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The Darkest Of Light

Page 17

by Sandy Alvarez

  As Logan and Prez start to walk off I stop them, "You think Santino’s family could be behind any of this?"

  "Like I said, we leave no stone unturned, Gabriel. I’ll have Reid do some digging into Santino’s extended family and their locations," Prez says.

  Before we get any further into our conversation Logan’s phone rings. Pulling it from his cut he swipes the screen and lifts it to his ear, "Yeah," he clips. His eyes quickly cut to me, "You know a Sam."

  "That’s the guy who was living with Alba and her friend Leah in Bozeman. Why?"

  "Because he’s sitting out at the front gate askin’ to speak with you," Logan tells me.

  What the hell would he have to talk to me about? And how in the hell did he know where to find me or the clubhouse?

  "Let him in," I tell Logan. Two minutes later he walks through the front door, pausing, taking in his surroundings before making his way in further.

  "What the fuck you doin’ out here uninvited, in our town, at our club?" My voice booms causing him to halt. His hands go up, "Look, man, I’m not here to stir up any shit. I’m here because I think I might have some information concerning Alba and her stalker."

  "How did you know where to find me?" I ask, hardening my stare at him.

  "I only know Alba’s home address, but I didn’t want to upset her with my suspicions, so I decided it was best that I find you first. Alba never mentioned locations or anything, so I had to be resourceful, you know, ask around a bit. Most people weren’t too keen on telling me anything, but I found out enough to find my way."

  Deciding we need to hear what he has to say I pull a chair out at a table to my right, "Sit," I order. He takes a seat and Prez, Logan and myself pull out some chairs and do the same.

  Prez is the first to break through the thick tension in the air, "Son, what’s so important that you went nosing’ around our town? It’s not smart showing up out here uninvited."

  I’ve got to give it to him, the guy has balls showin’ up to a biker compound unannounced like he did. Either that or he’s stupid.

  "After Alba came home, our old professor showed up at my front door asking about her. Asking why she left and did I know how to get in touch with her. I found it strange.

  I clench my fits, trying to control the anger building inside and listen as he continues.

  "Anyway, Leah was approached by him a few days later asking her the same thing. When she recounted what he said, I went looking for him the next day. Teacher or not, he’s messing with my friends and snooping, and I don’t like it. I had an office worker dig up his address for me. I showed at his doorstep that same day and couldn’t get an answer. He hasn’t been back teaching classes either. Seems as though he just up and left. I’ve asked around and no one knows why," Sam finishes.

  "Damn, brother, you think this guy is the one connected with Alba’s accident?" Logan questions.

  "An accident. Alba was… was she hurt? Is she okay?" Sam frantically asks, looking too each of us for answers.

  I abruptly stand from my chair causing it to skid across the floor. I can’t take this shit. Sam takes my movement as a threat and stands.

  "Sit the fuck down," I growl at him. He has nothing to worry about… at the moment, but he doesn’t know that, so he continues to stand.

  Jake takes the opportunity to calm everyone’s nerves, "Sit down, son. None of us are a threat to you. Gabriel here is wound tighter than normal right now. Someone tried to hurt his woman yesterday by tampering with her brakes. Her and the baby are going to be okay," Jake tells him.

  Giving me a final glance, Sam sits back down.

  "Look," he says, "I’m telling you something isn’t adding up. And now knowing about her accident, my gut is telling me Professor Green has been the guy all along."

  He ain’t the only one. My gut is tellin’ me the same thing. We need to find out who the hell this Professor Green is.

  I motion to Prez and Logan to walk over towards the bar, leaving Sam to sit alone.

  "I need to get home and talk to Reid."

  "What do you want to do about pretty boy over there? You know he’s probably going to want to see your Alba," Logan smirks, knowing god damn well the same thing would have already crossed my mind. I think it’s time Sam and I get a few things straight. I’ve done claimed what’s mine and dipshit sitting over there needs to know it. I walk back towards the table and look down at Sam.

  "You got plans to see my woman while you’re here?" I ask.

  "I do. I booked a hotel room in town," he answers.

  "Alba’s mine. We gonna have issues with that? Because if your dumb ass came here thinking you could sweep in and save the day and get the girl, it ain’t happening," I warn him.

  "I can assure you, Alba and I are and always will be just friends. She’s a beautiful and caring woman, but she’s not the one for me… I promise you," he assures me.

  "Make sure you keep it that way and we won’t have any problems." I warn him.

  Turning away I lift my chin to Prez and Logan and walk out the door leaving them to finish up with Sam. The sun is getting ready to set and I want to get home to my family and bring Reid up to speed with our new-found information.

  When I make it home and walk through the door, I find Alba and Reid sitting at the table. Striding towards her, I lean down giving her a kiss then turn my attention to Reid, "I need to speak with you, brother." Standing up from the table he takes his plate to the sink, telling Alba thank you. I turn back and face Alba, "Give me a minute with Reid, okay, baby?"

  "I’m going to go lay down. Will you come join me when you’re done?" she asks

  "Sí, mi amor. Yes, my love. I’ll be up in a few minutes." Once Alba is upstairs, I find Reid waiting in the living room. "Sam showed up out at the clubhouse."

  "No shit? That was ballsy of him. What for?"

  "Suspects one of the professors at the school of being Alba’s stalker. He was going around asking questions about her then vanished and hasn’t been seen since. Too much of a coincidence if you ask me," I tell him.

  "You got a name for me?"

  “Calvin Green.”

  Grabbing his keys from the coffee table, I walk with Reid towards the front door.

  "I’ll see what I can dig up on him. I’m assuming we need to be at the clubhouse in the morning?"

  I nod my head.

  "See ya in the mornin’, brother."

  I wait until I see his taillights fade at the end of the driveway before locking up the house and making sure the security alarm is set before I head upstairs. I find Alba sound asleep in our bed, so I grab myself a hot shower. After drying off I climb in behind Alba and wrap my arm around her, laying my hand protectively over our son. Completely relaxed, a few minutes later I fall asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-one


  I wake the next morning in the exact position as I was when I fell asleep the second time with Gabriel’s arm around me. I can tell it’s still early because the sun is just starting to peek through the bedroom window. I don’t want to move. I want to stay in this protective bubble of strong inked arms forever, but my bladder has different plans. Along with a baby who is currently kicking the heck out of said bladder.

  Trying very carefully to get out of bed without disturbing Gabriel is proving impossible. When you’re eight months pregnant, getting up out of bed can be a task and not a graceful one either. By the time I wiggle myself into a sitting position, I look over my shoulder at Gabriel and find him wide awake. He has one brow raised and his lip is quirked.

  "Not one word," I say glaring at him.

  "I wasn’t going to say anything, Cariño Sweetheart. I very much would like to keep my balls," he teases.

  Rolling my eyes, I get up and walk to the bathroom. After finishing my business, I come back out into the bedroom to find Gabriel standing in front of the dresser in all his glory. The sight of him still takes my breath away. My eyes roam over every inch of his body. From his thick arms to his broad
tattooed shoulder. Then my eyes follow the light dusting of dark hair on his chest that leads all the way down to…

  A growl brings me out of my trance. And when my eyes land on Gabriel’s face I see pure desire.

  "Stop lookin’ at me like that," he warns.

  My breathing speeds up and I lick my lips, "Why?"

  "Because when you look at me like that, I want nothing more than to bend you over the edge of the bed and drive my cock into your tight pussy."

  His words cause my breath to hitch and my core to tingle. "I’d be okay with that."

  Growling again through clench teeth he shakes his head, "You just got out of the hospital baby. You need time to heal."

  "But…" I go to argue only to have him cut me off with a sharp look. "Fine," I mutter.

  Once downstairs, we both head to the kitchen. I go about gathering the contents to make an omelet when Gabriel orders me to sit. I do as he asks and sit down on a stool at the bar. Propping my elbow on the counter, I rest my chin in my palm and enjoy the view of Gabriel shirtless and in a pair of grey sweats that hang low on his hips. I’m pulled from yet another dreamy state when the doorbell rings.

  Glancing at the clock on the wall I see it’s 7:30 am and smile because I have a pretty good guess as to who it is. Stepping down from the stool, I go to answer the door.

  "I’ll get it," Gabriel says.

  "It’s probably just Bella. I’m surprised she held off until the sun was up to come over."

  A moment later Gabriel walks back in the kitchen with my sister trailing behind. She walks straight to me and pulls me in for a hug.

  "How are you feeling today?"

  "Really good. My wrist was bothering me a bit when I woke up but it’s fine now."

  Gabriel turns his attention from the stove. "You didn’t tell me you were in pain," he scolds.

  "I’m not. I said it was bothering me a little. I took some pain reliever when I was in the bathroom and now I’m fine."

  "You should have told me."

  "Why? So, you could have fed the medicine to me like a baby? I can do things for myself you know."

  My last statement causes Gabriel to glare and my sister to snicker, which earns her a glare from Gabriel as well.

  "I hope you two don’t mind, but I called Mila and asked if she would mind stopping by here before her shift to check up on you. If big guy," she says pointing her thumb at Gabriel, "is anything like Logan then he’d feel better if you were checked out."

  The glare disappears on Gabriel’s face and it’s replaced with one of gratitude, "Appreciate ya, Bella."

  "No problem, Gabriel." She says sincerely.

  My sister and I are finishing up the breakfast Gabriel cooked when we hear a knock at the door. I don’t even attempt to answer it this time.

  When Gabriel reenters the kitchen, it’s with Mila. Bella and I both step down from our stools and greet her with a hug.

  "Hey, Alba. How are you feeling this morning?"

  "I feel okay. But these two are being worry warts. So, I’m glad you could stop by on your way to work. Maybe once they see I’m fine, they will stop hovering and Gabriel might let me do things for myself."

  "It’s nice having someone to worry about you. It just means they care," Mila states somberly. God, why did I have to open my big mouth? Mila is a single mother. Ava’s father passed away before she was born. Bella has told me on several occasions Mila doesn’t date and she knows she gets lonely. And here I am complaining about the people who love me showing too much attention. I swallow pass the knot in my throat, "Mila, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be complaining. I know how lucky I am."

  She waves her hand at me, "I’m the one who’s sorry. I had no right to overstep."

  "You didn’t overstep. You spoke the truth. I should not speak as though I’m ungrateful." After giving Mila a hug, I lead her into the living room where she proceeds to check my vitals and then she moves on to the staples on my head.

  "All your vitals are normal, and your head is already starting to heal nicely. How’s your wrist feeling?"

  "It was a little achy this morning. I took some pain releiver and it helped."

  "Have you made a follow up with your OB yet?" Mila asks as she begins packing her blood pressure cuff back into her bag.

  "Yep. I have an appointment with her tomorrow."

  Mila slings her bag over her shoulder and I walk her to the front door.

  "Thanks for stopping by. We really appreciate it."

  "No problem, Alba. I was happy to. And anytime you two need anything you can call me, day or night." She says looking to both me and Gabriel.

  "I need to be going too, I’ll walk out with you," Bella announces.

  "Call me later, okay?" then turns towards Gabriel, "Thanks for breakfast big guy." He gives them both a chin lift as they walk out the door.

  An hour after my sister and Mila left, Gabriel informed me that he needed to go to the clubhouse and take care of a few things. When I asked who was babysitting today, he gave me the best surprise.

  Now here I am standing on my front porch shifting from foot to foot as I see a familiar truck making its way down our gravel driveway. Before the truck is even in park, I’m down the steps and throwing myself into Sam’s arms. I’ve missed my friend so much. It’s been months since I’ve seen him.

  "Hey, little momma," he beams scooping me up in his arms.

  "Why didn’t you tell me you were coming," I scold once he releases his hold.

  "I wanted to surprise you."

  "Well, I’m definitely surprised. Come on, let’s go inside," I urge grabbing his hand and tugging him along behind me. Walking back up the steps to the front porch we pass Gabriel. He leans in giving me a kiss and then he and Sam exchange the usual guy acknowledgment of chin lifts before Gabriel heads in the direction of his truck.

  Walking inside, I shut and lock the door before setting the alarm. Something Gabriel insists I do even when one of the guys is here with me. But now that I’m thinking about it, I’m wondering what sort of conversation Gabriel and Sam must have had yesterday. I’m shocked he has allowed Sam to be alone here with me. That he trusts Sam to watch over me without one of the guys. Knowing Gabriel, he probably threatened Sam.

  No matter what was said, all that matters is he trusts Sam enough to let him be here alone with me. Plus, one look at my friend and you can clearly see he would have no problem protecting me. He may not be as big as Gabriel, but then again none of the other guys are.

  We sit together in the living room and talk about trivial things. I notice that every time I bring up school and ask about his classes, he diverts my questions. Even when I ask about Leah, his answer to everything is ’fine’. Sitting up straighter on the sofa, I narrow my eyes at Sam.

  "Alright, what’s going on? Why do I get the feeling you’re keeping something from me?"

  Hanging his head and pinching the bridge of his nose, Sam lays it on me.

  "I dropped out of school."

  I look at him with a stunned expression, "What? Why? When did this happen, and why have you not told me before now?"

  "After I quit the team, my father refused to pay my tuition, so I had no choice. All this happened after Christmas. I didn’t tell you because you have enough shit on your plate to worry about. I know you already blame yourself for me quitting the team. You didn’t need that kind of stress, Alba." Seeing the tears well up in my eyes, Sam shakes his head at me.

  "Hell no, Alba, no tears. Absolutely none of that shit that went down was your fault. So don’t go getting upset, you hear me?"

  "That fight was my fault, Sam. Had you not been defending me, you would still be in school."

  "Sweetheart, me kicking that guy’s ass was a blessing. I was forced to face my father and come clean about some things in my life. One of them being I did not want to play football. Football was never my dream, it was my father’s. I’m happier now than I have been in a very long time, Alba. I’m no longer living my life for someone els
e. I’m living my life for me. You taught me that."

  I give him a confused look.

  "What do you mean I taught you that?"

  Shaking his head. "Look at you. Look at where you’re at. The moment you found out you were pregnant you said fuck what everyone thinks. You faced the challenge head on. And school. School was never for you. So, what did you do. You created your own path. You decided to live your life the way you wanted. Not the way others thought you should."

  By the time Sam is finished talking, I’m a sobbing mess, "I’m really glad you finally stood up for what you wanted, Sam. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy for you."

  Several minutes later after my tears have dried Sam speaks up again.

  "Now that that truth is out of the way, I suppose I should keep going since I’m on a roll."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "I’m talking about Leah."

  "What about her? You said she was doing good."

  "Leah is in trouble. I think she needs help. The kind of help I can’t give her. And I’m hoping that you might be able to help. Hell, after meeting Gabriel and some of the men in the club, I’m convinced you can."

  Oh god. I have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach this has something to do with her family. I just know it. Leah has never come right out and told me any details about her parents. But the way she acts, and some of the things she has said, I’m certain her home life is not good.

  "You know I’ll do anything for her, Sam. Now tell what’s going on."

  "You know, I wouldn’t normally say anything that would upset you, given your current state, but I feel her situation is time sensitive."

  "My current state? You all need to quit acting like being pregnant means I have some sort of disability or that I’m incompetent for Christ’s sake. Now tell me what the hell is going on," I demand with a raised voice.

  Taken aback a moment by my raised voice, Sam finally continues, "When I arrived back to our apartment after spending Christmas with my parents, Leah was already home. I wasn’t expecting her until after New Year’s, and she clearly wasn’t expecting me to come home so early. Because when I came home she was in the middle of packing. I could tell immediately something as off. From the moment I stepped into her room and started to ask questions, she did everything she could to avoid even looking at me. I walked up to her and grabbed a hold of her arm to get her to stop packing and talk to me. When she finally turned toward me that’s when I saw it."


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