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Hard Rock Tease: A Rock Star Romance (Darkest Days Book 1)

Page 8

by Athena Wright

  Was I having sex with Noah Hart because I wanted to feel close to him, because I felt like there might be a deeper connection between us? Or maybe I using my body to get ahead in my career, using all the tools at my disposal to help my client with his work.

  All those thoughts ran through my head constantly. I had to stop doing this to myself.

  I took the time to go home and change into more club-appropriate clothing, a tight black skirt with a shimmery blue halter top. I wondered if I shouldn't wear a Darkest Days band t-shirt, but that would probably be too fangirl of me. I could imagine the disgust on Noah's face if I showed up wearing one. The thought was funny enough to tempt me, but my outfit made me feel sexy, and I needed some of that.

  As pathetic as it was, I needed to feel like I, Jennifer Young, was desirable in my own right, and not just because I happened to be the only "consultant" Noah Hart could stand to be around.

  When I arrived at the club, I was let in by the bouncer immediately. I had half-wondered if Noah would forget to tell them my name and I'd be left out in the cold.

  It seemed like the party had been in full swing for hours. I'd shown up just in time to catch the performance. Since I didn't know anyone else and didn't bring my friends as ordered. I made my way to the front of the stage and planted myself there with a drink in my hand.

  I only had to wait a few minutes before people started crowding beside and behind me. The air in the room crackled with anticipation. Squeals and cheers and shouts gave way to a wave of chanting as the crowd began yelling for Darkest Days.

  The lights in the room dimmed, sending the crowd into a frenzy. Five shadowy figures made their way on stage. My breath caught in my throat. My heartbeat pounded wildly in my chest. No matter how many times I'd seen them perform, my body always responded with that familiar kick of adrenaline. Even working closely with a member of the band hadn't diminished the effect.

  Cymbals crashed and lights exploded, illuminating the stage as music blasted from the speakers. As my eyes adjusted to the blinding light, I had a brief moment to ponder that Noah hadn't even said a word of greeting or congratulations to the birthday girl before starting. Typical.

  Then my vision cleared and I found myself staring up at Noah Fucking Hart, Rock Star God. His leather jacket hung open, revealing a tight t-shirt clinging to every peak and valley of his abs. The tattoos of his upper chest were visible above the shirt's collar. Messy dark hair fell over his forehead, highlighting his angular cheekbones. His dark eyes were heated. My inner muscles quivered.

  As Noah sang, all sense flew from my mind. I was trapped, ensnared by the inhuman talent this man possessed. It wasn't only the way he sang, or the sound of his voice. It was the words themselves, like he was digging deep inside me, exposing my soul and flinging it outward for the world to see.

  Noah's gaze roved over the crowd slowly, as if making eye contact with each and every person. As if he were singing to them and them alone. Although he played it cool in person, the limelight ignited a fervor inside him. He scanned the front. He laid eyes on me. He paused, eyes flashing with heat, narrowing with a dark desire. A full body flush ran through me, centering between my legs.

  Concerts were always emotional for me, especially Darkest Days concerts, but I'd never experienced this before. I felt gutted, drained, and laid bare. The band was only three songs in and I was ready to weep.

  Our eyes were locked, him on stage and me in the audience, as if we were the only two people in the room. In the world. His words washed over me, words of love and devotion, words of anger and despair. It was as if I was feeling every emotion humans were capable of, all at once.

  His flicked his eyes away and I was let go from the spell. I found myself breathless, gasping for air. The club was stifling hot. Bodies pressed me from every side. I had to get out.

  I elbowed my way through the crowd until I found myself free. I took a moment to gather myself and made my wobbly way up to the second floor, where there were fewer people and more seating. I slumped down in a plush armchair with a view of the stage.

  I couldn't do this.

  Watching that band perform, watching that man perform, reminded me of all the insecurities I'd had the first moment when I'd been offered this job.

  Noah's songs made me feel something almost otherworldly. His talent was beyond anything I'd ever experienced. Watching him was as enlightening as it was enrapturing.

  I knew in that instant I could never create something so brilliant as to match the talent of Noah Fucking Hart.

  Chapter Twelve

  I wallowed in self-pity for so long I missed most of the performance. I caught the last song and a half of the encore. From my vantage point on the second floor, I could take in the whole picture. Now that I wasn't focused entirely on Noah, I was able to watch the other band members.

  Twin guitarists Damon and Ian Drake were known by fans as the portmanteau Damian. Dressed in identical black jeans, faded AC/DC t-shirts, and soft brown hair tufted up in all directions, they were indistinguishable from each other.

  The twins, aka Damian, ran around on stage like maniacs, with enough energy for a dozen children hopped up on candy. I couldn't tell which one was Damon and which one was Ian, but it didn't seem to matter. The two of them switched guitars in mid-song and began wailing on each other's fretboards. Even their positions as lead and rhythm were interchangeable.

  Cameron held his bass low, hunching over it with a wicked grin as he played to the crowd. Long, bright red strands fell over his face, half covering his heavily kohl-rimmed eyes. The hair was tousled and unkempt. Not in the sexy just-rolled-out-of-bed way. More in the wild I will break your heart and you'll love me for it kind of way.

  August's entire attention was on his drum kit, ice-blue eyes narrowed in concentration, arms moving at a near blur. The pounding force of his drumming must have been tiring, but he never slowed down, never showed a hint of exhaustion. August's performance was as effortless as it was flawless.

  The encore came to an end and the band members left the stage. The audience dispersed with excitable chattering. The performance had been a hit.

  I sat in the armchair for several long minutes, trying not to mope and failing miserably. I tried to resist, but the urge to take out the letter from my purse was too strong. I held it between my fingers, stroking the seam holding the envelope closed.

  I knew eventually I'd have to open it and read the letter. Maybe one day when I was strong enough to hear the words I knew lay inside. But that wasn't today. I shoved it back in my purse and went back to moping.

  I didn't know where the band members were going to end up partying. I'd hoped to escape before I ran into them. I didn't want to have the inevitable conversation here.

  No such luck. The recognizably messy mop of Noah's dark hair ascended the staircase to the upper floor. I sunk down in my chair, but he saw me immediately. He headed over, scanning the area.

  "You didn't bring your friends." Taking a seat on the sofa across from me, he reclined back and propped his feet on the closest table.

  "Noah…" I started hesitantly.

  "If you're gonna go all fangirl mode on me, save it. I don't need that shit."

  "I don't know if I can do this."

  He frowned and put his feet flat on the floor, leaning toward me. "Do what?"

  "Write a song with you," I whispered.

  He looked taken aback, before a dark look crossed his face. "Why the hell not?" he bit out.

  I gestured helplessly. "You're Noah Hart. You're the lead singer and lyricist for Darkest Days, one of the biggest, most influential rock groups to come out in years."

  "I know who I am. You don't have to tell me."

  "I'm just another average music student. There's nothing special about me."

  "I thought you weren't a student," he snarked. "Didn't you tell me you already graduated?"

  "That doesn't matter." I clenched my fists in my lap. "This is my first real job in the industry and I'm
going to fail."

  "No you're not."

  "How do you know?"

  "I won't let you." His leaned over the table and took my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him. His eyes burned into mine. "I told you. You're talented. We're going to write a song together and it's going to be fucking fantastic. Okay?"

  I blinked back tears. "Okay." Our eyes locked for long moments, the same way they had when he'd been on stage. His gaze dropped to my lips. I wet them unconsciously. "Thank you for trying to cheer me up."

  He snorted and released me, going back to reclining on the sofa, looking deceptively casual. "Wasn't trying to do anything like that. Just don't want a depressed weepy girl crying all over me."

  "You can be sweet sometimes, you know that?"

  He looked at me in a panic. "Don't say shit like that out loud!"

  I couldn't help but smile. "It'll be our secret."

  He grumbled and looked away. "The guys are heading out to another club. Cameron's got us a VIP lounge. You in?"

  I had been planning on going home and wallowing in misery, but Noah's words had managed to cheer me up. "Sure. I could use a drink."

  He stood and grabbed my hand. "Let's go."

  My heart immediately ran into overdrive as Noah dragged me out back. Noah had taken to holding my hand more often. It was such a small thing, such a tiny gesture, and yet it made my heart flutter like a thirteen year old girl with a crush.

  The other band members were waiting near a limo, standing around talking and joking with each other.

  "Hey lovebirds." Cameron smirked and nodded at our joined hands.

  Noah dropped my hand and jerked away as if I were on fire. I tried not to be insulted. He clearly didn't want anyone to know there was something between us.

  Not that there was anything between us. Not really.

  "There's only one of you?" one of the twins asked.

  "His Royal Highness said you were bringing some friends," the other said.

  "I guess we'll just have to share," they both said at the same time, identical wicked grins on their faces.

  I flushed and laughed at the same time, bringing my hand to my mouth to hide it. What a perfect nickname. Almost as good as Mr. Cranky Pants.

  Noah grunted and pulled open the limo door with a sharp yank. "Are we going stand around all night or are we going to party?"

  We piled into the limo one by one. I ended up squished between the twins somehow.

  It dawned on me that I was in the presence of the entirety of Darkest Days. I was surrounded by all five rock star gods. It was hard not to be overwhelmed. I clasped my hands together, trying not to let them shake. When that didn't work I shoved them under my thighs.

  "So Jennifer." August spoke my name in a questioning tone as he stretched his long legs out. "Naomi said you were a fan."

  "Who isn't?" I said, faking a breezy tone.

  As much as I admired Noah, I couldn't deny being overwhelmed by the drummer. He composed all of Darkest Days' songs, and wrote songs for other bands as well. He played multiple instruments and was personally involved in producing not only their albums, but also helped produce other artists.

  Whereas Noah was a literary genius, August was a musical prodigy. I hoped to one day be as good as Noah. I knew I'd never in a million years be as good as August Summers. No one could.

  "Which song is your favorite?" August's ice blue eyes pinned me down. Was it a test of some kind? I answered immediately.

  "Beyond The Lies. Of course, that's one of the earlier songs from your first indie album. Your sound has matured quite a bit since then. If I had to choose something more recent, I'd go with The Time Has Come."

  One of the twins laughed out loud. "Really?"

  "Something wrong with my choice?"

  "Nope." Brilliant green eyes flicked over to Noah, a smirk crossing his face. Noah glared at him. I looked from one to the other, lost. "It's just that those are Noah's favorite songs."

  "I don't have favorites," Noah said flatly.

  "Sure you do," Cameron chimed in. "Those are the only two you don't bitch about singing for the millionth time." Cameron kicked Noah's shin. Noah grunted and kicked him back.

  The two of them bickered the whole way, Cameron needling Noah and Noah sniping back at him. I sat in silence, trying to ignore the evil grins the twins shared over my head and the contemplative look in August's eyes.

  We pulled up at the club. I shifted in my seat to follow the others when they filed out, but Noah's grip on my arm stopped me.

  "Stay here a minute."

  I turned to one of the twins, who had his hand out to help me out of the limo. "I'll just be a second."

  Whichever twin it was flicked his eyes inside, seeing Noah's hand on me. A knowing look crossed his face. "Cool. Have fun, kids. See you inside." He slammed the door behind him.

  I was left alone in the limo with Noah.

  "You weren't really serious about quitting on me, were you?" His eyes pierced mine.

  I gnawed on my lip. "I think I was just overwhelmed by your performance. You're…" I couldn't even put into words what Noah was. What he meant to me. "…really good," I finished weakly.


  He was silent for a moment before continuing.

  "Don't leave."

  Chapter Thirteen

  I met Noah's eyes, surprised. He looked sincere.

  I still couldn't believe this sexy, gorgeous man, a man who seemed to dislike everyone around him, even his fellow bandmates, would willingly spend time with me. He could have fired me any number of times, like he had his previous "consultants."

  Was it only because I had become his sexual muse? Was he just using me for my body? He had to care for me at least a little. He kept on reassuring me, trying to help boost my self esteem. Surely he wouldn't do that if he didn't care.

  "I'm not quitting on you," I told him. "I just don't know if my help is going to be enough."

  "Your help is the only one I want."

  "Because you don't want the rest of the band to know you can't compose."

  "Because you're good at what you do and I need someone with your talent."

  "You keep saying that, but—"

  "I need you." The words were almost desperate. He brought my wrist to his mouth in a soft kiss. "Please. Don't leave."

  My pulse jumped erratically at the touch of his lips on my skin.

  "Okay," I said quietly. "I'll stay. I'll help you."

  His eyes flashed with relief. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. The spark that jumped between us was electric. I moaned softly, letting his tongue brush mine for a few moments. His hand snaked up my thigh, his fingers exploring beneath my skirt. He tugged at the elastic of my panties. I stifled a whimper before pulling away. I put my hands on Noah's chest.

  "We're in public."

  He pulled me back to him. "We're in a limo."

  "In the middle of a parking lot."

  "No one's around."

  "The driver's up front."

  "There's a partition. Besides, he's seen worse."

  "Noah…" I said in a warning tone.

  "Jennifer…" he mocked.

  His dark eyes were burning and intense. His mouth was red from our kisses. His dark hair was still messy and tousled from his performance on stage. His leather pants were soft and supple under my fingers. I had a rock star god underneath me. No. I had Noah underneath me. My Noah.

  I gave in and returned his kiss.

  "That's my good girl," he murmured against my lips.

  He tugged until I was sitting across his lap, until our hips bumped together. His cock was already hardening. I bucked my hips forwards, pressing against him.

  "Jen," Noah groaned, shifting in his seat. "Fuck."

  A new idea came to me. I slithered down from his lap. He looked confused for a moment, as if wondering why I was leaving. I knelt in front of him, in the middle of the limo. I was on my knees, my gaze focused entirely on the bulge in his pants g
rowing larger with every second I continued staring at it.

  I pressed my palm against the stiff length through his pants. Noah inhaled a sharp breath. I lifted my eyes to meet his.

  His gaze burned into me with a level of intensity I'd yet to see. It froze all the air in my lungs.

  "You want to take me in your mouth?" he murmured.

  I flushed, ducking my head.

  "Don't get shy, now," he admonished, tipping my head up, forcing me to look at him. "All you need to do is ask."

  I nodded shakily. "I want it."

  He brought a hand to my cheek, brushing my bottom lip with his thumb. "Been dreaming about those pretty pink lips of yours." His eyes were transfixed on my mouth, as if he couldn't look away. "Been thinking about that mouth stretched around my cock for weeks." He pushed through my lips, resting the pad of his thumb against my tongue, stroking softly. "I'm dying to see how deep you can take me."

  My cheeks flushed, but not with embarrassment this time. With arousal. I wanted to see how deep I could take him, too. My mouth watered at the thought.

  His hand left my cheek to sift through my hair. "Take me in your hands."

  I lowered his zipper and his cock sprang free. Noah always went commando. I wrapped one hand around him. Noah hissed. I stroked with a soft touch as I examined him closely. He was so big, thick, and burning hot under my fingers.

  I leaned forward to take him in my mouth. Noah fisted my hair and tugged, stopping me.

  "Tell me what you want."

  I lifted my eyes to meet his. "I want to taste you."

  "Is that all you want?"

  I flushed, not knowing how to answer. Noah was the one who was good at dirty talk, not me.

  "You want your lips stretched wide around me?"

  My pussy clenched as I nodded.

  "You want me to fill your pretty mouth with my cock?"

  I moaned softly. "Yes."

  "Then be a good girl and suck me."

  Keeping my eyes on him the whole time, I parted my lips and wrapped them around his thick, weeping tip. I flicked my tongue out, tasting him just like I wanted. He groaned, a low, rough sound. That groan sent waves of heat coursing through me.


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