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Mystery: The Cook's Comeuppance: A Duncan Dewar Mystery of Murder and Romantic Suspense (Duncan Dewar Mysteries Book 3)

Page 13

by Victoria Benchley

  "Didn't you hear me knock?"

  "No, I was thinking about Chef Mondo. My Mexican meatloaf impressed him, Duncan. Can you believe it?"

  Duncan bit his lip for a moment.

  "Why are you so dressed up?"

  "Oh, this?" Margaret said, fluffing the tiers of her blouse. "This is nothing, just a top I bought for the warm weather here. Duncan, did you know that Spain has no less than eight three star Michelin restaurants?"

  Her son did not know that, but Margaret didn't wait for an answer.

  She continued, "Mondo and I are going to dinner later. We're going to something he calls Destination Dining. Have you ever heard of that, Duncan? People trek from all over the world to these fabulous hole-in-the-wall restaurants. These people are called foodies. It's almost impossible to get reservations, so eating at one is a real status symbol for the foodies. Of course, Mondo knows the chef there so he can get us in. I'm so excited!"

  Margaret clasped her hands together and all but jumped up and down. Duncan clenched his jaw as his facial muscles turned to granite. He could think of nothing worse than his mum dating Mondo. Unless, it was his mum dating Mexican Wrestler Mondo. Who knew what the man's past involved?

  "Does Dad know about this?" he ventured between gritted teeth.

  Uh, oh. Margaret's face transformed into an indiscernible expression as she moved towards her son. A strange fire appeared in her eyes. Duncan took an involuntary step back.

  "Your father would be happy I'm getting these opportunities, and I don't like what you're suggesting, Duncan. I advise you to get back to work. I'll text your mobile should I discover anything. Remember, you're not supposed to know me and I'm not supposed to be your mother."

  He cracked the door and checked to ensure no one was loitering in the hall before exiting his mum's apartment.

  As he left he heard her say, "Don't worry, I'll be sure to keep it locked from now on."

  - 12 -

  Dinner Dates & Declarations

  Duncan slammed the door to the casa, interrupting a pleasant conversation between Angus and Mary.

  "What happened to you?" Angus remarked, seeing his brother's ire.

  "Sit down, Angus. We need to talk." Duncan looked towards Mary and added, "Please take the rest of the night off. We're going out and won't need anything until the morning."

  Angus eased himself into a kitchen chair, annoyed at his brother's demeanor while Mary gathered her things and loitered in the foyer.

  "I'm not sure how to start," Duncan began.

  "Just dive in, Brother."

  Duncan inhaled and exhaled, taking his time. He didn't know where to begin.

  "Mum's here," he said.

  A short pause ensued before his brother spoke.

  "What about Mum's ear?" Angus asked, his eyebrows knit together.

  "No, not Mum's ear. Mum is here, in Manchiego, right now."

  "What do you mean, Mum is in Manchiego?"

  "I mean, I asked her to help on the case. The academy needed a sous chef, so I asked her last week to come over and take the position," Duncan explained before he heard the casa's front door close.

  "And when were ye going to tell me? Dinnae ye think I should ken this before I decided to holiday with ye?" Angus continued, "I dae love her, but I'm not certain I want to holiday with me own mum."

  "Look, she won't be staying with us or even acknowledging us. She's undercover and no one except Frogo knows she's our mum."

  "Undercover? Is she in danger? None of yer havering, now."

  "I believe she's in no danger. Dad agreed to the whole scheme, too. At the time, I thought it was a good way to learn some things from within the academy. Now, I wish I'd never asked her," he admitted.

  "Why?" Angus demanded.

  "It's that chef, Armondo Berluca. I think he likes mum. He's taking her to dinner tonight. They're going to some isolated, romantic restaurant," Duncan explained his frustration.

  "Are ye certain? That dinnae sound like Mum."

  "Well, I'm sure she's innocent, but I'm telling you, Mondo was flirting with her in the kitchen. I saw it for myself and when I tried to warn… Well, I didn’t know what she was going to do!" Duncan said, pacing around the table.


  Angus rubbed his chin and rocked back in his chair, balancing the seat on its rear legs.

  "We could follow them," he suggested.

  "No, I don't think that's the answer. I don't know where the place is and she says reservations are impossible to get. Maybe we should call Dad," Duncan said.

  "Nae if ye value yer life," Angus replied. He paused, then said, "Let me send a message to Mum on her mobile. I'll say I'm worried and ask her to update me throughout the night."

  Angus removed his own cellular phone from his pocket and started typing.

  He added, "If I dinnae hear from ye, I'll come find ye," as if to himself. He tapped send and glanced up at his brother, stating, "That should do it."

  "There's something else I need to tell you, Angus." Duncan took another deep breath before continuing, "Angela is here in Manchiego also."

  Angus stared at his brother, mouth open. He tilted his head to the side and was about to say something when Duncan interrupted.

  "Mum brought her and I had no idea she was coming. Mum asked her to come help me with the case since she has access to L&G's computers and experts. Plus, she's a fine investigator."

  Angus still gaped at him in disbelief.

  Duncan continued, "Mum says Johan is pushing her for a commitment."

  He paused and noticed a slight change in Angus's expression.

  "She wanted to give you a chance to make your case with Angela."

  Again the jaw drop from Angus.

  "The thing is Angus, and I'm going to be honest, I may have feelings for Angela, too."

  Angus snapped his mouth shut, then said, "Really, Duncan? Didn't we discuss this six months ago back in London? Ye assured me there was nothing between ye two. Now, ye decide ye're interested in her. Why? Because Johan wants to marry her?"

  "No, it's not that. At least I don't think so. I care about Johan. He's a true friend. You know he's been to Edinburgh twice to see me in the last few months. He even offered to recommend me for a position with the government. Mum has made it clear how much you care for Angela as well. I just want to be honest with you, Angus."

  "Brilliant," Angus said, rolling his eyes.

  "Oh, and we're having dinner with her tonight. We pick her up at nine."

  * * * * * *

  The three huddled at a tiny table in the corner of an out of the way bodega. Angela looked prettier than ever in a bright yellow sleeveless top and skirt set. She wore yellow and white striped flats for covering the cobblestones with ease. Angus slipped back into the shy demeanor he displayed whenever around the girl. Duncan and his former assistant discussed the case without any awkwardness.

  "It seems to me," Angela began after Duncan summarized his progress, "we need to concentrate on the backgrounds of the Alcala equipment owner and the academy's director, as well as the chairwoman and president of the board of the foundation. Anyone who may have crossed paths with Ella Peña and had the means of arranging her death should be viewed under a microscope."

  Duncan hadn't planned on investigating Sunny Bentwell, Frogo Esperanza, or Nigel Carlyle, but Angela had a point.

  "I already had Ben Davis work on the Alcala people and he came up with a good start on Ella. I'll forward his emails to you tomorrow, if you'd like," Duncan said. He added, "Sunny has an alibi and I don't think Frogo had anything to do with it, but we'll check them out too."

  "I can start digging tomorrow. Why don't I spend time on Nigel and Frogo. You seem fond of them, so let me research their pasts," she said.

  Duncan agreed and shop talk ceased while a waiter delivered tapas to their table. A bottle of red wine had already appeared and Angus, happy to have something to do, poured their glasses. He had been shifting back and forth in his seat and fidgeting wh
ile the other two discussed the case. The little bar started to fill with locals and the overall decibel level rose. The place smelled of sizzling seafood as the waiters delivered steaming plates to the clientele.

  Angus leaned towards Angela and said in her ear, "So, how is Johan?" before staring at a small bowl of olives, grown by local farmers, placed on the table.

  He selected a large one and popped it in his mouth. Angela said nothing, but gazed at Angus until he looked up.

  "Why do you want to know?" she asked with an edge to her voice.

  Duncan noticed that Angela wrung her hands in her lap. Her face began to glow a soft pink and she seemed flushed. She breathed through her nose in a controlled fashion. Uh, oh. Duncan sensed some kind of emotion building up in the lass beside him and feared there might be an explosion. Perhaps the pressure Johan placed upon her was too much for the girl to handle.

  Now Angus and Angela were locked in a bizarre staring contest. Angus clenched his lips and twisted his mouth to one side of his face. Duncan made a mental note that the expression didn't suit his brother at all. Angela pursed her own lips and dropped her chin. Her eyebrows frozen, arched high on her forehead, she bore holes in Angus with her large, blue eyes. At this point, Duncan did feel awkward. It was as if he didn’t exist, so he eased his chair back away from the table and the showdown. Just a few hours ago, he was alone with Angela, wanting to kiss her. Now she was wrapped up with Angus in this strange duel. It was a bit discomfitting. But, he wasn't about to leave and clear the field for his brother. Not yet.

  "Come on. I want to speak with ye."

  Angus grasped Angela's elbow and lifted her from the table, jerking his head towards the exit.

  He added, "Outside."

  His former assistant didn't look happy, but she went along with Angus, leaving him alone in the bodega. He watched as his brother pulled Angela from the bar and out onto the sidewalk. He could just glimpse them through a front window. The two faced each other, but still neither's lips moved. Angus continued to hold Angela by one elbow and now Duncan saw his brother grasp her other free arm. Ach! He'd already warned his brother about Angela's new found forward nature. She'd give Angus as good as she got.

  Outside, Angus summoned his courage with a deep breath before speaking.

  "I want to know because I care for ye, Lass. I'm the one fir ye, not Johan and nae even Duncan. Dae ye ken?"

  Within the restaurant, Duncan could see an intense Angus speaking to Angela. His brother still held her arms, but her expression had changed from consternation to quizzical. He saw Angus release Angela and stalk off. She watched him go, then returned to the bodega.

  "What was that all about?" Duncan asked as Angela sat down.

  "I'm not sure. I don't understand your Scottish slang," she replied, eyeing Duncan with a sideways glance from beneath her long lashes.

  Duncan hesitated, then asked in a low tone, "Was he declaring himself?"

  After a pause Angela said, "I suppose, in between a lot of firs, kens, and naes."

  "Ah, that's what happens when Angus gets angry or flummoxed. His brogue comes on strong. What else did he say?"

  Angela glanced at the floor and remained mute for a moment.

  "Something about him being the one for me instead of Johan or you," she said in a soft, almost inaudible tone.

  "Aye. He declared himself then. Can I ask you what you think of that?"

  Angela sighed.

  "I don't know what I think of any of this, Duncan."

  "Maybe we can figure it out together. If we stay honest with each other, and keep the pressure off," he said, feigning a grin.

  He didn't figure burdening Angela with more choices was the way to her heart. She'd come to Spain to escape those kinds of demands from Johan.

  "Do you think that's possible, Duncan?"

  "I do," he said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "Now, let's enjoy our dinner and this fine local wine."

  Stomping back to the casa, Angus did not regret baring his soul to Angela. He'd been mooning over her for six months, ever since that debacle when he'd run into her and Johan at Duncan's flat. Angus, exiting the shower and clad only in a hand towel, had startled an unsuspecting Angela. Johan assumed he was an intruder and tackled him.

  Angus stopped and shook his head at the memory before continuing down the street. Whenever Angus ventured to London, he always tried to see her. Johan managed to join them whenever they met for dinner or drinks. Of course, when Johan came to Edinburgh, he chatted volumes about Angela, her wonderful character, her internal and external beauty, her courage, et cetera. He wanted to hate the Swede, but he could not. The man remained likeable. Tonight, he finally had the chance to tell her how he felt and he took it, no regrets now. Angela would have to decide whom she wanted. Angus was not used to admiring a lass from afar or having to chase one. This situation had become intolerable.

  Entering the casa's courtyard, he paused and checked his mobile. A text message from Mum confirmed she was fine and had reached the restaurant. He replied, asking her for another update, then entered the house. Since he had not stayed to eat at the bodega, he'd need to scamper up something from the fridge or cupboards to assuage his appetite.

  When Duncan arrived home it was well after midnight. The casa was dark and he assumed his brother had already gone to bed. He flipped the lights on in the kitchen, and jolted with surprise. There, in what had been a dark room seconds before, sat Angus, ramrod straight, hands clasped together on the table, his lips clamped in an angry expression.

  "What have ye been aboot?" he asked, deadpan, his dark eyes searing holes in Duncan.

  For a split second, Duncan felt guilty, but it passed. He recognized the calm before the rare storm of his brother's fury. He knew Angus could be volatile if pushed where family or loved ones were concerned.

  "Eating, drinking, and chatting with Angela. What do you think I've been up to?" he shot back.

  Angus did not respond and his face remained expressionless, except for a small change in the position of his eyebrows. The protracted silence was uncomfortable. With measured movements, Angus rose from his chair and sauntered around the table towards his brother.

  As he ambled behind Duncan, moving to the stairs, he said in a nonchalant way, "Mum's still out with Mondo."

  It took a second to sink in. Duncan had half expected a tirade from his brother.

  "What?" Duncan bellowed, checking his watch.

  It was quarter 'til one. He turned to catch a glimpse of Angus rounding the corner at the top of the staircase. Typical Angus, Duncan thought, dropping a bomb, then vacating, leaving others to clean up.

  When Angus reached his room, he was beaming. He couldn't help himself. He might spend a sleepless night wondering if Angela cared for him, but Duncan would spend a sleepless night worrying about their mum. He didn't bother relaying the information that Margaret was safe, back in her quarters at the academy, when she texted him a few minutes later.

  - 13 -

  New Alliances

  Duncan had asked Angela to join him at the academy for lunch. Unbeknownst to him, Angus invited himself to accompany her. It was going to be a full house in the academy's dining hall and perhaps a tad uncomfortable.

  He met Angela and his brother in the courtyard and escorted them inside. Once within, they were hailed by none other than Sunny.

  "Come over here, Darling, and introduce your friends," she urged with a thin-lipped grin.

  As usual, Sunny occupied the head seat at a long table, ready to hold court. Duncan did not see any way out of presenting his brother and Angela to Sunny.

  As the group approached her table, Sunny purred, "You do travel with quite the entourage, don't you, Duncan?"

  She nudged the chairs to her right and left, so Angus and Angela knew they were expected to stay.

  As Angus took his seat, Duncan said, "This is my brother, Angus. He's come over to enjoy the sunshine for a few days. He's staying with me at the casa. Angus, this is Sunny

  Angus rose and shook Sunny's hand before returning to his chair.

  "How wonderful," she replied, touching Angus's upper arm in a welcoming gesture.

  She gave his bicep a friendly squeeze before turning her gaze to Angela.

  "And who is this lovely creature?" she asked Duncan while getting a good look at Angela.

  The girl blushed and trained her gaze at the table.

  "This is my friend, Angela. She's popped over for the warm temperatures as well," he said.

  "So, pleased to meet you, Angela. I'm Sunny. Are you staying at the casa too?" she asked.

  "No, I'm at the Posada Pacífica."

  "Oh, whatever for? I've heard that's a nice inn, but why not enjoy my casa with its private pool, view, and staff?" Sunny asked.

  Angela didn't know quite what to say. Duncan felt Sunny could guess why Angela wouldn't stay with the two brothers. Quiet ensued as the grand dame looked from the brothers to Angela and back again, feigning innocence.

  "Her fiancée wouldn't appreciate it," Angus finally broke the silence with an acrid tone.

  "Oh, dear, there's a fiancée in the picture, is there?"

  Sunny directed this comment at Angela.

  "No, there is not," she clipped. Then softening her tone, she added, addressing herself to the older woman, "I didn’t realize the casa had enough room for another guest and I didn't want to impose on your generosity, Sunny."

  Duncan was impressed with Angela's diplomacy. Frogo joined their party and a waiter interrupted the conversation, delivering their lunches. He spotted his mum's Mexican meatloaf on the plate, along with tiny potatoes, miniature glazed carrots and a salad of arugula. He took a bite, wondering if Margaret were in the kitchen right now. What if Mondo had murdered her last night and stolen the recipe? He excused himself and marched into the kitchen.

  Duncan halted his advance as his face went pale and his emotions entered a tailspin. A few meters beyond the kitchen entrance, stood Mondo. He was behind Margaret at the counter, and he held her in an embrace.


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