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Black Hills Rebel

Page 4

by A. C. Wilson

  “You had five more minutes and we were going to come after you.” Rayne leaned against the porch railing, shaking her finger at Nora.

  “I come bearing sweets.” Nora held up the white bakery box in front of her face as if to deflect the nonverbal accusations being sent her way.

  “Ah, Nora, that’s not fair! You know I’m already getting fat!” Andy wailed from the screen door. Rayne rolled her eyes before looking at Andy with a disbelieving look. Nora just shook her head.

  “You’re pregnant, Andy. Indulgence is accepted and in some cases, required. Lord knows it’s hard enough to carry a child! Mothers deserve a sweet or two.” Nora climbed the front stairs and walked past Rayne. Golden eyes swept Nora’s face and her heart started to beat faster.

  There is no getting this by them! Should I have to lie to them? Haven’t you this whole time? Nora’s stomach turned over.

  “I am kinda hungry. My buttered toast didn’t go too far this morning.” Andy’s blue eyes swam with unshed tears. Instantly Nora was jerked out of her self-pity and she wrapped her sister-in-law in a firm hug. Rayne rescued the donuts.

  “It’ll be fine. It’s just hormones, sweetie.” Nora whispered in Andy’s ear. A couple of sniffles echoed Nora’s words as Andy nodded her head.

  “I never know if I’m going to cry or laugh until I can’t stop! This is utterly ridiculous. I really don’t remember being this way with Harper.” Andy shook her head sadly, her green eyes meeting Nora’s blue ones. Nora could only offer a soft, reassuring smile.

  “Every pregnancy is different. Every child is different. This will all change. Soon you’ll be so happy you won’t be able to stand yourself!” Nora squeezed Andy one more time before stepping away. Rayne held the screen door open and allowed them to walk past her and into the living room.

  Not a great change had happened to Rayne’ ranch house that her father had left to her after his death. Most of the changes had occurred outside on the barn and the fences. It was important for Rayne to get her father’s wild mare and foal home to Randall Ranch. Garrett had found his match in Rayne Randall and vice versa. It seemed the two were made for each other.

  “Andy was telling me about the band playing at The Well tomorrow night. Garrett and I could really use some time out on the town.” Rayne said conversationally as she lifted the box’s lid and pulled out a maple long john donut. Nora and Andy took their own seats around the small breakfast table.

  “You’re tiring of Garrett so soon? You aren’t even married yet!” Nora giggled at Rayne’s furrowed brow.

  “That’s not fair. We’ve spent just as much time residing the barn and fixing the roof as we have in bed.” Rayne’s candid umbrage made Andy snort with laughter. Both Nora and Rayne looked at Andy and then broke out in fits of laughter themselves! Nora finally felt a moment of joy bubble through her veins and come to the surface. It felt wonderful and long overdue.

  “I wish Matt would hide under the covers with me like he used too.” Andy stopped mid-laugh as serious as she’d been on the porch. It nearly gave Nora whiplash. “It’s like he’s afraid he will break me or something.” Andy huffed in disappointment. Rayne covered her mouth, no doubt hiding a smile underneath.

  “Well, at least your husband didn’t catch you in the bath having a private moment.” Nora’s cheeks flamed in embarrassment. She could still see Randy’s intense eyes watching her pleasure herself. She’d considered dying of mortification, but Nora wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  “Oh my god! You’re serious?” Rayne’s mouth hung agape and Andy’s cheeks reddened at the implied words.

  “Oh completely serious and embarrassed.” Nora almost whispered as she shamefully hung her head. The girls took turns giggling and patting Nora’s hand on the table. It seemed like it had been a good distraction from what they wanted to speak to her about before she got here this morning.

  “Wow! How did Randy take that?” Andy asked, her green eyes sparkling with mischief once more.

  “Did he crawl in the tub with you?” Rayne was all rapt attention, her donut all but forgotten. Nora shook her head.

  “Ah…well, he left as soon as I noticed him standing there. I suppose he knew I was embarrassed enough.” Nora bit her bottom lip on a sigh.

  Since when had she ever played the shy maiden? Most likely the day that she’d decided to become the responsible single mother for Drew, came the answer from her heart.

  “That is a tad bit embarrassing, but it could have been turned to your advantage. I know if Garrett had accidentally found me in the bathtub finding my own release he would have been right in there with me.” Rayne grinned seductively and her fingertip traced the maple topping on her donut before bringing it to her mouth. Nora rolled her eyes and Andy gasped theatrically. It sent them all into a fit of laughter again!


  The tension that stretched between them was like an anchor ever present that bound them together. Nora decided to take Friday off too. Her sick time had built up and she thought she should use it.

  Sick really isn’t a lie. Her stomach was constantly in knots and her thought processes just shut down altogether. It was a total pain in the butt to be this strung out over the problems in her marriage.

  Your problems. The words needled her again. Nora was well aware that she was the issue here. She couldn’t look into a mirror anymore and see her reflection as someone she knew. A stranger just stared back at her with grief and anger clinging to each feature. She took another deep breath as she pulled her silky one-shoulder top over her head. Nora adjusted the strapless bra and then the shimmery material over it. Today she felt like crap so she figured she might as well look hot doing it. It’s funny what black skinny jeans and a bronze top off of one shoulder could do for an attitude.

  Nora went to her closet and pulled a shoe box from the top shelf. She rarely wore these anymore, but tonight seemed like the perfect occasion. She set the box on her dresser and pulled out a pair of bronze strappy heels. She smiled and remembered the day she saw them at the store in Rapid City. They’d called her name and it hadn’t stopped until she’d bought them. It was hard to note that just a couple of years ago she’d been fearless and after her wedding to Randy, she’d fallen into the marital trap. Jeans, t-shirts, and tennis shoes were her major wardrobe staples now, besides the scrubs for work.

  Sighing and chewing her bottom lip, Nora lifted the sandals out of their box and slipped them ever so delicately onto her feet. Standing up straight, she couldn’t believe just how good they felt. It was almost like stepping back in time.

  Can just a pair of strappy heels do that? She stared down at her feet and wiggled her toes. A giddy chuckle escaped her lips and for the first time in months, a genuine smile spread across her face. It felt weird. It almost felt wrong to be this happy, but she ruthlessly forced the sadness down. Tonight she was going to have fun. One night was all she wanted.

  It won’t be enough. The rebellious voice echoed from her soul.

  It might not, but it has to be. The motherly sacrificial voice answered back. It was the voice she listened to most of all. Nora had tried hard to squash the rebellion in her nature, but this was proof it still existed. Taking a deep breath, she looked at herself in the full length mirror. Tonight she wanted to be this woman. She wanted to be the one with fire in her eyes and passion at her fingertips, instead of the dutiful mother and dowdy wife that kept to the sidelines.

  Her piercing blue eyes sparkled in the reflection of the mirror. Gently she raised her hand to fix the smudge of her lipstick and push her side-swept bangs out of the way. Her dark brown hair looked much different down around her shoulders instead of pulled back into a ponytail as per usual. A slight curl here and there, the ends caressed her shoulders. Picking up a couple of bronze and black bangles from her dresser, Nora slipped them onto her wrist. She caught the glint of her wedding ring and spread her fingers to look at it.

  A one-carat, emerald cut solitaire with a gold band. Randy had been so
proud of it. He had worked for quite some time to save up enough money to buy it. Now it rested on her finger like a mill stone around her neck. Tears welled up in her eyes and she sniffed quickly. Blinking rapidly, Nora struggled against the sadness that threatened to overwhelm her.

  ”Are you about ready?” Randy asked from the doorway of their bedroom. His tentative voice startled her and she furiously brushed at the tears that had managed to slip down her cheeks.

  “Just a minute.” Her voice sounded scratchy and she let out a deep breath. One more look in the mirror at her makeup, Nora was satisfied that nothing had been messed up. Grabbing her black pea coat on the bed, she quickly walked past Randy without making eye contact. Had she looked at him, she might have seen the utter torment splashed across his face.


  Randy felt his jaw hit the ground when he walked into their bedroom, the one they never shared anymore, and found Nora looking fit to kill. The shocking, stabbing lust that rocketed through him took his breath away. He’d only been able to stand there and stare at the Nora he knew from the past. Beautiful shiny top dropped off one shoulder, tight black jeans and strappy, high-heeled sandals had been her wardrobe staples before she’d said her vows. Oh, he knew the transformation date! The week after their wedding when things had gone back to normal, his beautiful bride changed before his eyes. Everything he’d fallen in love with had been removed.

  Almost everything. Yes, well, Nora had never wavered in her role as a mother. That was the one constant and it was never questioned. Nora loved Drew and would do anything for him. Randy wasn’t proud to say he was jealous of the boy. Randy ran his fingers through his sandy blonde hair and closed his eyes. A veritable storm raged inside him and it only got bigger and more dangerous as time went on. Nothing seemed to change and he didn’t know what more he could do.

  If she looks like this tonight, what does that mean? The question bashed him in the head over and over. Tonight was the first time in almost two years since she’d dressed this way.

  Was she leaving him? Had she finally made up her mind? Randy swallowed hard, but the lump of dread remained. It’s sad that the first thought he jumped to was of her leaving and not of her maybe deciding to stay. His stomach rolled. He glanced at the floor length mirror Nora had just been standing in front of and eyed the man before him. It was rough to feel like a failure.

  A pathetic, no good failure. Gritting his teeth, Randy untucked his gray western shirt from his Levis and tossed it on the bed. Walking into the closet, he looked through the rows of hangers. Choosing another long sleeved button down shirt, he quickly stuck his arms through and did up the buttons. He tucked the tails into his jeans and adjusted his belt. The shirt was a shade of brown lighter than Nora’s bronze shirt.

  “I thought you were ready?” Nora stuck her head back into the room just as Randy put the finishing touches on his attire. A thin brow rose at his shirt choice. Her blue eyes swept his body from head to foot and then she walked back out. Swallowing hard, Randy picked up his brown felt cowboy hat from the bed. It might sound strange to Nora, but the color matching was one of the only ways he could think of to lay claim to his wife for the world to see.

  Randy walked out into the living room where all the lights had been shut off except for the lamp beside the door. Drew was staying with Nora’s parents for the night. Taking his truck keys down from the shelf, Randy put his hat on his head and followed Nora out the door. He hurried ahead of Nora just enough to open the passenger side door for her. He inhaled her seductive scent as she eased up into the truck. He swallowed hard as he closed the door with a thump.

  They managed to drive a few miles in comfortable silence before Nora casually looked at him.

  “Why did you change your shirt?” The question seemed harmless enough if he didn’t hear the undertone of suspicion. He quirked a grin and turned his signal on to turn onto the main highway into Hot Springs.

  “I didn’t like the gray one.” Random response to a random question and Nora only nodded. She tucked her hands into her lap and looked straight ahead at the headlights on the road. “Have you thought more about letting me take Drew to my parents tomorrow? We will be back on Monday.” Randy thought the air in the cab of the truck got a bit stifling. He’d tried not to disappoint Drew, but Nora was still the boy’s mother and Randy was only the stepdad.

  “I’m okay with it. I’ll call him in sick on Monday.” Nora’s voice was resigned and low. Randy nodded his head. “One stipulation though.” She turned her head to look at him. “Drew calls me every night before bed. It’s not negotiable, Randy.” Nora’s warning was well heard. He felt a bit hurt that Nora would think he’d not make the boy call his mother at the end of the day.

  “Deal.” It was all he could say. Fifteen minutes later, they were pulling into The Well parking lot. It was just starting to get busy and Randy noticed Garrett’s truck and Andy’s SUV. The vehicles were empty. Nora opened her door and stepped down. Randy made it to the door just as she closed it. She paused, tilted her head and Randy felt the need to kiss her slam into his body. He wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her fiercely. Their gazes remained locked for a moment and then a crunch of gravel broke it.

  “Shall we?” Nora’s voice quivered and as much as Randy wanted to take her hand in his own, he offered his arm to her instead.

  “Let’s go.” She gripped his bicep gently and set off across the parking lot toward the bar. There was no denying that special attraction he had for his wife. There was even less denying physically what this beautiful woman did to him. He only wished she would notice.

  The night is young. See what it brings. There was little choice but to do just that. So Randy escorted Nora into the local bar and into an uncertain evening.

  Chapter 5

  The Well was half full at the moment he and Nora walked in through the double glass doors. The stage in the far corner was being prepped for the band’s concert. Randy looked at his watch and saw that they had twenty minutes before the live music started. Nora pulled her hand from his elbow as they came up to the table Matt and Garrett had commandeered for them. Matt smiled warmly at his sister and Garrett raised his brown bottle in a salute.

  “Glad you could make it.” Matt welcomed them.

  “Where is Andy and Rayne?” Nora asked, looking around the dark interior of the bar. Randy hadn’t spotted the girls either.

  “Oh, they’re in the bathroom. I swear Andy lives in there now.” Matt rolled his eyes in frustration and Nora laughed at him.

  “That’s what happens to pregnant women, little brother. If that annoys you, just wait until your newest child is keeping you awake all night.” Nora grinned smugly at her brother’s furrowed brow. Garrett hid his grin behind his beer bottle and Randy moved to take an empty seat. He didn’t want to be standing there like an idiot when Nora moved off to find Andy and Rayne.

  You’re an idiot for being here! Randy swallowed hard at the inner voice that kept ragging on him. He couldn’t help but feel some hope that things might change, no matter how awkward they’d been so far.

  “What’ll it be tonight, Randy?” A sultry female voice came from behind him and he turned his head to see who it was.

  Lena McCoy. Her long blonde hair was pulled up into a high ponytail on the top of her head and she wore a severely low cut t-shirt. Randy tried not to look, but geez, her breasts were all but falling out of her top! He heard Garrett groan from beside him and Matt nearly choked on his beer.

  “Lena, I didn’t know you were working here.” Randy offered a tentative smile. Lena batted her long lashes as she chuckled.

  “Yes, I just moved back here. I found I missed Hot Springs among other things.” Her brown eyes flitted to Garrett, but returned rather quickly. Randy didn’t dare look at his brother-in-law.

  “Uh, I’ll take a Bud Light and if you’d bring another round for these guys too, that’d be great.” Randy handed her some money and she nodded.

  “Will do.” Lena turn
ed and walked away. Her petite frame was curvy in all the right places and word around town was that she knew how to use them. Randy swallowed hard as his groin caused him some discomfort.

  He needed to get some action and soon!

  “I can’t believe you didn’t hear that Lena was working here. Word around town is that her husband is divorcing her over infidelity issues.” Matt loudly whispered as he kept an eye on the bar. Garrett squirmed uncomfortably in his chair. Lena McCoy had been the girl of Garrett’s high school dreams, but it wasn’t meant to be. He’d fallen hard and upon proposing marriage to his high school sweetheart, Lena had shattered his heart. It didn’t take a genius to see why Garrett had fallen for the petite beauty, but she was no Rayne Randall!

  “I try not to pay any attention to the gossip around town.” Randy half murmured as he smiled his thanks to Lena as his beer bottle was deposited in front of him and two more followed for Matt and Garrett.

  “I wish Rayne would stop giving me the evil eye every time Lena even walks by. Makes me feel like she’s going to incinerate me on the spot.” Garrett groaned as he peeled the label off his beer. Randy shrugged.

  “She’s being protective. I can’t say that I find it a bad thing. At least she’s claiming you as her man.” Randy put the bottle up to his mouth and took a long drink. He almost wished he’d gone with hard liquor tonight, but he was driving. If Nora held true to form, she’d be three sheets to the wind before they left.

  You were hoping for that, remember? That awful inner voice threw his own thoughts back at him. He was hoping for sex. Maybe it would clear his head and he’d be able to see straight.

  “Lena’s trouble and everyone knows that. You can’t blame the women of this town for being up in arms about her return.” Matt shook his head and looked towards the bathroom where the girls were filing out. Nora, Andy, and Rayne came towards them and Randy couldn’t help but agree that they were lucky men. His heart beat faster as Nora came closer. He wiped his wet palms on his jeans and tried to look confident. It was far more than he felt, but he’d gotten good at putting on a show. Sometimes he didn’t know what was make believe and real anymore.


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