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A Western Romance: Love Changes - Western Historical Romance: (Western Fiction, Western Books, Western Brides) (Leap of Love Series Book 3)

Page 9

by Paige Powers

  She signed it with love, and told him that she wished him well with Cassie. He was not sure if that was truth or not, especially since he was not aware that she knew that he and Cassie had sparked feelings for one another. Either way, he was happy to know that Lizbeth was moving on and was well.

  Bryan’s brother Brent had gotten the law involved where Maria was concerned. It had taken a few days to find her, but she was eventually discovered hiding out in a small house on the outskirts of town. She was arrested and charged with poisoning Bryan, but being the man that he was, he asked Sheriff Dyer to go easy on her and give her some leniency in sentencing.

  The sheriff promised to do the best that he could do in that case, but he did say that it was basically out of his hands and that the law would have to take care of Maria. Once the case went to court, it was discovered that Maria had been wanted in another county for doing the same thing to another employer. She was extradited to the other county and had to face charges there first before facing charges there in Owen’s Bluff.

  It was all so unfortunate and Bryan hated that the woman had to stand trial for doing something so crucial and harmful to someone. He hoped the best for her and prayed that she would receive mercy.

  Life with Cassie was all that he wanted it to be. They set a date for a fall wedding and planned to move forward with their lives together. It did not take long for Bryan to fall totally and completely head over heels for Cassie. She was a wonderful woman. She was kind-hearted and made a good home for him.

  Most importantly, she fit in well with Miss Sarah and Lily. It took a bit of explaining to the older woman to make her understand why he had gone from Lizbeth to Cassie so quickly. But Miss Sarah was no fool. She knew what a man in love looked like and she gave her blessing to the union.

  Bryan had no idea why he felt he needed the approval of Miss Sarah and Sheriff Dyer. He respected their opinion and they seemed to be such a solid couple. He wanted to know all he could about creating a solid union for himself and Cassie.

  He wanted so much to marry a woman that would complete him and was pretty sure that Cassie was his completion. It felt right for all the right reasons and he wanted to go with it. Their date was set for the nuptials and he was ready to make Cassie Mrs. Bryan Abbott.

  * * *

  The fall weather was heavy because of the dry heat. It was the perfect day for a wedding. Cassie could not keep her composure because she never thought that this day would come for her. She always dreamed of being a bride, but she never thought that she would be one in this lifetime.

  Lily had taken the time to handcraft her dress for her and she could not have asked for a lovelier dress. It was all lace and a bit of silk embroidery. Her veil was sheer and trailed with the dress down to her feet. Her something borrowed was a handkerchief from Sheriff Dyer and Miss Sarah; her something new was her dress made by Lily. Lily also found a blue wildflower that she pinned in Cassie’s hair, and Cassie wore her mother’s sapphire ring as something old.

  “I think I am ready.” She stared at herself in the mirror and took it all in.

  “I think you look beautiful. Bryan is a lucky man.”

  “Thank you, Miss Sarah.” She found herself holding onto Miss Sarah’s hand tightly.

  “Child, if you are going to walk down that aisle, you are going to have to let me go.” Miss Sarah gently slid her hand from Cassie’s grip.

  “You will be just fine. It is what you have looked forward to for so long,” Lily reminded her.

  “That is true.” Cassie took a deep breath.

  “I’ll be just fine. I will see you both outside.” She tried to smile so they would think that she was fine.

  “I am okay. Really.”

  Miss Sarah and Lily left the room, leaving Cassie all alone with her thoughts.

  “Alright Cassie, you got what you wanted.” She smoothed her dress. “Go out there and get it!”

  The music began playing and she knew that was her cue. Taking a deep breath, she walked outside to find everyone’s attention on her. It was an intimidating moment. She saw a few young men that she knew to be some of the Abbott brothers sitting there as she walked the aisle. She walked alone since she did not have her father present to give her away.

  Everything was perfect: the flowers, the music. The man standing at the end of the aisle waiting for her. She felt the love in the space and absorbed every moment of it. They had decided to get married down in the small clearing near the babbling brook where they had first shared a close moment. It was wonderful to see family and friends gathered in a space that felt so good for the both of them.

  As soon as Cassie was standing in front of Bryan, the minister helped them take each other’s hand.

  “Do you, Bryan Abbott, take Cassie Anderson to be your wife? To cherish and to hold her close for always?”

  She was happy to reply to hear him reply: “I do.”

  “Do you, Cassie Anderson, promise to love and cherish Bryan as your husband for eternity?’

  “I do,” she said with a smile.

  “By the power vested in me, I would like to present you all with Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Abbott. You are now husband and wife. Please kiss your bride, Mr. Abbott.”

  As Bryan saluted his new bride, everyone cheered and threw flower petals as they walked back down the aisle. The repast took place there as well and included food courtesy of Miss Sarah and Lily.

  Cassie got a proper introduction to some of Bryan’s family. His brother Ben and his wife had arrived with their children in tow. His younger brothers, twins Boyd and Beau were also in attendance. Brent had served as his best man. Some of his other brothers would come in later in the week to visit as they all could not get into town in time for the wedding. They had even received a gift from Lizbeth wishing them well. Boyd had shared that it was a town scandal that Lizbeth had returned to their hometown with a Mexican boy toy that she tried to pass off as a gardener/driver.

  Bryan simply laughed at the matter, knowing that he had gotten the better end of the deal.

  * * *

  After all of the cake was gone and then everyone had gone back home, it was just Cassie and Bryan left to themselves to build the life they wanted to live. Cassie loved the fact that Bryan’s family had welcomed her as one of their own and took her in and embraced her.

  Bryan’s brother Ben had given his blessing and told Cassie that her job was to make Bryan happy. Cassie had responded that they both agreed to make each other happy and that they would live out the rest of their lives doing so.

  Their life in Owen’s Bluff was quiet. Cassie had found work through Miss Sarah. She now worked as the local seamstress in town and was making a pretty good living doing so. Bryan had not wanted her to work, but they agreed that she would do so until they decided to have children. The last thing she wanted was to stay at home, with nothing to do all day while he worked. She reasoned with him that she was used to working and that she wanted to kill her idle time.

  She also convinced Bryan that it was not necessary to hire out help. Cassie reminded him that they had dealt with enough stress from incorporating others into their lives and they both agreed that it would be best in their first years to surround themselves with people who loved and cared for them.

  Cassie’s greatest joy was to have Bryan come home to her at night and sit by the fireplace, eating a home-cooked meal that she prepared. He always professed his love for her daily and she never tired of it. She also never tired of saying it back to him.

  She rocked in the chair in the great room, waiting for Bryan to arrive home. Her home was quiet and peaceful, just the way she had always envisioned it. The fireplace was going, it was cozy, and dinner was on the table awaiting the arrival of her husband.

  Her husband. It was a phrase that she’d always wanted to say, and she felt good saying it.

  Their love was proof that change was necessary in life. Change was a good thing and people should not be afraid of it. Bryan was all that she needed and wanted
in life.

  She never wanted to admit it to anyone, but moving to Owen’s Bluff had been scary. It had been just the opposite of what she expected it to be. She was terrified of leaving the only town that she knew and all of the memories of the things and the people that she loved.

  But it had all worked out. She was patient and everything that she wanted came to pass. The universe had been good to her and she now had all that she needed and wanted, and her life was full.

  Hearing the sound of the door open at six o’clock in the evening was a joyous sound. It meant that it was another night that the love of her life had returned to her and she could not ask for anything more.

  Tonight, he arrived with a cluster of wildflowers.

  “Beautiful flowers for the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  “Thank you, my love,” she gushed. In that moment, Cassie wondered if other people experienced love the way that she did with Bryan.

  “I was wondering...” she started.

  “You are always wondering,” he laughed.

  “I am being serious. I was wondering if other people know love as we have come to know it.”

  Bryan considered her question. “I don’t know the true answer to that, but here is what I do know. I know that loving you has been my greatest reward and that is good for me. So if other people are half as lucky to know what we know about love, then life is well worth it. Don’t you think?”

  She nodded and kissed her beau. “There is truth to that.”

  And there was. Cassie was happy. Bryan was happy. And they had found their own little slice of Heaven right there in Owen’s Bluff, Texas.

  The End

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