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The Divine Unleashed (Book 3)

Page 16

by Allen J Johnston

  “It is difficult for us to emulate a shape perfectly the first time we try. It takes a lot of ability to be able to succeed on our first attempt,” Ven said as she smiled. Pride was evident in her voice. This, obviously, meant something in the world of shapeshifters.

  “Well, you did an admirable job,” Kade said as he moved for the door. Ven glowed at the comment. “If you need to rest or sleep, you are welcome to,” Kade added before going into the room.

  “That won’t be necessary. We don’t need sleep,” Ven said, still happy with her success.

  “You don’t ever get tired?” Kade asked, coming to a stop. Darcienna went into the room and tried to pull him after her. He turned his attention to Darcienna before Ven could answer. “I will be there in just a moment. Don’t worry, I will not be long,” Kade said as he gently disengaged his hand.

  “I will be waiting,” Darcienna said. She cast a suspicious glance at Ven before disappearing into the room.

  “We don’t get tired in your sense of the word. We do tire while trying to maintain certain shapes, but it is more a mental fatigue. I can hold a form for days and even weeks, but then I must either return to my birth form, or I must take a shape that takes little effort to hold,” Ven said, pleased that Kade was taking an interest in her. “I like that you ask these questions,” she said with a genuine smile that said she meant it.

  “You don’t mind me asking?” Kade asked, surprised.

  He expected that she would not want to divulge her secrets, but surprisingly, she was eager to answer anything he asked. Ven was a marvel the more he got to know her. He was grateful for the chance to learn as much as possible about her and her kind. He glanced at the door, conscious of the fact that Darcienna was, most likely, becoming more heated by the moment and decided that he should wrap this up before he had another issue to deal with.

  “I don’t mind at all,” Ven responded with a smile. “It feels…good to trust someone. I trust you, Kade,” she said as her eyes lit up like those of an innocent child who knows no better. Kade’s mind flashed back to the first time he met this shapeshifter in the bar and found himself shocked at such a profound transformation.

  “Well, I should get some rest,” Kade said, resisting the urge to ask question after question. He very much wanted to know how large of a creature she could emulate, or the most powerful shape she could take. Or even, a creature with the most interesting abilities, but he knew he was pushing it already. This was a conversation that could last for hours. He sighed as he glanced at the door, saving this talk for another time.

  “Sleep well,” Ven said as she stepped aside for him to enter the room.

  With a good night to her, he walked through the door, hoping Darcienna had not become too restless. One glance at her, and he realized he was too late. He stopped just inside the room. Darcienna was clearly unhappy with his delay as she gave him a look of displeasure. It was not quite a glare but it was not far from it. If she had not been exhausted, he was sure he would get more of a scolding. He mentally sighed and moved over to the bed.

  “Darcienna,” Kade said as he slid into bed. “You have to accept her. I do not want to have this talk every time I interact with her,” he said gently.

  “Kade, it’s not that I don’t like her. I don’t trust her. Not like you do,” Darcienna said as she glanced at the door. “It’s just that I know she wants you for herself. Maybe not in the way that I do, but I can tell she likes your company. It just feels…uncomfortable. Others will see and think you have feelings for her. They most certainly will think that she has feelings for you,” she said as she looked at the door again.

  “I cannot control how others think, Darcienna,” Kade said as he cast a glance at the door that Essence Guardian was still studying.

  “Does she have to keep that form?” Darcienna asked as she turned back toward him. Her eyes were large and innocent. He found it almost impossible to be angry with her.

  “Is it fair to ask her to be something other than who she is? What does that say to her? If she wanted to be Vell, then I would support that, but she wants to be who she is,” Kade said as he shrugged his shoulder. “In a way, it is more honest.”

  “And you have no interest in her?” Darcienna asked.

  Kade could tell the question was only meant to help reassure her, but it did not sit well with him that she even asked. He considered getting out of bed as his irritation rose. Maybe I will sleep on the floor, he thought as he cast a glance at the ground. How many ways do I have to tell her? How many ways do I have to show her? Women can be so mentally exhausting, he thought in exasperation.

  “I am sorry,” Darcienna said, sensing his irritation. “Kade, I am trying, but it is not easy for me. I don’t like sharing you, and the fact that she is so beautiful makes it that much more difficult. I want people to know you are mine,” she said as she caressed his face. Kade melted under that touch.

  “I wish I knew the right thing to say, but I don’t. I can only do what I think is best,” Kade said as he laid back down.

  He was starting to feel mentally exhausted. He was not sure if it was more about what was to come or because of the battles he had to fight right here. Darcienna laid down next to him and reached for his hand.

  “I am sorry,” Darcienna said, meaning it with her heart and soul. “I will do better.”

  “I am sure you will,” Kade said as he smiled at her. He was not convinced she would be perfect but he was certain she was going to try.

  They did not speak another word as each lay quietly, time slipping by. He let his mind wander as he contemplated the mystery of his abilities. Why can I not get past the block within me? What is the problem? he asked himself. Maybe this is the way my ability works. Maybe I needed to be out of my mind with fury before I can call on my special gift.

  If he had let his rage make all his decisions, he would have killed Darcienna that day outside Doren’s house. This put a knot in his stomach instantly. It was a memory he hated. She almost died at his hand because he was out of control with anger. Ven, also, would have been killed if he had given in to his rage. She may have deserved it, but seeing how things turned out, he knew it would have been the wrong thing to do.

  There had to be something he could do. Darcienna believed he could overcome this and her sense of things, so far, had been pretty good. Maybe she is right, but how do I get around this block? he asked himself as his mind started to drift. He was barely aware of Darcienna snuggling up next to him and whispering in his ear as he sank deeper and deeper into the plush bed.

  “Please don’t hurt me again,” Darcienna said, but Kade was starting to breathe deep. “I can only give you my heart so many times,” she said and then let herself drift off to sleep.

  Darcienna’s dreams were not the soothing, sweet dreams of love but dreams of terror so profound that it shook her very soul. She had nightmare after nightmare, losing her one true love as his image floated through the arch. She woke up drenched in sweat. She was so petrified by what she saw in her dreams that even screaming was not possible. She could only recall one other time that she had had dreams so terrifying and vivid. When she was but a young girl of fourteen, she believed her dreams to be nothing more than night terrors. Now, she knew different. The dream she had six years previous was of her beloved master lying dead in a pool of blood. That very scene played out just days prior. Now, she was seeing Kade’s death and her heart suffered dearly. If this is another gift from Nature, then Nature has a very sick sense of humor, she thought as her pulse continued to pound.

  Maybe it was nothing more than a nightmare, she told herself desperately, but she knew she was only trying to deceive herself. Maybe knowing what may come will give me a chance to change it, she told herself. I have to be able to save him. I will never again turn a blind eye to what fate threatens me with, she thought with determination. Maybe…maybe knowing what may come to pass gives me a chance to change it, she considered. This gift might turn out to be the most profound
Nature’s Gift after all, she thought as she mentally apologized to Nature for her previous bad thoughts. If it helped her save the one she loved, then it would turn out to be her most precious gift after all.

  Darcienna wrapped her arms tightly around Kade and laid her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. I am not going to give him up without a fight, she thought fiercely. The pound of his heart helped push the night terror away. Moment by moment her mind stopped reeling as she listened to the life still beating in his chest. He was alive, and she meant to keep it that way. She held on tightly, as if death might come that very night. The nightmares receded and were replaced by dreams of a future with children. She embraced the dream with all of her will and allowed it to build around her.

  “Kade, wake up. It is time to prepare for your journey,” Doren said as he leaned over the bed. The apprentice showed no signs of waking. “Kade,” he repeated as he shook the sleeping form.

  Kade lifted his head and struggled to open his eyes. After a moment, he let his head fall back onto the pillow and stretched. He knuckled the sleep from his eyes and then swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

  “How long?” Kade asked as he stood.

  “Almost ten hours,” Doren said casually. “Come. It is time to prepare,” he said, moving to stand by the door.

  Kade reached over and shook Darcienna. She groaned and slowly forced her eyes open. She smiled and reached out a hand for him. He took it, expecting to pull her out of bed, but she pulled him down, instead. There was a fierce determination there that made Kade stop and study her. He opened his mouth to ask what had her so concerned, but the look faded. He put it off to waking up and smiled.

  “Do we really have to get up?” Darcienna asked as she returned his smile. Kade glanced at Doren, and then with regret, nodded his head. The Master Chosen breathed a sigh as he stood, watching.

  “I need time to get ready,” Darcienna said as she ran her fingers through her hair. “Maybe a quick wash in the spring,” she said as she looked around the room until her eyes found what she was searching for. She climbed out of bed and pick up a towel. “You coming?” she asked as she reached for the door.

  “Why not,” Kade said as he grabbed the last remaining towel.

  “Apprentice,” Doren said tersely. “Do not take too long,” he said and then disappeared out the door without waiting for a response. Kade rolled his eyes and did his best to keep his irritation in check but failed.

  There was an outfit lying on the table that was identical to the one he was wearing. He roughly grabbed it and the green one meant for Darcienna and stormed out to follow her to the spring. Ven was close behind until Kade held up a hand for her to stop.

  “Wait by the door,” Kade said. Ven seemed ready to persist when he gave her a look that said it was not open for debate. Some of the harsh look was driven by his irritation with the Master Chosen, but he did not care. She moved back to the door.

  Kade already regretted the cold water and he was not even in, yet. They bathed quickly and eagerly climbed out of the cold spring. He wondered if there was a way for him to heat the water as he dried off.

  Maybe I will try heating a rock and dropping it in, he thought as he dressed in the new clothes. Maybe he would heat a rock that they could warm themselves by when they got out. It was all speculation meant for another time.

  “That does feel better,” Kade said as he rubbed the water out of his hair with his towel. The cold definitely got his blood pumping and helped his mind become more alert. He could almost say it was refreshing but not quite. It was just too darn cold.

  “See? Nothing helps start the day right like a nice washing,” Darcienna said as she squeezed the excess water out of her hair. She dried off and then slipped into the fresh, clean clothes.

  “Kade,” Doren said, making both of them jump. “They have food for you in the Great Hall,” he said with all the patience in the world. Darcienna pulled her outfit tighter about herself and gave Kade an irritated look.

  “Master Chosen,” Kade said, anger flashing in his eyes at the invasion of their privacy. “A little discretion when we are bathing would be appreciated.”

  “I will see you in the Great Hall for food,” Doren said casually, ignoring the comment and turning to walk out of the room. Darcienna glared after him.

  “Food is a good idea. And, I don’t have to make it,” Kade said, trying to lighten the mood but failed. Darcienna was still glaring after the Master Chosen. Kade felt his anger flare, knowing that the Master Chosen was not interested in what mattered to Kade or Darcienna. Rarely would Doren ever care for an apprentice’s opinion.

  Maybe Morg wants an apprentice, Kade thought sarcastically. I am certain I would get more respect from him instead of this…. A decade of training to respect a Master Chosen would not allow him to finish the thought.

  They left the spring and headed for their room. As they rounded the corner, Kade froze and Darcienna squeaked. His heart beat hard as he stared at the large creature standing in the tunnel. Before he could prepare a calling, he recognized it as the one he had seen the day before.

  “Ven?” Kade asked as he tried to calm his pounding heart.

  “Yes?” Ven responded.

  “I did not expect that form,” Kade said, trying to hide his shock.

  “I can change back,” Ven said and started to shift.

  “No,” Darcienna shot back so quickly that Kade flinched. “No,” she said much calmer the second time. “That form is perfect.”

  “I shall keep it then,” Ven said as the shape solidified. Kade gave Darcienna a flat look that warned her not to start. She pretended not to notice.

  They dropped their towels in the room and worked their way to the Great Hall. He would have sworn that it was virtually empty, due to the lack of sound, but as he rounded the corner, he could see it was filled to overflowing with spiders. Every seat was taken as the spiders ate in silence. The room was large enough to fit close to five hundred spiders, if not more. The mood was somber. This was the day their second king was to go off to fight an overwhelming force, and they knew it. This was the day they could lose Kade, their champion and hero.

  As the couple stepped into the room, every spider stopped what they were doing and turned to stare at him. Kade could not deny that the mood was heavy. He could have felt it even if his eyes were closed. He found the queen and locked eyes with her. After a moment, he continued, sweeping the crowd with his gaze. Kade took a deep breath and spoke, making sure his voice carried to every part of the room. He held his head high as he let the sound of his voice carry.

  “This is not a day for us to dread but a day for us to celebrate as we make our stand and send a message that we will live in fear of no one,” Kade said as he led Darcienna to the royal table and indicated for her to sit. The queen was up and translating smoothly as Kade spoke. “This is the day that we strike first,” Kade said as he put strength into his voice and slammed his fist into his open palm, causing many spiders to jump. It was having its desired effect. The spiders started to perk up. “This is the day that we show Morg that he should be the one living in fear,” Kade said, raising his voice. The spiders started to come alive. His words were stronger than any calling he could have ever used. “This is the day that we let it be known that we are the ones to be feared. We have overcome much and we will continue to overcome all who make the mistake of believing we are weak,” Kade said as he called on the Great Divine and let light spring forth from his hands. Both hands were glowing as he purposefully strode amongst the spiders. It was an impressive sight and even Doren had an approving smile…along with hands that were in the shape of a bowl. The light was not enough to cause any to turn away, but it was definitely chasing away the shadows. “Today,” Kade said as he raised a fist and let more light shine, “is the day we take the fight to him,” he finished with such ferocity that a vein pulsed in his neck. The spiders erupted in a deafening buzz as the hall exploded into life.

at was quite impressive,” Rakna said as she took her place next to the king.

  “Agreed,” Crayken added.

  “You have given them something to believe in,” Doren said approvingly, as he studied the light still coming off the apprentice’s hands. Kade recalled Doren’s reaction the previous day when he had used light to sway the kings and queens. He saw how Doren was holding his hands and realized what was going on instantly. One of these times the Master Chosen was going to figure it out, Kade thought to himself, reminding himself to be cautious. Zayle’s wise words about simple callings being just as important as any other callings drifted through his mind.

  Maybe someday I will trade him this calling for one of his, Kade thought, not realizing that he was fully thinking like a Master Chosen. Of course, as an apprentice, it would be expected for a Master Chosen to divulge callings to his student, Kade thought in amusement.

  Kade took the empty place next to the king, knowing it was meant for him and Darcienna took the one next to that. Kade wondered what Doren thought about having to be sat behind him and Darcienna as he took the place three down from the king. Regardless, he earned this, Doren did not.

  Darcienna looked at him with pride, but there was no denying that there was fear there for him to see, also. Kade stopped, looking deep into her eyes and cocked his head as if to ask what was bothering her. The image of him floating through the arch sprang into her mind. She was certain that telling him of her vision would be a grave mistake. If she told him, he would question his every decision, and that would not do. Because of this, she knew it would be up to her to thwart fate and keep him from crossing over into the world of the dead. This was her secret and she was not going to burden him with it.

  “I just worry,” Darcienna said as she smiled reassuringly at him.

  Kade nodded, satisfied with her answer. Had he watched her just a few more seconds, he would have seen fear dance through her eyes, and most assuredly, would have pressed her for more. He knew her well enough by now to know when she was holding something back. She swallowed hard and closed her eyes as she steadied her nerves. She opened them and flinched. He was locked onto her.


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