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Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5)

Page 8

by Renee, K.

  “Yeah, I told you earlier that I wanted to do this shit for real. I wasn’t lying. Yeah I know I’m gonna fuck up a whole hell of a lot, but I like you, and I want to give this shit a shot.”

  Instead of answering me, she just buries her face into my chest. It’s a better answer than the last one she gave me when I asked.

  Just when I think she’s fallen asleep, she whispers, “I want to give it a real shot too. I can’t keep living in the past of what I had with Shawn. He was a liar anyway, and didn’t deserve me after all.”

  I tighten my grip on her, “Just remember you deserve the fucking world.” I kiss the top of her head, and close my eyes.

  I love the feeling of her in my arms when I fall asleep, and I’m pretty sure I can get addicted to it. Her body fits perfectly in mine, and it brings out my protective side when I think about someone else holding her this way.

  I’m so fucking screwed…

  Chapter Fifteen

  The buzzing of a phone wakes me up a few hours later. I stretch and pull myself out of Jase’s arms. Grabbing his phone, I see Anslie’s name on the screen so I answer it quietly.


  “Oh good. I thought I would have to beg Jase to let me talk to you,” she chirps.

  I can’t help but giggle at her statement. I doubt he would make her beg.

  “He’s asleep. What’s up?” I ask.

  “I was wondering if you had some time to help me plan the party? We want to have it this weekend, and so there is a lot to plan! Henley said she would help too!” She is way too damn cheerful right now.

  “Yeah, I’d love to. It will make me feel like I’m not just sitting around doing nothing,” I mumble the last part of that sentence, but I know she hears it.

  “I doubt anyone is thinking that. Everyone thinks you’re great. We can come by the clubhouse in a few hours to start planning. I told Dom to keep Coley away until we are done planning, which shouldn’t be too hard. She has her hands full with Axle anyway,” she chirps.

  “Axle?” I ask.

  I have no idea who that is. I feel like I have no clue about anything around here. Maybe I should start learning this stuff. Especially if Jase really means that we are gonna give this a real shot.

  “Axle is Dom’s son. For the last few weeks, she is all he’s really known. Don’t worry we can talk about all this stuff later. I will give you the four one one on everyone.” I can hear the smile in her voice.

  “Sounds good. Just let me know when you get here, and I’ll help with whatever you need.” Turning towards the bed, I see Jase watching me.

  “I will. See you in a little bit. I have to get the boys ready, and then drop them off at Brant’s parent’s house.”

  “Okay. See ya,” I reply, hitting the END button.

  I scoot back up the bed, and Jase has a smirk on his face. “I should get you a phone.”

  I shake my head, “I don’t really need one, it’s okay. Sorry I answered yours. I just saw Anslie’s name, and I remembered she wanted me to…” He sits up and crushes his lips to mine, silencing me effectively. I moan into his mouth, and he pulls me closer to him.

  When he pulls away, he gives me a grin, and I can’t help but smile too. “Don’t worry about it. You see one of the girls calling, you can answer it. Just don’t answer it when one of my brother’s call. And I will be getting you a phone because I won’t always be around, and I will need to be able to get ahold of you.” He kisses my lips once more before getting out of bed.

  “Where are you going?” I ask.

  I watch him turn and face me in just his boxer briefs that show his erection proudly. Swallowing around the lump in my throat, I can’t help but stare at it.

  “Well if you don’t stop staring at my dick like that, I’m gonna be fucking you.” My eyes snap up to his and he grins.

  “I’m gonna go get you a phone,” he states like that was a given.

  I stare at him, and he comes back over to me. “I would take you with me, but after last night I’m not sure if it’s safe.” He moves the hair out of my face, and tucks it behind my ear.

  “Ans will probably be here before I get back, so just relax and I’ll be back before you know it.”

  I nod my head and watch as he pulls on his jeans, and grabs a tee from his dresser. He slips on his boots and grabs his wallet from the dresser, before leaning over the bed and kissing me deeply once more.

  “I’ll be back,” he murmurs against my lips before walking out of the room. Sighing, I fall back on the bed, and think about the little shocks that hit my mouth every time he kisses me. Hell, they happen every time he touches me.

  I never felt that with Shawn. Maybe it’s because he was a liar and a fake. He made me believe that he loved me, and he was probably just using me a pawn in his game.

  A knock at the door brings me out of my musings about Shawn, and his business with Saxton. Getting up, I slowly open the door, and a big boobed blonde girl comes marching in.

  She stops and looks me over before searching the room. “Where the fuck is Jase?” she yells.

  Who the hell does she think she is? “Who the hell are you?” I ask back, with just as much snottiness as her.

  “Bitch, you don’t need to know who I am, just get Jase now,” she snarls.

  This girl is crazy! Like I would really tell Jase to come here, just because she wants to talk to him or whatever.

  “He’s not here. So why don’t you get the hell out of our room?” I say as snotty as I can muster.

  “Your room?” she laughs. “Please don’t tell me you think that he is gonna actually let you stick around longer than one night?” she snickers and I want to punch her. Never in my life have I wanted to punch another girl, but I could do it without thinking twice right now.

  “Yeah that’s why I’m his ole’ lady and your just some slut he fucked once.” Her eyes widen, and I see Anslie standing in the door. Brant is right behind her, and he looks pissed.

  “Cici, get the fuck out of here, and stay the fuck away from Jase’s ole’ lady,” he growls from the doorway. She whips around and she stutters, but doesn’t actually get any words out. “I said leave,” Brant demands.

  Even I’m a little scared of his tone. Cici walks towards the door and he moves himself and Anslie in the room, shutting the door once her skanky ass is gone.

  “Fuck, Jase is gonna be pissed,” he mutters under his breath. Anslie elbows him, and he rubs where she just hit. “Doll, come get me when you’re ready to head out.” He says kissing her forehead before walking out of the room.

  “Alright,” she sighs before walking over to the bed. She pulls out her phone, types out a message, grabs her notebook, opening it, and pulling out a pen from her bag.

  “Henley is on her way in here.” She starts to write a bunch of stuff down, and I just sit here and watch her. She’s beautiful, and I don’t even know how she ended up with Brantley.

  “Why are you staring at me?” she asks when she looks up.

  “Sorry,” I say looking down. “You’re just so beautiful. I was trying to figure out how you would meet a guy that’s part of an MC.” I smack my hand over my mouth. “I’m sorry that sounded so bad. I don’t mean it as a bad thing.” Mentally I kick myself a million times. I’m pretty sure I just insulted her, even though it wasn’t my intention.

  “It’s okay. My dad is actually the president of the club, and all four of my brothers are members. I’ve been surrounding by bikers since I was sixteen. That’s actually when Brantley and I met.”

  “So you’ve been together a while?” I ask. I don’t know why, but part of me is curious. Maybe if I can see that they made it work, I wouldn’t be so afraid of Jase.

  “Um, well not exactly. We never really got together until I was eighteen and that was very brief. I got married to some jackass a little while later. Then Brantley, and my brother Dom, brought me and the twins back here and he knocked me up again,” she points down to her belly and giggles.

sp; “Are you happy being an ole’ lady?”

  She looks over at me with the brightest smile. “When I was sixteen, I told my dad that I would rather be Brantley’s ole’ lady than a college student dating a frat boy any day, but he didn’t really like that. It’s the truth though. I love Brantley and the boys more than anything in this world,” she says with a wide smile.

  “It’s not always easy, but we all stick together. I would do anything for the other ole’ ladies. We have fun, and we’re family. What’s better than that?”

  I guess she’s right. I’ve never actually had a lot of family or friends so maybe I’ve been missing out. We spend a few minutes talking about the who’s who of the club, and the difference between an ole’ lady and a whore.

  As soon as Henley shows up, we get to work on planning the party, and what supplies and food we are going to need.

  Let’s just say that they don’t do anything small.

  By the end of the planning session, I’m questioning how we are going to get all of the stuff done in two days.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Pulling into the compound, I see Brant and Bent talking over by the front doors. That must mean Anslie is with Wyn still.

  Parking, I grab the bag out of my saddlebag, and make my way over to them. Bent has a cigarette in his mouth, and Brant is talking about having to kick one of the whores out. That peaks my attention.

  I slap Brant on the back, and he looks over at me. “Hey. Good thing you’re here. You need to hear this too.”

  “So I walked with Ans into your room, and we saw Cici running her mouth to your ole’ lady. From what we heard, Wynter can hold her own when she really wants to.”

  Fuck. “Where is that bitch?” I growl.

  They both look over at me with questionable expressions, and Bent mutters something about being pussy whipped without even getting laid. I’m gonna laugh my fucking ass off when a girl gets under his skin. He fucking needs an ole’ lady to give him hell every damn day of his life.

  I tell them that I’ll catch them later and go in search of Cici; that bitch fucking knows better than to run her mouth to an ole’ lady. We have rules for a reason, and the ole’ ladies are always second in line for respect here; while the club whores are at the bottom.

  Checking in a few different rooms, I don’t see her. Just when I’m about to give up, she slinks around a corner, and makes a beeline right to me.

  “Jase baby,” she purrs. She runs a nail down my chest, and I push her up against the wall.

  Leaning in close, I whisper, “Don’t ever fucking talk to my ole’ lady again. I will make sure you will regret it if you do.” Pulling away, her eyes are wide, and she scrambles away from under me, running down the hall. Least I know I got my point across.

  Walking down the hallway towards my room, I pause before I open the door. Fuck maybe Bentley’s right.

  Walking into the room, I see Wynter sitting by herself. When she looks up, she has a big smile on her face.

  “Hey,” she squeaks.

  I walk over to the bed, and stand right in front of her. Leaning forward, I press her body into the mattress, and kiss her lips. “Hi,” I murmur as I move to her neck.

  She sighs, and her hands go to my hair. She tugs gently, almost like she’s afraid to hurt me. When I finally pull away from her, I can see the lust in her eyes. She wants me almost as bad as I want her.

  As much as I want to take her, I want to do this shit right. Something I’ve never done before, waiting. Even if it fucking kills me, I’m gonna go at her pace. Do this shit by her rules.

  “I heard what happened with Cici and I dealt with her.” I sit next to her, and turn her so I can run my hand over her stomach. She looks up at me from the bed, and gives me a questionable look.

  “What do you mean dealt with her?” she asks quietly.

  “Don’t worry sugar I didn’t hurt her. I just told her to stay away from you.” She lets out the breath she was holding, and her hands land on my arm.

  “You really thought I meant I hurt her?”

  “No! I just didn’t know what you meant. I would never want you to hurt someone because of me.”

  “Baby I would kill for you. I just don’t kill bitches unless they endanger the lives of any of my brothers or family.” Her eyes widen a little but she nods her head.

  “I think I understand that,” she mumbles. I lean down and kiss her lips once more before I grab the bag from beside me and open it. I pull out the new prepay, and dial my number in, and call my own phone. I can feel her eyes on me, but I don’t turn to look at her yet. After I check my phone and find Anslie’s number, I send her a text, so she has Wyn’s number too.

  The phone beeps with a new text message, and I can’t help but chuckle.

  Anslie: Remember what I said. If you really want him, GO FOR IT!

  I hand the phone over to Wynter, and see her face turn bright red. “I can’t believe she wrote that,” she says covering her face.

  “So you want me huh?” I goad her.

  She shakes her head, “No we were talking about some other biker. Gah! I’m going to kill her.” She gives me a pouty face, and I can’t help but laugh.

  I’m glad she sent that message, so that I’m not in the dark about this shit. Hell, I’ve never been in a relationship before and I’m pretty sure that this is good news.

  Once I plug her name in with her number, I pull her up and off the bed. “Come on sugar. I’m fucking starving, and if I stay in here any longer, your body is gonna be dinner.” I see her shiver, and I know I’m starting to affect her.

  Dragging her into the kitchen, I sit her on the counter a few inches from the stove, and tell her not to move.

  “You know I’m not a child right?” she asks with a hand on her hip. I stalk back over to her, and cage her in. Running my lips down the side of her neck, I breathe in her scent. She fucking smells so good.

  “Trust me sugar, I know damn well that you’re not a child. What I want to do to your body is nothing childlike.” Her breathing deepens, and her hands grip my back, pulling me closer to her.

  The door opens and I hear Anslie whisper, “I think we should come back later.” The door closes, and I run my tongue up her neck and suck on her ear lobe. She moans, her right hand grabs onto my hair, and gives it a good yank.

  Just as I’m about to say fuck food, my phone starts to go off. The fucking timing of these assholes is driving me insane. I rest my face into her neck, and pull my phone out and answer it. “This better be fucking good,” I grit out.

  “Well that depends on you I guess,” Elijah chuckles.

  I fucking hate my brothers right now. I swear every single one of them is going to be the biggest cock blocks now.

  “Fucking spit it out asshole,” I mutter. I feel Wynter’s silent laugher, and I look up to see the amusement dancing in her eyes.

  Pulling away from her, I grab butter, cheese and bread, from the fridge and then look for a pan as I listen to my baby brother.

  “Just got word on that prick you are looking into. I was gonna tell dad, but he’s at home with mom and the twins.” I start making grilled cheese, and Wynter is watching me with a smirk.

  “He has been asking around about you, and wants to know everything about you and your family.” I drop the spatula, fuck me.

  “Who’s he been asking? A friendly or an enemy?” I ask grabbing the spatula off the counter. Wynter gets off the counter, pushes me out of the way, and takes over the making grilled cheeses for us. She asks how many, and I hold up three fingers. She gives me a look that says she’s calling me a fat ass, but I don’t really care. I’m starving. I grab her ass, and continue listening to Eli.

  “Both. He asked the Black Jackals, and Hunter pretty much told him to go fuck himself. He also talked to the Black Hills jackasses, and they sang like fucking canaries. Shit’s gonna get bad if he comes after anyone else. You and I both know that Dad and Prez aren’t gonna be happy with that.”

  “I kn
ow,” I reply rubbing my face with my hands. Fuck. “I wonder how fucking long we have until he comes up with a plan?”

  “No fucking clue big bro. Just wanted to make sure you were aware before I shoot it up the chain. Dad will probably ream your ass soon.” He chuckles and I just mutter a few more fucks.

  “Call me if you find anything else out.” He tells me that he will before I END the call.


  I look over at Wynter. She has a plate full of food, and the dishes are already washed. Wrapping my arms around her, I grab a beer and a soda from the fridge, and lead her back into my room to tell her the news.

  Chapter Seventeen

  A few days have passed since Jase found out about Saxton trying to get information on him and his family. He was pissed at first, but I think he’s finally calmed down. Today is the big party for Dominic and Coley and to tell the truth, I’m glad this party is almost over. I don’t know how Anslie does it. She is like a master party planner.

  When I get out of the shower, I wrap a towel around my body, and make my way into the room. Jase went to go talk to one of his brothers, so I have the room to myself.

  Just as I drop the towel to pull on my panties, the door opens, and I see Jase walk into the room. Trying to cover myself, I almost end up tripping and falling on my face. My panties are tangled on my feet, and Jase’s hands are the only things keeping me upright.

  His eyes scan my body, and I can see them heat up as they travel down. “Fuck sugar,” he groans.

  When I finally can move again, I pull my panties up all the way, and he pulls me to his body.

  “There are so many fucking things I want to do to you babe.” His lips ghost along the outer shell of my ear, and I can’t help but shiver. Every ounce of my body is begging for him to take me, but my mind just won’t shut off.

  When his lips go to my neck, I arch into him, and I can feel his erection poking my stomach. “Wyn,” he warns, but I don’t care. I want to let go of the past, and I want him to be the one to make everything better.


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