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Broken (Delta Protectors Book 3)

Page 6

by Kayla Myles

  “Huh,” I spotted an elderly woman coming out of the building, holding a trash bag and walked up to her. “Excuse me, Ma’am, but do you know which floor is Tanner Lee’s residence?” I asked politely.

  She looked at me from head to toe suspiciously, and I had to bite my lip from making a sarcastic comment. Michael came up beside me and smiled at the woman, who blinked at him in awe.

  “We’re sorry to bother you, Ma’am, but Mr. Mulligan, Mr. Lee’s manager, hired us to be his new security detail. The address he gave us seems to be incomplete. Can you please help us out?” he asked, handing the paper over to the woman while his voice took a slightly seductive undertone that I couldn’t help but give him a weird look for.

  The woman babbled incoherently before fixing him with a simpering smile.

  “Why, of course, dear! I’d be happy to help!” she cried, and my mouth fell open. That was fucking impressive. “I’m Aggie, Tanner’s on-call housekeeper. I was just about to take the trash out, dear. Would you care to--,”

  “Actually, we just need the address, so if you don’t mind,” I interrupted, my patience already wearing thin. She looked up at me with a huff, and I raised my eyebrow at her, taunting her to take a swing.

  “There is no other address. This is his place. He owns the building,” she answered.

  My eyes widened. I had assumed he just bought one of the units. I didn’t think he’d own the whole building.

  Michael thanked the woman, and sent her on her way before looking up at the building with mild distaste.

  “I guess rock stars living a modest life is a pipe dream,” he said.

  “Let’s just go in,” I muttered.

  From the inside, it still looked like a regular apartment, with a singular elevator across the entrance, a grand staircase by the corner, and couches by the window. I walked towards the elevator, and was about to press the button when I saw it required a key to operate it. I gritted my teeth and called Chase.

  “Please tell me you’re not quitting again,” Chase answered.

  “I will if this fucking idiot doesn’t come down and let us in. Didn’t his manager tell him we were coming?” I asked.

  “I’ll contact him right away. The man probably forgot. Just give me two minutes.”

  He ended the call, and I relegated myself to one of the couches, crossing my arms and tapping my foot impatiently. Michael chuckled as he watched me.

  “You’re still not good at waiting, huh?” he quipped and I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Oh, really? Because I’m pretty sure I managed to wait a long time for you before I realized it was a futile effort,” I said.

  That shut him up quick, and I had to fight off a smug grin from forming on my face.

  “Hey, I’m sorry for the wait!” someone called out, and I turned my head to see someone exit the elevator while simultaneously putting his shirt on. Tanner’s head popped out from one of the holes, and he smiled brightly at me, his hair spiky and wet, indicating he just got out of the shower. “I was in the bathroom and I lost track of time. So, Rebecca Hayes, correct?” he said, addressing me and extending his hand.

  I was about to shake it when Michael beat me to it, taking Tanner’s hand and giving it a shake, firm enough to make the latter wince.

  “And I’m Michael Gardner. We’re here as your protection, sir,” he said.

  I gave Michael a half-glare before turning back to address Tanner, who was massaging his hand. “I’m sorry about him. He just doesn’t know his own strength,” I said, covering for Michael. Tanner smirked at Michael before shrugging.

  “It’s okay. I’m sure he had his reasons,” Tanner replied. “Beth is still with her tutor, at the moment, so would you please follow me upstairs for brunch?”

  “We already ate,” I said, but he waved it off.

  “Nonsense, no one can be too full for bacon,” he said. “Besides, I still need to repay you for saving my daughter,” he added, looking at me with an unreadable expression on his face. He sauntered over to the elevator, and I slapped Michael’s arm as soon as he turned around.

  “Ow!” Michael cried, looking at me in surprise.

  “What the hell was that about?” I whispered harshly, following after Tanner. Michael shrugged, not responding and I groaned. “Can you just please try to behave?”

  He gave me a noncommittal shrug and I rolled my eyes. We got into the elevator, and Tanner pulled out two keys from his pocket, as well as two keycards.

  “Here you go, guys,” he said, handing the objects over. “I had contemplated whether or not I should give you a keycard with access to every room, but I realized you’d probably need to so you could do your job properly.”

  I took the keycard and elevator key with a nod. “Thank you for understanding that.”

  “No problem. We could discuss everything else while we eat.”


  After discussing the particulars and Tanner’s work schedule with him, I had Michael case the lower floors and the garage while I checked out the top floors so we could jot down how many cameras we’d need to have full coverage of the place. I was finishing up my sketch of Tanner’s room, when I heard a knock on the door, making me frown as I left the door wide open.

  Tanner smiled bashfully, his knuckle against the oak door, while his other hand was in his pocket.

  “Am I interrupting anything?” he asked, and I shook my head.

  “No, I was just finishing up.” I replied. “Did you need something?”

  “I wanted to apologize about how I spoke to you last time we met,” he said softly, his eyes downcast. “I treated you quite poorly, and I shouldn’t have done that.”

  I shook my head in understanding.

  “It’s okay. I’m sure you were just concerned about your daughter being with a stranger.”

  “Yes, but I should’ve realized you didn’t mean any harm after seeing you and my daughter interact,” he insisted, shaking his head again. “I never got to thank you for that.”

  “Hey, you already did by serving me brunch. It’s all good, trust me.” I told him. I hesitated on telling him I misjudged him too, but I sucked it up and told him anyway. “Actually, I thought you were just an asshole who didn’t really care about his kid the night I met you, so I guess we’re even.”

  Tanner chuckled at my outburst, and I was relieved he wasn’t easily offended.

  “It’s alright, I didn’t think I was being a great father that night, too,” he admitted. “I realize this is not an excuse, but I had told my agent to pick Beth up after my neighbor called me that night. I thought I had it all sorted out when I should’ve made sure to pick her up myself, even if it meant delaying the concert by a few minutes.”

  He walked up to me and took my hand, brushing his thumb over my knuckles and sending jolts of electricity to run through my body.

  “If it hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t be with my daughter today. Thank you,” he said softly, his half-lidded eyes staring at me tenderly. I shrugged it off and turned my head away so he wouldn’t see me blush.

  “It was nothing. I was just at the right place at the right time, is all,” I muttered in embarrassment.

  “Well, thank God for that then,” he said, smiling. He let my hand go before speaking again. “It was actually the reason why I hired you guys. I didn’t want the same thing to happen again, and even if I wanted to keep Beth safe on my own, I know my job won’t let me do that, especially now when I’m not sure if the people who attacked her will come again or not.”

  “I want the best for my baby. She’s the only one I got. And even though I’m working my ass off show after show so she could have a bright future, it’ll be all for naught if she doesn’t make it here in the present,” he turned toward me again with a determined expression on his face. “This is why I need you to promise me you’ll help me keep Beth safe, no matter what. Do you swear?”

  I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him, and I was getting more and more conscious about h
ow loud my heartbeat was drumming in my ears, hoping I was the only one who was hearing it.

  My heart melted at his determination, at the overwhelming love he had for his daughter, which I honestly hadn’t expected he possessed. I felt like I could relate to this man, because I knew that had my daughter lived, I would probably do the same thing as Tanner is doing, and move heaven and earth to accomplish it.

  I nodded at him solemnly, balling my fist, and putting it on the center of my chest, right above my heart as I swore I would definitely protect Beth the way I would have with the daughter I never got to have.

  Chapter 13


  I watched Rebecca and Tanner from the side of the window, a sour taste developing in my mouth as I saw Rebecca try and hide the blush that formed in her cheeks, or the way Tanner had taken her hand and started to caress it with his fingers.

  I hated the scene with every fiber of my being.

  My professional side urged me to get over myself and focus on the job, reminding me that all of us had to get along well for the mission to be successful, but the other side of me was refusing to turn my eyes away, fearing that their interaction might lead to something else…something more.

  I thought I had left my feelings for Rebecca behind all those years ago, but I was wrong. Upon seeing Rebecca again, they all booked a one way ticket on the red eye and established permanent residence in my brain.

  Nine years had passed, but I was still in love with Rebecca Hayes. Fucking hell.

  I felt someone tug at my pants, and I looked down to see a little girl with curly hair wearing a pink frilly dress, and clutching at a stuffed bunny, her eyes filled with wonder.

  “Are you lost, Mister?” she asked. I smiled and shook my head.

  “No, I’m…,” I trailed off, not knowing how to answer. What was I going to say? I was hired by your Daddy to get rid of the baddies?

  “Beth, I see you’ve met Michael,” Tanner said, he and Rebecca emerging from the room. Tanner picked the little girl up and perched her over his arm, the little girl wrapping her arms around her father’s neck to keep herself from falling. “Beth, this is Michael, Daddy’s friend,” he introduced, and Beth waved at me. I smiled back. He turned towards Rebecca now. “And of course, I’m sure you know--,”

  “Becky!” Beth squealed, raising her little arms up and leaning forward towards Rebecca to give her a hug. Rebecca was startled, but caught the little girl in her arms quickly before returning her hug. “I missed you!”

  Rebecca chuckled and patted Beth’s head. “I missed you too, sprout,” she replied, and I blinked as I read the sincerity in her words. “But why are you calling me, ‘Becky?’” she asked, raising her eyebrow at her. Beth pouted.

  “You don’t like it? I think it’s pretty,” the kid said, but Rebecca winced, Beth’s cuteness ineffective.

  “If Rebecca’s too hard to pronounce, call me Becca. Most of my friends do,” Rebecca answered.

  “So I can be your friend?” Beth marveled.

  “You already are,” Rebecca replied, and the little girl clapped her hands and cheered, her laughter infectious. I spotted Tanner looking at both of the girls with that dumb, doe-eyed expression on his face again, and I cleared my throat.

  “I’ve finished the lower floors, Rebecca, and I got a few cameras at the car. Do you want me to get them so we can set the key locations with surveillance cams?” I asked her, but she shook her head.

  “I can set them up, don’t worry about it. Just leave them on the first floor before you go home,” she said. I blinked and raised my eyebrows at her, not comprehending.

  “Go home?”

  “Yeah. I can handle things here for now, since Tanner and Beth are in the same place anyways. You can come back when we need to do double duty, okay?”

  I shook my head.

  “No, it’s not okay.” She opened her mouth to protest but I cut her off first. “We were assigned to this job together, so we’ll do this together whether you like it or not.”

  She didn’t have a comeback for that, so I told her I was going to unload all of our stuff to our rooms. Tanner volunteered to come with me and help but I refused. I’d rather take multiple trips than accept help from that guy.

  I heard Rebecca apologize on my behalf, and Tanner brushed it all off, saying he probably did something to get on my bad side. He couldn’t have been more right in that assessment.

  I went down to the car, but instead of gathering all our stuff from the trunk, I went inside the car and turned the AC on, closing my eyes and leaning my head back so I could lay it on the headrest. I felt so tense, especially after finally realizing I was still in love with my ex-girlfriend. And what’s worse was it had to come when another guy was obviously biding his time to get near her.

  Actually, no. The worst part is the other guy is my boss and my ex-girlfriend was responding positively to his moves. Fucking A.

  I wracked my brain to try and figure out what else I did wrong, and I ended up recalling the last time I spent with her. I had taken her to the lake where we swam until the guards chased after us, so we hightailed it and drove to my place because she couldn’t go home looking like that.

  In hindsight, what happened next was probably what had made my leaving ten times worse than it could’ve been.

  “Here, babe,” I said, handing her the biggest shirt I had from my closet. I took the towel from her hand and continued to dry her hair for her, patting it down gently as she fixed up my bathrobe she borrowed.

  “I could do that myself,” she protested weakly, her cheeks glowing that shade of pink I always loved seeing on her. She reached back to try and take the towel back but I swatted her hand away, tutting.

  “Let me do it,” I insisted, and she rolled her eyes and relented. I didn’t have time to pamper her anymore, so I was taking every chance I could get.

  I still hadn’t told her I was leaving to join the Army. I was supposed to tell her today. Why was I hesitating?

  “Baby, is something wrong?” Rebecca asked, and I shook my head, smiling at her reassuringly.

  “No, baby. Everything’s fine,” I said, lying through my teeth. Maybe I could tell her tomorrow, before I left. Yeah, that would work. I could go to her house and see her one last time then—

  Rebecca turned around and placed both of her hands on my face, peering at me closely.

  “You’re lying,” she said, and I hated how she was so perceptive. “What aren’t you telling me?” she asked, her eyes clouding with worry.

  I didn’t know what else to do. I kept opening and closing my mouth, trying to tell her what the point of this date was, that I couldn’t stay in this stupid town any longer…but I couldn’t.

  Instead, I pulled her closer to my arms, slanted my head and kissed her hard on the mouth.

  Her eyes widened before she melted into me completely, her hands slipping from my face and her fingers touching me lightly on the neck, her mouth responding to every slick and slide my tongue made on hers.

  My heart was threatening to burst out of my chest as I continued to kiss her, the smell of my shampoo and soap coming from her and invading my senses, making me heady with need.

  I wanted her. I needed her now.

  I lifted her and slid her up on the bed, dragging my bed covers up with her. I pressed my lips on the shell of her ear, biting it a little before sticking my tongue out and giving it a quick lick.

  She gasped and arched her body like a livewire, collapsing back into the mattress as I pressed my hand down on her stomach to pin her back down. My lips and tongue continued their exploration down to the indentation of her jaw where her neck connected, tracing the spot with the tip of my tongue before pecking it with my lips.

  Her breathing was growing labored now, her hands at her sides and clutching at the sheets while she closed her eyes and drowned in the moment.

  “Michael,” she gasped, her mouth open and looking so fucking seductive I had to go back and kiss her again, biting on
those luscious lips of hers that tasted as sweet as strawberries.

  I kept kissing her while my hands continued to explore her body, my fingers slipping under the folds of her bathrobe and feeling the stiffening peak of her left breast.

  She mewled against my mouth as my finger brushed against her nipple, making me take the bud between my forefinger and thumb, pinching it before rolling it between my fingers like I was milking them.

  I felt her hand bury into in my hair, caressing my scalp while the other went under my arm and buried her nails in my back, making me hiss from the combination of pleasure and pain it provided.

  I pulled away from her and sat up, peeling the bathrobe off of her. My breath caught as I greedily looked upon her flesh, her perfectly shaped mounds, and the juncture between her thighs.

  Mine. All. Mine.

  Rebecca started to feel a little self-conscious, and she covered her breasts with her arms, but I held her by her wrists gently, shaking my head at her as I put her hands back to her sides.

  “You’re beautiful,” I murmured, leaning back to admire her once again. She stiffened and turned her head away, the flush on her cheeks getting darker. I leaned over her again and held one breast with one hand before putting my mouth over the stiffening bud and suckling on it like a babe.


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