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The Divine Unleashed (Book 3)

Page 28

by Allen J Johnston

  “You are right,” Kade said as he struggled to stand on wobbly legs and moved over to the queen. “I am done trying,” he said as he grinned weakly.

  “I am guessing it worked,” Doren said thoughtfully as he tilted his head this way and that way. Darcienna’s head snapped back around to lock eyes with Kade. He smiled and nodded once.

  “My king,” Rakna said weakly, but Kade quickly cut her off and helped steady her.

  “Please, just Kade for now. It is too soon,” the Adept said as he felt his heart slowing.

  “Kade,” Rakna said. He could feel the relief through the link. “Thank you. You continue to save me over and over. I will never be able to repay you.”

  “Keep the arch safe, and that is payment enough,” Kade said as he eyed the way to the bed chamber. Darcienna saw where he was looking and nodded in agreement. “We need some rest,” Kade said as he turned to go. He was mentally and physically wore out.

  He considered thanking Morg but he just could not bring himself to show that man gratitude. His mind recalled, very vividly, how Morg had used the staff to crush the life out of him. With a glance at the Chosen still sitting slumped over, he turned with Darcienna holding onto his arm and worked his way to his room. With a smile for Ven as she stood guard at the door, he and Darcienna slipped into their chamber.

  It should have been a night of peacefulness as they stood victorious against their foes, but it was anything but. That night they both tossed and turned as nightmares assailed them over and over again. In one dream, Kade died violently as lightning exploded from every pore of his body. In another dream, Darcienna watched as Morg crushed the life out of the man she loved. The shield phased in and out around their bed throughout the night as she saved him over and over again. It would be a night of restless sleep.


  Kade awoke to the sounds of life throughout the Great Hall. Neither he nor Darcienna felt very rested as they climbed out of bed. She ran her fingers through her hair as she attempted to make herself more presentable while Kade just mussed his hair and called it good. Darcienna rolled her eyes and pushed his hands away from his head while she did her best to flatten some of the more wild tufts. She shrugged her shoulders as if in defeat. Kade grinned in amusement as he turned and walked out the door with Darcienna close behind. Ven fell in behind the couple as they walked.

  Kade and Darcienna entered the Great Hall. Ven had changed in to her beast form, which Kade was grateful for. Doren and Morg were talking quietly in a corner. Well…it was more like Doren was doing all the talking, and Morg was doing all the listening. The beaten Chosen was still an empty shell of what he used to be, but he was looking better, even if just slightly.

  Doren turned to watch as Kade and Darcienna entered the room. Several spiders skittered over to usher the two to a table that was set with so much food it would be impossible for them to eat even half of it. Kade knuckled his eyes to rub the final bit of sleep out and then lazily sat. Darcienna followed suit.

  “We will be going to Valdry’s home to perform the last rights,” Kade said to Doren. “Then, most likely, returning to my parents’ place in the country.”

  “I shall wait here until you are finished with Valdry,” Doren said casually.

  “And then?” Kade asked, feeling his appetite fading.

  “And then go with you to meet your parents, of course,” Doren said plainly. “I should know where to go in the event that I need to find you.”

  Kade turned cold. The very idea that Doren would even consider letting Morg anywhere near his parents almost pushed him over the edge. He turned his eyes on Morg and glared, his appetite gone instantly. Doren sighed as he caught the look.

  “Morg will be staying here under the watchful eyes of the spiders,” Doren said. Morg gave no reaction. Somewhat mollified, Kade gave Darcienna a look that very plainly said, “I am not pleased.”

  “We shall be back soon…as long as we do not parish from any traps,” Kade said, still unhappy with the situation. He shook his head and refocused on his task. If Valdry has as many traps as Zayle…, Kade thought as he recalled the demon from the book. He left the thought unfinished.

  Doren stopped what he was doing as something occurred to him and opened his mouth to speak, but Kade spoke first. “We are going alone,” Kade said firmly, easily anticipating Doren’s motives for wanting to join them. He was surprised it took Doren this long to wonder what secrets Valdry might have. The Master Chosen let his shoulders sag momentarily and then turned back to continue his talk with Morg. It was good not being an apprentice, Kade thought. But, he still knew that he had to be cautious with how he interacted with the Master Chosen. There were still lines that should not be crossed as an Adept.

  After eating very little, the couple left the tree and stopped as they took in the sight of both dragons. Rayden flooded the link with joy at seeing his friend. The green stood and watched warily, as the couple started toward them. The familiar feeling of hunger assailed him through the link. Kade smiled, sure that his feedings were going to be much more acceptable. He had not tried his gift since the previous night, but he was certain there was a change.

  Kade planted his feet and squared his shoulders. He could not keep the grin from spreading as he prepared to call on his special gift that was unique to just him. He reached for the Divine and found…that the block was gone. He opened himself up and felt connected to the world. The power was exhilarating.

  No one can stand in my way, he thought as he drank in the feeling. He realized where his thoughts were going and felt bats in his stomach. The world spun momentarily as his eyes flew open. Power corrupts, he reminded himself as he tried to erase the thought from his mind. I am not going to turn into Morg, he told himself vehemently. Darcienna saw the look in Kade’s eyes and tilted her head at his as if to ask, “What?”

  “Just hoping this works,” Kade said. Darcienna smiled. Kade felt a twinge of guilt for lying to her, but if she knew what just went through his mind, a seed of doubt about his humanity may begin to grow.

  Kade closed his eyes and started through the moves. He pictured a large, steaming chunk of meat and felt it fall through his hands to hit the ground with a thud. Darcienna clapped her hands excitedly and ran up to wrap her arms around his neck. He smiled broadly as he returned the hug.

  How could a man not love a woman who is so supportive? Kade thought as he looked deeply into her eyes. His heart filled with the image of her.

  “What?” Darcienna asked with a gleam in her eye. She was still beaming.

  “I was just thinking how much I love you,” Kade said as he felt his heart swell. “Even to say I love you does not do justice for what my heart feels.”

  His brief, romantic moment was interrupted as a burning craving for the food blazed through the link. Kade looked up and saw that the dragon’s eyes were locked onto the meat. The green was also staring eagerly but still stood its distance.

  “Well,” Kade said as he smiled at Rayden. “Eat,” he said as he indicated the meat. Rayden practically pounced on the food, as if it were about to escape, and tore into it. He ripped huge chunks off and chewed eagerly, enjoying the large mouthfuls. The silver dragon closed its eyes and savored the taste as the juices slid down its throat in large quantities. The link was filled with pure pleasure. Kade could not help but to laugh deeply as he watched his dragon enjoying its morning meal.

  The smell filled the air so much so that Doren and his new apprentice came out of the tree. As much as they tried to feign uncaring, it was clear that the smell of the fresh cooked meat was making their stomachs rumble. Sometimes, the simplest callings are the most powerful, Kade thought with a grin. Two Chosen Masters at the mercy of an Adept.

  “Stay here,” Kade said to Ven as he pointed at the spot where she was standing.

  The green looked between the food, Rayden and Kade as it fidgeted eagerly. Its nose worked furiously as it started to salivate. It edged closer and then quickly retreated, still not trustin
g the man. Kade smiled and marched straight at the green. The massive dragon watched intently as Kade approached. Its nostrils flared and it huffed, but Kade continued to walk without any signs of slowing. Rayden stopped chewing, and Kade could feel irritation flood the link. Kade smiled and let out a laugh as he cast a glance at his friend.

  “You worry too much,” Kade said as he confidently continued toward the green. The dragon’s wings twitched as Kade closed the distance.

  “Kade,” Darcienna said, irritation showing in her voice.

  The Adept continued on, pretending not to hear. Darcienna gave a huff as she ran to his side. She flexed her fingers and rubbed her palms on her pants. Kade glanced at her and could not help but to laugh again.

  “You are not funny,” she said in all seriousness. This, of course, caused him to laugh even more. She glared at him but then turned her focus on the massive dragon.

  Green’s lips twitched as Kade approached. Rayden grabbed the huge chunk of meat in his mouth and quickly bounded after Kade, who was almost to the green. The monstrous dragon backed up as its muscles flexed. Kade stopped and closed his eyes.

  Maybe it was good Darcienna came, Kade thought. He did not realize how unpleasant it would be to shut his eyes while this close to such a deadly creature. But, even still, he would not have changed what he did.

  Kade reached for the Divine and could not help but to enjoy the feeling as it filled his mind and soul…but not his heart. That belonged to Darcienna. Maybe that would be enough to keep me on the right path, Kade thought, and then, he was on to making the meat. It hit the ground with a thud. Some of the juice from the meat splattered against his legs. Kade opened his eyes and watched as the dragon locked onto the food. Kade backed up slowly, step by step as he watched the green.

  Rayden plopped his meat down next to this freshly prepared food and continued to tear it apart. Kade turned and smiled at him as he continued to move back. The irritation that was previously in the link was gone, replaced with contentment.

  The green crouched to the ground as if it were stalking the meat. It flinched back slightly, causing Kade to let out a burst of laughter. This incredibly deadly creature was not crouching to hunt but crouching to flee if the meat so much as twitched.

  Fear of the unknown, Kade thought. Rayden stopped chewing as a piece of meat hung from his mouth and turned to watch the green. The silver dragon made a guttural sound around the food. The green glanced at Rayden and then move up to the meat. It sniffed rapidly and then a tongue came out to taste it. Satisfied, it took a small bite, but Kade could see it was only moments before it would be tearing hungrily into the food.

  “We can let them eat, and then we will go,” Kade said as he walked back to the tree.

  “You know that was not very smart,” Darcienna said but there was no strength to her words.

  “Nothing as intelligent as a dragon bites the hand that feeds it,” Kade said as he glanced over his shoulder. “Especially dragons who love to eat,” he said as he chuckled.

  “I see the dragons are well fed,” Doren said as he stood with his arms behind his back.

  It appeared that not all were content with just fruits and vegetables. Kade knew the feeling as neither he nor Darcienna ate much themselves. Kade stopped and made a piece of meat. He handed it to Doren and paused, not allowing himself to even so much as to glance at Morg. He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes. He made another piece, but this one was not quite as large. He opened his eyes and handed this one to Doren, also. Kade could not watch as Doren turned and handed the smaller piece to Morg. As humbled as Morg was, Kade still could not find compassion in his heart for the man. It was going to take a lot to convince him that the man he knew deep, down inside, was no longer there. He ignored the men and turned to watch the dragon. Both Master Chosen moved over and sat with their backs to the tree as they ate.

  “Do you know where Valdry’s place is?” Darcienna asked.

  “I do. His name was in the black book, so I should have no problem finding it,” Kade said as he felt the muscles in his back slowly unknot.

  “Good,” Darcienna said and then turned to look at him. “Now, how about making me some of that?” she asked casually.

  “I am such an ox,” Kade said as he instantly forgot about everything to focus on her. “I am so sorry. I did not even think to ask,” he said as he quickly conjured the food. He handed it to her and smiled as she sank her teeth in and took a bite.

  It did look good, he thought as he conjured a piece for himself. Kade and Darcienna moved to the opposite side of the tree from the masters and sat with their backs against the tree.

  There wasn’t a person or animal that did not find immense pleasure in Kade’s cooking. No one spoke as they devoured the tasty, mouthwatering food. Well…no one but Doren. The Master Chosen appeared to love to hear himself talk. After finishing their food, Doren and Morg made their way into the tree. Doren was lecturing at great lengths and Morg was trudging behind with his head down.

  Serves him right, Kade thought, but he could not help but to feel just a little pity for Morg. The threat of having to listen to Doren’s prattle alone would be enough to keep me from turning into an evil Chosen, he thought.

  Kade waited for Rayden to finish his food and then called to him. The dragon trotted over and laid down. He and Darcienna mounted. Before he could give Rayden the signal to go, Ven changed into her monkey form and swung up to hang on Kade’s neck. He put his hand on her back and held her in place. Darcienna tensed just slightly and then relaxed.

  “Hold on,” Kade said as he gripped the dragon’s ridges tightly.

  Be safe, Rakna said in his mind so clear that it was as if she were standing right next to him. Kade flinched, not yet accustomed to this close contact. But, it was something he had to get used to. Never again was he going to be alone. He never fathomed it would be a spider queen that would keep him company, but it was not as bad as he might have feared. As a matter of fact, he found it surprisingly pleasant.

  The dragon turned and then turned back as if missing the direction it wanted to go. Kade and Darcienna shifted rapidly, and Kade almost lost his balance. His eyes half-lidded in suspicion as he felt amusement drift through the link.

  Keep it up, Kade thought to himself as he started to plot his revenge. Just keep it up. And with that, they launched into the air. The green was close on their tail but soon moved up to fly just off Rayden’s right wing. Kade looked over to see the green eyeing him and Darcienna. Again, there was amusement coming through the link from Rayden. This time, Kade smiled along.

  Several hours later they landed outside an elaborate home that rivaled Doren’s. Kade thought back on the shack he used to live in and wondered, for just a moment, why? As soon as he asked himself the question, he had the answer. Zayle wanted to keep him safe, and the best way to do that was to make sure that they were not noticed. Elaborate mansions had a way of drawing attention sooner or later.

  Ven leapt into the air, and before she landed, had transformed into the beast. She hit the ground hard with a heavy thud. Kade smiled, grateful for another set of eyes. He stood surveying the house and the countryside. It was quiet with only the sound of the wind. He could not figure out if it was calming or eerie. With a shrug, he turned for the house.

  Kade walked to the mansion and closed his eyes. The Reveal Calling showed nothing. He walked in the door that was just barely hanging on its hinges. The place was a disaster. Kade got the feeling that it was not a battle that caused this damage but the ravings of a mad man destroying just to destroy. Curiously, there was no blood or bodies anywhere, and there were no callings active set as traps…that Kade could see. This made him nervous. It made him very nervous.

  Kade worked his way through the house to the den. He closed his eyes and used the Reveal Calling. There was just a slight haze hanging in the air. Kade studied it closely. It appeared to be like a very thin mist. He opened his eyes and could not shake the feeling of being watched. He prepar
ed to enter the room when a flash of black caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head, expecting to see Chance. There was nothing. He turned back to walk into the room when he flinched as an insect almost two inches long buzzed right by his ear and flew through the doorway. Kade watched as its wings stopped their frantic motion and slowed to barely moving. Then, just several feet into the room, they stopped completely. He turned to look down the hall again, as he thought of his silky, black friend. He shook it off and turned back to the bug that was suspended in flight. By all laws of nature, it should have fallen to the floor, and yet, it stayed up as if it were floating. Darcienna walked up and put her hand on his shoulder as she readied to brush past, but Kade’s arm shot out to bar the way.

  “What?” Darcienna asked, confused.

  “Look,” Kade said as he pointed to the insect. Darcienna leaned forward just slightly as she focused on the bug.

  “What is it doing?” she asked as she tilted her head. “It’s…stuck.”

  “Yes,” Kade said as he studied the chamber. As he was examining the room, he froze, making eye contact with an old man sitting in a plush, high-backed, winged chair. The man appeared to be very much alive. There was some sort of disturbance in the air half way between the door and the man.

  “Kade,” Darcienna said, as she looked from the man back to the Adept.

  “I know,” Kade said as he studied the disturbance in the air and then the man again.

  Kade turned and searched the hallway for anything lying loose. His eyes fell on a broken vase that had been shattered against a wall. He bent and picked up a large piece. He turned and tossed it into the room. It quickly stopped in midflight as if something had caught it and were holding it motionless.

  “Is he still alive?” Darcienna asked in awe.


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