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Black Hills Rebel

Page 17

by A. C. Wilson

@Garrett: How’s it going?

  Randy sighed and texted his reply. He hit send.

  @Randy: We are both still alive.

  @Garrett: Is that supposed to be funny? You better remember she’s my sister.

  Randy chuckled as he could picture Garrett saying that exact thing if he were standing here. Both of Nora’s brothers were extremely protective. It was ironic that neither one would admit Nora could handle herself.

  @Randy: I’m touched to see you so concerned for my welfare.

  @Garrett: Have you swept her off her feet yet?

  @Randy: Not exactly. There’s more in the way than I thought.

  Randy waited for a reply, but instead his cell phone rang. The texts must not have been enough and Garrett wanted more information. Randy shook his head and answered it.

  “Yeah.” Randy crawled up into the cab of the truck and got comfortable. He might as well end this bizarre night talking to his wife’s brother about how Randy had failed to seduce Nora.

  “What happened?” Garrett groaned into the receiver and his brother-in-law rolled his eyes. This was weird.

  “I thought we had finally come to some sort of understanding and she was opening up to me. It was more than she’s said to me in months.” Randy gripped the steering wheel as he thought about the campfire. They never talked like that. Nora was always too busy or kept all conversation short.

  “Then what?” Garrett prompted, sensing there was more. Randy leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes. He could still feel Nora’s lips against his own and how sweet her mouth tasted.

  “I kissed her.” Randy’s voice sounded like it had come from a tortured man. In more ways than one, he was.

  “That’s progress. She didn’t kiss you back?” Garrett asked in a less aggressive manner. The playboy actually had a soul and Randy appreciated that.

  “No, she did and that’s what threw a wrench into the whole plan. I don’t think Nora expected to kiss me back.” Silence greeted Randy’s observation from the other end of the line. Garrett’s normal reserved self was showing. A heavy sigh came to Randy’s ear and he nodded in response.

  “What did she do after she kissed you back?” Garrett asked the same question that triggered the scene that played over and over in Randy’s mind.

  “She stopped it. She got up and left me there.” Randy yawned and shifted in the bucket seat for a more comfortable position. The lateness of the evening was starting to get to him.

  “Good. That’s good.” Garrett said with some enthusiasm. Randy quirked a brow in confusion.

  “Good? How the hell is that good?” Randy couldn’t deny he was frustrated. He was so twisted up inside that the merest spark could ignite a wildfire. If he wasn’t so damned in love with his wife, he would have caved to his sexual urges long ago.

  “Don’t you see? She’s considering you for a long term position. If she didn’t see any future with you, Nora would have taken it further.” Garrett was trying to point out the obvious, but it wasn’t altogether obvious to Randy.

  “Pity sex?” Randy’s mouth dropped open in shock.

  “More or less. Let’s remember this is my sister we are talking about and I don’t need any graphic details. Let’s just say you are still in the game.” Garrett cleared his throat.

  “Okay, then how do I win this game?” Randy was all ears, because he couldn’t think straight.

  “Be more romantic. Be spontaneous. I’d say breakfast in bed, but that only works if you’ve shared the bed.” Garrett chuckled at his misguided humor.

  “Garrett, I’m out in the freaking middle of nowhere! Try to remember this since the cabin was your idea.” Randy growled into the receiver. His brother-in-law only chuckled.

  “Do I have to come up with everything?” Garrett whined. “It is still cool enough for a fire. Use the fireplace and break out the bottle of wine Andy threw in the bag.”

  “What if she won’t talk to me?” Randy was failing to grasp how a bottle of wine and a fire would encourage Nora to fall in love with him.

  “Since when do two people have to talk over a bottle of wine? Oh ye of little faith! How did you get my sister in the first place? You had to have been more romantic before you married her. Right now you have to show her what she means to you and it doesn’t always take words.” Garrett had said a lot of things since they had first planned this scheme on the way to North Platte, but he had several good points. They didn’t all make sense at the time, but Randy was starting to put things together.

  “I’ll give it a shot.” Randy sighed as he got out of his truck. “Is there anything going on at home? Everything’s fine?” He hated to say it but something was bugging him. He wasn’t sure what it was or why he felt that way.

  “Yeah, everything is good. I told you I would handle anything that came up. Don’t worry and focus on winning your wife back.” Garrett sounded very certain all was in order. Randy nodded and took a deep breath.

  “Here goes nothing.” All he heard was Garrett chuckling as he switched off the call. He turned and looked at the cabin. Randy couldn’t believe he was trying to cram a year and a half of romance into a few hours. He swore to himself then that if she stayed with him, he would work really hard to show her everyday just how much she meant to him.

  Randy wasn’t surprised at how quiet the cabin was when he walked through the front door. He looked hesitantly down the hallway to see Nora’s bedroom door closed. She was hiding from him. Walking into the kitchen, Randy found the bottle of wine and opened the cupboards until he found two glasses. He wasn’t much of a wine drinker, but tonight he would give it a try. Taking his coat off, Randy draped it over the back of the wooden chair at the dining table. He rubbed his palms together more in nervousness than from the chilly night air.

  He turned to the fireplace to see a couple of logs already placed inside. It was nearly ready to be lit. Randy couldn’t believe how anxious he was at the thought of seducing his wife. He hadn’t felt this way since Nora had said her vows to him on their wedding day beneath the pines at the ranch. There was nothing that could even compete with the joy and eagerness he had felt to begin their lives together. It had been all he had ever wanted. Randy couldn’t believe how he had never saw Nora’s unhappiness. He had been there every day and hadn’t looked close enough to see what he saw now.

  The fire lit and the wine ready, Randy wondered how he was going to get Nora out of her room. He could go knock on her door, but what if she didn’t answer? What if she told him to go away? What if she opened the door? He disliked all the questions brewing inside of him. He hated more that he had no answers for them. Running his palms down the front of his jeans, Randy brushed Nora’s cell phone in his pocket. A thought popped into his head and he grinned.

  Tiptoeing down the hallway to her door, Randy made sure Nora’s phone was on and slipped it under the threshold. He couldn’t fight the grin that broke out on his face.

  Maybe romance could be fun. He retreated to the living room and picked up his phone on the side table. He pulled up a blank text message and addressed it to Nora. Tapping quickly, he bit his bottom lip and hit send. Randy listened as he heard Nora’s phone let her know she had a message. He waited. He could hear the seconds tick by on the mantle clock above the fireplace. His phone suddenly lit up in his hand and he opened the message.

  @Nora: I am not so sure that’s a good idea.

  Randy swallowed as he read her text and took a deep breath. He knew this wasn’t going to be easy. He just needed to be more persuasive.

  @Randy: Lots of bad ideas become good ideas with wine.

  He waited. He reread his words and grimaced. Someone should give him a script, he thought with a shake of his head. Surprisingly there was almost an instant reply.

  @Nora: There’s wine? Really?

  Randy tilted his head to the side with a confused look. It wasn’t exactly what he had thought would be her reply.

  @Randy: A whole bottle. A fire in the fireplace too.
/>   Randy leaned against the wall near the mantle and grinned like a teenager with his first crush. This was more fun than he thought it might be.

  @Nora: A fire, some wine, and no conversation. What else are you suggesting?

  She was suspicious now and it made him hesitate. He had asked her to be honest with him and he needed to honor that same request.

  @Randy: Anything and nothing at all. I just want to be near you.

  It was the truth. It sounded strange, but he would go as slow or as fast she wanted. He wanted to let her lead. She was the one confused in this relationship, he wasn’t.

  His head came up from his phone when he heard Nora’s door open and her footsteps came down the hall. Her cheeks were pink, but he didn’t see any remnants of the tears he knew she had shed just a bit ago. Her blue eyes focused on his face and seeming to not know what to say, she shrugged. Randy smiled softy and he knew he had never seen her so subdued. Her curiosity was a boost to his faith.

  He walked around to the end of the couch and took a seat. Randy didn’t want to crowd her, but it was rather small. He reached behind him for the bottle of wine and a glass. Nora stepped forward and took a seat on the cushion. He could smell her as her perfume wafted across his senses. He had always loved how she smelled. It had an instant effect on his arousal. It wasn’t quite what he had wanted to share as this seemed to be a tentative cease-fire.

  Randy fumbled with the top of the bottle, but finally got the wine open. He looked up to see Nora smiling at him and he felt this sheepish grin begin to spread across his lips. He must look like such an idiot. At least she thought he was entertaining. He poured the red wine into a glass and held it out for her. Nora took it and offered the other empty glass. Pouring the same amount into his glass, Randy watched as Nora sniffed and then took a sip. He watched as her lips pressed into the glass. Even with her dark hair pulled into a ponytail and wisps falling around her face, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. His heart was nearly racing as fast as it had been after he had kissed her. He wanted to kiss her now.

  “I’m sorry about leaving you out there.” Nora fumbled with her words and they caught Randy off guard. He shook his head and raised his palm to stop her.

  “No, there’s no need. I understand.” He liked to think he did anyway. Garrett had a point about his sister’s feelings. His brother-in-law was good with women and it seemed he had hit the nail on the head in this case.

  “I hope you do.” Nora took a sip of her wine and shook her head. “I would never want to hurt you.”

  Randy hated the worry that gathered around her eyes. The bags underneath told him that she hadn’t slept well. She spent so much time worried about everyone else.

  “You don’t have to apologize, Nora.” He meant it. She turned her head to offer a wobbly smile. She nodded and took a deep breath. “Come here.” He put his wine glass on the side table again and waved her over to him. She quirked a brow in question.

  “Randy,” she began, but he shook his head.

  “It’s fine. Come here.” He tried to dispel any of her misgivings and she finally slid across the couch towards him. He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her back to him. She sat in between his legs and he smiled at her straight back. Gently he began to massage the tight muscles of her shoulders. His fingers worked in small, slow circles to ease the tension of her muscles and combined with the wine she was drinking rather quickly, Nora started to relax.

  Randy kept kneading her skin until she was leaning against his chest. He was careful not to be too intimate with his position. Half the bottle of wine was gone and he could see that Nora’s eyes were closed. Her breathing was soft and deep. He watched the fire in the hearth crackle and the coals were twinkling. It reminded him of a city’s lights in the middle of the night. It was quiet and still. He looked down on his wife’s sleeping face. Randy’s heart swelled with hope. He might not have persuaded Nora that she should stay with him, but tonight, she was resting in his arms.

  Chapter 18

  Sometime in the night, Randy opened his eyes to a dying fire reflecting off of Nora’s face. Her eyes were open and she was staring into the hearth. He wasn’t sure she knew he was awake. Nearly afraid that if she knew he was then she would leave him, Randy was careful to keep his breathing even. He took in her beauty, cataloguing each contour of her face. As a young man, he never would have thought a woman could get more beautiful with age, but Nora had. He would even go so far as to bet that time would only add to her timeless grace.

  Randy couldn’t deny the kink in his back much longer and he had to shift slightly to find a more comfortable position. The change was just enough for him to catch a tear slip down Nora’s face to the corner of her lips. His chest tightened with the need to hold her tightly and it was too much to keep back. His hands slipped around her torso of their own volition. Whether instinctively or just looking for comfort, Nora turned her face into his chest. Of the length of time Randy had known her, he had only ever seen his wife cry a handful of times. The most just happened to be in the past few days. He hated that what she was going through was causing her so much pain.

  “I’m sorry you are awake.” Nora’s voice was tentative as she reemerged from her hiding place. Her clear blue eyes glittered, but there were no more tears on her face.

  “I haven’t slept well in some time.” Randy didn’t want her to think he blamed her for his deprivation, but sleeping on that couch every night was not ideal for rest.

  “I know. Neither have I.” She grimaced as she looked to the hearth. He could see the guilt in her eyes just the same.

  “We are quite the pair.” Randy tried to make light of the dark mood that settled around them. She only offered a weak smile and continued to lay on his chest. He figured he could handle anything if only she wouldn’t push him away. If they could stay like this, Randy thought they could negotiate all the troubles of the world.

  “I was just thinking about the moment I found out that I was pregnant with Drew.” Her eyes closed so as to shut out his perusal of her emotions, but Randy could nearly feel it in his heart.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Randy asked, urging her to complete whatever conversation she had started. He ached to understand so many things. Drew was a huge part of her. That little boy had changed Nora’s life and if Randy were honest, he thought it was for the better.

  “When I found out that I was pregnant, I couldn’t believe what was happening. I can’t even tell you how it happened, because I thought we had been so careful.” Nora used her fingertips to wipe away a tear that threatened to fall. She sniffed once and gripped his arm.

  “I remember how scared you were. I can’t remember seeing anyone braver.” Randy half whispered over her head and he hugged her a bit tighter to his body.

  “I bet you didn’t know that you were the first person I told about the baby.” Nora didn’t look at him, but he knew she could hear his heart beating loudly in her ear. He hadn’t known that. They barely knew each other at that point and he had caught her crying against a fencepost. She had been wearing that loose white sundress and her face was wet with tears. If at any one moment he had been certain of his position, it was then. It had felt like a hook had been anchored deep into his chest and at the sight of her there, he had been pulled to her circle.

  “I didn’t know that.” Randy offered as he tried to calm his heartbeat and take a couple of deep breaths. Nora pursed her lips together into a hard line before she could continue. Randy didn’t want to push. It wasn’t within him to force her to do anything.

  “You found me just after my doctor’s appointment and I was trying to figure out how the heck I was going to tell my parents that I was pregnant. I knew they would want to know who the father was. I couldn’t tell them. I couldn’t tell anyone.” Nora’s voice broke and he couldn’t believe the amount of guilt she carried by not telling anyone that Colt Cavanaugh was Drew’s father. Seven years later and his wife couldn’t forgive herself even
if she could justify the secret.

  “You were so beautiful, even with tears falling down your face. I thought you had to be the bravest, strongest girl I knew. It might have been too soon to tell you that I loved you then, Nora, but I certainly felt it.” Randy couldn’t believe he was telling her all of this, but now was the time to lay all the cards on the table. He had something very valuable to lose if she didn’t hear everything. He just couldn’t take that chance.

  “I was an absolute mess Randy, and in many ways, I still am. I hurt people by keeping secrets. I am afraid I won’t be enough when the secrets are out.” Her voice broke and he could feel her body trembling. There was no holding her tears in check any longer as they coursed down her cheeks. He couldn’t take it. He couldn’t sit by and watch the woman he loved fall into ruins. Randy sat up and pulled Nora up his body. She clung to him and buried her face in his neck. He held her tightly for what seemed like a long time. Randy urged himself to quit counting the minutes and simply hold on.


  Her head was pounding for the second morning in a row. This time it was all because of the wine and tears. Oh, she felt raw inside! She had cried on Randy until she had fallen asleep and he had simply held onto her like she might fly from his arms. In so many ways she had needed him last night as she had needed him in other moments too. He had always been there. She had set out in search of answers and somehow she’d been derailed. Now she was outside of Spearfish in a cabin with her husband being pelted by one emotion after another.

  Nora rolled over and realized she was still on the couch in the living room. A crocheted throw blanket covered her and she was sure she could guess how it got there. Randy was always thinking of her. As much as she wanted to dispute it, he had been nothing but charming, thoughtful and understanding. There was no doubt she had been angry with him for bringing her here. After that foul, Randy hadn’t forced her to do anything. It was their chemistry and history that made her gravitate toward him. She felt safe with him and he didn’t judge her for the things she had done in the past. There was no guarantee that Colt could do the same.


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