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Stormy Satisfaction [Doms of Destiny, Colorado 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Chloe Lang

  “Why do you always have to throw me in front of the bus, brother?”

  “You do that nicely all on your own, Sam.”

  Sylas laughed, enjoying the banter that these three had together. He took a bite of Ethel’s cookie. The chocolate chips melted in his mouth. The cookies were warm and delicious. “Oh my God, Sam. You’re right. These are amazing. I hope your wife has at least eight left for me.”

  “See, sweetheart,” Sam said. “I told you we should go in the cookie business.”

  “I have enough to do taking care of you two.” Ethel sat down beside Sylas. “Now, you said at the diner you had questions for us and wanted advice. How can we help?”

  “You were right about the serious discussion I was having with my friend. Actually, we aren’t friends any longer.” He told them what had happened between him, Nic, and Ashley in Chicago, and why he had come to Destiny. They looked pleased when he let them know that Phoebe had hired him and Nic. “But he’s closed to even considering the lifestyle she wants. He wants her for himself. That’s why we are no longer friends.”

  “Do you love her, Sylas?” Sam asked.

  “More than anything.”

  “What about Nic?” Ethel asked. “Do you think he loves her, too?”

  “Yes, I do.” It was so easy talking with the O’Learys, and God knew he needed to talk things out. He didn’t know what to do next. “Before Ashley, Nic was quite the playboy. I never imagined he would ever settle down. But after they started dating, I saw something so different in him. If I hadn’t fallen for her as hard as I did, I would’ve been happy for him. Nic had a rough childhood. No family. I believe that’s why he and Ashley hit it off so quickly.”

  “I’m sure you’re right about that, Sylas,” Ethel said. “Ashley’s mother died of cancer long before she moved to Destiny. Her dad then became a single parent of a feisty five-year-old daughter. They were very close, I understand. She told me some wonderful stories about him. Six months before she moved to town, he died of a heart attack.”

  “It’s hard for an only child when they lose their parents,” Sam said. “It was good for her to have someone like Nic who could relate to that sense of feeling alone.”

  Sylas nodded. The jealousy he’d felt back in Chicago was gone. Nic needed Ashley as much as she needed him. But I need her, too. “Nic was raised in foster care. He got through college, went to Harvard, and became a lawyer on his own.”

  “You’re proud of him, aren’t you?” Patrick asked.

  “Yes. I always have been. I had a supportive family. Hell, they’re still there for me. Nic didn’t have a soul who gave a damn about him, yet I’ve never seen anyone with more drive than him.”

  “Sounds to me you’re more like brothers than just friends.”

  “We were. But not anymore.”

  Sam shook his head. “That’s not the way it works, son. Once brothers, always brothers. If Nic is confused, you’ve got to be there for him.”

  “He won’t let me, Sam. Nic shut the door on me.”

  “Doors can be opened,” Ethel said. “You’re both going to be living in Destiny now, working at Phoebe’s law firm. You are going to see a lot of each other.”

  “We actually will be living together for a while.” He explained about Phoebe and her husbands offering him and Nic their rent house.

  “Perfect,” Sam said. “More time together should help both of you figure things out.”

  “That’s just it, Sam. I don’t understand this lifestyle either. I need your help, your advice, and your expertise.”

  “Your head is spinning, I bet, Sylas.” Patrick took another cookie, and though Ethel had scolded him earlier, she only smiled.

  “It sure is. About so many things. Yes, I wonder if Nic will ever come around, but I also wonder if what Ashley told us about what she wants will actually work for me either.”

  “You’re worrying too much. There are some things that a person must discover step by step.” Ethel grinned. “The one thing that can cut through men’s stubbornness and hesitation is love.”

  Sam kissed her on the cheek. “When they love the right woman, sweetheart, it is.”

  “Can I have an ‘amen?’” Patrick pulled Ethel into his arms. “Amen.” He kissed her other cheek.

  Seeing these three amazing people who were so in love was wonderful to witness but also so astonishing. “Don’t you two get jealous of each other for Ethel’s affection?”

  “Absolutely not,” Patrick said flatly. “I’m proud of my brother that he had the good sense to pick this beautiful woman.”

  “But what about…uh…I mean…”

  “Are you asking about sex, Sylas?” Sam asked with a grin.

  “Well, yes.” He glanced at Ethel, not wanting to insult her. “No details but just how you…uh…coordinate…Damn. I don’t know how to say what I’m asking. I don’t want to be rude.”

  “You’re not being rude.” Ethel smiled, easing his concern that his questions might be offending her. “The Destiny life is very different from the rest of the world. We understand how strange it may seem. Not to give you specifics about our sex life, but I’ll answer this way. Sometimes it’s together. Sometimes it’s not.”

  “But how…do you…”

  Sam stood. “I think a visit to Phase Four would do you good, Sylas.”

  “Phase Four?”

  “Sam, what a terrific idea.” Patrick got up from his chair. “It’s our local BDSM club.”

  “BDSM?” He was even more confused than before. “You mean bondage?”

  They both nodded.

  Sam continued, “Bondage. Dominance. Submission. So much more. It’s part of the lifestyle for many.”

  “Oh my God. Does Ashley go there?” An image of her dressed up as a Dominatrix, all in black holding a whip entered his mind. She’d never mentioned that back in Chicago.

  “She does,” Ethel said with a grin. “And I can tell by the look on your face that concerns you. Sylas, she’s a member, yes, but only a student of the life.”

  Was this all a mistake? Coming to Destiny? Hoping to understand what Ashley really wanted so that he could give it to her?

  “As much as I love her, I can’t imagine letting her tie me up, let alone spank me.”

  Patrick started laughing and Sam smiled, shaking his head.

  “Hush up,” Ethel told them. “Both of you. He has a lot to learn. Ashley doesn’t want to be a Dominatrix, Sylas. She’s a submissive.”

  “A submissive?”

  “She’s the one who needs to be dominated, and she wants you and Nic to be the ones who she submits to.”

  “She’s so strong and capable. I find that hard to believe.” But did he? Really? Sylas had learned how wildly she responded when he held her wrists while they made love. The glaze of heat in her eyes whenever he restrained her had fueled his own hunger. Did she crave more of that kind of play? How rough did she need it? “I guess there’s a lot to her that I don’t know.”

  “But do you want to find out more about her?” Sam asked. “About what Ashley really desires from you and Nic?”

  “Of course, Sam. Yes. I love her. I want to make her happy if I can.”

  “Sylas, I think you are perfect for her, and I bet so is Nic.” Ethel grabbed his hand. “You two just need a few lessons. That’s all.” She turned to her two husbands. “And I have an idea. Why don’t you two take him to the club? Let him see what it’s all about.”

  “Sweetheart, that’s a wonderful idea.” Patrick slapped Sylas on the back. “What do you say?”

  “I would love to, but I can’t tonight. I have dinner with her and Nic. Phoebe set it up. It’s a welcome-to-the-practice dinner.”

  “It’s more than that,” Ethel said. “Phoebe is playing matchmaker, no doubt. Good for you. Sylas, go to dinner. Have fun. Let the night go where it will.”

  “From what you’ve told us, it’s clear to me that you three have a lot of work to do before you can be together completely,” Sam s
aid. “Tell you what. I’ll talk to Zac Gold. He’s the owner of Phase Four. I’m sure he’ll let us give you a tour in the morning, even though the club doesn’t open until later.”

  “That would be great, fellas.” He had come to Destiny to learn more about the lifestyle that Ashley wanted. Thanks to the O’Learys, he was getting a great start.

  “Meet us at Blue’s Diner at eight,” Patrick said. “I like to start my day with black coffee and a good hearty breakfast.”

  “What about you, Ethel?” Sylas asked. “Won’t you be joining us?”

  “I can’t,” she said. “I have to be in court. But I’m leaving you in good hands.”

  “I believe you are.” He stood. “I better head back to the hotel. I need to get ready for my dinner date. Wish me luck.”

  Ethel hugged him at the door. “Just be yourself, Sylas. That’s enough.”

  Was it enough? Enough for Ashley? And what about Nic? He wasn’t sure, but after talking with the O’Learys, he was starting to think things might actually work out—for all of them. I certainly hope so.

  Chapter Seven

  The limo would be arriving any moment. Ashley stood in front of the mirror, making sure her hair and makeup were perfect. She was glad that Phoebe had suggested the blue dress. It was sexy but didn’t reveal too much.

  Despite having known Nic and Sylas for a year, she was extremely nervous, as if this was a first date. It’s not a date. It’s a business dinner, Ashley.

  She’d kept reminding herself of that since Phoebe set it up, but her mind wouldn’t settle down. She’d even cracked some of her law books after her run with Anna, hoping to focus on anything but her two sexy lawyers from Chicago. Before their arrival, studying for the bar exam these past months had been the only thing able to get her thoughts off of her broken heart—but not tonight. Nothing was working. Since seeing Nic and Sylas at Blue’s Diner, images of them making love to her together played over and over in her head. I should strangle Phoebe for putting me in this situation.

  How was the evening going to go? She’d dated both men, but had never been out with them together. The fact that they weren’t getting along was making her very uneasy. She needed to make things crystal clear to them from the outset, especially since she was going to be working with them every day. But how, since it wasn’t even crystal clear to her? Whenever she was around them her thoughts got jumbled and her body got warm.

  Damn. I’m never going to get over this with them right in my face day in and day out.

  A knock on the door pulled her back to the here and now. Ready or not, this date is about to begin, Ashley Vaughn.

  When the driver pulled the limo in front of the Dream Hotel, she saw Nic and Sylas standing by the circular drive. They looked so handsome.

  The driver opened the door.

  Sylas got in next to her. “You look gorgeous.”

  “Thank you. You look very handsome yourself.”

  Nic walked around the limo, opened the door himself, and slid in on the other side. “Sweetheart, you look absolutely beautiful.”

  “And you look absolutely handsome. We must be the three most beautiful people in Destiny.” She laughed, trying to tamp down her anxiety.

  Nic laughed and Sylas smiled.

  “I don’t know about you two, but I’m starving,” Nic said.

  “Actually, I’m not that hungry.” Sylas patted his own stomach. “I ate a bunch of Ethel O’Leary’s chocolate chip cookies before I got back to the hotel.”

  She turned to him. “Was that who you had the appointment with after your meeting with Phoebe?”

  “Her and her husbands, Sam and Patrick. I will be meeting with Patrick and Sam in the morning.”

  “O’Leary? As in O’Leary Global?” Nic asked him.

  “Yes. They’re the founders and owners.”

  “I saw the O’Leary building when I was walking around the park earlier. It has to be the tallest in town.”

  “It is,” she told them. “O’Leary Tower is ten stories. TBK, the building next to it, is nine. The O’Learys are very nice people. They love the town and have some of the best parties I’ve ever been to.”

  “That’s what I hear,” Sylas said. “They made me promise to come to the next event. What did they call it?”

  “Dragon Week. The big party is at the end, which is called Dragon Day. You’ll love it.” She turned to Nic. “You will, too. Patrick tells stories about his encounters with dragons. It’s quite riveting. Everyone in town goes. It’s in two weeks.”

  “Then I will definitely be attending,” he said. “Sounds fun.”

  Seeing him and Sylas so at ease shocked her. They had been quite the opposite earlier at the office.

  “How far is this steakhouse?” Sylas asked as the limo crossed the Silver Spoon Bridge.

  “Not far. Just out of town. Fifteen minute drive from the city limits, which we are passing now.”

  The driver turned left onto Highway F. They rode in silence for a few miles. Had she been wrong about them? Was their civility just a mask for the angry storm to come, a storm she had seen firsthand back in Chicago? How am I going to make it through the rest of this evening?

  She was about to break the silence, but didn’t have to when Nic did it for her.

  “Sylas, did you know the O’Learys before coming to Destiny?”

  “No. You saw them at the diner. They came in after Ashley left.”

  “The older folks? The two men and woman?”

  Sylas nodded. “After you left they asked to join me. Terrific people.”

  “Yes, they are,” she said.

  “What I’ve seen so far about this town,” he went on, “it seems everyone is ready to welcome newcomers with open arms.”

  She grinned. “That’s why I love it here so much. I’m sure you both will too before long.”

  “I agree, don’t you, Nic?” Sylas leaned in closer, his arm grazing hers, sending a spark up and down her body.

  Nic’s eyes never left hers, making her warm and want to squirm. “I sure do. I can’t wait to get settled in.”

  “We’re here.”

  The limo parked in front of the entrance. Nic and Sylas exited the vehicle. Sylas held the door for her as Nic came around. Gone was the belligerence between them. They were no longer combative, each trying to win more of her attention. They seemed to not only be getting along but were actually working together to make sure she had a good time. Don’t fool yourself into hoping for the dream again. It’s never going to happen.

  She got out of the car, taking a deep breath of air. “Shall we?”

  “We shall.” Sylas offered her his arm.

  Nic seemed unmoved by the gesture. How was this possible? Had they changed so much since she last saw them? She took Sylas’s arm and then gestured to Nic that she wanted his as well.

  He smiled and offered his arm.

  She walked into the Colorado Skies Steakhouse between the two men who not only held her arms but her heart as well. She needed to resist opening up to them. She should be stronger, tough even. But she couldn’t find it in herself to put up her walls again. They were acting civil. More than that, they seemed to be actually enjoying each other’s company. Was it really true? Or was it just a delusion of her own making?

  “Nice place, Ashley,” Nic said.

  “It sure is.” She glanced around the spacious place. Its high-end décor didn’t intimidate but actually was inviting.

  Warm earthy tones and exceptional lighting welcomed them. A long wall of floor-to-ceiling glass allowed diners to see the mountain range behind the restaurant.

  A young woman wearing a black dress stood behind a desk.

  “Welcome to Colorado Skies. What name is the reservation under?”

  “Reservation for three,” Ashley told her, “under Vaughn.”

  The woman looked down at her computer screen. “Yes. Here you are. Vaughn, party of three. Excellent.”

  A waiter walked over.

you’ll follow Adam, he will take you to your table. Enjoy your dinner.”

  Adam led them to what she guessed was likely one of the best tables in the entire restaurant. It certainly appeared so. The table sat in in a quiet corner, far from the entrance and the kitchen and with an unobstructed view to the outside, which at present was stunning. The entire mountain range was illuminated in a soft glow from the beams of the night’s full moon. To her it looked magical, which wasn’t a good thing, especially considering how mixed up she was about this entire evening.

  Adam filled their water glasses and told them the night’s specials.

  Nic turned to Sylas. “Since Ashley loves scallops as much as you do, I think that should be our appetizer.”

  How had Nic remembered that about her? She’d only told him once when he’d taken her to that wonderful seafood restaurant on Lake Shore Drive.

  Sylas nodded. “And an order of bruschetta for you, Nic, since you’re not that fond of seafood.”

  “Thanks, buddy.”

  Buddy? She hadn’t heard Nic or Sylas call each other that since she started dating them. That’s when things seemed to have soured between them. Now, they were acting as if they’d mended their differences. Maybe the breakup had served to heal their rift. But that didn’t make any sense. They’d been just as uptight with each other at the diner, and then later at Phoebe’s offices. What had changed since then?

  Another man, who looked to be about the same age as their waiter, came to their table.

  Adam introduced him. “This is Mr. Brett Saxton. He is your sommelier for the evening.”

  “Thank you, Adam.” Brett had a distinct British accent, which was rarely heard in this part of Colorado. He turned to them and smiled. “Welcome.”

  Sylas, being more knowledgeable about wine than either Nic or her, addressed the sommelier.

  Nic leaned over and whispered to her. “Sylas has always been great at picking wine.”

  “I believe Sauvignon Blanc would pair best with our scallops,” Sylas told the wine expert.

  “Very good, sir. I have a wonderful bottle from New Zealand that has crisp floral notes with hints of oak.” The man held out the wine list for Sylas to read, pointing to the selection.


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