of the wall. In a moment a rectangular door opened to his right.

  «Enter here!» the boy said to his friends.

  They passed the door, managing to get everyone in, then the wall closed. The rock crashed against the wall and was destroyed in a thousand pieces. They heard the great roar from the hall into which they had entered.

  «The walls are not fall! That boulder was huge!» Diosmed said in wonder.

  «This pyramid is cursed!» Mohat swore.

  «What a lovely place» Shayla said stunned as she looked around.

  They found themselves in a well-lit room thanks to the diamond ceiling that let in light. The floor and walls were white as snow, this place too was full of hieroglyphics and paintings. The young boys looked with their eyes at the opposite of where they were and saw an enormous white tub with a semicircular shape, with a base raised from the floor. It had a small waterfall of emerald green that came out of the wall. An ivy-like vegetation was on the wall and on the tank, where inside they saw a sleeping woman with her hands crossed and blocked by a gray chain that was tied to the wall.

  «Who is she?» Emmanuel asked.

  «Be careful. I can see her, it’s not human!» Mohat warned them.

  «Let’s get closer slowly» Damian suggested.

  «Why did we come here?» Gabriel asked.

  «Oh, are you still alive? I almost forgot you!» Diosmed said in a provocative tone.

  The seven slowly approached the tub, making no noise. Diosmed and Damian entered the tub and freed the woman from those chains, first using the Dragalòs that cut the chain and then Damian with the Dragon’s Claw cut another chain that tied his hands.

  She was a beautiful woman, with a light-dark complexion, with long black hair and sinuous features. She had a small nose and two full lips, her eyes were made up with a black line that ran along the eyelid margins and at the outer junction of the two eyelids, it continued with a horizontal line above the cheekbone. The black dye was called Kohl, it was stored in small jars and applied with a small scoop. Instead, the upper eyelid was made up with a blue dye that did not reach the black and thin eyebrows. The woman wore a long red silk dress, silver bracelets, a gold necklace around her neck and stood barefoot.

  «How strange. She’s not wet» Diosmed noted as he lifted her with Damian.

  They sat her on the edge of the tub and slowly the woman opened her white eyes.

  «Who are you?» she said, wriggling.

  «Take it easy. We’re here to help you» Tanya comforted her.

  She calmed down and then began to speak in a language, not very different from the Language of the Gods.

  «How did you get here? You must leave! He will come soon!» the young woman said.

  «We entered through the front door and then continued down the corridor» Diosmed said.

  «Yes, and you almost got us killed!» Tanya added.

  «No one, except Pharaoh Naav, can enter the pyramid from that door. How did you do it?» the woman asked as she looked around.

  «Yeah, how did you do Damian?» Diosmed asked.

  «Actually, I didn’t do anything. Remember that green gem? She started moving on her own and went to stick in the pupil of that eye in the Symbol of Naav!» Damian replied.

  «That old fool of the Colosseum! It was his treasure, he revealed to you that this gem would open a door. How did he know he would open this pyramid?» Diosmed said.

  «It does not matter. Whoever it is, he helped us escape» Mohat Mohat.

  «Yes, condemning us all to certain death. We are now closed in a place surrounded by demons. Tell us how to escape!» Gabriel said angrily.

  «Hey! You were the one who wanted to come with us, but you can always take it all back!» Diosmed admonished him and Gabriel fell silent.

  «Mohat, she has white eyes. Is she a spirit?» Damian whispered in Mohat’s ear.

  «No, but she’s not even a demon» he replied in a low voice.

  The woman recovered but was not happy for freedom.

  «The Pharaoh has received great powers thanks to his book. He made a pact with the Devil. For thousands of centuries, there has never been a demon in Egypt. Then one day, not long ago, the Devil allied himself with this pharaoh and plagiarized all the Egyptian Gods to his wishes. Those who rebelled were killed or turned into demonic beings like Sobek and Selkis, who despite being the guardian of one of the doors of the Duat, did not want to ally with the Demon. Anubis did instead» the woman explained.

  «Selkis? The Scorpion Demon!» Emmanuel said.

  «And that crocodile! Sobek!» Diosmed added.

  «But who are you really?» Damian asked.

  «I am Isis. The only one of the deities not to have been killed or transformed. The Pharaoh gave me against my will to Anubis, the one who now rules over the Duat, the Kingdom of the Dead. He was the one who chained me here» she replied.

  Suddenly they heard footsteps and strange verses.

  «Gruuuh» a strange being said angrily.

  «What is that thing?» Gabriel asked, his eyes widening.

  «It’s a demon! Where did he come from?» Mohat said.

  «It’s Seth! He was turned into a demon and he keep watch me» Isis said.

  «No, we will fight!» Damian urged them.

  The seven extracted their weapons and showed their powers. Seth showed his response teeth, he looked like a fennec, the desert fox. He was standing up and he was two and a half meters tall, he had a very strong muscular build. His coat was light brown, he had five fingers with gray claws on each hand, a tail one meter long, shaped like an arrow, two long and wide ears that went upwards, a black nose and some silver vibrissae. His eyes were white, he was a god turned demon and obedient to Naav. The symbol of the pharaoh was engraved on his bare chest and he wore a long and pleated white skirt.

  «Aaargrr!» Seth screamed and drooled everywhere.

  The boys surrounded him and started attacking him. Diosmed from the right and Damian from the left, Seth stopped their blades with his hands. The Brothers of the Wind blew against him enormously powerful whirlwinds, but with his ears he made them vanish, only shaking them. Tanya threw arrows of fire from her hands, Seth’s eyes lit up and they exploded without reaching him. Gabriel, finally, flung himself against him, but with unprecedented force was thrown into the air.

  «Seth is the God of Chaos, brother of Osiris. You can’t do anything against him!», Isis said as she tried to get up, «Aah!», She lacked strength and Emmanuel helped her sit on the edge of the tub.

  «Don’t move, rest» Emmanuel said, who had remained to protect her.

  The fighting continued, the Wind Brothers and Tanya threw their combined attacks of wind and fire at him. Diosmed used the Power of Lightning, channeled the energy into his sword and threw it at a green sphere of lightning which then became a river of energy, managing to hit the Fennec in his right leg. The enemy was bothered by the thing and screamed so loudly to undo all sorts of energy and power launched against him.

  «Damian, this demon cancels everything! What can we do?» Diosmed asked.

  «I will fight against him, you use this time to load your sword with your power. Create a combined attack with the others. The one down there is already in bad shape!» Damian said.

  «Man of the future or not, he lacks strength. Leave it to me!» Diosmed answered, then ran to the others and reported his plan.

  «Seth, come on!» Damian called, and the beast focused on him.

  Damian studied his opponent and was on his guard as he held tight the Dragon’s Claw. He was looking for the enemy’s weaknesses, he was a demon with white eyes and immense strength. He flung himself with his sword against the enemy, who with his arms folded in the shape of an X, parried the blow. He roared and clawed out part of Damian’s suit with his claws, causing minor injuries to his abdomen and destroyed the bandages he was still wearing. The battle continued with a series of slashes, Damian managed to wound him in the face, but Seth’s wound was healed.

  «Cursed! How can you have all this power!» Damian cursed him, then he jumped and tried to hit him, but Seth grabbed him with his hands, twirled him and then threw him against the white wall.

  Meanwhile, the goddess Isis was thinking of something in particular.

  «Go to your friends and tell them this...» the Goddess whispered to Emmanuel’s ear.

  Emmanuel ran
to his friends, he noticed the great concentration of Diosmed and the others towards the enemy, so he decided not to interrupt them. He saw Damian lying on the ground on the right side of the room and not far from him was Gabriel, who had got back on his feet. A shudder inside him made him understand that he should not have trusted him. But in the presence of that being, who was heading towards Damian, he decided to reveal Isis’s words to that man. Gabriel heard the news, nodded and headed for the beast.

  «Damian I’ll save you!» Emmanuel shouted.

  «No! Protect Isis!» Damian ordered, and the boy reluctantly turned back.

  Seth approached Damian, who had recovered his feet. The God of Chaos tried to scratch it, but Damian avoided the attack by moving to the left quickly. The Fennec in his place struck the wall with his right hand, which gave way to contact. Starting from that breaking point, the wall began to transform together with the whole room. All the white bricks, both of the walls and of the floor, began to be chaotic, the water of the waterfall began to rise from the bottom upwards. The paintings on the walls became unrecognizable and incomprehensible, as they merged to form various spiral shapes. Only the diamond ceiling remained untouched by the transformation. Emmanuel had helped Isis to escape, shortly before the event, from the tub that became filled with black slime. From the floor emerged white, pointed rocks of varying height, Damian used them to hide. Seth with his fists angrily destroyed them, while Damian ran away from his attacks quickly. At one point, the young man hid between two rocks very close together, the Demon Fox with his hand tried to grab it, but the young hero blocked the enemy’s arm between the two rocks with all the strength he had. Then Seth, to free himself, used his other hand to destroy the rocks and Damian took advantage of the moment to jump, using as a springboard a rock that was behind him, against the enemy. The dust generated by the destruction of the stone allowed Damian to hide and so he hit the enemy in the face, with his right hand of dragon. Seth was struck and his eyes were blinded.

  «Now!» Damian shouted, giving way to his friends.

  Diosmed ran with the Dragalòs wrapped in flames, wind and lightning against the enemy.


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