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Buried in Lies

Page 3

by T. L Smith

  Toska was someone you knew was near without even seeing her, and her brother was the same.

  “No.” Syler didn’t say it loud enough for her to hear, but it was the last part that sent a shiver through me. “Unless she asks me to.” He stepped back, and I saw a now clean Toska. She clapped her hands together and reached for a bottle of alcohol then lit a cigarette as she placed it to her lips. She offered it to me, and usually, I’d say no, but right then I didn’t. I put that cigarette to my lips and took the longest drag, enjoying the nicotine hit.

  “The last party...” I let the rest drop from my lips.

  She smiled, and it shook every bone in my body, but she didn’t answer me.

  “I’ve always wanted a woman to play with me. Syler doesn’t like to play, he only comes to clean up.” Her bottom lip pouted out as I blew the smoke from my mouth. She skipped out of the room, leaving me standing next to Syler.

  “Let’s play,” he said, then walked out leaving me in the room with two dead bodies.

  What had I gotten myself into?

  I wasn’t sure, but he was there. And that seemed to be the only glue holding me in place, because the blood I could handle, her however, I wasn’t so sure about. She scared me, and I had no trust in her. At all.

  Chapter 4

  Lie to Me

  It was a party every weekend, I learned. Toska was the one who initiated everything, Syler was there to protect her. Nothing else and nothing more. I was at their house almost every day. Surrounding myself with them. Even knowing who they were, I still continued to go to their house. Why? I wasn’t even quite sure. Maybe it was like my own personal drug, one I hadn’t yet worked out how to expel from my system. Either way, I was always there.

  Toska had a drug addiction which was evident from everything she did. Heroine was her drug of choice. She was fucked up on so many levels. Syler spoke to me more, not much, but he didn’t ignore me anymore. Even if silence was his way of communicating, he listened and spoke when I needed him to.

  I’d spent a lot of time with him over the past week. If I wasn’t working, I was at their house. If I was working, Toska was with me. I’d learned more about their relationship—it was more than fucked up, as far as I knew and understood. But it was also protective. Syler lived to protect her like he was her father and she was his child. Except they were both fucking evil, there was no escaping that fact.

  I’d spent hours watching him work on his computers from the living room when he left the door open. Toska was usually passed out next to me. The only company I’d have would be a stray cat that used to sneak into their house to steal whatever food it could. That was until today. I was high, thanks to Toska. Not as high as she was, passed out on the floor right now, but I’d had the courage to walk to his door this day, and he knew I was there straight away.

  “Come in, Mouse.”

  I did as I was told. There was nowhere else to sit so I sat on his bed while listening to him type furiously on the keyboard of his computer, until he stopped, stood, and walked over to me. His hand touched my chin, and he lifted it up so he could see into my eyes.

  “You’re fucking high.”

  I shook my head, I was pretty sure I was coming down. How many hours had it been? I was tired now. Syler placed a glass of water in front of me. Touching it, I put it to my lips. He pushed me back then laid me down on his bed. I was excited thinking he was going to join me. He didn’t. Instead, he walked straight to his computer and began typing again.

  Eventually, I passed out, covered in the smell of Syler Hunter.

  What a fucking way to go.

  I WOKE UP TO DARKNESS, my heart pounding, and I jumped. But a hand was on me, holding me in place, trapping me, not giving me room to move.

  “Mouse.” Syler’s voice instantly soothed me, and I laid back down. His breath was on my neck, and it was then I realized how close his proximity was to me. My body was hot, and I was fully clothed.

  Pulling the blankets off, he groaned at me. “It’s cold, Mouse,” he said.

  “I’m hot.”

  He removed his hand from around my waist and stayed where he was. “Remove your fucking clothes then.”

  Pulling my sweater from my body, all I had on underneath was a white singlet top and no bra. Then I reached for my socks and pulled them off. Looking back to him, his eyes were closed, and he seemed to be sleeping. I touched the waistband of my sweatpants and shimmied them off, dropping them next to the bed where I was laying. He didn’t move when I laid back down. I was no longer sweating. Waking from the dream that woke me every night left me in perspire. My mother.

  Turning, I rolled onto my side, glancing away from him, and tried to go back to sleep. It was impossible, I could now feel his legs right next to mine. Syler didn’t have trousers on, and my mind was going a hundred miles per hour. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep.

  “Stop thinking, Mouse.”

  I huffed at him. His hand touched my stomach.

  Could he feel the rolls there?

  It made me suck in a breath remembering how perfect his sister’s body was.

  This was fucked.

  “Breathe, Mouse.”

  “Your hand,” I said. It was making me self-conscious. I knew I wasn’t allowed to touch him, but he was allowed to touch me?

  “Do you want it lower?”

  Despite my nervousness, I nodded my head. He listened, and his hand dipped between my legs stopping on the outside of my panties. My breathing was growing rapid, my heart pumping hard through my chest.

  “Syler.” His name left my lips. I wanted to touch him in the same way, but I had a feeling his answer would be no. So, instead, I stayed where I was, unmoving.

  “What are we doing?” I asked him.

  He bit my earlobe, kissed just behind my ear and applied pressure to my pussy.

  “You’re in my bed, Mouse. What do you think I’m going to do?” His voice was husky as he pulled my hips, and moved over me, hovering. His eyes, if it was even possible, became lighter with the illumination of the moonlight which shone through the window. His lips parted just enough for his breath to escape. His jaw so perfect I wanted to lick the edges and yell at him for having the most perfect face known to mankind. It shouldn’t be possible for someone so fucked up to appear the way he did. It made it harder for me to say no, especially when he looked at me like he was about to devour me alive.

  Syler gripped my wrists as he leaned forward on me, and pulled them above my head. I heard the click of a handcuff, and the metal around my wrist was all I needed to know he’d just locked me to his bed. He smirked then stood off the bed, taking my widely beating heart with him.

  The sheet from the bed dropped off, exposing him completely. He was naked, completely naked next to me the whole time. My mouth opened because seeing him in clothes did something to me, but then I was fucked because I’d actually seen him naked.

  Syler Hunter was a fucking god or the devil. And I was about to submit to his every will and desire because I wanted everything he could give me.

  “Mouse,” he said as his teeth tore open a condom. Then I watched as he slid it over his massive cock. My legs squeezed together, excited for what was about to come.

  The sheet that was covering me was torn away. He stepped up close and ran his hand along my legs up to my hips, stopping on my panties. He was gentle when he pulled them down my legs, caressing each leg as he took them off me.

  Syler lifted each leg, gently kissing my foot then placing it back down. His hand came back up, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake as he got closer to my bare pussy. His hand stopped as it touched my inner thigh. My eyes were tracking his hand, but I looked up to see him watching me, waiting for my reaction.

  Syler wanted me to watch him, he liked it. Then his hands started moving again when my attention was on him. He touched me there, that spot between my legs, where I knew I was already wet for him. His finger slid between my legs easily, and I parted them for
him without even thinking about it. He pulled them out, lifted them to his mouth and sucked on them before finishing his trail back up my body.

  Syler pulled my singlet up to my neck, baring my breasts. I closed my eyes, despite how turned on I was at that moment because I knew I wasn’t perfect. My boobs weren’t big, my hips were much bigger than most girls’.

  “If you hide from me, Mouse, I’ll bite.”

  I opened my eyes to see him leaning down. So I closed them again as he got closer and that was when he did it. He bit me, just above my nipple, making me scream out. His mouth hovered around my breast as he watched me. I kept my eyes open and watched him. I watched as he took my nipple, circling it with his tongue before he sucked it into his mouth. Then, smirking up at me, he proceeded to do the same with the next.

  Syler played with me for what felt like hours before he climbed on the bed, separating my legs even wider. He gazed down as his finger slid between my folds then flicked my clit.

  “Don’t fall in love with me, Mouse.”

  I nodded my head. “I don’t plan to, Wolf.”

  He smirked even brighter at my words as he lifted my legs, hooking them under his arms, so I wrapped them around his waist pulling him closer. His eyes smoldering at my words. “Jaya.” He said my name with such conviction before he fucked me.

  Sliding straight into me, he slammed into me again and again. No words could leave my lips. He hadn’t called me Mouse—he’d called me Jaya. Not his Mouse. Maybe it was just in the moment, maybe it meant nothing. But I was taking every inch he gave me.

  None of what we did was gentle or making love. No, what Syler and I did was merely fuck.


  He took control of me.


  I gave him control.

  While I bit my lip to keep my screams inside me.

  But he took from me what he needed, and I received it, knowing it was exactly what I needed too. His acceptance, even if it was in the form of his cock sliding in and out of me, making me scream so loud when I couldn’t contain it any longer, or until his door was banged on from all my noise.

  He didn’t stop, though, he fucked me harder, keeping my hands tied above my head to his bed as he gripped my tits. Syler leaned down to kiss them, then bite them, his eyes still full of lust, looking up at me before he bit me again. The scream that left me was different from my usual screams, this one was a mixture of pain and pleasure all coming from the one source, my Wolf. He had control and I became his plaything, moving and bending to his every desire without my permission.

  He took my orgasm and ripped it from my body like it was his to take.

  Chapter 5

  Confused with Feelings

  Her voice was what woke me up. Toska was sitting on the bed as I slept, and she spoke in soft whispers to Syler. At first, I lay there trying to listen, but they knew the moment I was awake. Neither of them continued, so I turned over to stare at them both. He was sitting on the side of the bed with her, both of their backs to me.

  “You’re a screamer,” Toska said, standing up while looking down at me. Syler didn’t look back. “Don’t get too comfortable.”

  “Toska,” Syler said to her, confusing me.

  She watched him, raised her eyebrows then walked out of the room, shutting Syler’s door on her way out, he turned to face me.

  How was it fair that he got the perfectly symmetrical face? His cheekbones high, his jaw the perfect straight angle for me to slide my tongue along. My hand went between my breasts to touch

  my necklace, and when it comes up empty, I stood to throw all the sheets from the bed to search. My heart beat furiously, my mind in a state of panic.

  “Are you looking for this?” His voice pulled me from my drastic heart attack to see what he was holding around his own neck. My necklace now sat over his heart.

  “It was my mother’s,” I said in a strange voice. I never realized how much I missed her until that very moment when I thought I’d lost something of hers that was so valuable to me. She wore it every day of her life, and I’d picked it up from her bleeding body the day she died and clutched it in my hands until the EMT arrived.

  “It fell off.” He didn’t offer it back. Instead, he stood, walking to his computers and starting them up.

  “Syler.” He didn’t answer me when I said his name. So I stood and pulled on one of his shirts. I walked out to find Toska, who was white as a ghost and curled up on top of the kitchen counter, not moving. “Syler,” I said his name louder this time. Toska was fine moments ago, and now she was in a state I’d never seen her in before.

  He came out and swore as he walked over to her. She didn’t point or even say a word as he started searching around the house with his eyes.

  “What are you looking for?”

  He threw the chairs, possibly breaking them, then he even started to move the fridge. It was like he knew exactly what he was looking for, his increased agitation was evident. A rat ran over my feet, so I screamed, jumping back. He ran over, diving for it and missing it.

  “The rat?” I ask more to myself because I don’t expect an answer. But he gives me one anyway.

  “She can’t move. It’s her phobia, and it’s a fucking bad phobia. She locks tight and doesn’t move for hours. It was from him...” he said, diving for it as it ran around the kitchen counter.

  Him! She told me all about him. Her foster father who abused her.

  What does he have to do with rats, though?

  Syler lifted the rat up as he caught it, glanced up at me, and then in one swift movement, snapped the rat’s neck. He walked it to the back door and threw it in the trash. Then he stepped over to his sister, lifted her from the counter and carried her like she was a child to her own room. She cried and clung to him until he placed her down, passing Toska her drugs, which she took fast then crawled into a ball.

  Syler stood regarding me as I stood there watching them at her bedroom door.

  Weird! His hand was circling her back as she took the drugs, and now he was watching her to make sure she was still breathing while she passed out on her pillow.

  “That’s...” My eyes skimmed up to his to find him already watching me. Moving slightly so he could pass, he walked past me and straight back to his room. At first, he appeared like he was going to shut the door and lock me out, but he walked directly in—dropping his hand from his door—to his computers.

  “She’s sick, Syler.”

  He laughed at me, and it was an evil cackle. “If she’s sick, what the fuck are we?”

  I shook my head, stepping further into his room. He watched me with predatory eyes but didn’t say another word, so I dropped it. It wasn’t my place to question her, or him for that matter.

  We fucked, and that didn’t mean I was entitled to all that was him.

  Crawling back into his bed, I closed my eyes and hoped to not wake for a bit longer.

  WAKING, I PUSHED SYLER’S hand off me. He didn’t move as I got up to a black night’s sky. Pulling on my own clothes, I walked out to the kitchen to find Toska, now not so frozen in place and with wide eyes. She was cooking. I’d never seen her cook and as far as I knew she couldn’t. Stepping closer, I watched her reading the back of a cake packet. She couldn’t even follow the directions, so I nudged her out of the way with my hip and took over, cracking the egg and putting the milk into the batter. Her eyes were on me constantly, I felt them.

  “You were frightened. I’d never seen you like that.”

  She nodded her head as I managed to look up while I stirred the mixture. She flicked some icing dust at my face with her fingers and then licked it from hers.

  “Tell me about your mother. Tell me what you remember.” Her words were odd, but I entertained her because no one ever asked about my mom. She was nothing but a ghost of the past in my house.

  “She was beautiful. Her hair was as black as the night’s sky. She had kind eyes and loved me unconditionally.” My eyes lifted, and my hand paused from
stirring as I stared at her.

  “What about your mother, or even father?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t remember them. We were in the foster system from when I was born. Love... I don’t even know what that is.”

  “Your brother loves you,” I told her, and she nodded her head, smirking.

  “He likes you. But I must warn you, I’ve never had to share him before.” She said it in a way as if she was warning me, and I took her warning to heart, then looked past her to see Syler standing at his door, shirtless, watching us. How long had he been there?

  “At least you have Syler,” I said more to him than to her, but it was Toska who answered.

  “Syler didn’t get the shit end of the stick, but he was witness to it. That’s what I got all the time from him. We were in his care for over ten years. He used to trap me in the basement with rats. They would crawl everywhere, all over me, as he had me tied to the chair. Then he would come down and make me... well, let’s just say, Syler saw it. He’d heard it before that, but this one time he actually witnessed it. And I’ve told you how that ended. Syler won’t let anyone hurt me. As I won’t let you hurt him, and I believe you’re the only one that can, Jaya.”

  Her words shocked me.

  Why would I hurt him?

  Syler pushed off the door and walked over to us. Putting my head back down, I started to pour the cake batter into the tin. Then he was there next to me where I stood. He towered over me, but I stayed locked to my position. I was lost in all that was him. He touched my chin with his fingers, lifting my head, then he licked the edge of my lips, and I flicked my tongue out after he had pulled back. I taste it then, the cake batter that I sampled a little while ago. There must have been some on my lips.

  “Don’t scare her off just yet, Toska,” Syler said, stepping away from me as I tried to catch my breath.


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