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Aidan (Knight's Edge Series Book 3)

Page 9

by Liz Gavin

  They spent little more than an hour showing their new material to Tristan. Aidan was proud of the music they had created. It was original and strong. Every time he glanced Tristan’s way, he spotted admiration, even enthusiasm on his face. Halfway through each song, Tristan followed Duke’s lead and played along with them. The man was a quick study.

  When they had gone over all the new songs, Noah called for a break and the other three gladly agreed.

  “You guys have been busy,” Tristan stated. “Great job.”

  Noah went to the kitchen and got some bottles of water and sandwiches for them. When he returned, he still wore the same wide grin he sported when Tristan complimented them. “Told you so, Big T. You never listen to me.”

  “Yeah, right.” Tristan smiled. “Speaking of which, have you thought about getting some gigs?”

  Duke jumped in. “My cousin owns a bar where they play live music. I could convince him to give us a chance.”

  “That might work. Chez Nous wouldn’t be a proper place for us to do that,” Noah explained.

  “Of course,” Aidan agreed. “Where’s your cousin’s bar?”

  “Lagoa. It’s called Little Suzy, have you been?”

  Before he met Noah and Tristan, Aidan went bar hopping on a regular basis with a couple of Brazilian friends he had made in the city. In fact, that had only changed after he met Moira.

  Little Suzy, Duke’s cousin’s bar, had been a constant stop for Aidan and his friends. “Yeah. I love it there. They’ve got three separate lounges, I think. One for live music, one for dancing to a DJ, and a sports bar. It’s a funny mix.”

  “My cousin owns the local soccer team, so that kind of makes sense.”

  They laughed, but Aidan noticed Tristan nodding toward Duke and mouthing to Noah, “What’s the deal with the guy?”

  That was the first time Duke and Tristan met, and Aidan realized the guitar player wasn’t aware of who Duke’s family was. His next words confirmed that.

  Tristan stated, “It sounds like you don’t need to be in a band for the money.”.

  Duke retorted. “True. Neither do you and Noah. Aidan?”

  He chuckled. Duke knew about Aidan’s family money. “We’re not comparing bank accounts here, are we? Is this a new version of pissing contest? Let’s just say that I’d beat your asses in either contest.”

  “Yeah, let’s go with that.” Noah patted Aidan’s back on his way to his drum set. Once settled on his stool, he ruffled the drums and hit the cymbal. “We’re not in this for the dough, just for the dolls.”

  Tristan smiled. “God, you’re lame.”

  “Shame, shame,” Duke agreed. “Good thing you’re not the lyricist.

  “Amen.” Noah and Aidan said at the same time.

  “I’ve got a lot of catching up to do, by the way.” Tristan declared.

  “You’re in, then?” Noah exulted.

  Tristan sighed and smiled. “Guess so, man.”

  “That calls for a celebration,” Noah shouted over the intro to one of U2’s everlasting anthems. When the martial beat picked up, Tristan joined in with his guitar, and Aidan jumped right in with the bass.

  Aidan cut his stare to Tristan, a little before the first verse of the song, to gauge his reaction to Duke’s singing. Tristan didn’t disappoint. He snapped his head up and gawked at the Brazilian. Aidan smiled, and Noah laughed out loud. Duke had a hell of a voice. Perfect for rock and roll. It was rough where it needed and smooth where it counted. The songs they had played for Tristan didn’t have lyrics, since the poet in the band had just now joined it.

  They ended up playing a whole section of U2 songs, from different phases of the band’s long career. During Duke’s beautiful rendition of a classic ballad from the early nineties, Aidan had to stifle a girlish shriek when the studio door opened and in came his childhood idol. Izzie Anderson greeted them with a dip of her head, before leaning against the closed door.

  Aidan searched Tristan’s face for his reaction only to find out he hadn’t seen her. Tristan had closed his eyes and seemed transported to that other dimension, as it often happened when he played. When they finished the cover song, Izzie’s loud claps filled the room. “When are you guys going into the studio? I want in.”

  “How do you mean?” Noah asked, grinning like he had won the lottery.

  “I want to record a song with—what’s the name of your band?” She turned to gaze at Tristan.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m the last one in.”

  “How about Noah’s Arc?” Duke suggested.

  “I don’t like it,” Noah deadpanned. “How does Knight’s Men sound?”

  “Horrible. People will wonder if we’re a bad porn movie or a group of strippers,” Tristan replied.

  “I know,” Aidan squealed. He didn’t mean to do that, and his cheeks burned when four pairs of eyes zero in on him.

  “Dude, did you just scream like a little girl?” Duke made him feel worse.

  “Fuck you.” Aidan chortled. “Knight’s Edge would be perfect. A play with the words night and Tristan’s name, Knight. Plus, and I don’t fucking believe I’m about to say this, Tristan’s a better guitarist than The Edge, so it’d be fitting.”

  Tristan guffawed, but his laughter died out when the others didn’t join him. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You guys like that?”

  “The Edge is my personal guitar hero, man. If I say you’re better than him, I mean it. You’re a fucking genius,” Aidan explained.

  “I like the sound of it. Knight’s Edge.” Duke nodded, elongating the syllables as if savoring them. “It’s got a good ring to it.”

  “I love it. It’s settled.” Noah smiled, then bowed to Izzie. “Ms. Izzie Anderson, I give you Knight’s Edge.”



  Ana rang Moira’s doorbell precisely at seven. Moira swung the mahogany door open and greeted her friend with a wary smile.

  “Thank you for coming to my rescue on such short notice. Mrs. Oliveira had to go on an unexpected trip, so she couldn’t babysit for me.”

  “Not a problem. I’m so thrilled for you and Aidan. Plus, I always have a great time with Dani and Felipe.”

  “Speaking of which,” Moira raised her voice to be heard over the raucous of her kids rushing to the living room.

  “Auntie Ana.” Felipe screeched, encircling Ana’s thigh with his chubby arms. He didn’t reach much higher than that.

  “We’ve got a new console. Would you like to see it? Could you play with us?” Dani pretended she was cool, she was getting into that precocious tween phase. Moira knew her daughter better than to fall for that act. Dani’s dark green eyes sparkled under the dim lights of the living room, and Moira would bet the console was responsible for only a fraction of that gleam.

  Ana hugged Felipe and kissed Dani’s upturned cheek. “Only if the game doesn’t involve killing, stealing, or cheating.”

  Felipe smiled. “Don’t worry. Mom doesn’t get us any cool games like that.”

  Ana laughed out loud. “Your mom is wise.” She winked at Moira before returning her focus on the kids. “We’ll have all night to play.”


  Moira’s voice got muffled by her kids’ whoops.

  “I mean, we’ll play until bed time,” Ana corrected her statement with a theatrical wink meant for the kids. “But first, I need to save your mom from herself, so why don’t you two go ahead and set up everything. I’ll join you in a jiffy.”

  Sister and brother accepted the suggestion, but Dani halted a few steps away and asked over her shoulder, “Which game should we set up, Auntie?”

  “Whichever is your favorite. I trust you.”

  A bright smile was the girl’s answer before she knelt in front of the entertainment unit and began to shuffle through their collection of videogames to pick one.

  Moira returned her focus to Ana. “You’re great with kids.”

  Ana flushed, a brief shadow made her grin flicker. �
��Good thing I’ve chosen to be a teacher, huh?”

  “No doubt about that. But, what did you mean when you said you had to save me from myself?”

  Ana’s hand swept the air in front of Moira. “This. You didn’t intend to go out wearing this, right?”

  Moira bent her head and surveyed the yellow summery dress that fell to her shin, the flounce in its hemline gave the loose fit an enticing finish, and a flowing effect when she walked. The spaghetti straps, bejeweled with tiny strass, held the embroidered bodice and glinted with Moira’s movements. She hadn’t put on the shoes she had picked. With their six inches plus platform, the golden beauties would make her short legs seem longer and her butt sway with each step.

  “I intended to, actually. Not so sure now.” Moira glanced at the tiny face of her watch. Thirty minutes until Aidan picked her up. “Damn it, Ana. I don’t have time.”

  Ana grabbed her hand and pulled her down the corridor toward Moira’s room. “Your makeup is on point. I wish I could get mine that perfect. Kudos.”

  “Thanks,” Moira reluctantly offered, as Ana shoved her down and she sat on her own bed.

  “I also like that you applied neutral colors. It’ll make it easier to choose an outfit for you.” Ana’s voice sounded from inside Moira’s closet.

  “Please, don’t be shy. Go ahead and plunder my things.” Moira muttered as dresses, pants, and blouses began to fly through the air and land on and around her bed.

  “Don’t be cute,” Ana retorted, as she hurled Moira’s clothes. “This is for your own benefit.” When she emerged from the closet, she rested her hands on her hips and took in the disaster zone she had created. “Don’t panic, Little Miss OCD. I’ll put everything back. Promise.”

  Moira arched her eyebrows and sighed. Choosing her battle, she focused on the urgent matter. “You’ve got twenty minutes.”

  “More than enough to make you shine. We need something that will flaunter your many assets and hide those tiny pesky things that need improving.”

  “I appreciate you sugar-coating it. I’m short, chubby, and my coloring looks good on a worm.” She indicated her hair and skin.

  “See why the outfit you chose wouldn’t fly?”

  Moira drooped her shoulders. “I haven’t dated in forever. I’ve lost the hang of it.”

  Hooking her hands under Moira’s arms, Ana forced her to stand. “That’s like riding a bike. We never really forget. You just need to hop back on it. Here, let me help you out of this grandma dress.”

  Moira had to laugh. She didn’t disagree with Ana. Now that she thought about it.

  After a couple of bad tries, Moira felt confident about the outfit they chose.

  Ana smiled as she stood behind Moira, looking into her eyes in the mirror. “The most important thing is that you feel comfortable in this. Otherwise, it’ll defeat the purpose.”

  “Making Aidan drool?”

  “Making you feel powerful. And, yes. When he drools, that will make you feel good.”

  Moira swirled and hugged her friend. “Thank you, for everything.”

  “Don’t thank me just yet. I’m not done with you.”

  The alarm clock showed Moira she had five minutes, at the most, before Aidan arrived. He was punctual.

  “I don’t have much time.”

  “It’ll take only a moment. I know you’re terrified.” Ana stood in front of Moira and held her hands, her gaze intent on her, probing. “But, a wise woman recently told me to give love a chance, and I don’t regret having followed her advice.”

  Moira snorted. “Who’s the quack?”

  Ana joined in on the joke. “Some lady that tends the bar at the joint I work?” When their laughter died out, Ana added, “Seriously, though. I gave Noah a chance and look how great that turned out for us. On the surface, he was the wrong man for me with a long list of valid reasons. At a closer look, he’s this amazing person I can’t help falling for again and again. I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t shut the door at possibilities. Get a sneak peek, go for a test drive, whatever you want to call it. Don’t give up before you even start, for fear of getting hurt.”

  Moira eyeballed Ana, recalling the ugliness in her friend’s past life. “Girl, you’re the amazing one.” She hugged Ana, praying she wouldn’t ruin the eye make-up. “If you gave love a chance, even after what had happened to you, who am I to say no to Cupid, right?”

  “Exactly.” Ana stepped back and gave her a once-over. She whistled. “You look stunning. Aidan won’t know what hit him when he sees you.” She cupped Moira’s shoulders and turned her around. Slapping the blonde’s butt, Ana pushed her toward the bedroom door. “Go have fun. You deserve happy. I don’t want to see you again before dawn, missy. You get that? No curfew for you tonight.”

  Moira grinned until her cheeks hurt from the effort.

  She looked forward to her night with Aidan.

  She wasn’t afraid to hope anymore.

  When the doorbell rang, her heart fluttered.

  He was here.

  “I’ll get it,” she shouted.

  Aidan’s slack-jawed expression rewarded Moira’s effort. His gaze traveled over her, caressing her with the hungry desire she spotted in it. He took in the burgundy silk that hugged her breasts, hips, and clung to the middle of her thighs. The solid color contrasted with the flowery shawl tied to her waist in lieu of a belt. The soft material of the dress turned its plunging neckline more enticing as it revealed, or concealed, her skin as she moved.

  “You look ravishing.” His low whistle made her blood race and her breath catch in her throat.

  She smiled in response.

  Words failed her as she returned his once-over and had to bite the inside of her mouth not to gape. His black slacks were not loose enough to hide his strong thighs and the gray dress-shirt accentuated his dark hair, even though it was neatly tied in the back of his neck.


  “What?” Aidan arched an eyebrow. “What did I do wrong? You just frowned at me.”

  “You cleaned up pretty well. It’s just that I like your hair better when it’s loosened.” She explained as she hooked her hand on his outstretched forearm. She could use the extra support for balance until she remembered how to navigate her high heels. She dropped her voice to a whisper. “It’s easier to run my fingers through it.”

  Aidan chuckled. “Keep it up, and we won’t make it to the restaurant, woman.”

  Focused on not tripping, Moira didn’t notice the limo until the driver held the door open for her and Aidan.

  What the fuck?

  “Only the best for you,” Aidan whispered in her ear, as he held her hand and helped her climb inside.

  She scooted over when he followed her in. Although the seat was long, and there were two more seats in the stretched car, Aidan’s thigh rubbed against hers when he settled on the seat beside her.

  “Now, I don’t want to go to the restaurant anymore,” she confessed.

  “Too bad. I’m starving. And, I think we should eat, so we’ll have energy to last the whole night, if you get my meaning.”

  “I do.” Moira squeezed the top of his thigh, where it connected to his hip, and his stare bore into hers.

  “What’s gotten into you? Not complaining, just surprised.”

  “I’m following a friend’s advice.”

  Aidan dropped his arm over her shoulder, pulling Moira close, kissing the top of her head. “I’ve always thought you’ve got great friends. Tonight, more than ever.”

  At first, Moira was surprised Aidan restricted their physical contact to the arm around her neck and the occasional caress of his lips on her hair or temple. After his reaction to her outfit, and her openly flirtatious attitude, she had expected he would pounce on her when they got inside the car.

  If she were to be honest, she kind of hoped he would do that.

  Instead, Aidan behaved.

  Before her insecurities got the best of her, whispering inside her head that he alrea
dy regretted going out for dinner with her, Moira rationalized his reasons for doing that. Most likely, they would have a hard time finishing dinner, if they made out on the way to the restaurant.

  A quick glance to her left confirmed Aidan was indeed happy to see her. The taut material of his pants around its zipper area attested to it. She loved that about the male physiology in comparison to the female body. For men, some feelings were difficult to hide.

  Or to fake.

  He poked her cheek with his index finger. “What made you smile? I haven’t even started yet?”

  She bobbed her shoulders. “Just because.”

  “I can live with that.” His chest rumbled as he laughed. “Moira Romano smiling for no reason, as she leans on my side, and her whiskey eyes get me high.”

  “I get that making out in the backseat of your limo will spoil dinner,” she stated, and he nodded in agreement. “So, don’t tempt me. When you say stuff like that, I want to jump your bones. Could we talk about safer topics?”

  “Agreed. Remember I mentioned Ricardo’s friend the other day? Vanessa?”

  “Duke’s girlfriend? The reporter, right?”

  “Correct. The profession, that is. She’s not his girlfriend, though.”

  “I wouldn’t know, based on what you’ve told me.”

  “Anyway, Vanessa’s just moved to town. She’s writing a piece about some high-profile politician’s murder. It’s an old case. Celso something or other. I’m not sure. It happened before I came to live in Brazil, so I’ve no idea who the guy was, but Ricardo swears it’s a big thing for her.”

  Something in the back of Moira’s mind stirred to life, but Aidan’s fingers gliding over the skin of her neck distracted her from it. She snuggled against him, resting her chin on his chest.

  “I can live with this,” she uttered.

  “What’s that?”

  “Aidan Gallagher’s chest for a warm, huggable pillow.”

  Her new favorite pillow swelled then dwindled under her cheek with his deep inhale and exhale.

  Next thing she knew, she was on Aidan’s lap, his lips on hers. Just a brief taste, but it shook her to the core.


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