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A Change of Pace

Page 4

by Tielle St Clare

  Jesse sighed and glared at his dad.

  Knox chuckled. “I’m not going to tease your professor.” Jesse’s eyebrows went up. “Much.” There was another muffled noise from the blanket burrito next to him and he knew he didn’t have much time before the professor said, “screw it” to discretion and burst out.


  “I’ll be nice.” He could do nice. Hell, he thought he’d been pretty nice last night. The professor seemed to think so. That slim body had clenched and came, squeezing Knox's dick. Their cuddling afterward had turned into mutual stroking off, slow easy orgasms that finally sent them both to sleep.

  “Okay, well, just—”

  The professor squirmed again and Knox knew he’d run out of time. “I’ll be nice. Now, go. Get some coffee going.”

  “Got it.”

  As the door clicked shut, the blanket sat up. Gravity did part of the work as one end flopped down, revealing the professor’s irritated face.

  “What the hell?”

  “Sorry.” He recognized his apology might have been better if he hadn’t been laughing, but the professor looked cute all wrapped up and glaring ferociously. Damn, he always did like his men a little prickly. Made it more interesting. “We slept through and I didn’t want Jesse to find you naked in my bed.”

  The professor lifted his chin as if he wasn’t sure whether to be offended or not. Knox didn’t mean anything by it. Just that most of his relationships lasted only a few days and his son didn’t need to know about them.

  “Right. But seriously, throwing me off the bed?”

  He couldn’t stop his smile. It had been pretty funny. Too bad he had covered the professor’s face. The shock would have been fun to see.

  “He always just knocks and walks in.”

  “Not much privacy.”

  “I don’t need much. I don’t ever bring guys here.”


  He didn’t know what to say to that. He could see the professor’s mind working and wasn’t sure he was ready for where it might end up.

  “We should get moving. If I don’t appear soon he’ll be back up here wondering what’s wrong.”

  Aiden seemed to collect himself and nodded. “Right. I’ll just—” He wiggled, but the blanket didn’t release its hold.

  Knox chuckled. “Let me help.”

  “I can—”

  The protest ended when Knox picked Aiden up, setting him on his feet and letting the blanket fall away.

  They stood face-to-face, naked. Knox couldn’t resist a quick glance down. The professor wasn’t hard, but he wasn’t fully soft either. The narrow hips had a few marks from Knox's fingers. Unable to resist, he skimmed his fingers across the soft skin, liking the idea of his marks on the professor.

  “Uh, thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  They stared at each other for longer than was comfortable.

  Knox didn’t know how to handle this situation. It wasn’t quite a one-night stand because he knew he'd see Aiden again, but it wasn’t like they were dating either.

  He considered a kiss but didn't want to scare the professor off with his morning breath. Too early in the relationship to do that. Not that this was a relationship.

  “We should get moving,” Knox finally announced.

  “Right. I’ll just go hide in my room until I hear the shower go off.”

  The professor straightened his shoulders and stalked to the door.


  He stopped, the superior tilt of his chin didn’t relax as he turned back.

  “Check the hall to make sure Jesse isn’t there and you might want to put on some pants.”

  He was pretty sure he heard Aiden whisper “asshole” as he opened the door but that didn’t stop Knox from smiling. He did like them a little bit prickly.

  * * * * *

  Aiden closed the door to the room he should have slept in. He was a bit surprised he'd slept at all—strange bed, strange man. Neither usually allowed him to sleep. Of course, there had been the incredible sex. That had made it difficult to do anything more than roll over and snore.

  He couldn’t quite explain what made the sex so freakin’ memorable. It hadn’t been an hours-long, sensual feast. It had been pretty fast and basic, but damn... Knox did basic really well. It would be interesting to see how the man fucked when he wasn’t worried his son might hear.

  After that second orgasm, Aiden had fallen asleep almost immediately. He’d woken up once during the night but when he considered getting up and returning to his own bed, Knox’s big hand had tugged him back in place, that strong hot body cuddling close.

  He couldn’t really complain. It was kind of sweet the way Knox held him like he was a favorite teddy bear. For a first night—maybe the only night—it had gone damn well. It had taken Aiden a month of sex before he’d even been able to fall asleep next to his last boyfriend. He’d been too concerned he’d snore or toss and turn and wake him.

  Last night, Aiden had been too exhausted, too well-fucked, to care.

  Knowing Jesse was waiting, Aiden jumped in the shower. He hadn’t planned on an overnight trip so he pulled on the pants and button down shirt he’d worn the day before.

  As he went downstairs, the previous night loomed large on his conscience—Knox was a parent of his student—but he pushed the thoughts aside knowing he had to focus on today. The plan was to work for a few hours with Jesse and hopefully by then, his car would be done and he could be on his way. He didn't want to interrupt their plans for the game.

  The scent of bacon and grease filled the air. Normally not a good smell for him, but his stomach rumbled and his mouth watered. He paused at the swinging door to the kitchen and rolled his shoulders back, needing that extra boost of confidence that good posture always seemed to give him.

  He pushed open the door.

  Two heads snapped up—Knox from the sink, Jesse from the stove.

  “Morning.” Aiden’s hand came up in a low wave. He nodded to Knox, hoping he didn’t linger too long or move too fast. Then nodded to Jesse.

  The kid offered him a weak smile and went back to scrambling his eggs.

  “Morning, princess.”

  Aiden's jaw clenched.

  “Dad, you promised.” Jesse looked up. “I'm sorry, professor. He just does it to get a rise out of you.”

  “No worries. I used to teach second graders, so I know how to handle snotty-nosed brats.”

  “Ooooh, Dad. He just called you a brat,” Jesse laughed.

  “Yeah, well, don't laugh so long that you burn those eggs.”

  Jesse yelped and pulled the pan off the stove. With Jesse's back to him, Aiden felt safe. Knox looked over and stuck his tongue out at Aiden. Speaking of second graders.

  “Did you sleep well, professor?” Knox asked, his voice humming with challenge.


  “Bed wasn't too hard? Too soft?”

  “It was just right.”

  Jesse chuckled. “You guys sound like the three bears. Too hard, too soft, just right.”

  “Well, I particularly find too soft a problem.” Aiden looked at Knox, daring him with a stare.

  “Soft is never a problem in this house,” Knox drawled. It certainly hadn't been last night. He glanced at Jesse as if to make sure the kid's back was turned, then winked at Aiden. “We like our mattresses firm, almost hard.”

  Jesse shook his head. “You guys are weird.” He dumped eggs on three plates, then turned to his father, who added toast and home fries. “Who spends this long talking about your bed?”

  Knox looked at his son, his face serious and staid. “The right bed becomes important as you get older.” He looked over Jesse’s head and his eyes just sparkled.

  They all sat down and ate and Knox announced the plan of the day. He directed Jesse to work with Aiden, then got up and began his preparations for the party. Guests would be arriving about two.

  Jesse rolled his eyes but put his plate in t
he sink. “It’s like the one time you can believe he’s gay, huh?” he muttered as they walked into the living room. “I mean only a gay guy would get this obsessed about a party.”

  “I heard that!” Knox yelled as the door swung shut behind them.

  Aiden couldn’t stop his own giggle—partly because of what Jesse said and partly because he would never again doubt Knox was gay—not after last night.

  The morning passed quickly. Jesse took most of his advanced classes online but the grant allowed Aiden and another teacher to travel to visit the students in the class, tutor where needed, and proctor tests. They went over the paper Aiden had graded last night and started a discussion on 19th Century English playwrights.

  Jesse stayed focused but the closer it got to noon the more restless he got. They’d done plenty for this visit and he’d be back through in about three weeks.

  “Shall we call it quits?” Aiden asked.

  Jesse hesitated, as if he knew he should keep working but really wanted to be free.

  “We’re done. And I need to see about my car.”

  Jesse seemed to like that excuse. He jumped up and started stacking his books.

  Aiden gathered his work and stuffed it back in his bag and wandered into the kitchen. Knox probably had the garage number.

  He pushed open the door and tried not to moan. Knox was bent over, leaning into the oven, jeans stretched tight across his rock-hard ass. He must have made some sort of noise because Knox looked over his shoulder and smiled. He straightened and placed a pie on the stovetop.

  “See something you like, professor?” he drawled.

  “Yeah. Pie.”


  “My favorite.”

  Knox stared at him, those green eyes glowing with undisguised hunger.

  “Good to know.”

  Wicked shivers raced down Aiden’s spine. Damn, how did the man make the simplest things sound sexy?

  “You and Jesse done?”

  “Yeah, I was going to check on my car.”

  “I just talked to Mickey…looks like you're stuck here for the game.”

  Great. Football hell. Only it didn't seem that dreadful. Not now.

  “Oh, okay.”

  “He said he'd try to get it done afterward if you wanted to head home tonight.”

  Aiden nodded, trying to process the split personality occurring in his mind and body. Logic demanded he get the hell home as soon as possible.

  His body, on the other hand, thought staying one more night would be an excellent idea.

  Knox leaned down, not touching but letting his breath whisper across Aiden's ear.

  “I think you should stay ‘til tomorrow. Mickey drinks a bit and you don't want him working on your car when his eyes are crossed.”

  He swallowed and nodded. “Probably right. I should stay.”

  The edge of Knox's mouth kicked up in that half-smile and Aiden thought the man was going to kiss him, but he pulled back just as the kitchen door swung open.

  Knox let out a slow breath. That had been close. Both Jesse almost catching them and his little lie about Mickey. Mickey never had more than two beers, but Aiden didn't need to know that. Gave Knox a chance to keep the professor around for another night. And he had plans.

  But first, he had a couple dozen people coming to his house in a few hours.

  “All hands on deck. We got work to do.”

  Aiden's eyes widened for a second and then he nodded, tension straining the muscles of his neck.

  “What do you need me to do?”

  Knox winked. “Meatballs. Stuff's made up. You just start rolling.” Knox threw one party a year and he did it up right. “Jess, you know what you're doing.”

  Jesse made a noise that sounded almost like a whine. “Fold the snack thingies.”

  Knox couldn't stop his grin. Jesse might complain but he loved the little treats. They didn't have a name. They just all called them the “snack thingies” and dang they were good.

  But he couldn't let Jesse get away with the whine.

  “Get to work.” He took the towel off his shoulder and snapped it at his son's backside, smiling when Jesse jumped out of the way.

  The professor quickly walked over, washed his hands and went to work, rolling ball after ball and neatly stacking them, ready for the next step—a frying pan, then a slow cooker filled with barbecue sauce.

  Knox looked over and crushed a groan. It shouldn't have been erotic, but damn… It was almost sensual the way Aiden massaged the meat, rolling the balls in his hands. The sight made Knox’s cock ache for the same sort of treatment.

  The three of them worked quickly. Knox pulled out the second pan of brownies and put in the final two pies. He'd marinated chicken wings yesterday and would toss those in the oven when people started to arrive. Potato salad in the fridge. He just needed to slice cheese and sausage, and he thought they might be done. He had enough food to feed an army, but knowing his friends, he'd barely make it through the afternoon.

  At one point, Aiden looked up and glanced around, blinking, a little shocked, no doubt, by the food piling up, either cooked or ready to go in.

  “Think you have enough?”

  “Never,” Jesse answered without looking up from the intent folding of pastry dough over cream cheese and bacon.

  “Not with the crowd we've got coming over.” Knox stirred the pot of chili. “Why? You got something special you want?”

  “Uh, no.” Aiden shook his head.

  “Come on, what's your favorite football snack? I'm sure I can whip it up.”

  “I don't have one.”

  “No favorite snacks?” Knox couldn't keep the surprise out of his voice.

  “Not that you eat while watching football.”

  Knox raised his eyebrows. “Oh, your food's too posh to be eaten while watching football.”

  The tops of the professor's cheeks turned red. “No. I just never think of bruschetta as a football snack.”

  “Bruschetta? That's your favorite snack?” Sounded kind of prissy to him, but what the hell? “That's just tomatoes and bread, right?”

  “Not the way I make it.”

  The saucy confidence in the professor's voice made Knox's cock stand up and take notice. It also made his taste buds curious about this special bruschetta.

  “Ooh-hoo. That sounds like a promise. Okay, what do you need? We'll put it together.”

  Aiden shook his head.

  “You don't have half the stuff.”

  “We can send Jesse out, right?” And with Jesse gone... He let the thought trail away as Jesse jumped up, obviously bored with folding pastry squares into triangles.

  “Sure. I'll go get Tammy and we'll head to the store. What do you need?”

  The professor blinked and looked strangely cornered. The thought made Knox smile. He crossed his arms and dared Aiden with his stare.

  “Uh, cherry tomatoes.”

  “We've got 'em.”

  “A head of garlic.”

  “Got that.”

  “Artichoke hearts.”

  Ugh. “Need that.”

  “Olives and feta cheese.” Aiden snapped his fingers. “And French bread.”

  Jesse bobbed his head once. “Got it. Artichoke hearts, olives, feta, bread.”

  Before Aiden could give any more instruction, Jesse had grabbed his keys off the hook and was heading to the living room. The front door slammed behind him. Knox put down his spoon and walked to the window, watching Jesse’s car pull away.

  Aiden rolled his eyes. He appreciated “protective,” but that was a bit much.

  “Okay, he’s gone.” Knox turned on the hot water. “Come on, professor. He’s not going to be gone long and I got guests coming.”

  “What?” Aiden shook his head.

  “Wash your hands. You’ve got that crap all over them and I don’t want it all over me.”

  “All over—oh!” Damn, for a smart guy, he was slow sometimes. He shoved his hands under the run
ning water, the grease from the meat clinging to his skin. A little soap and within seconds his hands were clean. He barely had time to turn off the tap before Knox was there, turning him, pressing him back against the counter, lips hot on his.

  He opened his mouth at the first touch, needing a taste. Yum, chocolate. Knox had been making brownies and had obviously done some testing. He sucked on Knox’s tongue, loving the way he felt in his mouth.

  Large hot hands slid down to his ass, giving him a squeeze. He gasped, a bit sore from last night. It had been difficult not to wince when he’d sat down for breakfast.

  “Damn, babe,” Knox whispered the words against his lips. “I’d love to see what else you can do with that mouth.” The rough growly voice made Aiden's stomach drop.

  Knox flicked out his tongue and teased Aiden’s upper lip, a quick taste, then a slow, almost painful bite to his lower lip. Knox teased his mouth, long deep kisses, tiny stinging bites followed by soft licks. The whole time, he pressed their bodies together, cock against cock, rubbing through two thick layers of material.

  Aiden groaned. The friction was good, almost too much. He didn’t want to come, not like this. He pushed back, his lips throbbing, Knox’s mouth pink and a little swollen as well.

  “Fuck, Aiden.”

  Knox rarely used his name. The thought disappeared when Knox pushed on his shoulders, urging him to his knees.

  “Suck me off, babe. I want to see that pretty mouth wrapped around my dick.”

  Aiden’s cock leapt in his jeans, pushing hard against the zipper. Damn, he did love a man who knew how to command. With the weight of Knox’s hands on his shoulders, he sank to the floor. His fingers trailed across Knox’s chest, down those wicked abs, feeling every ripple beneath the soft material. He hadn’t had much of a chance to explore last night. Everything had been done to him—and done quite well—but he wanted to touch, lick, taste. He leaned in and flicked his tongue over the tiny patch of skin just above the waistband of Knox's jeans.

  “Babe, we don’t have a lot of time.”

  “Want to taste you,” he murmured, straining for another lick.

  “Tonight, when Jesse’s in bed, you can do whatever the hell you want to me. Right now, hurry up because I got guests coming.” He winked. “And you don’t really want your prize student to come home and find his favorite professor on his knees, do you?”


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