The Divine Unleashed (Book 3)

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The Divine Unleashed (Book 3) Page 3

by Allen J Johnston

  This was important because even a simple calling could cause issue for those around the caster. But, Kade knew that Doren was trying to cast this calling without performing any moves at all. This should make it virtually harmless. At least, that was what Kade was hoping. A type of thrill went through him as he waited. It was something the Chosen did. When one Chosen thought he had learned the secret of another without being taught…well…it was like a type of game. It was a game that all Chosen desperately wanted to win. If a Chosen could learn a calling without being taught, it was like winning that game. It was rare but it did happen once in a great while, and of course, it was with the simplest of callings that were attempted. No matter how small the new skill that was procured, it was still one more calling than was known before. Both men knew the game and the challenge was on. Kade could not help but to grin as Doren focused hard and raised his hand. The Apprentice Chosen thought he was going to see sweat start to appear on the man’s forehead with how intent he was. The Master Chosen was determined, as all Chosen were when taking this challenge.

  Give it your best, Kade thought in amusement. Trying to learn without a book or being taught is almost impossible.

  Doren filled himself with the Divine and looked at his hand, waiting for light to shoot forth. His fingers formed the shape of a bowl, but still, nothing. He even flexed his fingers as if turning them into claws, and yet, darkness. He even jabbed his hand out as if to shake the light from his palm. Still, nothing. Doren returned his gaze to Kade’s outstretched hand and studied it hard. His eyes lost focus as he tried to recall anything he was missing. Kade waited, excitement flowing through him.

  “Kade…,” Darcienna started to say but he quickly shushed her without taking his eyes of Doren. She folded her arms in frustration but did not say another word. She could see something was happening, even if she could not understand what. The royal couple waited, knowing that this had to be something important. For the two Chosen, it was.

  A simple calling such as this was still beyond the reach of even a master if the Chosen did not know the moves involved…even if they appeared simple, as this one was. No Chosen, Master or Apprentice, ever tried to emulate a calling without being taught or learning it from a book, except with the Taking in Plain Sight. It was normally just too dangerous to try to replicate. One wrong hand gesture and everything could go horribly wrong. Even a simple calling like this could cause something undesirable like making your hair fall out. Generally, the fewer the moves, the less dangerous the consequences, but still, who would want to go through life with no hair on their body?

  After just a moment, Doren took a deep breath and let it out, completely giving up. He shrugged his shoulders, and with that, it was over. As much as he wanted to know how this was done, he knew that Chosen did not share callings on a whim…even an Apprentice Chosen. It was just the way of things.

  Kade let slip a slight grin as he caught the look in Darcienna’s eyes. He held his hand closer to her to make his point… the point that this was the prize. He let the light disappear and dropped his hand. Darcienna was none the wiser with his explanation. Doren turned to watch and Kade knew the man was watching him like a hawk once again. It might be a simple calling, but if Doren’s only ability to create light was from the sparks dancing on his fingers, a calling like this could be invaluable. Every calling was critical, even the simple ones, Kade thought to himself. His eyes came open wide at his own thoughts. He recalled there was a time when he dismissed simple callings as if they were worthless, but now, he felt himself starting to covet even ones such as this. He wished he would have been wise enough to understand what his teacher was always trying to get him to realize. But, every time Zayle tried, Kade just would not hear or internalize what the Master Chosen was trying to get his apprentice to learn.

  Kade let his hands fall to his side as he turned slightly away from the Master Chosen as if not paying attention. But, Kade was quickly becoming very versed in this game. The way he positioned his body was no mistake. His right hand hung just barely out of Doren’s view so his fingers could not be seen.

  “Apprentice, we should be moving on,” Doren said. He finished and was almost not breathing as he watched closely.

  Kade feigned indifference and brought up his hand and the light shone forth. Doren’s eyes came open and then his face scrunched up in anger. His lips pressed together tightly as he studied the outstretched hand. He could see nothing new that he did not see the first time. He locked eyes with Kade and anger flared for just a moment and then faded.

  What he was not seeing was that Kade had his fingers together as if to pinch something and the only move was spreading them apart into the shape of a bowl. To Doren, there appeared to be no move at all because it seemed to be a natural motion of raising the arm, and Kade knew this. Zayle had played this very game with Kade while teaching him how Chosen attempt to take callings from each other. It was absolutely the only time it was sanctioned for a Chosen to take a calling from another Chosen without permission. Zayle had used this very calling as a way of demonstrating that even the trained eye can miss the obvious. But, to be fair, Doren could not see that Kade had drawn his finger apart while they were barely hidden by his leg. If there was one Chosen that might spot the move needed for this calling, Doren would be it, but even in the open, Kade was betting that the man would have missed the move.

  The king and queen waited patiently for Kade to lead them down the tunnel. It was not lost on them that there was something going on between the Master Chosen and the Apprentice Chosen. They did not live a life at the head of a society without seeing the subtle indications of trouble between positions of power and there was clearly plenty of power to be had between the two men leading them.

  Doren, again, shrugged his shoulder in resignation and turned, waiting for Kade to lead the way. Darcienna put a hand on Kade’s arm and caught his eye as she turned her head slightly as if to ask, “What was that.” Kade grinned and mouthed, “I will explain later,” as he started walking. She eyed him wearily but he mouthed again, “Later.” She reluctantly gave up, even though her curiosity was fueled into a blaze. The ways of the Chosen intrigued her and something important had just happened. She would not forget to ask, even though she was sure he would forget to explain.

  Kade headed for the tunnel and held his hand up for the light to lead the way. Darcienna stayed close at his side while Doren eagerly searched the darkness for the famed doorway to the dead. It did not surprise Kade that Doren so quickly dismissed the loss of their contest. With the doorway to the dead just within reach, he was surprised Doren had even considered wasting time trying to take a calling. Kade glanced over and saw that look in the man’s eyes…that look of hunger. Kade started to get an uncomfortable feeling in his gut as he watched the Master Chosen. The words of warning from his master came back to him and he reminded himself to be cautious of all Chosen once more.

  “How far?” Doren asked as his eyes peered hard into the darkness. He did not even spare a glance for Kade as he waited for the answer.

  “It is just a little ways yet but we must go slowly. You would not want to walk into that thing,” Kade said as he recalled the black wisp that had shot out at the queen.

  “I shall be safe enough,” the arrogant Chosen responded. For just a fraction of a moment, Kade envisioned himself giving Doren a little push when they arrived at the arch and then instantly was shocked at his own thoughts. He shook his head and reminded himself that Doren was one of the good guys and his thoughts were…wrong.

  “Of course,” Kade said.

  “I am sensing something very powerful. The arch must be close?” Doren asked.

  “Yes,” Rakna said.

  Kade and Darcienna looked at each other with questioning glances. Kade shrugged his shoulders to indicate he was just as confused as she was and then turned to Doren for an explanation. The Master Chosen noticed the look and explained.

  “It is my gift from the Divine,” Doren said simpl
y. “Not as impressive as others, but it has come in handy at times.”

  “What exactly is your gift?” Darcienna asked.

  “Anytime there is power in use, I can sense it. It does not matter if it is Nature’s Gift,” Doren said as he indicated Darcienna, “or the Divine Power,” he said simply. Doren noticed the disappointed look on Kade’s face and smiled. “Try to sneak up on me with that Transparency Calling,” he said as he lifted his chin slightly. Understanding hit Kade and he nodded once in understanding. No gift should be dismissed as useless, he realized.

  Doren turned back to look down the tunnel and continued talking. “I don’t know what powers this gateway, but I can tell you it is incredibly strong. I have never felt such power in all my years,” Doren said as he held out a hand in front of himself.

  The group walked quietly down the well lit tunnel. The king and queen glided along silently. Kade even looked back a time or two just to make sure the royal couple was still with them. He could tell that Crayken was on edge as they descended deeper into the tunnel. He made a mental note to ask what had the king so concerned.

  The air became thick with an earthy smell. Kade recalled how it made him feel the first time he was here. It reminded him of the presence that kept trying to make contact with him. His mind, again, felt for the invader but there was nothing. Wait, he thought to himself. Zayle is not an invader, he corrected himself, feeling as if he were dishonoring his mentor. Even though he was specifically talking about the entity that had tried to take him over, he still felt he should clarify what he meant, even though it was just in his own mind. No, you were not an invader, Kade thought as though Zayle may be able to sense his mind and make contact again. But still, there was nothing.

  Kade was in his own mind as they walked when, suddenly, Darcienna pulled him to a stop. His eyes focused on the darkness that was not more than two strides in front of him. He reminded himself to pay closer attention as he was certain he would have walked right through the arch to his demise. With a tight lipped smile, he turned and thanked Darcienna with a nod of his head. Doren, on the other hand, had not been daydreaming. He was inspecting the darkness like a child inspects a wrapped present. Kade was not sure if he liked sharing this with the Master Chosen, but he really had no choice. At least, that is what he told himself now that he had lead Doren here.

  “This is it,” the Master Chosen said, unable to hide his excitement. “This is it.”

  Kade stood back as he watched the Master Chosen study the arch. He waited. Maybe, just maybe, Doren could reveal something that he would find useful. He had his doubts but he could still hope.

  Doren’s eyes broke from the arch and quickly started scanning the walls. It was not long before he found what he was looking for. Kade turned to see the drawings standing out as if the wall had been cleaned. He spared a glance for the king, certain that it was the spiders that had cleared away the dirt. Crayken still appeared to be…tense was the best way Kade thought to put it. He considered questioning the king when Doren ordered him over to the side of the tunnel where the images were. Kade quickly complied and something in him despised how he scampered to the Master Chosen’s command without hesitation.

  “This is what you were talking about?” Doren asked, but it sounded more like a comment.

  “It is,” Kade said as he studied the drawing.

  Doren ran his fingers along the image of the man floating through the air. He studied each and every mark on the wall until his mind had absorbed every little detail. It was clear to Kade that the Master Chosen was not going to be denied any knowledge that he may gain from what this tunnel had to offer. It even became clearer when Doren quickly marched toward the doorway to the dead. Kade gasped as it appeared that Doren might actually march right through the arch into the darkness. The Apprentice Chosen was absolutely certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that Doren was on the verge of charging off to his death. However, just as he got close to the doorway, he shocked Kade with what he did next.

  “Keep watch over me,” Doren commanded as he quickly dropped to the ground and prepared his calling.

  “Master?” Kade asked, concern thick in his voice. “What are you planning?”

  “Just keep watch over my body,” Doren commanded firmly, irritation showing due to being delayed and closed his eyes.

  “You know the Drift Calling?” Kade asked, still unsure about this plan. It was rash at best. Even he, an Apprentice Chosen, could see that.

  “There are some callings that almost all of us Chosen know. Now, stop babbling and let me focus,” Doren barked and that was that.

  Kade got a sick feeling in his stomach as he felt the Divine growing in the old man. He watched for any sign that the Master Chosen was leaving his body, but of course, there was none. There never was. Even when Zayle used to demonstrate, the Apprentice Chosen would try to catch some glimpse of a haze or silhouette but nothing was ever discernable. Kade scanned the few members of their party that were watching intently. He was about to look back at Doren when the king drew his attention. Crayken was highly agitated as he watched Doren closely. It was almost as if the king were flexing, ready for battle. Kade could not contain himself any longer.

  “Crayken?” Kade asked as he tried to draw the king’s attention, but the majestic, black spider was too focused on the man lying on the floor. “Crayken?” Kade asked again, a knot building in his stomach. The queen mirrored the kings stance as they both focused on the body. Kade turned as if to consult Darcienna and saw her eyes steadily glowing more and more by the moment. It was as if the danger was slowly creeping toward them. Kade’s frustration grew. He could not shake the feeling that he was an outsider, not privy to what was going on. He wished he would have questioned the king before now, but there was no getting his attention. Something was wrong and Darcienna’s eyes were the proof.

  Kade readied himself for this unseen danger that stalked them. He cast a quick glance at Darcienna, and before he could ask what the danger was, she spun to face the arch. Everything was deathly quiet. Kade could feel his heart pounding like mad in his chest as he struggled to understand. The royal couple stood as if statues, and Darcienna appeared to be holding her breath. For a moment he wondered if she could hear his heart pounding on the inside of his ribcage.

  Blood and ash! I wish someone would tell me what the ever lovin Divine is going on! Kade thought as the quiet hung in the air. Not a person or spider moved as they waited for the danger that everyone but him seemed aware of.

  Rakna and Crayken both crouched lower to the ground as if ready to pounce. Darcienna clenched her hands into fists and then relaxed in an attempt to control the fear that threatened to consume her as her eyes began to blaze. Kade had had enough. He knew he may anger the Master Chosen but it was better than letting him lay on the ground while the danger arrived to ravage the prone body. He knelt down next to the Master Chosen and reached out to touch him on the shoulder. Just as his hand made contact, Doren’s body clenched hard as though a charge had gone through it, causing every muscle to contract.

  Kade shot back and stood but lost his balance and fell only to scramble back to his feet. His heart pounded so hard he could feel it hammering at his chest as if it were trying to break free. Doren arched his back hard as his fingers turned into claws that raked the ground. He drew in a deep breath until he could draw in no more air and then his eyes flew open, but there was nothing of their normal color. They were milky white. At the same moment his eyes went wide, he let out a scream that shook Kade right down to his soul. Darcienna’s eyes flared and the king and queen pounced.

  Rayden roared his battle cry as the link between him and Kade came to life. The Apprentice Chosen did not have the luxury of trying to explain to the dragon what was going on so he did his best to reassure his friend he was safe and then returned to trying to deal with this current dilemma. Rayden roared once more, sending an echo down the tunnel. Kade could only hope that the dragon would not get itself stuck by trying to claw its
way in. He put Rayden completely out of his mind and forced himself to focus. He needed to figure this out but the enemy here was his ally. How was he to defeat this?

  Kade was stunned and at a loss as of what to do. He had the Blue Flame of the Divine dancing high off his hands, but what could he do with it? Doren was the source of the danger. He could not kill the Master Chosen.

  Rakna and Crayken struggled with Doren, dragging him away from the arch as they tried to work their web. Doren got his hands on one of the spider’s legs and Kade heard a loud crack as the leg broke under that grasp. Kade let the flame die away as he leapt to assist but the room fell into darkness. He quickly called up the Divine Light and heard another loud crack as the king cried out. That was enough for Doren to break free and bound to his feet. He turned as an evil grin spread across his face and then raced for the exit. He did not get more than two steps before the king and queen were on him again. Doren was once again reaching for any leg he could get his hands on but this time Kade sprang into action. Just as the Master Chosen was reaching for one of the queen’s hind legs, Kade grabbed him by the wrist and twisted, not caring if he broke bones. Doren could be healed after he was subdued.

  “Use your web,” Kade cried out but the king and queen were already doing just that.


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