The Divine Unleashed (Book 3)

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The Divine Unleashed (Book 3) Page 4

by Allen J Johnston

  Doren let out that inhuman scream once again, causing Kade to cringe. The Master Chosen’s skin was so pale it was almost white. His eyes were sunken into his head making it almost appear that his face was that of a skull. What looked back at him with pure hatred was not the man he knew. The Apprentice Chosen took an involuntary step back as he held the creatures gaze.

  Kade quickly moved over to the queen’s injured leg and performed the healing calling. Next, he rushed to the king and fixed that injury, also. Both spiders flexed their legs, testing the healing. Kade returned to stand in front of the trussed up man lying on the ground. Evil Doren struggled furiously with his bonds but the spider webbing was stronger than steel. He was not getting loose until the spiders allowed it.

  “You knew,” Kade said accusingly to the royal couple. “Why did you not say something sooner?” the apprentice demanded.

  “We believed that Doren might have known what he was doing. We hoped we were wrong about there being a danger beyond what we have already seen. We know now that we were wrong. We meant no disrespect but we did not want to offend the Master Chosen by questioning him. He is a Chosen,” Crayken said humbly. Kade was considering letting the matter drop when something occurred to him that he should have realized much sooner.

  “How did you know?”

  “One of our own got too close to the arch and something came through. We had no choice but to end its life,” the king said as he indicated a spot on the ground next to the wall. Kade looked closely, and for the first time, noticed that there appeared to be a crimson stain in the sand. It was clear that this was a painful issue for the royal couple. They looked at one another and then back to him. Kade felt his anger quickly fade. The spiders had trusted him and Doren because they were Chosen. It was he and the master that had failed the spiders. He felt responsible for the death. The guilt of putting the king and queen in a position of having to kill one of their own made Kade feel… well, there were no words to convey how he felt.

  “I am sorry you had to do that. We are still learning about the arch,” Kade said. It was the best he could think to say, and yet, it was dismal even in his ears.

  “We understand,” Rakna said. “We should have been more cautious. After the first time coming here, we should have known, but one of the spiders was curious and got too close to the arch,” Crayken said.

  “Drak turned wild and attacked everything and everyone. We could not contain him so we had to end his life. It was as if whatever had invaded his body was exacting revenge on the living for a torment that could not be understood,” the queen said as she spared a glance for the king and then continued. “One thing is certain. That thing was definitely evil and it could not be left to exist in this world.”

  When she finished speaking, both her and the king looked down at the man lying in webbing. Kade felt a knot growing in his stomach. He turned to face Darcienna, who was standing quietly with her eyes glowing softly. They were far from normal but they were not even close to the level of intensity they had been moments before.

  “Are you able to help?” Kade asked, dreading that this thing may be too strong to remove.

  “I can only try,” Darcienna said as she looked the creature in the eyes. It flinched at what it saw and even tried to scoot away. The seething anger slowly faded to be replaced with panic and soon turned into terror as Darcienna reached out a hand toward it.

  “It would seem that the creature sees something in her worth avoiding. This is a good thing,” Crayken said confidently.

  Darcienna gave a half grin as she closed the distance with the cowering figure. The evil entity tried to look for some way out of its impending doom, but with the two large spiders holding it in place and the webbing keeping it secure, it was obvious that it was going to be at Darcienna’s mercy any moment. Just as she was about to touch the foul creature, the look in its eye changed. Her eyes blazed instantly but it was too late. She was committed. The instant she made contact, she threw her head back and screamed but did not let go. Her grip turned to iron as her knuckles turned white. She could not let go if she wanted. Kade took this all in and readied to pull them apart. Darcienna ground her teeth in determination as she struggled to purge the evil from Doren. The Master Chosen’s eyes began to show the true color of brownish green. Kade felt hope until he looked into Darcienna’s eyes. They were starting to turn milky white.

  “It is trying to jump into her!” Kade screamed as he leapt for her. Rakna quickly intercepted Kade and held him fast. “I must get to her,” Kade said forcefully. “She needs me!”


  “She must fight this battle, Chosen. She is the only one. If she loses here, we will never be able to purge this creature unless you know a calling that will accomplish this,” she said as she waited for him to respond. After a moment of silence, she continued. “Then we must let her do what she must. Have faith, Chosen. She is strong. Watch,” the queen said as she drew his attention back to the struggling Essence Guardian. It was obvious the queen had more faith than he.

  Kade quickly turned to watch the battle. Again, he felt helpless. The amount of raw Divine Power he was able to call on and it was all useless. He ground his teeth and indicated to the queen with a tap on her leg that he was ok. She let her grip go and he stepped closer to Darcienna.

  “Chosen, I would not get too close,” Crayken warned. It was good advice.

  As Kade watched, her eyes faded from the milky white to the brilliant blue and then back again as the internal struggle was fought. The creature waged war on her but she stood her ground and waged war right back. Her jaws were slammed shut in such intense concentration that Kade feared she may crack a tooth. Her lips were slowly pulling back as she struggled to win this contest of wills. She balled her fists tightly as a growl started to escape from her lips. Was that her voice or the creature’s? Her eyes struggled to hold either color as both combatants fought for victory.

  “Darcienna,” Kade said, fearing he was starting to see the milky white more often. That was all she needed. Something in her must have heard his voice. If she lost this battle, she would lose him and that was just not going to be acceptable. With that, she took a deep breath and clenched every muscle in her body as she threw every bit of sheer will power into destroying this internal enemy. Darcienna’s face turned crimson from the effort. The creature screamed as it struggled but only Darcienna could hear its torment. With one last final burst of strength, the creature was violently ejected from her body and the bright blue eyes blazed for all to see. A piercing wail echoed up and down the tunnel at the same moment she fell to her knees, gasping for breath. She was on all fours, her arms shaking as she focused not to fall on her face. Kade feared she was about ready to collapse so he quickly dropped down and held her just like the day back in the clearing where they met. She eagerly accepted his embrace and her muscles turned to water as she fought to get her breathing to slow. Her heart was still racing as she slumped even more into his arms.

  “You did well, young one,” Rakna said in a soothing voice.

  “It would appear that I was a little hasty in my desire to…learn what we could in our efforts to fight Morg,” Doren said weakly as he sat up and looked at Kade and Darcienna. His eyes struggled to focus and his head threatened to fall back to his chest.

  “Are you well?” Rakna asked with concern.

  Kade did not feel the same compassion the queen was showing. Darcienna could have been lost. And for what? Kade was not completely convinced it was to find a way to fight Morg, but he could not prove otherwise. Doren’s motives would only be known to the Master Chosen, but it warranted keeping in mind. With that, Kade let it go.

  “It would appear that only the Ancients and their ancestors are able to pass through,” Doren said as he climbed to his feet. His portly stomach caused him to lose his balance momentarily before he was able to right himself. He dusted himself off and then cast a glance at Kade.

  “You…tried to pass through?” the apprent
ice asked incredulously.

  “I was hoping to make contact with the Ancients,” he said casually, completely dismissing Kade’s concern. “When I tried to pass, I was met with resistance. But, that is not all. As soon as I touched that veil, it set off a call. That thing attacked me before I knew what was happening. The more I think on it,” Doren said in that superior way of talking that only he had mastered, “it was like being stuck in a web. I am not sure I could have returned to my body if it were not for that creature.”

  “I think it is time we leave if you have seen enough, Master Doren,” Crayken said.

  “I would agree,” the queen added.

  “Darcienna?” Kade asked, checking to see if she had recovered enough to walk.

  “I am ok,” she said as she pushed him away gently by placing a hand on his chest and then taking his offered hand as he stood.

  Kade cast another glance at Doren and did his best to hide his disapproval. After all, an Apprentice Chosen has no place judging a master. They did what they did for their own reasons and that was that.

  The color started to return to Doren’s cheeks as he walked up the tunnel. He cast several glances over his shoulder at the arch as it disappeared in the darkness. His mind worked as if trying to figure something out. His eyes were distant as his thoughts worked their way round and round his head. He looked back one last time and then seemed to dismiss any remaining consideration of the doorway to the dead.

  By the time they reached the entrance, Darcienna was almost back to her normal self and Doran looked just as he had prior to entering the cave. There was no sign that just mere moments before, the Master Chosen had almost lost himself to another entity entirely. Kade dismissed the notion as he entered the light of day. He did not realize how much he disliked being in that cave until he was outside of it.

  Rayden was eagerly waiting for his companion to emerge. Even exhausted, he had found the energy to be prepared for battle. He shoved his muzzle into Kade’s face as he rapidly inhaled the Apprentice Chosen’s scent, ensuring that he was unharmed. Kade held his breath, waiting for the dragon to finish. After several long moments, it seemed to relax and its wings settled back to its body. A moment later and the dragon was lying down. It dropped its head onto its front legs and was fading quickly. It was obviously still exhausted from the long flight and desperately needed rest. Kade smiled as he watched the dragon’s eyes start to glaze over as he watched. It would not be long before Rayden let his eyes close and then he would be out.

  Doren’s gaze turned on the tree and he walked over to stand next to it, or as close as he could, seeing that it was still putting off a considerable amount of heat. A smile spread across his face as he nodded in what appeared to be approval. Kade felt himself being affected by the unspoken praise from the Master Chosen. A part of him hated caring what Doren thought. A part of him was still firmly entrenched in the apprentice mindset. He knew he was not going to get out of that anytime soon. Ten years of carrying buckets of water and meditating for hours on end did that to a person.

  “I must admit that I did not expect that,” Doren said as he indicated the tree. “Nor that,” the Master Chosen said as he indicated the spiders, meaning Kade’s interaction with the clutch. It was not lost on any what Doren meant.

  “He is the third most powerful among us. The other kings and queens have agreed to unite under our clutch because we were the ones to vanquish the leader of the Morphites. That would mean following Kade, also,” Crayken hissed

  “I was very impressed with the way you handled that. You displayed the ability and thought of a master,” Doren said as he studied Kade. “And, you are only an apprentice?” Doren asked as he cocked an eyebrow.

  “Only an apprentice,” Kade said, showing no outwardly sign of the slight he felt at the way Doren used the word apprentice. The way Doren used the word made it sound as if it could mean any form of life that was not considered sentient. He knew what was said should be a compliment, but when Doren used the word the way he had, it was as though he were speaking of a lower life form.

  “Interesting,” Doren said, his brow still raised. “Zayle must have high standards for his apprentices for you to still hold that position after what I have seen. I would think you easily an Adept,” he said. He nodded his head as if to confirm to himself that his judgment was correct.

  As much as he did not want to allow Doren to have an effect on him, Kade could not help but to beam at the thought of reaching the rank of Adept. He had been apprentice for ten years. He was starting to believe he would never achieve another rank ever, but now…a Master Chosen was judging him to be ready for the next level.

  “You are able to raise me up?” Kade asked, trying to hide his excitement.

  “I am a Master Chosen,” Doren said as if that was all that was needed to be said.

  “I meant no offence,” Kade said a bit hesitantly. “I did not expect…to be honest, I did not even give it any thought.”

  “You have lost your master and I have lost my apprentice. It is within my purview to grant this, as I see fit,” Doren said with patience. Kade could still sense the master apprentice relationship. He was not sure if this worked for him, but it would not hurt to give it some consideration. Doren’s keen eye picked up on Kade’s indecision, and he continued. “You do want to continue to learn, do you not? And, I am certain Zayle would not want you to stop until you have mastered the ways of the Divine,” he said. Kade noticed that the Master Chosen had been looking at something by the dragon as he spoke. Kade casually glanced over and saw the sack of books. He mentally sighed and walked over to retrieve the tomes of knowledge.

  “Yes, I do believe Zayle would want me to continue my studies,” Kade said, tightening his grip on the sack.

  “Then you shall finish your studies under me. I am sure you will easily prove, in a very short time, that you deserve the rank of Adept,” Doren said, watching Kade for a response.

  “Master Chosen Doren, I am honored. Thank you,” Kade said, sensing that Doren had two motives for his offer, and the sack in his hand was one of them. Kade suspected that the other motive was that Doren was used to having an apprentice to work with, and he truly did love to teach…or was it that he liked to hear himself talk? Possibly both, Kade thought. Maybe, Doren found meaning in teaching. There was a genuine offer for him to continue to learn, and yet, he gripped the sack tightly, hesitant to accept the title of Doren’s apprentice.

  “Kade,” Darcienna said as she laid her hand on his arm. “They are waiting on us,” she said as she indicated the spiders.

  “Then we should be going,” Kade said. He glanced at the dragon but quickly decided against riding. Besides, Rayden was lying on the ground and his eyes were shut tight. “I think it would do us well to walk so we can work out the stiffness.”

  “I approve,” Doren said. Kade cringed. Approved? It was not to say he agreed but to actually give his approval as if Kade had asked permission. The apprentice took a deep breath and exhaled, doing his best to let it go.

  “What is expected of an Adept?” Kade asked, filling the time, thinking this felt like a betrayal to Zayle. It felt…wrong. Zayle was his master. Doren was not Zayle.

  “You would no longer be under the close supervision of a Master Chosen. You would be given tasks occasionally to continue to hone your abilities. You would venture out into the world to ply your skill. If you were to need assistance, you would come to me,” Doren said casually as he walked.

  Kade was surprised and relieved more than he could say. He was certain that returning to the status of an apprentice under a Chosen Master would have virtually been impossible. At least, with this master, Kade thought. He breathed such a sigh of relief that Doren turned to regard him, misunderstanding the exhaled breath.

  “Kade, you cannot continue to hide behind a Master’s robes,” Doren said, believing Kade frustrated. “You must work toward the rank of master.”

  “I understand, Master Doren,” Kade said and quickly t
urned to survey the land to hide his true feelings.

  “I will continue to teach you, but your training must come from life. When you need me, I will be here,” Doren said with finality.

  “You are wise and I shall do my best,” Kade said as he gave Darcienna a glance. She returned a sly look and it almost appeared as if she was on the verge of laughing. Kade was aghast. She was actually enjoying his torment. He glared at her with a tight lipped expression, but this only served to make it worse as she covered her mouth with the back of her hand to hide her mirth. Kade sighed again.

  “Your mastery of the Lightning Calling was very impressive. How long did you study that calling?” Doren asked casually, walking a bit more easily as his muscles worked out the kinks.

  “A day,” Kade said as he was watching the king and queen talk amongst themselves.

  “I mean…how long did you study it before you mastered it?” Doren said as he watched Kade, trying to be patient while repeating what should have been an easy question to comprehend.

  “I learned this calling in one day,” Kade said casually as he glanced at Doren and then looked back at the spiders.

  Kade did not see the look of disbelief on the Master’s face as Doren came to a stop. Kade glanced over and ground to a halt when he noticed Doren was no longer with him. He turned and saw the man standing there with his mouth hanging open as if trying to formulate words.

  “Master?” Kade asked in confusion.

  “It’s true,” Doren said, his eyes distant as his mind worked rapidly. His eyes focused when he realized Kade was watching him. His composure returned instantly and Kade would have never known the level of the man’s shock had he not just seen it with his own eyes. “Zayle said you held the key to our salvation,” Doren said as he looked at Kade as if seeing him for the first time. “Zayle was able to…teach you that complex a calling in a day?” Doren asked, but his tone gave away his disbelief. Kade sighed.

  “Zayle was…” Kade started to say and then stopped.


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