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My Life Would Suck Without You

Page 13

by Krystal George

  E. L. Loraine lives in the South East and when not writing novels, loves to travel, dabble in interior design and cook.

  Books by Elizabeth Loraine available in E-book and print:

  Royal Blood Chronicles YA Series

  Katrina - the Beginning

  The Protectors

  The Dark Prince

  Cain – the Quest





  Royal Chronicles Novellas

  Quinn – a Watchers Story

  Marcella – Vampire Mage


  Phantom Lives Series



  The Shifter Series

  Green River

  Other Books

  Lillian – A Vampire Tale

  Lillian - Mask

  Lillian – Retribution (April 2014)

  Adult Romances – Corporate Ties and Western Escape


  By Heather Kirchhoff

  ©2014 by Heather Kirchhoff

  In the moonlight, tears glittered in his eyes and on my cheeks. I felt my heart slowly breaking, shattering into pieces. With his thumb, he gently wiped some fallen tears from my cheeks, a slow smile creeping to his lips.

  “Now, now, no crying,” he said, his voice shaking just a bit.

  I smiled as I met his gaze, as I saw the love and compassion in there. I love him with all my heart and soul, and don’t know what I’d do without him. I don’t know how I could live.

  But I don’t have to.

  I have him and he has me and that’s all we need. That just makes me stronger in waiting for him. It makes me believe. We can get through anything.

  So far, that’s happened. In our relationship a lot has happened and could of broken us up, but it hasn’t. It only made us stronger, and made me see who he really is. He doesn’t give up, that’s for sure. He sticks to what he believes, yeah, but then again so do I. Everyone is always telling us how perfect we are together and that they wouldn’t be surprised if we stayed together forever. They always say how lucky I am.

  The only hard part about all of this is saying goodbye.

  “I love you,” he whispered in my ear, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

  “I love you too,” I murmured.

  He pressed his lips against mine, holding me against him. The kiss made me swell with happiness, despite the situation we’re in. He makes me feel whole. Complete.

  Whenever I’m with him I feel altogether. No part of me is missing, except when he leaves me. Then it’s an entirely different story.

  “Hey,” he said, kissing me again, “there’s no reason to be down. I’m here, and we’re together.”

  “For how long?” I whispered, the words stinging.

  “What do you mean? I’ll always be there for you forever. I’ll never leave you.”

  I hesitated, a few things coming to mind of what I wanted to say, but all they will do is run him off. But then, again, do I really have a choice? He’s always telling me to say what I’m thinking to him, even if it hurts. Why should now be any different?

  “Come on, Naz. Just don’t hold back.”

  “You’re leaving me,” I said in a low voice.

  “I’ll be back,” he promised.

  “Yeah, but when and for how long?”

  “I don’t know,” he said after a moment.

  “James, I just…” I trailed off, a few tears running down my flesh. He wiped them away, his touch like a gentle caress.

  “What?” His voice was soothing, his touch light.

  “I just-I can’t stand it if anything happened.”

  “Nothing will. I swear. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  “It’s hard not to when your not here with me. Not when I can’t hear your voice reassuring me, telling me everything will be alright. Not when I can‘t see you every day. Or when you can‘t come over for a surprise visit whenever I‘m extremely busy. Or even to just pick up the phone and hear your voice…” None of that would matter when you’re gone.

  “It all will, Nazalia. That’s what will make it even better when I come back because you haven’t seen me, nor had all of those things for a while. When I come back, you will have all of that again. It’s just for now.”

  “How long is for now?”

  “I… I can’t answer that.”

  “Of course. Because no one can.”

  “Hey, you don’t have to do that. Don’t start pushing me away.” After a moment, he added, “I think it’s best if you start letting other’s in as well.”

  “How can I? You’re the only one who get’s me. If I push you away, then I’m done for.”

  “Don’t talk like that, either. If you do then it will make me worry.”

  “I’m sorry, but I-it’s just hard to think of letting anyone else in, and leaving you out.”

  “Sometimes you have to do the hardest things.”

  Yeah, but that didn’t mean I would. It’s impossible to start keeping him out and other’s in. They don’t understand me like he does. With one look at me and he knows something’s wrong. He’ll try to figure out what is and not accept I’m fine. But with anyone else? It’s nothing. They don’t notice. It’s as if they can’t see in my eyes and tell that something’s up.

  “Like this,” he said, interrupting my thoughts. “You have no idea how I feel about this. Because, honestly, I feel the exact same way. It’s hard to leave you, but I have to. I just hope that you’ll understand one day soon. I hope you’ll forgive me for leaving you.”

  I didn’t answer, just stared into the distance and let my mind wander. I could tell by the way he was suddenly holding me, the way his arms felt tight and rigged, that he was afraid I’d be mad at him. He was afraid I’d get tired of waiting and leave him for someone else. Someone who’ll always be there for me every single day of my life, and won’t ever leave my side unless I ask them to.

  “James,” I murmured in his ear, my breathing shallow. “I don’t ever want this to end.”

  He pulled back and stared at me as if I was crazy. Our gazes locked, and I felt my heart beat going stronger for that moment.

  “You mean that?” His voice was shallow, as if he was afraid I’d say otherwise.

  “Of course I do. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I thought you already knew that. I couldn’t ever leave you for someone else. I feel sick just thinking of it. You have no idea how I feel about that.”

  “I think I do. Sometimes it slips into my mind, and I don’t want it to end, either. But sometimes I wonder…”

  He trailed off and pressed his lips against my collarbone, making me shiver. His breath was hot on my flesh, a ghost of a smile forming in his voice, as he said, “I know it’s going to be hard, but we’ve gotten this far. And I think we can get even farther, if you wait for me.”

  Hooking my finger under his chin, I made him look into my eyes, as I said, “I’ll wait for you till the ends of the earth.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me up to where I could wrap my legs around his waist. He repositioned his hands to where he could better hold me against him.

  “I knew this was going to be hard,” he added after a few moments. “But I didn’t think it’d be this hard trying to leave you.”

  “You’ve done it before, when you went to training.”

  “Yeah, but that’s different. I got to see you a few times in between those. This time around I don’t know when I get to see you again. That’s what kills me. Not knowing.”

  “Me too. But it has to be done.”

  “Yeah,” he agreed. “It does.”

  I’ll miss
him and I’ll wait until I can see him again, but at the same time I wished he didn’t have to go. I wish it was a year ago and I was a junior, him a senior. Those were the best times I’ve had in my entire life. Whenever he had first told me that he wanted to go into the military, I didn’t know what to think of it, except to make every moment with him last a few moments longer.

  Eventually he caught on and started wondering why, in a teasing manner. I didn’t ever really reply because I knew his question wasn’t in need of an answer.

  Suddenly, his flight was called, and my heart lurched. This was his duty I knew, but it was still hard knowing he was about to leave me.

  He grabbed me into a hug, and I buried my face in his chest, my arms wrapped tightly around his waist. Tears burned as they came, but I willed them away.

  “Shhh,” James murmured into my hair. “Don’t cry, babe. I’ll be back as soon as I can. I promise.”

  That didn’t really make me feel better, but I didn’t show that to him. I couldn’t. This was his dream, and I’m not going to stand in his way.

  “I love you, Nazalia. Forever and always.”

  “Love you too,” I said as I pulled away against my own will.

  “Don’t forget what I’ve told you.”

  “I won’t.”

  Just as he was pulling away to get his stuff, I pulled him back to me and kissed him, not wanting this to end quite yet. He returned the kiss and, as his flight was called for one last time, he reached down to collect his few bags, slinging them over his shoulder. He wiped the few tears away that was glittering on my cheeks, his touch light.

  “See you.”


  He turned away from me, glancing at me for the last time. In his eyes, I saw compassion and deep love for me. I smiled for his sake, but it felt fake on my lips. I watched as he walked away, and onto his duty, my heart shattering.


  I stare up at my ceiling, longing for him again. Ever since I left the airport, I’ve been hurting, desperately wishing for him, but then reminding myself I’ll get to see James again. It may not be soon, but it will happen.

  My gaze strayed to the picture of us from last year’s prom. Him in a tux, and I in a very pretty pale blue dress, with sparkles here and there. That night, I must admit, was the best night of my life. I was taken back to that night, hearing our laughter, and seeing us dancing together. Hearing him once again telling me I was beautiful. Seeing his dazzling smile, and feeling his kiss. It had been all too good to be true. I still couldn’t believe I was there with him, that I was even dating him in the first place.

  His spot in school was higher than mine had been-and still is. Yeah, I have friends, but other than that I’m invisible. Except when I started dating James; then everything changed. Now it’s going to be exactly that same as it was. Me being the shy, quiet girl who hardly has any friends, and people wondering why I would ever have a boyfriend because no one knows who I really am. It’s been that way for as long as I can remember, and it’ll stay that way until I graduate.

  Moonlight trickled into my room, revealing my mirror and me. I saw a heartbroken, love struck girl with shiny black hair, light tan skin, sharp cheekbones, and navy blue eyes. She had on a dark-but-light tank top, and jeans; her hair hung around her face, framing it in the way that her boyfriend loves it, and say it makes her look even more beautiful. The necklace around her neck shown, diamonds sparkled, making her fall in-love with it even more.

  I knew I had to look worse than it seemed, but all I could see was whatever James saw in me. I couldn’t hardly see that heartbroken girl, in the way of heartbreak. But I knew she was there, waiting for a way out.

  Honestly, I was numb. I hardly could keep my mind away from my boyfriend, and I ached for his touch so much. I knew I shouldn’t be focusing on this. I shouldn’t be here by myself, but I am, and it seems I can’t force myself to leave. I can’t confide in the world yet.

  A few days had gone by without me even really noticing. I couldn’t hardly focus in school, even though I’m doing everything I’m told and going through the actions. I’m there, but, yet, I’m not there. Those days turned into weeks, and those weeks turned into months, slowly ticking by.

  “Nazalia, you have mail,” my mom said one day after school. I grabbed the envelope she was holding out, read the return address, and took it up to my room.

  Dropping my stuff, I opened it and pulled out a letter:


  I’m sorry I haven’t gotten word out to you until now, but I just didn’t have any time. I hope you understand that. If nothing else, I just wanted you to know that I love and miss you. It’s hard being away, but we have to make the best of it.

  I hope everything’s going fine over there. I hope you're okay. I love you.


  I read it a few more times before replying. I carefully folded it, and added it to an envelope, writing my address and his on it before sending it off. I then grabbed my homework, and tried to get on with my life.


  “Hey, Nazalia!”

  I blinked, and looked over to see my best friend, Mandy. I was sitting outside, finally finished with my hours-long homework.

  “How’s it been going?” she asked before I could say anything.

  “Okay,” I replied.

  “You don’t seem that way. What’s going on?”

  “You know what. It’s just that I miss him.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry that he keeps leaving you. I really am.”

  “He’s not leaving me on purpose. It’s not his choice.”

  “Whatever. Believe what you want.”

  “I can’t believe you.”

  “Tell me this,” she said, ignoring my last comment. “Does he even love you? I mean, to me at least, if someone leaves, then they don’t love you. They never have.”

  My anger grew with each word she spoke. How could she just come over here and say this? It’s cruel.

  “Of course he does,” I snapped.

  “I don’t understand you.” I could hear a faint snicker in her voice. “Have you ever even loved him? I mean, come on. He’s popular and pretty hot. And he fell for you.” Her eyes gleamed with envy as she spoke. “All you had to do is go along with it. He made you popular. He made you everything that you are now. Are you really going to tell me that you love him?”

  “Yes, because it’s true. Not that you would know that.”

  “I’m just saying the truth.”

  “No, you're speaking a lie. One that I’m not going to take.”

  “What are you going to do about it?”

  Instead of answering I turned and walked away from her. I’m not playing any of her games. I’m not going to let her tell me who I love and don’t. I won’t let her push me around again. When I looked back over, she was gone.

  Dinner came and went. I was still angry with Mandy. I couldn’t believe she came over just to say those horrible things.

  “Sometimes people doesn’t know what to say,” Mom said as we were cleaning off the table.

  “This is different. She came over and said that I didn’t love him. That he never loved me. That it was all for popularity.” I sat the few plates I was holding into the soapy water. “She didn’t have a right.”

  “No, she didn’t. Like I said, sometimes people say and do things they shouldn’t. You shouldn’t let what she says get to you. Just ignore it.”

  “It’s not that easy.”

  “Maybe not, but it’s possible.”

  I didn’t answer her as we finished cleaning the kitchen and she didn’t bring it up anymore.

  I stared out at the glistening sea, listening as the waves crashed gently against one another. I watched as they swirled around each other, almo
st as if in a gleeful dance.


  Hearing that voice I turned around, my heart skipping a few beats as I saw him. Bathed in moonlight, he was breathtaking. With his tan skin, muscular build, and his brownish hair. I couldn’t believe he was standing right in front of me.


  I ran to him and he caught me in his embrace, and everything suddenly felt as it should be. Us together with nothing to worry about.

  I buried my face in his chest, so happy and surprised that he was here. All of the emotions rose up, and I couldn’t control them. In the next instant, I was alone. I was crying for him, searching. I ran into the darkness, afraid as I hear the cries of people being murdered, the screams for help. I fell to my knees as I heard gunshots in the far distance…


  I woke with a start, my breathing heavy, my skin damp with sweat. I glanced at my alarm, surprised to find it’s only one in the morning. I sighed, closing my eyes after a few moments of staring off into the dark. But all I could hear was the gun shots; all I could see was his blood, painting the ground like it’s a canvas. All I could see was his pleading eyes as he fell, his grimace of pain.

  My eyes snapped opened and I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. But it didn’t help. After a few more failed attempts, I threw my covers off of me, going to the bathroom and splashing some water on my face. I stared at myself in the mirror, surprised to find my eyes looking stoned, lazy. I closed them, shaking my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Finally, I left the bathroom, turning off the light as I headed into the darkness and to my room. I laid back down, hoping to dream of roses and butterfly’s and James coming home to me uninjured.

  Graduation day. I couldn’t believe any of this, but it was finally here. The day we’d start the rest of our lives. I was so excited, hugging my classmates as we talked about our plans for college and the future. We were stored in the band room, smiling and laughing as we recounted our memories during high school and way back to elementary school. As far as we could remember, anything funny was said.

  “I can’t believe it’s finally here,” Mandy said as she stood beside me, shooting me a fleeting glance.

  I shrugged. “Me either. But you know life goes on.”

  “Completely true.” She nodded fiercely, her eyes widening. “Do you know when James is coming back?”

  “No.” I sighed as those thoughts crept into my mind. “No clue.”

  “I’m sorry. I just figured you heard something.”

  “He’s in the army. He doesn’t know half the things he has to do until it’s time to get going.”

  “Yeah.” Her lips shinned with lip gloss. I watched as she rubbed them together again, smiling at me. “It must be hard not having him here on graduation day.”

  “He has to do what he has to do. Even if it means not watching me graduate.”

  “He may miss several other things too you know. It won’t just be this.”

  I never thought about that, but deep within me, I knew it was true. Would I really want to be with someone who’ll miss important things like this? I shook my head, quickly wiping a tear away. Of course I would. It wasn’t about how much they missed after all. It was about how much they care about you and vice versa. That’s all that should matter. As long as he’s there for me then everything will be okay.

  “I know,” I said finally, glancing around the room. I watched as several other girls fixed their hair, put makeup on and made themselves look beautiful. “It will be okay though.”

  “Yes, it will be. As long as you’re sure about your feelings for each other nothing else should matter.”


  “Hey!” one of our classmates exclaimed as she bounded over to us. “Are you girls ready or what?”

  “We are,” I replied, smiling. “We completely are.”

  “Want more makeup on? Or are you done?”


  Mandy elbowed me, cutting my refusal off. “We could possibly use a little more,” she said in my place. “Can’t we Nazalia?”

  “Uh, yeah, sure.”

  “Great! Come with me; we’ll use a bathroom.” She beamed as we followed her out of the crowded room and into a dimly lit bathroom. “Want me to do yours Nazalia?”


  “I’ll do my own,” Mandy added earning a nod.

  “Great!” she repeated. “Come over here.”

  I did as she said, watching in the mirror as she placed my hair behind my ears. She started with adding blush to my face before moving on to my eyes. “You look pretty Nazalia,” she commented. “Not that you don’t every day, but-”

  “Thanks.” I interjected. “I know what you mean.”

  “Close your eyes,” she instructed. I did so, feeling her lightly move the eye shadow over my eyelids. I licked my lips, opening my eyes when she pulled away. She then swiped pink lipstick over my lips, adding a few more coats before beaming again. “Perfect!”

  “Come on girls time to go!” a brunette said, her eyes shining.

  We scurried after her, taking our places among the rest of our classmates. We went into the gym two at a time, one boy and one girl. When it was my turn, I took a deep breath before walking down side-by-side another boy, joining our classmates. After the others came out, we were told to sit and the principal began talking about our class and how fun it was to have us.

  After about an hour of listening to people talk, we began getting our diplomas. I couldn’t believe it when my name was called and I was handed mine, shaking hands with the principal. I joined the others who got theirs already and listened as everyone else was called. Finally, we were announced as the graduating class of 2012. We threw our caps as everyone clapped and cheered.

  After a few more minutes we merged into the crowd, being congratulated as we passed. I walked out into an open space, as a few people patted me on the back.


  I turned, unable to believe what I saw; it all felt surreal. But there he was, the only person who can actually make this day better than it already was. My heart leaped as I met his gaze, my smile growing, beaming.

  “James!” I exclaimed as I was wrapped in his embrace. “What are you doing here?”

  “Surprising you,” he responded, taking my hand. His smile was dazzling and my heart fluttered. He pressed his lips lightly against mine, stealing my breath.

  “Let me go ditch this,” I said, tugging on my gown. “It’s bugging me.”

  “Of course.” James followed me, waiting outside as I disappeared into the band room. A few others were in there, draping their caps and gowns on a hanger.

  “Hey Nazalia!”

  “Hi.” I shimmied out of my gown, hanging it up and adding my cap to the hanger. It felt so good to be arid of that. I shook my hair out, fluffing it with my hands and wiping any wrinkles out of my dress.

  “Lookin’ good girl,” a blond said as she entered the room.


  I went out and joined my boyfriend. His eyes grazed over my outfit. “You look amazing,” he said, kissing me.

  “Thank you. You don’t look bad yourself, you know.”

  James laughed as he pulled me out of the way of a few of my classmates. They shot me a curious look, but didn’t say anything.

  “We should probably go find my parents.”

  “Nah, they told me to just take you to the party.”

  “Well then let’s go.”

  “All right,” he said after a moment. He took my hand, leading me away from the band room and towards the entrance down the hall. When we reached it, I looked back once, wondering when I’d ever come back in here.

  “I can’t believe I’m done with high school for good,” I remark
ed as we reached my boyfriend’s car. “It feels weird to think that.”

  “You’ll get used to it,” James replied as he unlocked the door.

  “Now I get to move on with my life. School can’t hold me back from my dreams anymore.”

  “It shouldn’t have ever held you back, Naz.”

  “I felt like a prisoner in there sometimes.”


  “I don’t know. I just felt like I couldn’t reach my dreams while there; like they kept drifting farther and farther away from me.”

  “Sometimes that’ll happen, but don’t let it get away. If you want it bad enough, you’ll chase it, no matter how far.”

  “What if I want it but can’t chase it? Like I try to but it doesn’t work out?”

  “Try something else then. Just don’t give up any hope of it ever coming true.”

  His words rang with truth, but I don’t know if it’ll be that easy. At the moment they seem so far off. We rode on in silence, lost in our own thoughts. When we finally arrived, I turned my attention to James.

  “You’re right.”

  “What?” he asked, taken off guard.

  “I shouldn’t let my dreams run away from me. I should chase them until I feel on edge. I should push myself to keep going.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  “Thank you,” I murmured.

  “For what?”

  “Being there for me.”

  Instead of answering, he leaned over and kissed me, lingering for a few extra seconds before saying, “We should go inside.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. Your parents will kill me if we don’t.”

  “Fine,” I sighed, grabbing his arm as he began to get out. “But first…” I kissed him a few times before pulling away and opening my door.

  Inside was as ordinary as out. I licked my lips as I gazed around, searching for my parents. I wandered over to the food table, picking out a few cookies, looking around for James. I finally spotted him talking to a few of my relatives and I walked over to them.

  “I’m so proud of you Nazalia!” my aunt beamed as I joined them.

  “I think everyone is,” my cousin chimed. “You’re looking good today, by the way.”

  “And I don’t any other day?” I asked sarcastically.

  “That’s not-”

  “What you mean,” I finished for her. “I know.”

  “I hate when you do that!” she complained.

  I laughed, watching as James walked over to us, wrapping his arm around me. They engaged him in small talk and I stood there, watching the party happening around me. I went around as the hostess and talked to as much people as I could, smiling and hearing about when I was little. It was fun, but I was glad when the party was over.

  “Hey,” James said as he walked over to me. “Want to go for a walk?”

  “Sure,” I replied. He took my hand and we went to his car. He drove until we reached a small creek with a boulder overlooking it. I smiled down at the water as it glistened in the moonlight. I let my gaze wander up towards the inky night sky and the moon shining brightly; the stars twinkled overhead too almost as if they’re winking at us. I glanced over at James and he took my hand, turning me to face him. He knelt down and pulled out a small box. “Nazalia Renee Show, I love you forever and always. Will you marry me?”

  My heart raced as I gazed at him. “Yes,” I whispered, watching him as he placed glittering the ring on my finger. He kissed me and I felt complete.

  He was only suppose to be here for a few days and we made the best out of it. It was like a dream as we told everyone that we were engaged. I still couldn’t believe that I was going to be with him forever. And always.

  Your fiancée, James Bowman, was killed in action…

  I couldn’t read anymore. I suddenly felt as if a bullet pierced my heart.

  He couldn’t be gone.

  Visions of You

  By Patrick Van Slyke

  ©2014 by Patrick Van Slyke

  “Marriage?” Melanie asked incredulously, looking up from the small ring into James intense face. He had surprised her after driving them to their private spot in the Bighorn Mountain foothills.

  “Marriage?” she asked again. “James, I love you, I’m so in love with you. But marriage is such a big step. I mean, we’re only starting college this year. What if our feelings change?”

  “My feelings aren’t going to change, Melanie. I never want to be without you.”

  “But what – what if you find someone you love more than me. You know, like someone who is a better fit for you?”’

  “There is no one who is a better fit for me.”

  “How can you know that? I mean we’re so young.”

  James pulled his legs up on the bench seat of the old truck so that he was sitting cross-legged facing the young girl. She did the same. They were on eye level, close enough to smell each other, smells they had come to cherish.”

  James took the girl’s hands in his gently. “You are the only person that I trust. You are the only person I ever want to wake up to. I want us to be a family and build a life together. Don’t you?”

  “Well, yes, of course I do, James. I mean right now you are the only thing I think of. But what about the future? How many times have you ever heard of high school sweethearts making it? Almost never. None that I can think of. Is it fair to put that kind of pressure on ourselves?”

  James lifted one of her hands and kissed it gently. His gentle, quiet nature was one of the things she loved most about him. He wasn’t like a lot of the other boys.

  “Melanie, my life would suck without you.

  “No! No, James,” she laughed. “Sure it would hurt for a while but we would get over it and find other people. James, you’re beautiful. You’re one of the smartest and sweetest people I have ever met. You deserve the very best. I’m just an, well, one girl in a million.”

  “No Melanie, you are the only girl in the world to me. But sure, you’re right. I’d go on without you and I’d have a normal, kinda regular life. But it wouldn’t be right without you. Here, let me show you. Hold my hands a bit tighter and close your eyes. I’m going to show you the future.”


  “I’m gonna show you the future. Well, my future. Or what it would be like without you. It might be a little weird at first but it won’t hurt. Keep your eyes closed so I can show you.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  “Just promise to keep your eyes closed, okay?”

  “Forget it. Whatdaya think? I’m a fool? You’re just going to cop a feel. You don’t have to play games, idiot. We’re way past that, unless you trying some weird roll-playing crap.”

  “Melanie, come on,” he urged. “Just do as I say, alright? Listen, just close your eyes. But don’t be scared and don’t open them until I’m done.”

  “Okay weirdo, whatever it takes to get you to shut up about it. Here,” she applied warm pressure to his hands and closed her beautiful brown eyes. “This right?” she asked sarcastically.

  “Yeah,” he answered, closing his eyes. “Here it comes. Don’t open ‘em okay?”

  There was only a moment silence.

  “What the fuck?” Melanie yelled, yanking her hands from his, her eyes wide with shock. “Oh my God!” she whispered, holding a hand to her mouth. “You drugged me, you mother-…”

  “Oh jeeze, really? Come on, Melanie! Do you feel drugged? Have I ever drugged you before? Do I even do drugs?”


  “Look, this is just like this – thing I can do. I don’t know. It’s like an X-Men thing or something. But it won’t hurt. It’s just, I don’t know, like looking at things that might come true.”

  “No … way!” she cried.

  “Awe, come on. It’s nothing big. It’s nothing like that!
I swear. It’s just weird. Now do you want to see or not?”

  “Are you serious? Hell yeah I want to see.” She grabbed his hand and looked at him with her flushed face. “Okay, show me.”

  “Okay,” he breathed. “Now, just relax and keep your eyes closed.”


  “Winter’s coming,” James said to himself, stepping out of the BMW in his driveway in the suburbs. He looked up at the three story colonial home that they had paid off years ago with disinterest. To James, buying the house had just been the next thing to do.


  “I can feel what you’re feeling and hear your thoughts,” Melanie whispered.

  “They’re not mine yet,” he whispered back.

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