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Trouble in Summer Valley

Page 15

by Susan Y. Tanner

  “Carlee.” When she didn’t respond immediately, he spoke her name more sharply.

  She opened her eyes. “I’m here. Hurts.”

  “Where?” Dirks held her gaze with his as the ambulance slid to a stop on the road beside them.

  “Head ... neck ... shoulder. Everything.” Speaking was clearly an effort for her.

  As the first EMT reached them, Dirks told him, “Driver is conscious and coherent but she took a hard hit to her head and her door is jammed. What kind of tools do you have?”

  The EMT called back to his partner and within minutes the door was opened and they were crouched beside Carlee assessing her condition with Tucker hovering, still visibly anxious.Dirks waited patiently for the EMTs to finish their initial assessment and communicate with the local hospital. When they backed away to set up a stretcher, he moved in aware of Tucker pressed close to his side.

  “Carlee, I need to know. Was this an accident?”

  Slowly, she rolled her head side to side, wincing at her own movement. “No, he made a pass, too close. I swerved, but held the road. So he turned and came back. Nothing accidental about that.”

  “He?” Dirks kept his tone calm and non-judgmental but he was seething inside.

  “Maybe. For sure a pick-up … black Ford …,” her voice was slurring now. Carlee’s eyes drifted closed. “… and the motorcycle …”

  Dirks had seen no sign of any other vehicle. “What motorcycle, Carlee?” But Carlee had slipped into unconsciousness.

  Dirks and Tucker watched as the skilled rescue workers carefully maneuvered Carlee onto the stretcher.

  “Craig drives a black Ford.” Tucker clenched his hands into fists. “I’m going with her. Then I’m going to kill that son-of-a-bitch.”

  Dirks didn’t censure the threat. He was feeling pretty violent himself. “I’ll bring Avery to the hospital after I make sure the sheriff can place someone to guard the ranch for a few hours.” Dirks intended to have someone he trusted to help with security by morning but it would take a little while to get them mobilized.

  As he watched Tucker climb into the back of the ambulance over the half-hearted protests of the EMTs, he realized this job had just taken a real personal turn for him. He knew he’d have to deal with the repercussions of that at some point. For now his only focus was Avery’s safety and the safe-keeping of the animals and place she loved.

  Back at the ranch, at last. What an exhausting and unpleasant day. I must, however, confess to the truth that I elected – and was not the least coerced – into accompanying Ms. Gorgeous. But, truthfully, what else was a cat to do when she seems clearly willing to put herself in harm’s way without a thought to the consequences? Nor can I so much as chasten her over the habit.

  This is not the first time I have found it a serious impediment that humans and felines do not share a common language. While my superior intellect allows me to understand them, alas, their somewhat less sophisticated brains do not give them the same ability. And even when they speak, it is too often of banalities that suffice nothing. Even more frustrating of late, is that the equine housed in these facilities cannot communicate with me in the least. I think they have knowledge that would be of distinct help in identifying the hooligan responsible for these unfortunate occurrences.

  And, of course, we must come straight to the barn. Not so much as a saucer filled with milk am I to have until Ms. Gorgeous knows her beloved equine are still safe. Though, to be honest and fair, that was an exquisite lunch I had. The lovely lady has somehow discerned my preference for lightly grilled fish.

  “There you are! Why haven’t you answered your phone? I’ve been scared sick for you!”

  Oh dear, judging by the alarm in the young Mrs. Leanne’s voice I suspect it is a good thing I had lunch at all. Dinner may well be unfortunately late.

  Avery listened in stunned silence as Leanne explained what had happened. The young woman had been pacing in front of the barn with a shotgun. Before Leanne had even finished speaking, Avery turned on her heel to get back in the truck.

  Leanne grabbed her wrist. “Avery, you can’t. Mr. Hanna said you were to wait here.”

  “Mr. Hanna can go to the devil. I’ve got to get to Carlee!” No doubt, she sounded as frantic as she felt. Her heart literally pounded against the wall of her chest. “She’ll be terrified and she could be -” Her voice just quit on her midsentence at the thought of losing the young woman she’d come to love as a daughter.

  “Listen to me. I just got off the phone with Tucker, just this minute. They’ve taken her for x-rays of her neck and back, just to be safe, but Tucker said she can move arms, legs, fingers and toes and she was speaking coherently and seemed stronger. In fact, she was arguing with him and the nurses about needing to get back here to the ranch, to you. To take care of you, Avery. Tucker’s got her, I promise, and,” Leanne’s voice turned even more grim if possible as she added, “you and I have to take care of things here.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Avery’s gaze scanned the pasture ahead of her. Everything was still and quiet, except for the occasional call of a night owl. She gave a quick glance over her shoulder as she began her second round of the inner perimeter fencing where groups of horses had gathered together for the night. Ridiculous as it might seem to some, the knowledge that the black cat trailed steadily at her side gave her a sense that the cat had her back. Now and again, he trotted lightly ahead but he always circled back and around her. Someone might step out from behind a stout tree trunk up ahead, but she felt certain Trouble would know and warn her if anyone tried to sneak up behind.

  Her last text from Tucker had been reassuring. Between each round of tests, Carlee started another argument with the hospital staff about needing to get home. Avery’s last response had been “Sit on her if you have to but she’s not to leave”.

  She and Leanne had separated, each walking the same route in reverse, through the barns and then around the pastures. They crossed paths for a second time in front of the huddled yearlings where Avery stopped in her tracks, struck by a sudden thought she felt incredibly guilty about not having before that moment.

  “Leanne, is Jason okay with you being here?”

  “Jason had reserve duty this weekend,” the young woman said easily. “He left a few days early to spend some time with his mom and dad.”

  Remorse bit sharply at Avery and she sighed. “So he doesn’t know you’re risking your safety for me? Is that what you’re not saying?” She knew she should send the young woman home but suspected she’d get absolutely nowhere with that argument.

  Leanne’s response proved that point. “This place is my livelihood and my second home, Avery, and you’re way more than my employer. Jason knows I can take care of myself just like I trust him to take care of himself. I’ll tell him everything when he gets home but I don’t want to distract him by telling him via cell phone because he’d want to be here – for both of us.”

  “And I appreciate you, I really do, but God knows I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “I know you don’t, and I feel the same in return and - heaven knows why - but I’m glad that damned cat is marching along with you. You’re the target. We both know that, you and the horses. Anything happens to me it would just be collateral damage so to speak. I’m willing to take my chances to help keep you and them safe. You’d do it for me.”

  Avery couldn’t argue because it was true. Of course, she would. All she could do was nod, eyes stinging and emotion constricting her throat. God, what a nightmare this all was.

  I daresay anyone wishing harm upon any facet of Summer Valley Ranch would find themselves facing two determined women with loaded firearms. As a matter of fact, right about now, Ms. Gorgeous looks very much as if she were wishing for something or someone to shoot.

  Ah, the sound of a vehicle approaching has reached their awareness moments behind mine, but then they lack my highly developed sense of hearing. Should humans ever develop the extreme
faculties of the feline species, they would be lethal indeed. Unlike myself, the ladies doubtless do not yet realize there are two vehicles, rather than one, and the second of those is Mr. Military. Both my female warriors are easing cautiously toward the drive that fronts the barns, guns at the ready.

  No blue lights flashing but it is a sheriff’s car at the fore. I suppose that is the equivalent of the cavalry arriving but I would put all of my money on Mr. Military should a true battle ever ensue.

  Avery held her gun with barrel lowered as a deputy stepped out of each side of the patrol car.

  “Evening, ladies.” The driver of the car tipped his broad-brimmed hat. “Sheriff Farley sent me and Ray to watch out for things so you could get to the hospital.” He was young, clean-cut and solemn. Whatever he may have thought about facing two women with shot guns was concealed behind a neutral expression.

  His partner, older by at least a decade, eyed their weapons warily and leaned against the hood of the car, letting the younger man keep the lead.

  “Have you heard anything, Matt?” Avery had known him too many years to stand on ceremony or be intimidated by his official demeanor.

  “About Ms. Carlee?” The younger man’s lips curved just the smallest bit. “Just that she’s bending the ear of any and everyone standing between her and leaving that hospital. Better them than me. Rather take my chances with whatever’s going down here. Ms. Carlee’s one determined young lady when it comes to this ranch and you.”

  Avery drew a deep breath. It was small reassurance but she’d take what she could get. Then she tensed as another set of headlights swung toward them.

  Before she could swing her gun up into position, the deputy spoke quickly. “That’d be Mr. Hanna. He followed us out after talking with the sheriff. Said he’d take you into town once we were here.”

  “You’ll be here all night?” She needed that reassurance. Needed to know Jack and his offspring, as well as the many talented and useful rescue horses that depended upon her, would be safe.

  “Yes, ma’am. Mr. Hanna plans to have security in place come morning but we’re here until then.”

  Avery shot the deputy a look but held any comment for Dirks who had apparently taken a great deal upon himself. She had not, would not, forget that he was investigating her. Had not, would not, forget his lack of trust in her.

  Even with that, she couldn’t deny the leap of her pulse as he stepped down from his truck and walked toward them with that long stride.

  “Deputies.” His greeting was for them, but his gaze was for Avery alone. “You’ll take it from here?”

  “Yes, sir. We’re here until Sheriff Farley sends replacements or calls us in because you’ve got it covered.”

  Dirks, nodded in response, his glance like a feather touch on Avery’s face. “You ready?”

  “Yes,” Avery said, meeting his look evenly, before turning to Leanne. “Go home and get some rest. Or, better yet, why don’t you stay here since Jason’s not home? At least you’d know the deputies were just outside.”

  Leanne shook her head. “I’ll be fine at home. No one’s after me. Collateral damage only, remember?”

  Suddenly unutterably weary, Avery told Dirks, “I’m going to take a last look at Jack before we go.”

  Feeling his eyes on her back as she turned and scooped the black cat up in her arms, Avery kept that back straight and her stride long and even, pretending with every fiber of her being that she didn’t know how keenly Dirks Hanna was watching her every move.

  She’d surprised the cat with her action. She felt it in the immediate stiffness of his muscles. Trouble was just not your cuddly housecat. To her surprise though, he relaxed against her as she walked into the barn. But he’d matched her minute by minute through the long day which suddenly seemed never ending and she suspected he was as tired as she. She scratched his head lightly, and again he surprised her, this time by arching his body and pushing ever so slightly against her fingers. She wondered if he were truly showing pleasure at the touch or just accepting her need for the contact. For just a moment, she cradled him close as she stood in the hallway of the barn, watching as Jack put his head over the stall door to nicker a greeting.

  She gently placed Trouble on the hall mat and moved closer to rub Jack’s forehead, smiling because the huge horse pushed against her caress more vigorously than the cat had done. But Jack was hers, after all. He didn’t just allow her attentions, he demanded them as his right. It amazed her that some people did not realize domesticated animals craved a kind touch as much as most humans did.

  For a brief moment she wrapped her arms around Jack’s neck, knowing she would risk life and limb to keep him safe, always. Stepping back, she smiled tiredly down at Trouble who sat watching them both with a somewhat aloof gaze.

  “Come on, mister, let’s get you settled in the house while I grab my purse.” She turned to leave but Trouble didn’t move. Avery stopped and looked back. “Hey, Trouble, come on. You know I don’t have a kitty door.”

  With a deliberate look from her to Jack and back again, Trouble jumped onto the canvas chair just outside Jack’s stall. As Avery watched, the sleek black cat settled himself into the crouched position of a cat relaxed but ready to move fast if speed was needed.

  “You’re something, aren’t you,” Avery said in wonderment.

  Trouble blinked without moving.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, then left the cat to guard the animal she loved more than life.

  Dirks wondered if the cab of his truck felt as close, as intimate, to Avery as it did to him. He also wondered, with a touch of bitter amusement, if she’d cooled off any since their last conversation, a conversation that now seemed eons ago instead of little more than a day. From the way she sat, slightly turned so that he was presented with little more than her shoulder, he’d guessed she hadn’t.

  Dirks had learned long ago that the best way, sometimes the only way, to get through a thing was to make a way, particularly when it wasn’t going to present itself on its own.

  “You may as well know I’ve pulled in a couple of favors. I have a security team set to arrive by daylight.”

  She shifted slightly so that she was facing straight ahead and shot him a glance.

  Bingo. At least he had her attention, although that might not prove to be a good thing.

  “I’ve got money. I can pay for my own security.”

  “Not these guys, you can’t. They don’t work for civilians.”

  The glare she gave him was incredulous. “That sounds like something more unethical than what you’ve accused me of doing.”

  He glanced from the road to her for a brief second. “First, it would only be unethical if government money was paying for their services. Second, I haven’t accused you of anything. I gave you the facts of my investigation and I’ll work just as hard to prove you innocent as guilty.”

  “I am innocent and I don’t want any favors from you. I’ll reimburse you whatever this costs.” Her voice was as fierce as the expression on her face.

  Dirks shrugged. “Fine, if you’ve got a cabin in the mountains they can use for a month or two this summer, they’ll be just as happy to use yours as mine.”

  The irritated sigh she expelled brought a curve to his lips but he was careful not to let it become a full-fledged smile.

  “Look, if we can have a truce for just a little while, I’d like to talk about what happened to Carlee this evening.”

  “Leanne said some jerk ran her off the road. God, she could have been killed.” Dirks noticed her hands clench in her lap before she added, “And it very well could have been, likely was, some thug associated with Craig’s gambling debt.”

  “Carlee said the vehicle was a black Ford pickup. Tucker suspects it might have been her dad. Farley’s going to bring him in for questioning. If he can find him.”

  Avery turned to face him at that. “No.” Her voice was emphatic. “There’s no way Craig would do that. He adores Carlee. He woul
d never hurt his own daughter.”

  “She was in your SUV, remember?”

  That seemed to give her momentary pause, but only for a moment. Avery shook her head in obvious bewilderment. “Things just don’t fit. How would Craig know Carlee – or I, if he believed it was me – would be on that road at that time of day unless he followed Carlee from town? That road isn’t the most direct route back to the ranch. And if he did follow her then he’d know it was Carlee and not me.”

  “Do you never come that way?”

  “Yeah – sure I do – sometimes. There’s a really nice fruit and vegetable stand about midway. At least once a week or so one of us, Carlee or I, will make a run to stock up. It’s a pretty drive and actually not any farther, just slower because of all the curves.”

  Dirks sorted through events of the day in his mind. Both Carlee and Avery had left the ranch that morning, Avery in the ranch truck, Carlee in her car. Craig was most likely avoiding town and any face-to-face with either of them – or the sheriff. The spine of his back didn’t seem his strongest point, but then neither was his character. After Markham’s failed visit, Craig was also likely watching the ranch as much as he could, trying to figure out his next plan so he could easily have seen both women leave the ranch and followed them. After that, all he had to do was wait at some point, just outside of town, for Avery’s return. He’d have no reason to associate Avery’s SUV with Carlee driving, rather than Avery. And Dirks strongly suspected that the side pass at the SUV had been more spur of the moment than an actual plan.

  If Dirks had to guess, Craig was running on nerves and panic, out of money, out of a plan, and doing his best to avoid the bad asses he’d let loose upon himself. He wasn’t sure he completely bought in on a Craig set on murdering Avery. She seemed to be his golden goose. He had no legal claim any more but there was Carlee, still, as a tie between them, and he suspected Craig wasn’t thinking all that straight about now.


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