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Page 4

by S. W. Frank

  His papa was complicated; immoral yet ethical. Sometimes, Giuseppe wondered why he did not simply operate a legitimate business, but the answer he discovered was as deadly and complex as their bloodline.

  The vehicle rolled by greenery with stately villas in the distance, homes owned by the wealthy with an upkeep equivalent to an average person’s annual salary.

  He considered what Matteo’s Uncle had said about his biological father’s possible involvement in the killing of the hated snitch. There’s speculation Luzo traveled to America and facilitated the demise of the turncoat Don by a ‘so-called’ suicide while in U.S. custody.

  Matteo’s Uncle suggested if Luzo had done so, it was not for the protection of the smugglers but the Don’s refusal to deliver up Monticelli. The theory was highly plausible, Luzo’s very existence revolved around avenging his murdered family. Whatever the reason for the killing, his Papa Carlo indirectly reaped the benefit; families sought him out for counsel and favors.

  Other criminal factions had emerged and secured chunks of the market through violence. The Colombians, Russians, Asians and Jews had begun to exercise their authority. Yosef Glavovitz was in the top tier and it’s rumored he snuffed out many of his competitors using paramilitary associates. His organization’s specialty was party drugs, add in the prostitution rings, diamond smuggling and black market brokering of antiquities, and what you have is a Mafiya who is willing to do anything for cash. Yosef’s ruthless reputation was widespread; compared to Yosef, Carlo was a saint.

  This is the scavenger his mama married.

  A worshipper of money is cut-throat. Yosef could not be trusted; therefore Giuseppe would never allow him around his son. His mama was given an ultimatum; who she chose determined her allegiance. He hoped she decided wisely because no matter how much he loved her, his son came first.

  Thinking of which, he removed his cell to check on the boy.

  Selange answered immediately. “Carlo is fine he’s eating breakfast Geo. This is the fourth call in an hour. I understand what you’re going through…I do…but please can you ease up a bit on the constant calling?” she said before Giuseppe had an opportunity to inquire.

  Perhaps, he should not call so often. Selange was competent, but a father’s guilt compelled him to do so. The child had no mama and he did not want to be a neglectful parent. Sometimes he worried he possessed a dormant ‘bad papa gene’ from Luzo; to offset the possibility of such a catastrophe he overcompensated when it came to the boy. 

  “When I called he was asleep.”

  “Exactly, it was seven o’clock in the morning.”

  “The second time he was using the toilet.”

  “Yes, doing number two and he locked the door,” she answered patiently.

  “Sí, he is smart. But, when I called again he was bathing.”

  “Like I said, three calls within an hour. If you would’ve called back at eight o’clock like I asked, you would have spared yourself the worry. Anyway, here he is.”

  The boy’s happy voice cheered his papa. “Hi papa!”

  “Buongiorno. I will see you shortly.”

  “Ciao…I eat good food!” Carlo shouted.

  The cell made a noise. His son must have put it on the table. He heard a bunch of children laughing; Carlo’s joyful squeals the loudest among the group.

  Selange was back on the line. “Giuseppe are you there?”

  “Sí, donna,” he answered from his reclined position.

  “Well that was a short conversation.”


  “Come for breakfast. Anita made too much food. You’re welcome to join us brother.”

  There was a shout, “Yeah Uncle Geo please come visit!”

  Giuseppe recognized Sal’s voice. The other children began to chime in; his Allie refused to be upstaged. “I’ll bake you cookies if you come!”

  Giuseppe chuckled. They were a raucous bunch. He never understood how Alfonzo withstood the daily racket. Ah, but they were lovable mutts. He checked the hour. He was hungry. Usually, his mama would have prepared breakfast or Viola. They had spoiled him with food and now because of a stronzo infiltrator he would never pass the threshold of his childhood home.

  A lot had changed since Shanda’s passing. The routine he’d grown accustomed to had vanished with his donna. There is comfort in the familiar, without it he felt strangely alone. Thank the saints his fratellino had come to stay or he would have no one except annoying Matteo and his troublesome wife. Ah, noisy children and Selange were far better company.

  “Grazie, donna. I am at your gate.”

  “You are?”

  “Sí. I did not wish to be rude and storm your house.”

  “Whoa, what alien stole my brother-in-law?”

  “The miserable kind,” he answered and then said, “ciao.”  He placed another phone call as the vehicle was given entry.

  The raspy feminine voice on the line stirred him inside. “Um, morning.”

  “Morning donna.”

  “Why do you always call me Donna, when my name’s Nicole?”

  He smiled at this. “Donna means woman.”

  “Oh.” A long purr of a yawn followed. “Um, it’s too early for conversation. I didn’t go to sleep until five. Can I call you later?”



  “Why did you go to sleep at five, were you with someone?”

  A heavy sigh from a very patient woman occurred and then she said, “Yes.”

  Giuseppe felt a pang of jealousy. He saw the door to the house open. Sal and Allie rushed to the rear door of his car, making faces. Allie put breath kisses on his once clean window. Giuseppe smirked although he was unhappy. “You have forgotten me so soon, eh donna?”

  “No, you’re memorable.”

  “This other you were with, is he memorable?”

  She chuckled. “Oh goodness. You are a handful. My sister and I were up greeting Tony’s family.”

  Relieved, Giuseppe sat forward as the kids started to tug on the door. “Be ready at noon. Carlo and I want you to come with us on an outing.”

  “Giuseppe, look, I can’t replace your son’s mother. I don’t mean to sound unsympathetic but I think the only relationship you should be pursuing is the one with your son.”

  Allie began banging on the window. “Hold on donna,” he said and rolled the window down. “Buongiorno you two. Are you wild things now?”

  “Get off the phone Uncle, your food is getting cold!” Allie ordered.

  “Don’t mind her; she’s always trying to boss people around Uncle Geo. I’ll tell mom you’re coming.”

  “Grazie,” Giuseppe said to Sal and opened the door for Allie who refused to leave. He pulled her inside and apologized to Nicole for the interruption. “Mi dispiace, Nicole.”

  “Hi Nicole, this is Aldonza Diaz. Are you dating my Uncle?” Allie blurt out.

  Giuseppe gave her the stare, but he was interested in the donna’s answer.

  “Oh man, you don’t have any shame for using those poor kids, do you?” Nicole asked.

  Giuseppe shrugged. “Cosa? That was not my idea.”

  “All right Giuseppe, I’m returning to sleep.”

  “Bye Nicole, tell Tiffany as soon as she opens her studio I want to come but she has to teach me hip-hop. I don’t like ballet…I don’t want to have ugly feet when I grow up…”

  Giuseppe put his hand over the girl’s mouth. “Aye, mi scusi Nicole, my Allie cannot censure herself. I will pick you up at noon; do not make me wait donna. Ciao!”

  When he hung up, he lifted Allie out the car by her waist. She giggled as he pretended to throw her across the yard. “What will I do with you, eh?” Giuseppe laughed.

  “Say gracias that I’m helping you find a new girlfriend who drives better than Shanda.”

  Giuseppe froze. Allie was abruptly placed on her feet. His heart beat violently loud. The girl’s well-meaning words cut him open. A loving
Uncle became stern. Allie had crossed the line.

  Allie’s chin elevated, up and up and up along her Uncle’s torso and sheepish eyes settled on his face. Uncle Giuseppe was as tall as a building. She blinked innocently at the sight of his anger. She was in trouble big-time…yup…Uncle had the super mad expression.

  “Ti amo Zio. You love me too, right?” she asked with the wide puppy eyes.

  The child grimaced when he barked. “Sí and each spank will be my demonstration. Go inside, ora!”











  Chapter Four







  Nico’s fingers pressed to soft skin, touching Ari’s hip bone. They had retired late, discussing the situation with Darren for the second night in a row. Well, actually Ari talked, ranted is more appropriate and he suffered to listen. Ari was upset, as expected. She suggested they put Darren and the girl in an apartment near the college and let his ass take on adult responsibilities.

  Nico understood beneath the surface his wife’s denial. She didn’t want to feel old, that’s why she complained about becoming a Nonna too soon. He tried to reassure the sexy woman that grandchildren cannot steal youth, in fact, children keep the heart spry. But, in time he was sure Ari would figure that out.

  His hand caressed his wife’s supple flesh, uncertain on how much to tell her about Yosef. Everything Anna said had checked out, at least the paper evidence did. Documents can be forged; he altered paperwork and data often. But, until he was certain that Yosef didn’t pose a threat and Anna wasn’t that Trojan horse, he refused to allow his son out in the world with the girl. At home, his dad could keep an eye on the girl and who she contacted. Nico had already secured a listening device and tracker in her personal items, surveillance on kids was easy, they’re so smart, wiser than parents they believe.

  Anyway, he told Ari, Darren had a few more months before starting college and suggested that she calm down, and get to know the girl. The most informative psych sessions are held when someone’s reticence is gone. He observed the girl, made her feel at ease, let her talk as he made assessments. So far he gauged Anna was naïve, a tad introverted, not very experienced, and had a daddy complex. She was a people pleaser, who made terrible choices. She liked Darren, oh yeah; she liked his son’s dick a lot. A father noticed the hormone meter skyrocket whenever Anna looked at his kid. The boy must have inherited his papa’s moves because the girl was genuinely smitten. That part wasn’t an act.

  Absently, he stroked Ari’s curved hip. He had rules, made a point of adhering to them when it came to business. If he said something to his wife, even gave a hint that he was skeptical about Anna that might influence how she interacted with the girl. No, he preferred to observe, do some more investigation and once reasonable doubt was removed about the girl, he’d give Darren his blessing and send him on his way.

  Nico had stressed to his protégé Tony the necessity to avoid pillow talk about confidential matters, but what good are guidelines when a disciplined teacher strayed?

  The Butcher drummed this in his head one day through a tale.

  “There was a man, a respected Don. He loved his wife and children. He also loved his mistress. Under the relaxation of wine and sex with his paramour he spoke of his deeds to impress the young woman who made him feel like a King each suck of his pene. He told her things that were not for her ears and when he bored of her, generosity were trinkets but then he moved on. The mistress took another lover, a rival of the former Don she had begun to love. In time when men are seduced by tits and micio she asked a favor. To impress her he agreed to have the Don who tired of her killed. She told of his secret meeting place at the edge of the Amalfi Coast. The deed was done shortly after. The respected Don was no more. Aye, but there is more Nicolo. Love was not the motive entirely to the mistress’ actions. You see, entrapment was. The Don was taken into custody for murder; the mistress had been working under the covers for the polizei. Apparently, she was very skilled at her job.” The Butcher had laughed, but the impression was made. A man is often at his weakest with a woman, and bedroom discussions about a man’s business may one day get him killed.

  Of course, this was an exaggerative story but his adopted father’s teachings are what kept his family alive. Nico had yet to break the rule.

  Anyway, he wanted to have a discussion with Alfonzo about Yosef. Giuseppe was bound to find out and throw a tantrum. Alfonzo could always reason with his brother, go figure, two hot-heads, one more reasonable than the other. Then there’s the loose end with the Cuban that he and Tony needed to correct. He glanced at the time; he was due to meet Tony at 0900 hours to go over just that. There was always some mess piling on their heads. Alberti was sorely missed. Bruno for the most part aided as much as he could, but he had businesses to run and his own family to attend to.

  Nico’s mind drifted to Bianca. Guilt rose as he gazed at his wife. Every day he looked at Ari he swore never to fuck up again. He needed Ari. He then sighed because he could never admit that before. But he wasn’t ashamed to confess it now. The sexy woman gave him a sense of normalcy and a home.

  “Ah, shit,” he said quietly, remembering they were invited to Tony’s dinner party. Shucks, he forgot.

  Ari slid closer. Nico gave her earlobe a kiss.

  She spoke hoarsely to his chest. “Morning, are the kids awake?”

  “You know the boys; they’ll be up once they sniff food. Semira’s gone back to sleep. She woke up at four.”

  “She went to bed too early, I knew she’d rise before seven.”

  “Well I fed her breakfast already.”

  “And I’m sure you ate too.”

  “Pre-breakfast, but I have room for more.”

  She put her arm around his side. “Greedy.”

  “Hungry not greedy.”

  “Greedy,” Ari said teasingly.

  “You’re my date this evening. I couldn’t think of anybody else to bring to Tony’s engagement thingy.”

  “That’s last minute notice Signore Nicolo Serano, I might have had other plans with someone else.”

  He smirked. “You better not.”

  “And you better not have anybody else.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m a happily reformed husband.”

  “Good, now how the heck do you forget about an engagement party?”

  “You know I’m not in tune with these social calendars. Tony invited us awhile back.”

  “But you remember it’s today, great for me.”

  “Yup, you know why I remember it’s today?”

  Ari rolled her eyes. Nico wanted some, she could always tell by the lopsided grin on his sinisterly handsome face. “No naughty boy, tell me.”

  “Because he reminded me last night.”

  Ari groaned as she smiled. “You are a real comedienne. You should be glad that I’m not a woman who must shop for an outfit every time an occasion arises or else you’ll find your forgetful ass going alone. You know we can’t stay long, Sal’s coming for the weekend and there’s nobody to chaperone the kids.”

  His smile broadened. “Your spontaneity is one of the attributes I love. Don’t worry about the kids, I’ll call Sophie.”

  “Nico you can’t ask people to babysit at the last minute. Sophie has her own life and didn’t you say she got married?”


  “Who in the hell did she marry so fast and why the hurry; I know she couldn’t be knocked up, is she?”

  Nico smirked. There was a woman who gave birth in her sixties and Sophie was much younger. Yeah…yeah…it’d require artificial insemination or In Vitro Fertilization, but heck a woman can have a baby if she wanted.

  “No, she�
�s not knocked up sweetheart and the guy is someone she’s known for a long time.”

  “Well good for her. I hope he’s hot and makes her dance like tamale in bed.”

  Nico’s face and nose scrunched in disgust. “Whoa okay Ari; don’t give me that mental picture. Sophie’s like my mom you know.”

  Ari laughed. “You should see your expression, goodness, it’s too funny. Semira has that same dookie face when using the potty.”

  Nico’s eyes smiled as he slid his hand further up the flimsy gown to hold a side of her breast. She wiggled against him. He liked when she instantly responded that way. His mouth was a plunger on her neck. Intentionally he sucked hard, leaving a hickey. “Ummm sexy mama.”

  Ari fondled him back, whispering, “Am I really going to be a grandma Nico…a Nana…really?”

  His mouth was on her shoulder, dampening her skin while moving across her collarbone. He managed a response. “Ummm Nana, you taste good.”

  “Seriously Nico, I am disappointed. I thought the boys were smarter than this, especially Darren.”

  Nico opened Ari’s gown. The point of his tongue lathered her nipple as she firmly fingered his sack with pressured strokes. She continued to talk and he listened without answering. He couldn’t reverse time, besides her concerns were unwarranted. She was one sexy Nana.

  His lips descended to the middle of her breasts and she let go below before he reached her treasure cove which he explored with a surging tongue. Her knees flexed up and her legs were around his neck like scissors as he lifted her ass off the bed going full throttle with his tongue.

  “Nico…oh…damn you…oooh…damn…aren’t you fazed by anything?”

  He chuckled, thinking how in the world she expected a response when their lips were locked so damn tight?

  She moaned before stretching her arms languidly over her head.

  That’s right, let go counselor, not everything is meant to undergo analysis.

  Ari had to accept there are trials in life that lengthy deliberations can’t always solve. The outcome will still be the same. Darren impregnated a girl, and whether they talked the subject in to the ground, a baby was coming. Ready or not, they had to deal with the situation.


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