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To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection

Page 8

by Lindsay Downs

  Strolling toward the formal sitting room, Robert became disconcerted upon hearing more than three ladies talking. This told him more well-wishers had arrived earlier than polite society normally allowed.

  Not wanting to panic Kristina, he halted so Bryce and Eustace, Kristina’s father, could come up beside him. “Gentlemen, it seems we might need to wait until the visitors depart, which won’t be for a few more hours,” he softly said so as not to be overheard.

  “Agreed. Now I suggest we go in as I’m sure both our wives and your betrothed will be looking for us,” the earl announced, leading Bryce and Robert into the room. No sooner had they entered than Robert caught a biting glare from Kristina, letting him know she'd expected him there sooner.

  A firm clap on his shoulder brought his head around to come eye to eye with Eustace. “It would appear you’re in a bit of trouble, Robert, with no way out.”

  “Oh yes there is, Father. I think a beautiful diamond necklace with matching earrings for our engagement ball would suffice quite nicely,” Kristina announced to the entire room of ladies and gentlemen of the ton.

  Something told him not to make a sound as the toll would only increase, however he was interested to note the men groaned at his misfortune while the ladies politely applauded her demand. “Lady Kristina Rosewood, it would be my honour to bestow upon you said jewelry, even though it will pale next to your beauty,” he responded, giving her a sweeping bow with an extra flourish.

  He knew he’d won her over when she gave him a sweet, warm smile, then patted the spot next to her on the settee.

  Unfortunately for him, the afternoon dragged on even slower than the morning visits until, much to his relief, the final guest departed. “M’ lords, I would recommend for what we need to discuss we adjourn to your office,” Robert said.

  “Agreed. I’ll have tea and brandy delivered straight away,” the earl said, then turned to his butler, who bowed.

  “Excuse me, but something tells me we ladies— yes, even our daughter— will need something stronger than tea. Sherry for us, and don’t dilute Kristina’s,” the countess ordered the poor man.

  Once they were ensconced in the earl’s office with brandy and sherry in hand, Robert pulled the note from his vest pocket and read it to the shocked group.

  “So, what would you recommend we do, Robert? I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want is to be held hostage in my parents' townhouse.” Kristina stopped and glanced to them, sitting side by side holding hands. “Not that I don’t enjoy being here,” she skillfully added.

  “Nothing,” Robert answered firmly.

  “What? Why? Don’t you understand this is putting you at risk?” Donna screamed at him.

  “I must agree with your sister,” her husband said.

  “No. That’s what he wants. This man can then sit and wait for me to do something such as go for a walk in the garden, where he can attack me. If I’m out and about then he’ll have to think quickly, and that’s where he'll make his mistakes. That’s the only way to capture him.” Robert was relieved on seeing five faces start to relax upon understanding.

  “Darling, that does make sense, and with the guards you’ve already set in motion, it will be safe. “Now, speaking of such and which, I feel a drive around the park is in order.”

  Robert could feel his face warm upon hearing his love refer to him in such an intimate way, something she’d not done to date. Especially in such a public yet private setting. Yes, he thought, I’ve truly found the one who could and would complete me in every way. Now I need to keep her safe from this madman.

  “Crossington, as my carriage isn’t here, can I impose on you to borrow yours?” Robert asked as he walked up to Kristina and assisted her to standing.

  “Under the condition the countess and I join you, as it’s been a while since I’ve been to the Serpentine and would love to see it again,” the earl answered with a grin.

  “M’ lord, it would be our pleasure to have you join us,” Robert said with a slight bow to his host.

  Donna excused herself and Bryce, saying they had things needing done at home, which brought a chuckle from Robert as he knew what she was talking about. Even a glare from Kristina wouldn’t allow him to reveal their plans.

  Thirty minutes later, with the Earl and Countess of Crossington following at a discrete distance, Robert and Kristina strolled casually around the Hyde Park gardens. Nodding to new friends and old, Robert kept a look out for one person in particular. His action, he soon realized, was caught by Kristina.

  “There’s no need to be so alert for this individual who wishes to do you harm. I’ve already spotted several footmen with a few maids to complete the picture, keeping watch,” Kristina whispered as they approached a new group of people.

  “I apologize, but it’s a mix of having been in the army and worrying for your safety,” he answered with the same gentle voice.

  “Fear not, for when I’m with you I know nothing can or will hurt me.” She gave his arm a gentle squeeze.

  Robert covered her hand with his, then gazed down to her upturned, smiling face. “And I’ll make sure of that. To that end, it will be best if we travel to the ball together this evening. With the earl and countess in attendance,” he said with a smirk.

  “I agree, and am sure they’ll be more than happy to accompany us. Now let’s go show off this unique ring to those who haven’t had an opportunity to see or hear about the design.” She gave him a sweet smile.

  Robert stifled a groan, instead giving her a sideways grin while he guiding her to a group of friends. He'd already been roped into buying her a necklace and earrings. What more would these ladies suggest?

  Robert wasn’t surprised when the ladies immediately insisted on seeing the mask-shaped ring, while the gentlemen bemoaned the need to purchase something equally unique for their ladies.

  Amidst oohs and aahs from the ladies, Robert couldn’t help but notice how easily his Kristina was becoming more relaxed. Most times she wasn’t stuttering at all, which made him happy. This had been a concern of his from the start. As he stood back, letting her bask in the adulations, which he suspected she’d never had before, he started to relax as well, though still keeping a close eye on her.

  “Robert, I don’t know what or how you did it, but I’ve never seen Kristina so comfortable,” the earl said.

  “I did nothing. It was all her. Never, from the first time my sister introduced us, did I shrink away, which I’m sure she noticed. Not to mention I’ve included her in every aspect of the search, as I knew she had the intellect I needed,” he explained.

  He appreciated that now, unlike a few weeks ago, he could leave her talking with others and not need to be at her side. As he continued to talk with her father, he suddenly heard her start to falter in her speech while conversing with one of the ladies. Knowing something had caused her to feel insecure, he rushed to her side. With excuses to the other couples, Robert guided her toward her father.

  “Kristina, take a relaxing breath, then when you’re ready, tell me what’s wrong.” He waited a few seconds while she did as asked, but he could see pain in her eyes when she tried to speak. Knowing she’d become frustrated at her inability to communicate, he had an idea.

  “Darling, with your parents walking beside us, let’s start back to the coach. This will help you to be more comfortable and while we stroll I’ll try to ask questions so all you need do is nod or shake your head.”

  “Excellent suggestion, Robert,” her mother said, coming up to her daughter and linking an arm with hers.

  “Thank you.” He stopped and glanced down to Kristina. “Did you see someone who frightened you?”

  The words were barely past his lips when she nodded.

  “Is this person similar in hair colour and appearance as the man in custody?”

  Again she nodded, then clung to his arm.

  “Remember what I said earlier. You’re safe with me, and to that end I think we should stay in tonight,�
�� Robert announced.

  “N-n-n-no,” she managed.

  “Darling, let’s get home. Then maybe you’ll relax more and we can discuss it,” Eustace recommended.

  By the time they’d reached the carriage, Robert was happy to not only see but hear his Kristina had regained her composure. Minutes later, the four entered the family parlor at the Crossington townhouse.

  “To explain my earlier words, it’s like what we discussed before,” she said, taking a sip of tea. "We have to go out and be seen, for then we will catch this man."

  “I know, but this was before you saw this mystery person and look what happened.”

  “However, with you at my side all the time, it won’t happen again. Look how quickly I was able to stop stammering when you held my hand. You, as we all know, have a calming effect to me. Now I’m going to finish my tea, then rest before dinner. We’ve a ball to attend this evening and I wouldn’t want to disappoint your sister."

  “And Robert, you’ll join us for dinner?” the countess asked.

  “I would be honoured,” he replied, while judging Kristina’s reaction on the request. Much to his happiness, she gave him a smile over the rim of her cup.

  “Wonderful. Shall we say seven, as that will give us time to relax over the meal? Then we'll still have plenty of time to make the ball,” her mother said.

  “Yes. That will allow me to handle the stack of estate business, while I’ll leave the invitations for you, Kristina. That being said I must be off.”

  “Robert, I insist you take my coach home for your safety. I’ll have it retrieve you later,” the earl said with a grin.

  “Thank you, and I agree with your reasoning. I’ll arrange for a little extra protection at the ball.”

  “Excuse me, but what good will that do? Unless they have a card they— much less this man— won’t be able to get past the butler,” Kristina expressed.

  “My men won’t be inside, but hiding about in the garden and on the terrace. I feel confident he will try to attack me there as it will be safer for him,” Robert explained, comforted by the look of relief on Kristina’s lips and in her eyes. He didn’t mention he’d also have Bing contact the butler at the Well townhouse to alert the man to the potential danger. He’d then instruct the footmen to be on the lookout for anyone out of place.

  Standing, he bowed over first Kristina's, then Sylvia’s hands and strolled from the room with Eustace beside him.

  Robert wasn't surprised at the extra footmen who accompanied him to his townhouse. One sat beside the coachman while the other rode on the rear seat with the tiger.

  Met at the door by Bing, he nodded and asked him and Evan to come to his office. “And I’ll be dining out with the Rosewoods this evening, so please let Cook know,” he called over his shoulder while climbing the stairs to the first floor.

  In the office he headed for the sidebar, poured a brandy, then went to his desk and grinned on seeing the pile of invitations set to the side. On the blotter were the business correspondences he needed to deal with. After taking a seat, he scanned through the pile and noticed several were from his estate in Scotland. He pondered how Kristina would like to visit the castle soon after they married, but a knock interrupt his thoughts.

  “Come in.”

  Bing bowed. “M’ lord, you wished to see us?”

  “Yes. Evan, I need you to get ahold of your friends and have them sneak into the garden at the Well townhouse. I would suggest two in the garden close to the terrace and another on it. I’ll make sure neither Lady Rosewood nor I step off, so if the man— who she noticed today in the park— tries for one of us, he will have to come to us instead.”

  “And you wish me to contact the Well butler to alert him of these unexpected guests,” Bing guessed.

  “Correct. Also, have him inform their footmen of the possibility of someone who won’t belong,” Robert added, getting a nod of understanding from his butler.

  “Captain, what makes you think he’ll try for you tonight, and how would he know which ball you’re at?” Evan asked.

  Robert took a sip of brandy, then sat back in the desk chair. “Lady Rosewood saw the man earlier in the park. If she saw him, then it is within reason he saw us. With the wedding two weeks off he’s going to need to kill me quickly so there’s no chance of an heir. And before you ask, it’s already been discussed and agreed upon that being seen is the only way to capture him.”

  “Then we’ll do everything to make sure you and m’ lady remain safe.”

  “We thank you. As for this evening, I’ll want my blue evening coat and trousers. After I look over these estate letters I’ll be up to bathe and dress.”

  With a nod, he dismissed them and then dove into the correspondences.

  Chapter Twelve

  The last note of the third waltz they’d shared faded away. Ignoring the glares and stares for several matrons while enjoying the smiles from Donna, Robert extended his hand to aid Kristina in rising from her curtsey.

  “I’m glad to see you’re finally starting to relax, my dear,” he whispered.

  “Yes. It would seem being held in your arms— dancing, of course, as anything else is forbidden until we wed in three days— does have a way of giving me comfort,” she replied, giving his arm a slight squeeze.

  “And it will only get better with time, trust me,” he answered lovingly as he gazing into her beautiful blue eyes.

  “I know, or at least suspect, since no one has seen fit to tell me what to expect.”

  “Let me just say there’s nothing to worry about, as I’m sure your mother will let you know what will happen. On a more pleasant topic, shall we take a stroll on the terrace? I have it on excellent authority this person hasn’t made his presence known.”

  “Yes, but first we should inform my parents or Donna where we’re going as I still need a chaperone,” she answered with a smile.

  Nodding, he escorted her to a small alcove where her parents, seated on a divan, awaited their return. “M’ lord, you do realize waltzing with our daughter three times is still causing a stir, especially with a few of the more powerful matrons?” Kristina’s mother announced.

  “I do. As long as she doesn’t mind, nor you, than I will continue to dance as many times as possible with your gracious permission?”

  “Which is given. Now go enjoy the lovely evening air, but return in time for the buffet as I’ve arranged a private table for us.” The countess glanced to Donna and her husband.

  “Wonderful. Now if you’ll excuse us.” He gave the earl and countess an appropriate bow. After a wave from them, he settled Kristina’s gloved hand on his sleeve and started for the French doors leading to the veranda.

  Despite the lack of attempt on him or Kristina, he’d not relaxed the guards, especially as the date for their wedding drew nearer. Instead, he'd instructed Evan not to use the same men day after day, but to change them around. If, for some reason, this villain was watching him, he didn’t want his protectors found out.

  Stepping out on the veranda he settled his hand on the small of Kristina's back. A shot of warmth ran up his arm at the contact. He suspected she felt the same since she slowed, then glanced up at him with a lustful sheen in her eyes.

  He could feel his body, all of it, come to life as never before, but knew now wasn’t the time, much less the place to take her. Guiding her to a darkened corner, he settled her against the balustrade and turned her to face him.

  “My most precious darling,” was all he said as she turned hooded eyes to him.

  Over the past weeks they'd stolen kisses whenever they'd had a chance, staying hidden was unsatisfying to him and he suspected her as well. He wasn’t about to deny her now. Slowly, so she could escape if she wished, he lowered his head to hers until their mouths were separated by only a hair's breadth.

  Sensing no hesitation, he closed the gap, settling his lips over hers. With the tip of his tongue, he teased her mouth open. Then, meeting no resistance, he slipped inside, t
asting her sweetness. When he heard her moan with pleasure, he smiled to himself and brought her closer to his body.

  He slid his free hand up her side, cupping her breast exciting her nipple to a peak. He didn’t expect the movement of her hips against his, which brought his manhood fully alert. As much as he wanted to back away, to behave appropriately for her sake, part of him tried to refuse. But he couldn’t, not until…

  “Enjoy her while you still can,” a gravely male voice said from behind him, "for in a moment you won’t be alive

  Robert barely separated his lips from hers, then whispered, “Whatever you do, don’t move or make a sound.” From the look in her eyes, he knew she understood.

  He stepped back from her and turned to face an almost exact duplicate of the man currently residing in the Bow Street gaol. “You know even killing me won’t save your half-brother, and will most assuredly hasten his, then your death,” Robert told the man, keeping his voice calm. That was when he noticed Evan sneaking up behind his assailant with a thick club in hand.

  “Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong," the man said. "They’d never hang a lord except for treason, and even then only under the most extreme conditions.”

  Robert knew he needed to get this person to admit his involvement in the murders, and quickly before someone came along to scare him off.

  Since he couldn't see the telltale white stripe of hair due to the shadows, only a confession or partial admission would work. “Might I ask, what do you have against me?” Robert asked, hoping it would bring about the response he required.

  “Since you’ll be dead shortly and I’ll then have that little lady hiding behind you, I think you deserve to know,” the man said. "Simply put, I’m the rightful heir to the title through my father."

  “Except he, like you, were and are illegitimate, thus not entitled to become the viscount. You already know that, otherwise you would have gone through Parliament to have it reversed."


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