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Branded by the Texans [Three Star Republic] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 9

by Branded by the Texans (lit)

  “Put it on wide screen.” Dash rushed over, switching from a live Willie Nelson performance they’d been watching to a clear channel. “Sorry, Willie, women come first. You’d understand that.”

  “Here goes.” Dono sent the signal to the wide screen.

  For once, neither he nor Dash uttered a sound, transfixed by what took place. Dillon’s loop sailed true, snagging Kylie’s shoulders.

  “Lord, she’s beautiful,” Dash enthused. “How old do you think she is?”

  “She didn’t show Craig any ID. Paid with old U.S. cash.” Both he and Dash took a step closer. “What breeding sexy hips. Can’t wait to wrap my hands around her haunches.”

  “Look at her round-as-peaches butt. Woooweee, she’s none too happy.” Dash leaned forward, staring.

  “Wild and pissed off as any mustang filly I’ve ever roped.” Dono checked the video feed fast, then looked up. “Dang, no sound.”

  “We’re lucky cowpokes to get this. Look how she’s fightin’ Dillon all the way. Yahoo, swing the ropes, she is a wild one.”

  “Taming time,” Dono muttered as his cock jerked to full attention. A woman like her would be ferociously carnal in bed, once she lost her initial fear of them.

  Riveted and hardly breathing, they both watched Dillon use his skill to keep her roped.

  “She’s almost ridin’ his ass, fightin’ him that good,” Dash uttered with surprise. “Course, she ain’t from our world. She’s probably scared something fierce.”

  “She’s twistin’ like a little wildcat. If she had claws, she’d be ripping Dillon to shreds.”

  “Don’t you like a woman clawing your back?”

  Dono scowled briefly in the direction of his brother, not answering. In the throes of rolling-around passion, if the woman was so inclined, scoring his back with her nails turned him hotter than blue blazes.

  “Dillon knows how to gentle her once he—” Stunned at what occurred next, Dono didn’t finish.

  “Dang, would you look at that! She’s charging him as if she can knock him off Diamond.” Dash stared, incredulous.

  With his usual ease in handling any untamed animal, Dillon caught their Kylie and swept her up before him.

  “Oh damnation!” Dash spun around, slapping his thigh in pure frustration.

  Dono thumbed his phone to the Save position. “That’s the end of the vid feed. Craig says he had customers. Plus, he didn’t want to intrude in Dillon’s private business.”

  “Yep, he’s right. But, hell, it was gettin’ even better.” Dash shoved his fingers through his hair, his expression purely vexed, a stud denied.

  “Gettin’ better, that’s a damn understatement. Want to watch again?”

  “Later. My cock cain’t take no more.” Dash gave him a sideways glance. “I’m going to go check my rooms for any cleanin’.”

  Dono hid his understandin’ grin. “Me, too. Once we’re done, we’ll go over this place with a fine tooth comb.”

  Dash nodded, then practically ran toward his bedroom door.

  “What are you lookin’ at, Sam cat?” Dono looked at the bulge of his breeding flesh. “Impressive, ain’t it?” he teased.

  Sam flicked his thickly furred tail and blinked his glowing amber-yellow eyes, a dismissive gesture that made Dono grin before he strode for his bedroom.

  The thought of his own wife with her private rose petals opening just for him and his brothers made his cock harder and his balls ache something awful.

  Chapter Nine

  Goddess of Righteousness

  Kylie emerged from complete blackness, and felt as though she crawled up a long tunnel as she woke up. Was it raining? Something splashed on the roof above her. If so... She snuggled deeper, reaching for her pillow. An instant later alarm raced through her. This wasn’t her bed.

  Where the F was she? Who was she lying on top of? Whoever he was, he was damn fucking large, his body impossibly hard and definitely aroused. Kylie didn’t move attempting to remember. Still composed of fog, her brain refused to cooperate.

  “It’s okay, sweet thang.”

  Her eyes snapped open. That voice. She recalled everything, the tidal wave of it sweeping over her. Kylie jerked upward. “No, it’s not.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  Shit, he was toying with her, his tone amused, smug. In the dim grayish light, his dark gray eyes glistened like steel beneath the noon rays of the sun. “You look like a Viking masquerading as a cowboy.”

  “Best compliment I’ve ever had.” He smiled as if all was right with his world.

  “Why do I doubt that?” What a pathetic comeback, Kylie. Still, how could she be at her sharpest, given she remained sleep deprived.

  With his intent gaze, he assessed her face, and Kylie witnessed the lust shadowing the depths of his eyes.

  “It is the best compliment, sweet thang.” The seriousness of his tone surprised her. “You spoke the truth. It’s how you see me.” He brushed strands of her hair back, his gentleness at odds with the harsh planes of his face. “I want to be your Viking masquerading as a cowboy.”

  Kylie blinked, completely thrown for a loop. Impetuously, she asked, “Are you really allowed to kidnap woman here?” That had to be the stupidest question ever, yet something had compelled her to ask it. Something in her needed to know the answer, the truth.

  “It’s not considered kidnapping, Sparks. If a woman is of marryin’ age and she’s not already spoken for, she belongs to the man who ropes her as his wife.”

  “One heck of a strange wedding ceremony.” Kylie used her sarcastic voice. “Talk about on the cheap for a ceremony.”

  He grinned widely for a long moment, his features transformed to a different type of handsomeness. A lighthearted rogue, she decided. His smile faded as he brushed his fingertips along the side her face. “Here, it’s considered smarter to outfit the bride with everything she needs.”

  “Make mine escape wear.”

  “Nope.” His gaze smiled at her. Kylie almost smiled back.

  “How about a chastity belt?”

  His gaze darkened as if a storm had suddenly taken him over. Within the same moment, thunder cracked and boomed around her. Kylie jumped, feeling like a frightened cat.

  “Storm’s movin’ in. We’ll be here for a time till it blows over.” He lazily twirled strands of her hair with one big finger.

  Kylie glanced around, seeing only crude wooden walls, his saddle, saddlebags, blankets, and what looked like a camp cooking unit. “Where’s here?”

  “Our trail hut. It’ll keep us dry enough, and I’ll keep you warm enough.”

  Thunder, sounding ominous, rumbled above her. Splats of rain hit the sloping roof. The Viking cowboy palmed the small of her back and stroked languidly.

  Fuck, just how big was his cock going to get? Kylie stifled the urge to move restlessly. In her experience, that would only make it bigger.

  “Yeah, yeah, I bet that is your plan. Where’s your horse?”

  His hand deserted her back. Kylie followed the turn of his head, noticing the sierra-colored glints in the thick waves of his honey-blonde hair. Must be morning, she decided, given the level of light.

  He lifted a large leather flap and the smell of his horse, along with the fragrance of hay wafted toward her. “Diamond is resting in her lean-to. She’s been through lots of storms.”

  Kylie knew he sought to reassure her about their safety.

  “Well, I haven’t. At least, not like this.”

  The thunder grumbled around them, then sounded as if it angrily boiled the sky. Kylie shot her gaze toward the roof as raindrops beat against it at a faster rate.

  “I’ll keep you nice and dry.” His tone sought to soothe her. “Hungry?”

  His obvious hunger for her glittered in his eyes like silver flames and unnerved her for an instant.

  Still, her obstinate nature asserted itself, and Kylie didn’t admit to her empty stomach. “I guess the little girls’ room is out. I’m not going outside.”r />
  As flashes of lightning illuminated the hut’s interior, Kylie stared at his face. Damn, if he wasn’t more ruggedly good-looking than she’d realized. More than that, he was as handsome as any Viking romance hero she’d ever fantasized about.

  Not realizing she held her breath, Kylie released it in a whoosh. With her next breath, she inhaled his outdoorsy virile scent. What? Did he own a personal patent on the quintessential manly fragrance? Her belly quivered with it.

  By his intense expression, Kylie figured he knew how he affected her. Averting her face, she tried to think clearly.

  “The hut has an overhang.” He palmed her head, then stroked over her hair. “There’s a patch of moss.”

  “Okay, I get it. This is like a camping trip.”

  Arching upward, Kylie shoved on either side of him to rise. It was no good. She couldn’t negotiate the sheer size of his body. She’d either have to roll off him and maneuver in the small space or plant her hands on his chest.

  Great, she’d get an even better feel of his cock as she leveraged herself to stand. Just what she didn’t want. Already, his larger-than-life male anatomy felt too imposing or intrusive, or whatever, against her.

  Shit, I feel whirly squirrely.

  The next instant, Kylie mentally laughed at the sheer absurdity of her situation. At least, his log-like bulge distracted from the soreness of her butt.

  As his hands spanned her waist, Kylie drew in a sharp breath, startled. Rising to a sitting position, he simultaneously lifted her to her feet with an effortless strength that left her feeling airy inside.

  “I won’t watch,” he softly rasped.

  Kylie wasn’t going to argue with him. All he’d see, anyway, is her spanked ass mooning him. If that was a kinky titillation to him, well, he could have stripped off her clothes while she slept. She couldn’t have stopped him.

  Standing with a quick fluidity she hadn’t expected, he pulled open a small door, one she could only crouch through.

  Outside, Kylie heard the loud tattoo of the rain on the overhang. Rivulets ran down the hut’s roof like small streams. Spying the sizable patch of moss, Kylie took fast advantage. At her first shove on the door, he swung it open and moved aside.

  “Hi and dry in here.”

  “It’s not like I’d go running down the trail.” Unless you were acting like an axe murderer or a serial rapist.

  Moving inward, Kylie attempted to minimize her contact with his body. Impossible to do, especially since her breasts yearned like sluts to throw themselves against his brawn.

  “I have something I bet you’re gonna like, Sparks.”

  Yeah, your body on top of mine.

  Kylie swallowed, hoping to relieve the constriction in her throat while telling her hormones to shut the effing hell up. “A cup of steaming mocha cappuccino?”

  “Have a seat.” He nodded toward the blanket-covered saddle. “I can turn it around if you want to straddle instead of sit.”

  Red-faced, Kylie gingerly tested out her butt, then perched on top of the saddle. She ignored the uncomfortable tingles radiating over her ass cheeks. “Where are you going to sit?”

  Shit, what a ridiculous question. Still, there was barely room to turn around.

  “Any place I can fit.” She ignored his amused tone.

  With an agility that reminded her of the rodeo bulls she’d seen, he lowered himself before her and sat cross-legged. Entranced, Kylie stared at his bare feet. Large with a capital L, they were beautifully formed and caramel tan in color.

  Her gaze traveled upward. How could she help it? His dark blue jeans, what she would have labeled as an old-fashioned style, trapped the latent power of his thighs. For an instant, Kylie fastened her gaze on the heavy-duty denim’s amazing restraint of his male package.

  That’s right. Flame hotter, she told her face.

  Once they both settled into position, their legs couldn’t help but rest against each other. At full contact, Kylie almost jumped straight up. A jolt of desire streaked straight to her mound, making her sex swell and feel juicy as a ripe tomato.

  Was that why women had once been called hot tomatoes? Omygawd, I must be losing it. She squeezed her thighs together, embarrassment keeping her cheeks flushed.

  What? Am I doomed to a reddened complexion around him, a ripe tomato complexion? Oh god, I am cracking up.

  “There’s spring water in the canteen.”

  The smoky timbre of his voice did nothing to ease the torrent of passion possessing her. Okay, I’m a hot tamale now.

  “You’re dehydrated, Sparks.” His raw rasp left her with no doubt he remained as aroused.

  Not daring to look at him, Kylie lifted up the small stainless steel container and sniffed. Maybe the water would cool down her body’s sexual heat.

  Proud she managed to halt herself from trembling over him as well, she tasted the water first. After drinking thirstily, she extended the canteen to him.

  “All yours, sweet thang. I have my own.”

  Kylie swore his gaze burned her alive. I feel like Joan of Arc going up in the flames of lust.

  Wanting to extinguish her internal fire, Kylie took long swallows, then capped the container and set it down.

  “Hold out your palm, Sparks.”

  “Kylie.” Sheesh, how small and soft could she make her voice? “That’s my name.”

  “Kylie,” he repeated. The depths of his eyes flared, untamed as the wild horses she’d seen out near Las Vegas once. “Hold out your palm.”

  Shivering inside with the force her desire, she felt her skin heat up as though it was hundred degrees. Shaking strands of her mussed hair out of her eyes, she wiped her clammy hands on her jeans, then presented her palm. From a colorful tin he poured out tiny discs that looked similar to M&Ms.

  “Candy?” she asked, staring. God, she was hungry. She’d gone without a decent meal for too long.

  “Taste,” he encouraged.

  She glanced up to see him pour out half the tin into his hand. He tossed them into his mouth in a typical male way and slowly chewed.

  Shrugging a shoulder, she picked up a pinkish tan one, then sniffed. Chocolate. That was a sign from heaven. Kylie licked the outer shell with the tip of her tongue. Sweet, but not the same as M&Ms.

  “Better if you suck on ’em.”

  Kylie bit half of it off. Cupping the tiny piece with her tongue she wondered if it would melt in her mouth. Yum! A chocolatey scrumptious flavor flowed onto her tongue, along with the flavor of malt.

  Quickly, she let the rest of them spill into her mouth. Closing her eyes, she savored the flavors as they gradually dissolved. Maybe life here wouldn’t be so bad. Hey, right now, her taste buds were in paradise.

  “Good,” she uttered, once most of the tastes disappeared.

  “We used a version during the war. They’re high nutrition and high energy.”

  “Not candy?”

  “They’ve been created now to taste more like candy. More sales for the company.”

  “They’re better than candy.” Odd, how satiated she felt.

  Kylie raised her arms high above her head, stretching before she thought. A new aliveness hummed through her and she combed her fingers through her hair. Tilting her head back, she flipped her cap of hair several times. She stretched again, feeling as supple and sleek as a cat.

  Once she dropped her arms, his gaze bored into her, his eyes glowing like a midnight sky. He made not the slightest effort to disguise his need for her.

  “What are those things?” Kylie frowned. “Why am I feeling so good, as if I could run a marathon?”

  Why do I feel so at ease with you, so confident, even though you look like you’re about to satisfy your sexual appetite?

  “Fast bio-availability of the nutrients,” he answered, his tone low and husky. “Your cells are fed immediately.”

  “No drugs?” She arched a brow. “No caffeine?”

  “All natural ingredients, including a concentrate of green tea. Yep
, caffeine.”

  A heavy downpour smashed against the roof and sides of the hut. Kylie swiveled her head around instinctively looking for leaks. “We’re not going to be washed away, are we?” An image of being swept down the mountain in a deluge of water popped before her mind’s eye.

  “It’s never happened before.”

  She sensually coiled inside at the deep growl of his voice. Geez, what am I going to do? Wrap myself around him and rub until he shoves that long thick cock inside me?

  “There’s always a first time.” Kylie stifled her need to stretch again, locking her hands together in her lap. Restlessness took over, and she rolled her shoulders.

  “How old are you, Kylie?”

  “Funny, I got asked that question…what was it, a couple of days ago now. Why?” Annoyance pricked at her.

  “A man would ask his wife’s age.”

  “Yeah, that’s another thing. A man would ask before marrying a woman.”

  “Lasso first, ask later.”

  “Isn’t that like shoot first, ask questions later?”

  His gaze narrowed as he scrutinized her. “More like spank first, ask questions later.”

  Kylie froze to an icicle inside, then boiled like crazy inside. Desire flared deep in her belly, and her sex creamed. “No fair,” she murmured.

  “Darlin’, you’re no fair.”

  “How’s that?” She knew what his answer would be. Still, the fire of her temper consumed the raging blazes of her passion.

  “Goddess of Righteousness. Of Justice,” he gravelly intoned. His gaze penetrated her, yet also looked past her.

  Her flames lowered a few degrees. “What does that mean?”

  “You were born to right the wrongs in the world. To shine your fiery light on injustice.”

  A frisson of tingles snaked through her, a sign of her intuition at work. “Yeah right. I’ve come to this world to shine the light of righteousness on roping women.”

  The corners of his sensual mouth turned upward in a slow grin. “You can ride herd on me and my brothers, keep us righteous.”


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