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Say You Remember: book 4 in The Witness Series

Page 2

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Awe Baby, I was just giving him pointers,” Dev teased.

  “I think you’ve lost your touch,” Jase chimed in.

  “My touch is just fine. Ask your fiancée,” I mumbled.

  “I’m in a good mood tonight so I’m gonna let that one go, but don’t talk about her like that,” Jase growled as he leaned next to my ear.

  “Easy Tiger,” Tiff warned as she began wiping the bar in front of us. “You know, she came here to meet with Sam. I bet she could tell you who she is.”

  “Her name’s Danielle,” Sam called from across the room where she was picking up empty glasses. “Danielle Reed,” she rounded the corner and at that moment everything began to click into place.

  Danielle Reed. That name sounded so familiar. I knew I’d heard it before, but I couldn’t place where. I was going to get to the bottom if this if it killed me. I needed to remember her. I needed to remember everything. I had this sinking feeling that Danielle, whoever she was, didn’t know the real Mason. If she did, she wouldn’t have called me Mase. No one called me that anymore.

  Chapter 2


  9 Years Ago…

  “You guys are crazy, you know that right?” I shook my head as I laughed at Chris, my best friend. We were supposed to be studying, but had yet to start. Football practice had kicked my butt today and all I was thinking about were sleep and a shower.

  “Come on, you know you want in on this,” Chris laughed as he sat down beside me and shoved me in the side.

  “I think Mase is a chicken shit,” Brad snickered. “He’s lost his touch since Alexis messed him up.”

  “Fuck you,” I growled as I kicked him under the table. We were sitting at a table in the back corner of McDonald’s. Chris had insisted that we eat while we studied, but other than this insane bet they were cooking up, eating was all we were doing.

  “Come on,” Brad teased. “You mean to tell me that you don’t want in on this? It’s a hundred dollars,” his brows jumped up and down.

  “May be, but I don’t really have the time for this. I’m still waiting to hear from Loyola. With practice, and school, I’m pretty busy,” I tried to brush them off, but they weren’t taking no for an answer.

  “You weren’t too busy to hook up with Alexis last week,” Chris grinned. He had me there. When Alexis and I first started messing around I was blowing them off every chance she’d give me. Hooking up was about all we were doing though, until her parents caught us, that is.

  “Come on, be a man,” Brad tossed a French fry at me. “You can pick mine, if you’ll do it.”

  “I can pick huh?” I pinched my forehead as I thought about his offer. “I can pick anyone?”

  “Anyone,” he gave a quick nod.

  “And you’ll do it. You’re actually going to sleep with her?” I tipped my head to the side.

  “I’ll do more than that,” he snickered. “I’ll get her to let me film it,” he rubbed his palms together as his smile grew. Brad always was one for trying to one-up everyone.

  “And you’re going to do this too?” I glanced over to where Chris was typing something on his phone.

  “Yep, and,” he paused for effect “so are the rest of the seniors.”

  “Fine,” I leaned my head back and stared at the ceiling, “but I want more than a hundred. If we each put in fifty that should be closer to five hundred.”

  “Hey! I like the way you think, man,” Brad clapped me on the back. “Let’s meet in the Cove tomorrow to scope some babes for this.”

  “Babes?” I narrowed my eyes. “Do you want me to win? Let’s pick some girls that would actually be a challenge.”

  “Dude,” Chris’s head jerked back. “You want to actually have to work for it? Who are you?”

  “I’m the guy who’s going to be pocketing your money in eight weeks,” I chuckled. “Homecoming is going to have a whole new meaning.”

  “I’m game,” Brad grinned.

  “Oh it’s on. You’re going down, Mase. I get to pick your girl,” Chris shoved me in the side once again. “Let’s get the hell out of here. I’m beat.”

  “Tomorrow,” I waved as I shouldered my backpack and left them sitting there.


  “What about her?” Brad glanced at Chris as they pointed out another unsuspecting girl walking by.

  “Nah. Too sweet,” Chris laughed. “What about her?”

  “Too pretty,” Brad shook his head.

  “So I have to have an ugly, mean girl. Nice,” I sighed.

  “I just haven’t found a challenge for you yet,” Chris sipped the soda in his hand. “Now who is this?”

  Just as he asked the question, my head popped up to see Dani Reed coming my way. We had history class together, and were supposed to be working on a project but I’d been blowing her off for days. I just didn’t have any desire to work on it, or be around her. She was such a nerd.

  “She looks perfect,” Brad added.

  “Shut up!” I hissed as Dani stopped in front of me.

  “We need to work on this project if you want to pass,” Dani tapped her foot in front of me. Her nose was scrunched up as if she were smelling something bad, causing her glasses to sit slightly crooked.

  “Yeah. You go right ahead. Let me know when you’re done,” I mumbled as I refused to look her in the eye. Her frizzy blonde hair was tied back in a braid, and it looked like she had something green stuck in part of her braces.

  “I’m not doing your work,” she growled. “I’ll tell Ms. Gleeson that you didn’t do any of this project.”

  “Go ahead,” I shrugged. “I’m on the football team. We’re in line to make playoffs. Do you really think that Coach Fisher is going let anyone get me, their star quarterback, benched?” I tipped my head to the side as I peered up at her.

  “Ugh!” she tossed her free hand in the air. “You are such an ass, Mason!” She turned on her heel and began marching away, her long blonde braid swinging against her back.

  “It’s the uptight ones that make the best lays,” Brad snickered from beside me. “I bet she’s never let go in her life. Look at her,” he motioned to where Dani was marching over to her table of nerd friends.

  “Yeah well, I don’t want to find out,” I muttered.

  “Oh, this is perfect,” Brad laughed. “That’s yours. You picked mine. I get to pick yours, and she’s it,” he stabbed his finger in the air toward Dani.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I gawked. “She’s never going to let me anywhere near her. I bet there’s a moat around it with a chain-link fence.”

  “Have fun,” Chris grinned as they stood and left me there staring. I’d never win this bet. Never ever. No way was Dani Reed gonna wanna sleep with me. Most girls threw themselves at me, but not her. Dani couldn’t stand to stay in the same room with me.



  “Crap,” I hissed under my breath as I slowly lowered myself down onto the cafeteria chair.

  “He’s staring at you,” Amber whispered as she picked at her sandwich.

  “What? No!” I shook my head. “Mason Stone is an ass. No way he’s staring at me. Look at me. Do I look like the girls he hangs out with?” I blew a breath up in the air, causing my bangs flutter on my forehead. “I mean, he’s not even in the same atmosphere as me.”

  “Well, he was staring,” she rolled her eyes. “In fact, he’s still staring,” she mumbled as she picked at another piece of crust.

  My head slowly lifted from where I was unwrapping some carrot sticks to find his brown eyes boring into me. “Do I have something stuck on my back?” I twisted my head trying to look behind me. “What about my face,” I looked over at Amber.

  “Chill out,” Amber hissed. “Although,” she giggled as she handed me a mirror from her purse. When I glanced at my reflection and saw the spinach stuck on one of the brackets of my braces, I felt my face heat.

  “Great,” I groaned. “I just talked to him. I’m sure I looke
d like a real winner with breakfast stuck to my teeth.”

  “I’m sure he didn’t notice. He’s over there with his goons. I’m sure they’re talking about who had what to drink at the last party, and who got laid the most,” Amber sighed as she started to pack up her lunch. “I’ve gotta go. See you in French class?”

  “Yeah. Later,” I mumbled as I flipped open my history book. If I was going to be eating alone, the least I could do was to start working on this project. My scholarship depended on me getting good grades, and Mason made it pretty obvious that I was doing this group project alone.

  “Hey,” his voice caused my head to jerk up, and I almost dropped my book. “Can I sit?” he slid into the seat across from me.

  “No,” I growled as I turned my gaze back down to the book. Maybe if I ignored him, he’d go away.

  “They’re jerks. I’m not like them,” his voice was soft.

  “Could’ve fooled me,” I rolled my eyes, refusing to look at him.

  “Listen,” he reached over to place his hand on top of mine but when I recoiled, he thought better and removed it. “I was being an ass. I wanna help with this project. It’s just,” he paused and cursed under his breath, “I’ve been so busy. I have no time. I’m trying to get ready for the playoffs, Homecoming is soon, I’m trying to decide about Loyola; I feel like senior year is passing by in a blur. Know what I mean?” he chuckled lightly as he leaned back in the seat.

  “Not really,” I lifted my eyes to meet his. “I’ve already been accepted to my school of choice, I don’t play mindless sports, I make good grades and study, and I don’t hang out with people who are assholes.”

  “Ouch! Fair enough,” he nodded before crossing his arms over his chest. “So, about this project. I wanna help. Tell me what I can do.”

  “I was planning to go to the library tomorrow night. You can meet me there, and we can talk about it,” I relented.

  “Tomorrow’s Friday,” his eyes grew huge.

  “And?” I closed the book in front of me and started packing my things up. The bell was going to ring soon signaling that lunch was over, and I was not planning to be late for class.

  “Um,” he scratched his head. “I play football. We have a game tomorrow night. I’m the starting quarterback. I kinda have to be there,” he lifted his arms and shook his head like I was a complete idiot for even suggesting it.

  “How about after the game? The library is open until ten,” I lifted my backpack up on my arm.

  “Game may run late. How about I just stop by your house? Will that be ok?” he watched me like he wasn’t sure how I’d react.

  “Uh ok,” I stood and swallowed at the sudden tightening of my chest. Mason Stone was coming to my house. Crap!

  “Just text me your address. I’ll put your number in my phone and call you when the game is over,” he smiled as he watched me.

  What the heck was happening here? He was actually being nice. “I don’t have your number,” I grimaced.

  “That’s ok. Give me your hand,” he smirked as he dug in his backpack searching for something. He reached for my hand as he produced a pen, and then scrawled his number across my palm before releasing me. “Don’t wash that off,” he winked as he stood and walked away, leaving me standing there stunned.



  “That was so easy,” I thought to myself as I sauntered away. She may not want to like me, but she does. I could tell by the way she refused to look at me. The way her hand was sweating when I touched it, and the way her pulse was racing as I wrote my number on her skin. She’s a feisty one too, which is going to make this pursuit so much more fun.

  “Game on,” I challenged as I walked past where Chris and Brad were waiting off to the side. They’d been watching me work with amused expressions. I was going to win this bet, and it was going to be so sweet when I did.

  I bet I’m going to be her first. No way has anyone been there before. She oozed inexperience and nerves. This would take time, but I’d get her to trust me. I’d make her bloom like a flower after a rain storm. By the time I was finished with her, she’d be begging me to take her. She’d forget that I wasn’t one for relationships, or that we had no future. She’d want me for the here and now. She’d want me to be her first, and I was more than willing to give her that.

  Chapter 3


  Present Day…

  When I finally made it home from the bar, it was late. The drive to my parents’ house was uneventful, but long. The traffic that I’d experienced on the way into the city was much lighter now, giving me an easy commute, but it was still a drive. I needed to find somewhere closer to Chicago, especially if I was going to be working downtown. This job was going to last at least a month, and I couldn’t live with my parents forever. I was lucky they had space for me now. When I left to go to school, they’d turned my room into a home gym. I’ve only come home a handful of times, and when I did I stayed in the guest room, which is pretty small.

  Now, I’m sitting here staring at the ceiling in the dark as I fight my brain for sleep. It won’t turn off, and all I can hear rattling around in there is his voice. Thought you might like a friend. I’m good at being friends. The fact that he could sit there and flirt with me like that only makes the anger in my gut grow. Mason Stone always was an ass, but I can’t help but wonder how much of it was an act. He seemed so shocked tonight when I told him that he should remember me. I mean, I knew I was only a challenge for him, but I thought he’d at least know who I was.

  “Ugh!” I growled as I rolled over and punched the pillow. I was going to look as bad as I felt in the morning if I didn’t get any rest. Knowing that I would regret it, I still couldn’t stop myself from getting up. I made my way out to the garage, and opened the small storage room in the back. My parents had put all my stuff that I didn’t take to Seattle in here, and I knew if I looked long enough, I’d find it.

  It took about an hour of opening boxes, but I finally found what I was looking for and now I’m sitting here in the floor in pjs staring at our faces looking back at me. There in a small black and white photo on the bottom corner of the page are Mason and I. He’s got this look on his face that I can’t really place as his arm is draped around my shoulders. I’m in the perfect Homecoming dress that my mom and I shopped for days for, and he’s in his uniform. They just won the game, and even though he was covered in dirt and sweat, I still cuddled into his side. “You were so stupid,” I muttered as I ran the pads of my fingers over my smiling face. “He was using you, and you didn’t even see it,” I growled before slamming the book closed.

  I was trying to let it go, but I couldn’t. I thought after all these years that I’d be able to move past this, and honestly I thought I had. I didn’t think that my first official night back would include him. What were the chances that he’d be there? I couldn’t decide what I was angrier about, the fact that he still affected me or the fact that I had such a little impact on him that he didn’t even remember me.

  I pushed myself up on my knees and dragged the box that had contained my yearbook over in front of me. As I pulled more things out, more memories assailed me. I’d buried this feeling for so long and now I couldn’t seem to stop it. There right at my fingertips were all the things that had included Mason. I’d saved the stupidest things thinking that they meant something. I couldn’t believe how blind I’d been. There were receipts from places he’d happened to show up at, the flower he’d brought me at a study session, a ticket stub from a midnight movie I snuck out to see, the program from the football game during Homecoming, and the big kicker… the plastic keycard from the hotel room he’d rented that night.

  I don’t know why I was doing this to myself, or why I’d ever kept any of it, but I couldn’t help the feelings that these things evoked. I wanted scream, burn them even, but I couldn’t because deep down inside the feelings were still there. I had loved him back then, and as horrible as it sounds, looking at this stuff is wh
at’s keeping me from falling again.



  The entire drive to my apartment was spent trying to figure out who Danielle was to me. The name sounded familiar, but it had been so long that I didn’t think they could be the same person. No way did the girl that I knew from high school turn into the confident knockout that I saw tonight. I mean, I know that time can be good to some people, but this was a complete one eighty. She called me Mase though. No one calls me that anymore. I buried Mase six years ago and haven’t been him since.

  Mase wasn’t a good guy. He was thoughtless and didn’t treat women with respect. I have to admit that I’ve had my moments over the years, but I make sure that whomever I’m with knows ahead of time what we’re doing. I haven’t tried to seduce a woman unknowingly in years. That particular challenge wasn’t one of my brightest moments, and now when I think back to what we all did, it makes me sick. Jen, my sister of all people, helped me see the error of my ways, and I’ve been a changed man ever since.

  “You’re late,” Jen mumbled from her perch on my couch when I came through the door. I’d let her move in with me six years ago, and she’s never left. I haven’t really asked her to, and if I’m being honest, I feel better knowing that I’m here to keep her safe. Jen’s my little sister. She’s three years younger than me, and after our parents died I’m all she has left.

  “Sorry,” I sighed as I pushed the door closed behind me and clicked the lock. “Anything interesting happen tonight?” I tossed my keys on the kitchen counter before turning on a light. Jen had been sitting in the dark, and after some of the things I’d walked in on in the past, I was afraid of what I might discover when light bathed the room.

  “Not really,” she lifted one shoulder before settling back into the couch. “Spent most of it studying.”


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