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Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5)

Page 5

by Renee, K.

  Looking around the room, I see everyone just waiting for what we plan on doing about this shit. My brothers will always have my back, and that means Wynter’s too.

  “Saxton already left her fiancé lying in a pool of his own blood in their house, so who knows what that bastard will do to her. I want her under protection until we can take this fucker down,” I growl.

  I want to take this fucker down and everyone he is associated with him. He will regret ever touching a hair on my girl’s head. Shit, I’ve never called a woman my girl.

  I see a few of the men nod their heads, and my old man gives me a look, almost like he doesn’t agree with me. Brant looks over at me, and nods his head. At least I have him on my side for this shit. If Brant is on my side, it’s typically easier to get my old man on board with this shit.

  “I agree with Jase. I think she needs protection and our help. Hell if we don’t help her, she’ll probably end up dead somewhere,” he says looking around the table.

  “You claimed her Jase, make sure she knows the rules and helps with this party the girls will be throwing. For now, she’s under our protection, and we will be doing some recon on her brother-in-law before we set a plan in motion.” Prez motions before slamming the gavel on the table; excusing us for the day.

  Standing up, I grab my phone, and wait for the others to walk out before I follow them out into the bar area.

  “You like this girl?” Brant asks from behind me.

  Turning to face him, I see the concern written all over his face. It’s not something he shows a lot, but it’s there

  “She’s different and she needs our help,” I state looking anywhere, but at him. I can already feel him trying to figure me out, which isn’t fucking hard for him. He can always read my damn mind, and I fucking hate it.

  “You like her,” he smirks. I shake my head, and he just laughs.

  “You fucking do and you’ve known her what a day or two?” he wants to get knocked the fuck out.

  “How long you know Anslie before you followed her around like a fucking puppy dog?” I sneer.

  He throws his hands up and takes a few steps back. “Trust me Jase, I’ve been there, let me help you.”

  Sighing, I run my hand through my hair.

  “What do we do?” I ask.

  “We figure out what she knows about his work and find out who he works with.” Fuck this can get fucking bad, real damn quick.

  “Bring her by the house tonight, and we can go over some shit. And I won’t hear Anslie bitch about me not being home.” I can’t help but smirk.

  She just wants his ass home so her pregnant ass is sated. I thought they were bad before, now it’s like fucking ten times worse.

  “Yeah fine we’ll come by,” I mumble and walk over to the bar. Getting a bottle of Jim Beam, I take a few swigs before making my way back to my room where the sexy little red head is asleep.

  Opening the door, I look over at the bed. The blanket is now half off her body, and I can see her pale skin. My hands itch to touch her, and I know I need to get a fucking grip. No fuck that, I need to get laid.

  Instead of sticking around, I walk back out of my room, and go in search of one of the club whores.

  When I finally find Cici, I drag her into the game room, and she drops to her knees without a second thought. As she undoes my jeans and pulls them down, the only thing I can think of is the fucking girl lying in my bed.

  Cici takes me into her mouth, and sucks my dick like she’s trying to win some fucking award. Gripping her head, I thrust into her hard and fast until I can feel my balls tighten. When I imagine that I’m slamming into Wynter’s pussy, I come in Cici’s mouth.

  She licks me clean, and I instantly feel fucking guilty as fuck. Pushing her off of me, I pull my jeans up, and make my way out of the clubhouse.

  Sitting on the bench outside, I put my head in my hands, and just stare at the fucking ground. I hear footsteps coming towards me, and I don’t even have to look up to know it’s my old man.

  He takes a seat next to me, and just sits there not saying a word.

  “Just say what you came here to say,” I grumble.

  “I didn’t come to say anything. I see your upset, but I’m not really sure why son.” Looking over at him, I can see he really cares about what is running through my head.

  “What if she’s more than someone I feel like I need to save?” I ask.

  “You mean like you could see yourself with her?”

  I nod my head, and sit back against the bench.

  “Only you know that son. I can’t tell you how to deal with this shit. But, I can tell you that if she’s worth it, don’t stop fighting for her no matter what any of us say.”

  Exhaling, I look up at the sky. “What if she gets pissed about what I just did?” He watches me for a minute before answering.

  “I’m not condoning it. But, you need to prove to her that she means something more than just some girl you feel like saving. You watched your brother and Anslie for years, don’t make the same mistakes he has,” he sighs and goes to stand up.

  “Own up to your mistakes and fix them.”

  With that, he walks back inside. I sit there for a few more minutes before I make my way back into the clubhouse, and into my room.

  This time when I open the door, I see her looking up at me.

  “Hey Wynter,” I say making my way over to the bed. Her eyes watch me, and I can tell she knows something’s off about me.

  “What’s wrong?” she squeaks out.

  I sit on the bed and lean back against the headboard. She wrinkles her nose up and she takes a sniff of me. “You smell like cheap perfume.”

  Closing my eyes, I run my hands down my face. I need to own up to it, if I ever want to give us a chance. “I made a mistake,” I mumble.

  Her eyes look at me, and I feel like she already knows what I’m about to say.

  “You’re not mine to control Jase. I get that you’re a man with needs and stuff. It’s okay. We are just pretending to be together.”

  To be honest, that fucking burned. I can feel myself getting pissed that she doesn’t care, and part of me is fucking glad. This shit would never work anyway. But when I see the tears pool in her eyes, I know I really fucked up with her.

  Pulling her into my arms, she stiffens up, and I have to whisper in her ear to get her to relax.

  “Wyn, I’m sorry. I’m not sorry a lot, but you deserve more than that.”

  I feel her tears through my shirt and I want to kick my own ass for hurting her. She lifts her head up and gives me a frown. “You smell like her.”

  Fuck. I roll her over and place a gentle kiss to her lips. “I’m gonna shower, and then you and I are gonna talk.”

  She doesn’t say anything, but she nods her head. Getting up, I make my way into the bathroom, and wash off Cici’s scent and all my stupidity.

  Chapter Nine

  I knew as soon as he walked into the room that he was mad at himself. Hell, I didn’t really expect him to tell me that he did something wrong. I expected him to act like my opinion didn’t matter. When he laid in bed next to me, all I could smell was her perfume, and it was terrible.

  I don’t know why I even cared that he had slept with some random woman. He isn’t mine and I already know that, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. God, why do I care? I have asked myself that same question since he went into the bathroom to shower.

  When he comes out, he’s only wearing low slung jeans that are unbuttoned. My mouth goes dry, and I can’t think of one whole sentence. He makes his way over to the bed, and takes a seat next to me.

  “Wynter,” he starts, turning to look at me.

  “I’m sorry. I fucked up and I want to make it up to you.” My mouth drops open and I feel like a fish out of water. Why does he want to make it up to me? We aren’t together, well not really.

  “What?” I ask with wide eyes.

  “I want to make it up to you.” I hear the words that are comi
ng out of his mouth, but I can’t for the life of me figure out why they are coming out of his sexy mouth. Mentally I smack my forehead. He’s not sexy; he’s trouble and lots of it.

  “Why?” I question. He gives me a small grin, and I practically melt. Why does he have to be so sexy? Dammit. No, he’s not sexy.

  “Sugar, I can see you waging a war with yourself,” he murmurs, leaning closer to me. I sit up straight so my back is against the other wall.

  “I won’t bite,” he smirks. “Unless you want me to.”

  Oh my god. I can feel the blush creep up my cheeks, and his smile just gets wider. He makes his move towards me and he straddles my legs, but he’s careful not putting any weight on me.

  He gets so close to me that I can feel his warm breath against my lips, and I can smell the mint and alcohol on his breath. Looking at his mouth, I can feel myself getting wet. After his kiss last night, all I could think about was how it would feel on other places of my body.

  Ah hell. Biting my bottom lip, I finally look into his eyes, and I can see them staring right through me. Almost like he can tell every secret I have hidden deep inside of me. Not just about Saxton, but about everything.

  His lips twitch, and before I can even move, they descend on to mine. His hand reaches around and grips the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him. I melt into his embrace, and he lays me back on the bed. His weight holds me down, but it feels so good that I don’t want him to move.

  Our tongue dance together, and I can feel his erection getting bigger through his jeans. Feeling a little braver, I run my hands up his sides, and when he moves from my mouth to my neck, I gasp. His mouth feels so good against my skin. One of his hands trails down my body and I know exactly where it’s headed. Before he can touch me there, I push him away from me.

  His eyes land on me, and they are full of lust. If the panting coming from him is anything to go by, he’s worked up, and probably gonna be furious that I stopped him. Every inch of my body is aching and wanting a release, but I can’t bring myself to do it. As good as it feels, he isn’t Shawn, and I’m not sure I’m ready to forget about him yet.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper. He drops his head against my chest, and just breathes.

  “You probably think I’m insane,” I mumble dumbly.

  When he looks up at me, I see understanding in his eyes.

  “Sugar, its fine. I know your still in love with him,” he sighs and moves back enough for me to sit up.

  “I’m sorry,” I mumble again. I don’t know what else to say. As much as my body wants it, I can’t shut my brain down long enough to go through with it.

  “I need to go for a second. I need to cool down.” He goes to stand up, and I can see his erection pressing against his zipper.

  “I’ll be back,” he says as he walks out the door, shutting it behind him.

  Lying back against the pillows, I mentally yell at myself for being so stupid. It’s been almost a year, and I still can’t move past him.

  There’s something wrong with me. Jase is the hottest man I’ve ever seen in my life, and he makes me feel things that I’ve never felt before. Pulling the blanket over my head, I hide under it until I finally get so bored that I have to go find him.

  Getting up, I go into the bathroom and make myself look somewhat decent before walking out of the room, and into the bar area.

  When I walk out into the bar, I see men everywhere, and women practically humping them.

  “Hey Wynter, right?” one of the men asks. I nod my head, but don’t say anything.

  “What’s a pretty little thing like you doing all alone in here?” he asks. I take a few steps away from him, and he just smirks.

  “Looking for Jase,” I whisper. I have no idea what I’m allowed to do or don’t in this place, and it kind of freaks me out.

  “He’s a little preoccupied sweetheart. Why don’t you just come and keep me company instead?” I shake my head no and go to walk away, but he grabs my arm and pulls me to him.

  Where is Jase? I can feel myself starting to panic, and I don’t know what to do. I try to pull away from him, but his grip is too tight and he’s hurting me. I try to pull back one more time, but he pulls me to him again. Kicking his shin, I try to free myself one more time.

  I smack right into someone, and the guy who had a hold of me puts his hands up like he didn’t do anything. Turning around, I see a very pissed off looking Jase. He pulls me behind him, and walks up to the guy. I watch him lean in and say something, and the guy’s eyes widen. He takes a step back before he punches him in the nose.

  My hands go to my mouth, and I gasp. Jase hits the guy with such force that he falls to the ground and doesn’t move. Jase nods to the guy behind the bar, and he turns to face me. His hands go to my face, and check me over.

  “You okay?” he asks gently. I nod my head, but I can feel the tears starting to fill my eyes. “I’m sorry. I should have stayed in the room, but I got bored and…” Before I can finish my statement, his mouth is on mine.

  Standing on my tiptoes, I wrap my arms around him, and melt into his touch. When I’m breathless, he pulls away and wraps an arm around me and pulls me out to the back of the clubhouse.

  “I’m sorry I was trying to calm down and time got away from me. I shouldn’t have left you in the room alone that long.” That’s two sorrys in a row. That’s weird for someone who supposedly never says sorry. Before he can pull me any further, I stop him.

  “Why are you sorry?” I ask hesitantly.

  He almost looks guilty and my mind goes straight to him fucking another girl again. He must see my expression because he looks me in the eye and promises me that he wasn’t with a woman.

  He grabs my hand and pulls me behind him. When we walk into the bike shop, he spins me around, and sits me in a chair. He points over at the bike on the rack and says, “I was working on my girl. It’s the only way I can calm myself down without fucking someone.”

  I can’t help but giggle at that. “You work on your bike, so you don’t fuck girls?”

  He gives me a grin, and walks over to me. With both hands on either side of me, he lean close to me, “I like when you say the word fuck. It’s hot.”

  He places his lips on mine. Kissing him back, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him a little closer to me. He pulls away before it can get too heated again.

  “You’re trouble, sugar,” he whispers, kissing right below my ear.

  My whole body shivers, and I can’t help but smile at him. He stands to his full height and then walks over to the bike. I watch him grab a wrench off a workbench, and he goes back to work on his bike.

  Chapter Ten

  A quarter to five, I finally finish putting my bike back together. I can tell Wynter is bored out of her mind, but every few seconds she asks what each part is. After explaining everything to her, she begs me to let her put a piece on the bike.

  When I finally give her one job, she jumps and down squealing like a kid. Showing her exactly what to do, I watch her put the spark plug in, and then I grab her hand and force her to sit her cute little ass in the chair.

  Once I get my bike off the lift, I start the engine, and listen to her purr. Wynter’s eyes light up and she comes over to me. “You wanna go for a ride?” I ask her. She nods her head up and down like a kid, and I give her my helmet and help her on.

  The feeling of her legs squeezing me turns me the fuck on, and I can’t help but groan. Her arms wrap around me, and I take off out of the clubhouse parking lot and to an unknown location. Shit all I want to do is ride, and feel her body pressed up against mine.

  Fuck I sound like a pussy.

  When I finally pull over forty five minutes later, we are at a small diner I escape to when shit gets to be too much at the clubhouse.

  “Where are we?” she questions. I watch her scan the area, probably looking for that asshole. Wrapping my arm around her, I lead her inside, and pull her into a booth with me.

  “I come here when
I need to get away. Plus the food is pretty damn good,” I say with a smile.

  “Why did you bring me here then? I mean if you only come here to get away from everything.” She looks down at her hands. I lean over and whisper in her ear, “Cause I wanted to come here with you.”

  I watch the chills form over her skin, and I know I affect her like she’s been affecting me. I just have to remember that I can’t push her too fast.

  Once the waitress comes and goes, Wynter starts to loosen up and talk to me.

  “What’s your favorite thing to do?” she asks, eyeing me.

  “Ride.” It’s my favorite thing next to sex, but I know she will get all shy again and stop talking. Truth is, I like listening to her talk about nothing and everything.

  She just giggles. “Now I know that’s not exactly the truth.”

  “Well if you think you know me so well, then tell me what my favorite thing to do,” I challenge her.

  She watches me for a second before she whispers the word sex.

  “Sugar we are both adults, you can say the word sex out loud,” I smirk. Her cheeks turn a light shade of red, and I can’t help but laugh.

  Once we finish eating, I toss some cash down, and she pushes me out of the booth.

  “I know it’s just not something I’m comfortable with saying out loud.” Her voice is quiet, almost like she’s afraid of what my reply will be.

  “Babe, I’ll have you saying all kinds of words you’ve never dreamed of in a week.” She shakes her head no, and I just wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer.

  Getting back on my bike, I wait for her to put the helmet on, and then I help her on. “We have to stop by my brother’s house on the way back.”

  “Okay.” She doesn’t look happy about it, but I think her and Anslie will get along fine.


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