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The Perfect 1

Page 9


  He stopped and relaxed his tongue, withdrawing. The proud grin of awareness shone on his face. “Did you just come… on my tongue?” he asked, licking my release from his lips. “And don’t you ever apologize for me giving you pleasure. I’m just surprised; that’s all. Now where did I leave off?” he inquired, pulling me closer, his hands rubbing my feet.

  I squirmed as he continued to taste me, my pussy clenching the welcomed intruder that greedily nipped, exposing every raw nerve. I could feel another wave of orgasm mounting as his tongue began driving itself in and out. I was galvanized with my own pleasure; it was a consuming ecstasy I’d never known. I was desperate to come again. I gripped each side of the bed sheet as he sucked on my clit, then rotated his thumb against it.

  “I can’t do this. Please, Lincoln, you have to stop.” Then a rush of release came as my body went taut.

  He looked up briefly, his chin dripping with my juices. His tongue flicked quickly and captured every drop. “Say my name again.”

  I sobbed, then sighed. “Lincoln.”

  He stood, his legs wobbling. I noticed large droplets of pearly fluid leaking from his dick.

  “Do you point your toes when you come? I’m only asking because your legs stiffened,” he asked, fisting his length, then rubbing the liquid around the slit. His eyes turned from multicolored blue and green to almost a deep jade before he closed them. His head bent back as he continued to touch himself. “Damn, but you taste good. I’m even going to say no one before you has been that sweet.” He stopped to lick his lips several times.

  My face heated. “Stop it. You’re embarrassing me.”

  He looked at me with an expression of hunger. Crossing his arms, he laughed. “Sweetheart, I may be blind, but you’re half naked with a wet cunt. I doubt it’s my words making you blush. Now that we got the hors d’oeuvres out of the way, I’m famished and ready to get to the main course. Any position preference?” He stood there shameless in his nudity, not a care in the world.

  I sat up, removing my shirt, leaving my bra on. “What is this—a restaurant? Is it normal for you to ask women what position they prefer? I’m confused, so why don’t you surprise me?”

  He shrugged, wiping his chin with the back of his hand. “You sound miffed.”

  “You’re making all of this sound so clinical. I’m all for sex with you, but stop asking me what I want—and just take it.”

  “I’m used to a different type of woman; that’s all. And before you take what I just said wrong, the women I normally fuck are a little rough around the edges, wild and unbridled. You come across as slightly vanilla and subdued. I didn’t want to do something that might offend you.”

  “God, can you just stop talking and fuck me?” I asked, scooting up to where the pillows were.

  “How can I say no to that request?” He chuckled. “Can you get me a condom? Wait, make it four—no, five.”

  My eyes grew large, and I snorted. “Awfully sure of yourself. Five. You do have a big night planned.”

  “Well, it’s more of a just-in-case scenario. The box is in the nightstand.”

  I contemplated for a minute. “You don’t have to use one. I mean, if you don’t want to. I’m clean.”

  He stilled. “That’s not something I ever do. I never go without. I want you to be sure. I have no qualms about wearing one. I mean, it’s for your safety as well as mine.”

  I was hedging. I really didn’t want to explain myself, but this was somewhat serious, and I wanted to experience all of him. “I had a one-night stand three years ago. Against my better judgment and the alcohol involved, we didn’t use a condom. I know it was reckless and stupid, but I didn’t admonish myself until the next day.”

  “Who was the guy?”

  I shook my head “I have no idea. Met him on the beach. Never saw him again. I know how this sounds.”

  “It sounds like me minus not using a condom. Don’t beat yourself up. I’ve brought home some skanks, ones I wanted to chew my arm off the next day just to get away from. We all make mistakes and have regrets. I guarantee I have tons. Whoever says they have none is a goddamn liar.”

  “Well, I felt horrible and got tested every ninety days for two years because I needed to know for sure. I’m one hundred percent clean.”

  His expression was one of shock, then disbelief. “Wait. I knew you felt tight, but are you telling me it’s been three years? You were celibate for thirty-six months?”

  “Jesus, you make that sound worse than having sex with a perfect stranger.”

  “No, it’s just that I thought five months was insane. Actually, closer to six. I haven’t gone this long since before I even began having sex. I can’t imagine someone like you not being laid regularly. I mean, seriously, what the hell is wrong with the men in Hawaii?”

  I was waiting for you.

  Chapter 8

  “Lack of judgment is rather addictive. I should use a condom, but I don’t want to. Maybe it’s my thrill-seeking nature or because I trust your words. Either way, I want to feel all of you,” Lincoln stated.

  I closed the drawer that held the condom stash and pulled him toward me.

  “God, I ache for every part of you. From your neck to your toes. But what I really want is those lips. I don’t think you can truly appreciate my full potential until I kiss your mouth. It confuses me why you won’t allow it. I know I mean more to you than just this, because my feelings for you surpass sex. Now don’t get me wrong; this afternoon was great, but it only took the edge off. This thing between us has been building for over a week. I think since the first time we met.” His fingers combed through his hair as he lay on his side.

  “Will you touch me?” he finally asked, reaching out to find my hand. My fingers curled around his rigid shaft. “Jesus, that feels good.”

  I circled one fingertip on the crown, tracing the rim, then rubbing my palm across it. Then I slid my hand down to his balls, fondling the sack.

  “Okay, you have to stop or I’ll be coming before I’m inside you. If you’re as talented with your mouth as you are with your hands, we may stay in bed the entire weekend.”

  His body turned toward me and I straddled him. A look of surprise captured both our expressions. I’d rarely gotten any say-so when it came to sex. Truthfully, it had always been missionary or they just wanted oral. My needs had never been addressed. With Lincoln, it was different. He’d taken me from behind in his office, then asked what I wanted. I did appreciate him asking but suddenly felt sexually inadequate for my age. But I’d spent those formative years modeling and having a career. While other teens were exploring their sexuality, I was making millions. Intimacy had never been that important to me. Honestly, I felt more emotions toward my vibrator than I’d ever had for a single lover. Even as attractive as Xavier was, our sex life was minuscule, but then so was his dick.

  I chuckled to myself.

  “You want to share that joke?” he asked, seating his hands under my ass. “So I’m gathering you want to be on top?”

  “I did mention my OCD, right? I love control.”

  His hands slid upward to my hips as he twisted his body. I could feel his cock right at my entrance, so I swiveled just enough that his erection was touching my labia. I could feel wetness puddle as he inched closer to penetration.

  “Lift up slightly.”

  I peered down. His eyes squeezed in concentration. He looked at peace, something I didn’t see too often. I rose just enough that he was able to guide himself in.

  “Fuck. Stop. Don’t move. Sit still.”

  I noticed a drop of blood on his mouth from him biting his lip. I had the urge to lick it off but stopped myself. Having him inside me sans condom felt scandalous. I was in peril of losing my heart. Something I’d never once considered in my entire life.

  I bent toward him, lifting my ass, then plummeting it back down. The noises he made sounded animalistic. I slid slowly up and down his veined length, my hands firmly placed on his chest. My pussy gripped h
im in a vise hold as my breathing became quick and shallow.

  “Lincoln,” I whispered, feeling his hands on my back. “I’m going to come.”

  He rocked into me as my back bowed and my orgasm jarred me into submission. He slammed me down on his cock several more times until his lips expelled a guttural groan. His hair was damp with sweat as he panted unevenly. “Damn. Wow. I really should have taken notes that time.”

  I slapped him playfully. “I better never read anything close to what we’re doing in any future Maxwell Swan books,” I declared.

  “Nothing I could ever write would be that perfect or exceptional. I think you just fucked my life force out of me.”

  I laughed. “Oh, really? Weren’t you contemplating five condoms?” I asked, verbally taunting him.

  “Oh, hell, I’m not finished by a long shot. How are you feeling?” he questioned, rolling me off, brushing his hand across my pussy. Beads of release clung to my mons as his fingers brushed across it. “I want you again. Can’t you tell?” He placed my hand on his hardening dick.

  “I’m hot,” I stated, using my other hand to push my hair back. I kicked off the sheet covering us, giving me the full view of Lincoln’s naked body.

  My skin appeared pale against his dark complexion. The ends of his hair curled up from sweat and his face glowed with perspiration. I couldn’t see a single flaw on his body. It was as though he had worn a protective shield during all his physical adventures, never once being hurt.

  “How is it possible you don’t have a single scar from all the crazy shit you’ve done in your life? Do you have some guardian angel watching over you, because I can’t see one blemish?”

  “I’m hardly perfect. Well, almost,” he quipped. “Broke my arm twice, my nose once, cracked a few ribs, and I have this right here.” He turned over, and right above his knee on the left leg was a long, ragged scar. “Moray eel when I was twenty. Nasty little fuckers. He wouldn’t let go. Hurt like a bitch. What about you? Got any scars from dangerous creatures biting you?” he asked, clicking his teeth.

  Our discussion made me extremely self-conscious. This entire thing with him was a big fat lie. Even Lucas hadn’t been honest. Sure, his brother was a mess briefly, but he appeared to be handling his condition fairly well. I wasn’t sure why he’d even asked me to assist Lincoln. He could have gotten to this point without me. I hadn’t done shit. In retrospect, he had accomplished more for me than the other way around. I hadn’t been this settled with anyone, but all of this was a large-scale fantasy. And now that we’d been intimate, it made everything worse.

  I rolled out of bed. “Hey, where are you going?” His hand touched the empty spot I’d left.

  “Stepping outside on the terrace. It’s warm in here. I want to cool down. Can I take the sheet?” I asked, pulling it toward me.

  Both his hands gripped the fabric tightly. “I can’t see you anyway, which is a damn shame. If you look anything like you feel, I’m missing out.”

  I shrugged as I grabbed his T-shirt from the floor. It was long enough to cover me to mid-thigh.

  He jumped out of bed. “I suppose you want me to put shorts on?”

  “Well, since I swiped your shirt, yeah, that would be nice,” I commented, offering his shorts to him.

  “I don’t know why we can’t just stay naked,” he mumbled, struggling to put on his trunks. “Better?” he asked, turning toward me.

  “I suppose. But I rather like you without, too,” I replied.

  “Then I guess it was smart of me to leave them unzipped. Just in case you get hungry. I mean, for a snack and all.”

  I smiled to myself as I stepped outdoors. It was too early for sunrise yet, but it was clear and cool. I could hear the ocean waves crashing below. Lincoln’s arms went around me as I stood. “How could you tell where I was?”

  “I’ll always know. Your body spray is a cock beacon.” He chuckled. “I want you to stay all weekend. Please don’t make excuses. I need you here… for more than the book. Jensyn, you make me feel better.”

  My emotions flared. If he hadn’t been holding me, I might have cried. This was what I’d yearned for. Someone to accept me for who I was without judging me on my appearance. But this was a ruse; I hadn’t been honest. If I wanted to come clean, what did I say? By the way, my face is totally fucked up, and if your sight comes back, you’ll probably have second thoughts.

  He held me tight, pressing his lips to the back of my neck. “I never thought I’d feel this at ease again. It must have been fate, because if I hadn’t gone blind, you wouldn’t be here. I felt so locked in, with no escape, and now all that seems trivial because of you.”

  “Are you ready to tell me how this happened?” I asked, resting the back of my head against his bare chest.

  “Will you tell me your secrets?”

  “You first,” I quipped.

  “Come on. Let’s go back to bed. We’ll talk then, maybe.”

  I followed behind him, my hand clasping the waistband of his shorts. “I have to pee. Point me in the right direction.”

  I spun him toward the door and watched him touch furniture, finding his way in the dark. As he came back, I heard several bumps followed by swear words. “Son of a bitch, that fucking hurt.” He sat on the edge of the bed, cradling his foot. “There has to be a way I don’t kill myself every time I take a shit.”

  I snickered. “Thanks for the visual.”

  He lay down, pushing himself toward my voice. “I mean it. If I can’t figure out a better route, that scar won’t be my only one, and my toes are suffering. Here, I brought a wet washcloth.”

  “Holy hell, you want some cheese to go with that whine?”

  “No, but a blowjob might take my mind off the pain.”

  “Are you asking me to suck your dick?” I questioned, eyeing his growing shaft. My fingers danced across his open zipper.

  “Lick it, suck it, play with it, whatever you want to do. Since I can’t kiss your lips, how about wrapping those babies around my cock?” I reached into his shorts, allowing my hand to stroke him as I cleaned him off with the cloth. “Okay, enough with the foreplay,” he said, tossing the washcloth, then slightly lifting so he could tug down his shorts. His erection sprang upward.

  I gently encompassed it, and he became so stiff the veins looked like a roadmap. Heat pulsed all around me as I began to lick around and under his crown. His body jerked as he grabbed handfuls of hair, twisting it around his hand. I continued to explore every inch of him, squeezing his thigh gently.

  “Feels so good. So good.” He growled.

  I grazed my fingertips languidly across his balls as I licked his sack. My nipples tightened as I sealed my mouth around his length, feeding him in as far as I was able. The grip on my hair tightened, and his body went taut. I cupped his balls again, hollowing out my cheeks, bobbing him in and out.

  A torrid ache began at my hips. This was such a salacious act for me that I was getting off.

  His shaft became slippery as I sucked, adding more saliva with each stroke. I felt him swell as his sack tightened in my other hand. I began to suck greedily, faster, my own pleasure taking over. His dick brushed the roof of my mouth as I pulled him in closer. My knees hurt even with a soft mattress under them. I began to simulate fucking by holding his dick under the rim and pushing it in and out. I tasted the beginning of salty release as he struggled to keep from coming.

  “It’s all right. I want to taste you,” I mumbled around his cock.

  Lincoln became frantic as I continued to suck him in deeper. His body shook twice as he thrust into my mouth several times, loud grunts following. He was pulling my hair so tightly I thought my scalp would bleed. His orgasm emptied into my mouth, thick and abundant. My initial reaction was to spit—he’d never know—but I forced myself to swallow every drop.

  He exhaled as he pulled back, his cock falling from my lips. “Shit, that was intense. Three years you say?” he asked, trying to catch his breath.

  I poppe
d from the bed and went into the bathroom. I flushed the toilet as I ran water in the sink. I didn’t want him to know I was rinsing my mouth. I spotted mouthwash and used it, studying my face in the mirror. My mouth and chin were chafed and red. In this light, my scars were pronounced. I finger-combed my hair, wondering why I bothered. It didn’t matter how I looked anyway.

  “Better?” he questioned as I lay back down. He was on top of the sheet, and I licked my lips as I perused his body. “So getting back to my previous question. Three years?”

  “For sex, yeah. What we just did, maybe fifteen.”

  He sat up. “No fucking way. How is it you haven’t done oral in fifteen years? Were you alone on a desert island? I mean, seriously, Jensyn, your past intrigues the hell out of me.”

  “There never was an opportunity. The truth is I’m not a very sexual person.”

  He reached out, searching for my hand. “Are you kidding me? You are very sensuous, and obviously, what they say about blowjobs is true. It’s like riding a bike.” He grinned.

  “You haven’t had one in a while, so I’m sure your standards are low. And I think it’s like having your tongue in my pussy. It would feel good no matter how bad you did it.”

  He curled his fingers around my hand. “Jesus, I love it when you talk dirty. Makes me want to start from scratch and fuck you again.”

  I yawned, our laced fingers pulling apart. “So here’s my counter offer. I’ll stay until tomorrow night if you let us sleep now. I realize it’s dark to you, but the sun is coming up. And if you want to work on the book, I have to get some sleep. And if I’m refreshed”—I paused to cup his ear and whisper—“I’ll let you fuck me again.”

  I watched as his nipples became pebbles. His one hand traveled down his chest, past his belly button, down to his semi-erect cock. He stroked it once. “Did you hear that? Sleep equals more sex.”

  I chuckled, covering both our bodies with the sheet. “Are you having conversations with your dick?”

  “Hey, just be glad I haven’t named it… Okay, I did when I was younger, but I outgrew that phase of my life.”


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