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The Divine Unleashed (Book 3)

Page 22

by Allen J Johnston

  “HE DRAWS DEEPLY ON THE DIVINE. FINISH HIM NOW!” the voice screamed. There was a sense of panic in the voice but Morg continued to rant without hearing a word.

  Kade flowed into the sixth move. The seventh move was easy and then the eighth. Darcienna crawled a little closer. The ninth move flowed smoothly. Kade kept his eyes on his target as he felt the power raging through him. It had to be done. It was his only hope. Now, the tenth move and he drew the Divine into the calling. He opened himself up fully and filled the calling, and then filled it more. He felt sweat run down his back as he performed the eleventh move. Now the twelfth move and the air surrounding him came alive. Kade gritted his teeth hard as he brought his arm forward and then...held. The power swirled though him and built moment by moment. The pain grew as the Divine started to look for a way out. Kade shook with the effort. So much power coursing through him was too much to take. His teeth cracked as he clenched his jaw hard. His arm was almost extended and his hand started to open.

  Just…a…little…more, Kade thought as his mind screamed in pain. A roaring so loud filled his ears that the screaming sound of Morg’s voice faded out. It was like standing next to a waterfall as the deafening sound drowned out everything. Kade had to focus hard as his vision started to fade. He narrowed his eyes, forcing Morg to come back into view. His skin broke out in vicious burn spots and smoke wafted off his entire body. Welts from the heat broke out all over, and yet, he held. Tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes, and yet,…he held. Every muscle in his body shook with the immense effort, and still,…he held. This was his only chance and he had to make sure it was perfect.


  This last threat caused Morg to hesitate. But, it was not the threat from the voice that caused Morg to spin. It was the scream from Darcienna as she looked upon the man she loved. It was not just the smoke that was wafting up from almost every part of his body that made her cry out. It was not even the smell of burning hair or the open soars that were rapidly forming all over his skin that scared her to the very core of her being. It was not the milky white eyes she looked into as he shook that made her heart feel as though it were being ripped out and crushed. It was knowing that he was sacrificing himself. The man she loved more than life itself was going to die.

  Morg’s eyes flew wide as he flinched hard at what he saw. He raised the staff quickly and performed the Slave Calling. Just as Kade was casting, he felt the power descend on him, ensnaring him in its web. He groaned loudly, the Divine racing through him as it continued to build. His vision faded as his eyes turned pure white. He knew he had only moments left, and then he would be done. He had to force the Divine to bend to his will for just a few more moments. The power flashed in his mind’s eye so bright that he screamed in pain but there was no getting away from it. It flashed again, threatening to explode. Kade let out a continuous groan as he shook. His skin started to blacken in patches as he struggled desperately. He was being cooked from the inside out. He held on, furiously trying to control the Divine that was consuming him by the second.

  Darcienna lunged, clamping her hands around his ankles and held on for dear life. She opened herself up and threw every bit of her remaining life-force into healing. The dismal amount was enough to cause the white in his eyes to recede slightly. A hint of brown showed through. Morg came back into focus. Kade concentrated every ounce of his will into opening his hand and extending his arm just a fraction more. Morg shook with the effort of holding him. Sweat was forming on his brow as he strained against the apprentice’s will. It was as if the very source of the Divine itself were within Kade, and it was almost too much for Morg to control…almost, but Kade was held fast, unable to move. A few more moments was all Morg would need. Just then, a black shape glided into the room from the tunnel. The evil Chosen glanced past Kade at the silky, black creature that was preening itself as if it had not a worry in the world. It was only a mere moment, but it was enough. The slight loss of focus on Morg’s part was all Kade needed. His arm straightened ever so slowly, and then his hand opened. An explosion so loud erupted from Kade that it could be heard for miles. The entire mountain jumped from the peak to the very core. The blinding flash ripped over the ground to explode violently into Morg. The evil Chosen’s eyes bulged as the blast sent him flying across the room like a leaf caught in a tornado. He slammed into the far wall with a bone-crushing impact. The shield contorted, flashed briefly and then was gone. Morg hit the ground, and the staff flew wide. Kade collapsed to his hands and knees and then fell over. Darcienna fell onto her back with a gasp, her eyes glazing over.

  Morg had a gash along his forehead and his nose was already starting to swell as blood ran freely, smearing his face. He had landed with one arm out to his side with his other twisted behind his back. Whether it was broken or not was unclear. He was still breathing but it was obvious that he was not going to recover soon as the lump continued to grow on the side of his head.

  So close, and yet, so far. Kade thought. In the shape he was in, there was no way to recover the staff. He lay on his side, helpless, unable to move. As he watched, the most powerful weapon in existence eerily started to slide across the floor a few feet at a time. Kade peered through half lidded eyes at the object that seemed to have a life of its own. Little by little, it moved closer and closer.

  Kade desperately wanted to move for the staff, but his muscles were done. He had moments at best. The staff lifted only slightly and then landed in his hand. The instant it touched his skin, he felt a power so limitless that he knew he could do anything…except…cheat death. It was as if he was connected to the Divine without having to call on it. He took a breath and hoped beyond hope that the staff was imbued with the only calling that was going to save his life. He called on the Healing Calling and sent it into Darcienna. His breathing turned shallow and he became light headed. It was hard to formulate thoughts. Darcienna sighed. Hearing her voice, his vision cleared for just a moment and he performed the calling again. The color returned to her face and her eyes fluttered open.

  She was worth it, Kade thought as his mind sank into the abyss. They were all worth it, he thought as a single tear seeped out of the corner of his eye. His breathing slowed and his eyes glazed over. He felt his body take a shuddering breath. He smiled at the relief as the pain melted away. And then…the staff rolled from his hand.


  Zayle started to fade into view. The Master was shaking his head and looking over his shoulder as if he were being pursued. Zayle’s mouth was moving as if he were talking, but Kade could not make out a single word. He could almost hear what the Master Chosen was saying when he felt something tugging at him.

  Kade could hear a familiar female voice screaming his name, commanding him to do something. No. It was denying him something. It was not letting him go. The pain in his body returned with a vengeance and Zayle faded from view. Kade groaned loudly as he exhaled through clenched teeth. Darcienna was shaking as she held his head in her hands. Kade looked into her tear streaked face as she pleaded for him to return. She begged and commanded and bargained for his life; anything to bring him back.

  “Kade,” the queen hissed weakly.

  “Rakna,” Kade tried to say but his charred lips would not form the words.

  “Kade,” Darcienna gasped in immense relief as she placed her hands on his head. He wet his lips and felt them soften enough for him to talk.

  “Rakna,” Kade said, knowing how the staff had worked its way to him. He let the Transparency Calling go and Rakna faded into view just a few feet away. She was badly injured. Two legs on one side and one leg on the other were bent or broken. Kade reached for the staff, and after calling on the healing, sent the Divine into her. She groaned loudly as the legs bent straight again, and then, she sighed in relief as the healing took effect. He performed the calling, once more, and then turned the healing on Darcienna.

sp; “Get to the dragon and Ven,” Kade said.

  He tried his best to prepare for the pain. Kade knew that this was going to hurt beyond describing when she took her hands off him. He had no choice. He had to let her save them. It had to be done. No amount of preparing was going to ready him for how bad it was, though. He screamed, tears leaking from his eyes as he bit down hard against the torment that filled his mind. He was only able to stop screaming because he ran out of breath. He inhaled and held it just so he would not hear himself scream. He cracked open an eye and saw Darcienna hesitate, torn with indecision.

  “Go!” Kade yelled and then clenched his jaw tightly once more.

  Darcienna quickly raced for Ven and fell down hard on her knees, landing next to the shapeshifter. She starting working the healing, but Ven was close to death. NO! Kade thought as he watched. His heart started to ache. He looked over at the dragon and knew he still had work to do. He drew on the Divine to help numb the pain. It helped…just barely. He forced himself to roll onto his knees. The skin on his hands cracked along the blackened flesh and bled instantly. It made the ground slippery as he struggled to stand. The fingers on his right hand were virtually useless. His clothes were soaked with blood from open sores. He kept his eyes on the dragon to keep his mind focused. Maybe, just maybe, it would be enough to keep him on his feet. He did not even have enough strength to lift the staff. He dragged it behind himself as he forced his feet to take one step and then the next.

  Darcienna turned and watched with a broken heart as the man she loved struggled to get to his precious companion. It crushed her to think how he would feel if the dragon was no longer living. She wanted to call out to him, but she knew it would do no good, and Ven’s life hung in the balance

  Kade stumbled and his hand sank into plush, white fur. The queen moved close to his side. He leaned on her and clenched his jaw as he lifted his foot and put it down again, moving closer to the dragon with each step. He got a sick feeling in his stomach as he closed in on his friend. Finally, after what felt like forever, Kade collapsed against Rayden’s side and closed his eyes. He laid the staff against the dragon and performed the Healing Calling over and over with virtually no more than a second between healings. The power flowed through him without needing to be called.

  The staff was dangerous. Even though the pain clouded his mind, Kade could see how the ancient artifact could make a man feel powerful and lose perspective. “Power corrupts,” Zayle used to say, and this was more power than anyone should have. For now, it was his, and he was going to use it to save his friend.

  Rayden let out a deep sigh as the healing did its work. Kade opened his eyes to see a large, golden disc not more than a few feet away from his face. The dragon inhaled Kade’s scent and worry flooded the link that was now alive and strong. A keening sound came from deep within the dragon. Kade wanted to reassure his friend that he was ok, but he was afraid that he would not be able to keep from crying out in pain if he tried to talk. He was also afraid that it might be a lie.

  “Ven,” Kade hissed through a clenched jaw. It was all he could say.

  “Lie across my back, Chosen,” the queen hissed.

  Kade forced himself to stand and let out a gasp when he steadied himself against the dragon. He left a bloody handprint on Rayden’s side as he pushed off. It took all his focus and concentration to get his legs to work enough for him to keep his balance. What should have been easy was now almost impossible. He stood and then fell across the queen’s back. She almost collapsed to the ground with the weight but then stood.

  “Kade,” Darcienna called out. “I am losing her,” she said, sincere sadness in her voice. She was on the verge of tears.

  “Hurry,” Kade hissed out through his clenched teeth. “Hurry!”

  The queen situated Kade on her back and then crossed quickly to Darcienna. Kade rolled off Rakna’s back and hit the ground with a thud. He ground his teeth as he held out his burnt hand and did his best to grip Ven’s arm. It felt lifeless, but then, with the charred blackened flesh, almost anything was going to feel lifeless.

  The Divine flowed through the staff and Kade sent a steady stream of healing into Ven. It was almost like watching an empty sack fill with air. Her life force grew quickly and steadily. In mere moments, her eyes fluttered open to stare at him. She gasped in panic as she took in Kade’s injuries. The room was starting to spin as the pain threatened to overwhelm him.

  “Darcienna,” Kade pleaded through a clenched jaw.

  He did not feel her place her hands on his arm, but the cooling sensation as the pain melted away was a profound relief. Kade let his head fall back on the ground as Darcienna pushed her healing into him. He exhaled deeply and felt every muscle in his body melt under her touch. He reached a hand over and placed it on her knee. He connected with the staff and healed her as she healed him. She gasped. Kade looked up at her and saw a look of wonder on her face.

  “I can’t explain why, but I can cycle the healing back to you,” Darcienna said as she watched the burnt, blackened flesh on his arm start to fade and be replaced by new, pink skin. “Kade, I could not heal you this quickly on my own. I could not even get close. I would need hours of rest to recharge my ability and days to heal this much damage. I can’t explain it, but I am grateful, regardless,” she said as she brushed away the dead skin from his arm. Kade closed his eyes and focused on sending massive amounts of healing to Darcienna as fast as possible. His breathing became easier by the second. The open sores closed up and the throbbing throughout his body eased. Kade pulled himself to a sitting position as his body continued to mend. He closed his eyes as the rest of the pain melted away and immersed himself in the relief. He opened his eyes and got to his feet, flexing his muscles to loosen any remaining tension. His skin felt numb and there was a tingling sensation running through his body, but other than that, he was healed.

  There was a low groan from by the wall. Kade and Darcienna looked at each other and then over to the broken body lying on the floor. Kade gripped the staff and considered finishing the man with a vengeance, but Darcienna put a gentle hand on his arm.

  “He deserves it,” Kade said with a growl. He considered ripping his arm free and blasting the man over and over again. He pictured himself pummeling Morg brutally until the evil Chosen was no longer recognizable. He wanted to call on a continuous stream of Divine Fire and listen to Morg scream.

  “There has been enough of that,” Darcienna said soothingly, feeling his muscles in his arm taught as iron. With regret, Kade relaxed his grip on the staff and turned to the queen.

  “Rakna, can you secure him with your webbing?” Kade asked.

  “It would be my pleasure, Chosen,” the white queen said as she skittered over to the body.

  She held Morg and turned him over and over as she spun a web, uncaring about his injuries. She dropped him to the floor with a thud and dragged him behind her. As she was working her way back, she stumbled hard as if she had been struck. Her front legs buckled. She tried to speak but nothing came out. It was as if she had the wind knocked out of her. Kade looked at her in confusion. He was ready to send Morg to his death, suspecting that he was the source of the queen’s suffering, but the evil Chosen was still unconscious. Kade’s grip on the staff tightened as he quickly scanned the area, but nothing seemed to be moving. He looked back at the queen and then over to Darcienna. Rakna struggled to stand and swayed as if the world were spinning beneath her. Kade raced to her side and caught her before she could collapse again.

  “Chosen,” the white queen said, her voice heavy with despair. “The king... The link between us…,” she started to say but could not finish the words.

  Rakna did her best to regain her composure, but she was crushed. Kade and Darcienna exchanged a glance. “The last he sent was that half of Morg’s army had been destroyed. Most of those that remained stopped and just left, but there are still many fighting,” she said, trying to be brave.

  “She thinks the king has passed
,” Darcienna whispered quietly.

  “I won’t accept that until we know for certain,” Kade said as he knelt down to look the queen in the eye. “Is there a chance that the king just cannot communicate? Maybe he is unconscious?” he asked gently.

  “The connection is severed, Chosen. I fear the worst,” Rakna hissed.

  There was a slow rumble that started deep within the mountain. Kade cocked his head as he listened. Something was coming and it continued to approach by the second.

  Kade got to his feet and winced at the soreness that was still in his muscles. If this was the worst of it, then he considered himself blessed by the Divine. He turned and looked at the hole in the ground as the distant rumble continued.

  “SEND HIM TO US,” the voice in the pit said in a whisper. “HE FAILED US. GIVE HIM TO US.”

  Kade looked at the body wrapped in webbing and then turned toward Darcienna. She was standing next to Rakna with her hand on the queen’s back, trying to console her, but it did not appear to be doing much good. Rakna was devastated. With the link between her and the king gone, the queen was struggling to maintain a semblance of composure.

  “Why? Why would I do anything you say?” Kade asked with a sneer as he walked to the edge of the pit.

  “BECAUSE HE DESERVES IT. HE TRIED TO KILL YOU. DO YOU NOT WANT REVENGE?” the voice asked ominously. It sounded as if it belonged to a hundred-foot tall giant.

  Kade stared into the pit and hated the way he felt. He did want revenge. He craved to make Morg suffer but…for a reason he could not explain…something was stopping him. He looked deep within his heart and soul, trying to find any reason not to hand this evil man over to death but failed.

  Turning, Kade walked over to Morg and studied him for a long time. Darcienna saw the struggle within him and called out his name. He stood as if not hearing. Darcienna walked over and laid a gentle hand on his arm. He slowly turned toward her, and even though his eyes were looking at her, his mind was still on the man lying in webbing on the ground. After a moment, she came into focus.


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