Book Read Free

Written in the Stars

Page 3

by Sara Hantz

  “I forgot. I’ll rearrange them.” She places her mug back on the table, and picks up her appointment book.

  “I was thinking that, because of all the work you’ve been doing, I’m going to give you ten percent of the take,” I say.

  She’s working so hard on my behalf, she deserves something. I know we’re best friends, and will do anything for each other, but I’d still like to give her some money. I know she could do with it.

  “Thanks.” She jumps up from her chair, and rushes over to give me a big hug. “You don’t have to.”

  “I want to.”

  “Okay, if you insist.” She grins. “What about Kate? Aren’t you dying to know why she wants to see you?”

  Chapter Five

  I SIT DOWN AND GLANCE UP AT THE CLOCK ON THE WALL. Kate better hurry, if she wants the full twenty minutes. She’s the first person I’m seeing from her year, and, if Tara’s to be believed, there are others waiting in line, depending on how she gets on.

  No pressure then.

  The thing is, I’m not sure I want to see the older girls. How seriously are they going to take me? It’s much worse to screw up in front of them, than the younger girls, or the ones in my year. And, if I do make a total hash of things, Dan might get to hear, which would be a total nightmare.

  The thought of Dan makes me sigh. I wish someone could give me advice on how to make him notice me. Well, not notice me. He knows who I am, but he thinks of me as Tara’s friend. And since he thinks of Tara like his younger sister, I’ve got zero chance, if that. Maybe...

  The sound of the door opening, halts my Dan thoughts. “Is it okay to come in?” Kate asks, while peering round the door.

  “Sure.” I force my lips into a wide welcoming smile. I‘ve been practising it in the mirror, ever since reading that, to have the best possible chance of reading someone, it’s good to get them to relax.


  “Come over here.” I gesture to the chair next to me, and watch her stride over and drop down onto it.

  “I wanted to ask about... well...”

  “Before we start,” I say, interrupting her. “Please can you give me something of yours to hold.” She frowns. “It helps me focus.”

  “Oh, I see. Yes, of course. Is my watch okay?”

  “Yes. That’s good.” She removes her watch, and passes it to me.

  I cup it in both hands, and try to empty my mind of everything other than Kate. Trouble is, it’s really hard to concentrate, because there’s this horrible feeling coming over me.

  I’m finding it hard to breathe. Kate will think I’ve totally lost it, if I don’t hurry up and get my crap together. I take a huge breath and force this feeling to the back of my mind.

  “So, Kate. What do you want to know?”

  “It’s not for me exactly.”

  “Sorry, but the person needs to be here, otherwise it might not be possible to get an accurate reading.” I hold out the watch for her to take, but she doesn’t. She just looks at me. Well, more like looks through me.

  “It’s my mom.” What? She wants me to advise her mother? “She’s going out with this guy and I want to know if it’s serious.”

  “How are you involved, exactly?”

  Kate furiously twists her hair around and around her finger, while at the same time going bright red.

  “You see... it’s...” Her voice is barely above a whisper.

  I feel so sorry for her. Whatever it is, it’s totally messing with her head. I concentrate really hard on her, and her watch, and her mother. But all that happens is that stifling feeling comes back. It’s so scary. It’s like something is pulling me into some creepy place. I’ve got to resist. Whatever it is, it won’t get the better of me.

  I shake my head, and use every ounce of inner strength to bring myself back to the present. I glance at Kate, but she doesn’t seem to notice my discomfort.

  “Please don’t tell anyone,” Kate adds, after a few moments silence.

  “Of course I won’t. Everything you tell me is in confidence. You have my word.” Kate’s shoulders relax slightly, and a half smile washes over her face.

  “Well, during the holidays when I was at home with Stu—that’s the boyfriend’s name—and Mom was out, he came on to me. I know he did. I’m sure I didn’t get it wrong.”

  “What did you do?”

  “Pushed past him, ran out, and went to my friend’s house across the street.”

  “Did you tell your mom?”

  “No. When I went home, Stu acted as though nothing happened. I doubt she’ll believe me if I do tell her. Stu will just tell her I made it up, or misinterpreted what he did. They’re very close. That’s why I want to know if they’re going to stay together. Because if they are, then I’m definitely going as far away as possible, when I go to school. I can’t live with them. I just can’t.”

  I focus deep within myself, for several moments.

  Geez. I can’t believe what’s coming through. It all makes sense, now. When I experienced those feelings before, I was actually experiencing how Kate felt, when it all happened.

  Poor Kate. What a jerk that guy is. Well, I can help.

  “Kate. You have to tell your mom. He’s done it before. To other girls in your position. She’ll believe you. I think she’s been thinking about ending it, anyway. Speak to her. Don’t worry. It’ll work out.”

  This reading has given me a whole new perspective on my gift. It’s like it’s validating what I’m doing. Except I don’t think I could deal with many more like this. Feeling other people’s pain is totally draining.

  “Are you sure?” Her hands are tightly clasped in her lap, and she looks like she’s barely breathing.

  “Yes. And...” A loud thump on the door causes us both to jump in our seats. We swing our heads around. “That’s the sign someone’s coming. Crap.”

  “What did Mrs. Johnson say?” Tara asks, as I push open the door to my dorm room, and find her sprawled out on my bed, checking her cell.

  “Thanks to my quick thinking, and Kate backing me up, Mrs. Johnson believed we were sorting out songs for the House Music competition. Lucky you were outside to warn us. Why didn’t you tell me you were going to disappear if anyone came?”

  “Because I hadn’t planned on going. I saw her before she saw me, when she was peering in the windows of the other rooms, so it seemed a good idea to hightail it out of there.” She swings her legs around until she’s sitting.

  “Anyway, what are we going to do now? We can’t go back to the practice room, in case Mrs. J. appears again.” I perch on the end of the bed, next to Tara, and take hold of my pink heart shaped cushion and hug it.

  “Actually, I’ve been thinking about where we should go now. It needs to be somewhere private, where teachers can’t find us, and where you can’t be overhead. I have an idea which I think you’ll like.” She grins, and looks unnervingly pleased with herself.

  “Where?” A spike of adrenaline charges through me.

  “Dan’s house. His mom owns a fashion store in town, so she’s out at work. Am I a genius, or what?” She punches the air.

  “Dan’s house. You’re crazy.”

  Not crazy in that, if we go somewhere away from school, it makes life easier. Crazy in that, she’s talking about me hanging out at Dan’s house. As in, Dan’s house.

  “Hear me out. We can go for a couple of hours on Wednesday afternoon after sport, and the same on Saturday after lunch.”

  “And his parents won’t mind, of course.”

  “They won’t know. His dad’s overseas for twelve months, and with his mom working every day, it’s perfect.”

  “As long as Dan agrees.”

  “Details.” Tara waves her hand dismissively. “He’ll be cool about it. Ask him tomorrow.”

  My stomach dips. I wish the thought made me as eager as she sounds. Because right now, I’m as far away from that state as is possible.

  “I’m not asking him. It’s your idea, you ask h

  Chapter Six

  “HE’S COMING,” TARA WHISPERS. “ACT NORMAL.” How, exactly? Ever since we decided to wait for Dan behind the school chapel after classes today—knowing he takes a shortcut past here to get home—the butterflies in my tummy have gone crazy, and I’m as far from normal as is humanly possible.

  I know I’m being an idiot. It’s not like we haven’t spoken before, because we have. Lots of times. But I haven’t asked him to do me a favor. Nor have I ever been to his house. Apart from when we had Tara’s mom give him a ride home from the stadium one athletics weekend, after he twisted his ankle during a race and couldn’t walk back.

  “No pressure, then.” I look up toward the sky and draw in a deep breath.

  “Whatever,” Tara says, impatiently. “Now do you remember what we’re going to say?”

  “What you’re going to say. I told you, if it’s left to me to ask I’ll choke.”

  Tara gives a loud sigh. “I suppose I can do your dirty work for you.”

  “Excuse me? My dirty work? Since when is it my dirty work? If I remember correctly, only last night you were reminding me we’re a team. Well, fellow team member....” I pause, catching sight of Dan heading toward us.

  My nerve endings go all tingly and my fingers itch to slide through his blond curly hair, which hangs just over his collar and is swaying gently in the breeze.

  “Hey, Dan.” Tara’s so cool when she wants. Who’d have guessed we were lying in wait for him.

  “Hey.” Dan nods and grins, his whole face lighting up. He’s so cute when he smiles—in a broad, six foot, football-playing hunk sort of way.

  “We were just talking about you. We’ve got a favor to ask,” Tara says.

  “Hmmm.” A frown crosses Dan’s face. He doesn’t appear very receptive, and that’s before Tara asks him.

  “I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Megan gives psychic dating advice,” Tara continues.

  “Psychic what?” Dan’s jaw visibly drops.

  “Dating advice. You know, girls come to Megan with their problems or wanting to know things and she uses her powers to answer their questions. They pay, of course.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding.” Dan looks from Tara to me, a look of disbelief shooting across his face.

  I shake my head. “No. It’s true. Really.” My cheeks blaze. This is so embarrassing.

  Dan throws his head back and lets out a huge laugh. “And they pay you?” he asks. I nod. “And how do I fit into all this?” He asks, staring directly at me. His eyes, dark brown with gold flecks, sparkle. They’re mesmerizing.

  Well...” I force myself to break eye contact and glance at Tara, willing her to step in, since she knows him so well and will be able to say just the right thing.

  “Because, don’t expect me to come to you for advice, Megan,” Dan adds. “Sorry, but I don’t believe in all that psychic stuff. I’ve watched it on TV and it’s all a fix.” He shoves his hands in his pocket and scrapes the side of his shoe against the chapel wall, causing cement to spray onto the ground.

  “That’s not true,” I say, panicked that the guy I’ve been crushing on forever thinks I’m a hack. Or worse, some kind of liar. Tara shoots me a glare. “I mean, maybe some are fake but I’m not.”

  What happened with Kate proved to me that I can use my gift to help people.

  “Anyway,” Tara jumps in. “That’s not what we want. We were holding sessions in our music room but Mrs. J caught us and now we need somewhere else. We thought maybe we could do it at your house.”

  Dan’s foot drops to the ground. “My house?” he asks, his voice slow and deliberate.

  “Yes. While your mom’s at work. We thought a couple of hours on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. After sport. What do you reckon?” Tara makes it sound so simple.

  “What I reckon is, why can’t you find somewhere at school?” Dan shakes his head.

  He’s not going to let us.

  “There is nowhere. Believe me, we spent all yesterday trying to find a place, but everywhere is too risky, isn’t it Megan?”

  “Yes. I can’t focus properly, if half the time I’m worrying that someone might come in.” I stare up at him. Our eyes lock for a few seconds and my knees go wobbly. I quickly lower my gaze, not wanting him to realize how he’s affecting me.

  “Please,” Tara pleads. I breathe a sigh of relief as the focus is now on her and not me.

  Dan folds his arms across his chest and stares into space. “And what’s in it for me?” Tara and I exchange glances. We hadn’t even thought he’d want something.

  “Tara?” I ask.

  “A free reading? I’m sure there’s something you want to find out.” She stares up at Dan, her eyes bright and sparkly. Then she collapses into a fit of giggles. “You’re too funny. You should see your face. I was only joking,” Tara adds.

  “I don’t really want anything.” A lazy smile plays at the corners of his mouth, and my tummy fizzes. “I’m not sure. Then again...” He slowly nods his head.

  “Are we cool, then?” Tara asks. I hold my breath, while he deliberates.

  “We’ll have a trial.” He says, after about a minute. “But some days it might not happen. Like, when I’ve got an away game. I can’t let you in the house without me being there. Mom might come home early and find you.”

  “Can we start this Wednesday, then?” I ask, hardly able to contain myself. “So I don’t get too behind on my appointments.” Out the corner of my eye, I see Tara smirking in my direction. Okay, I admit it, that’s not my only reason.

  “Sure. Meet me here at three and we’ll go back together.”

  I love my life. We stand in silence as Dan walks away. Once he’s out of earshot we turn to each other grinning.

  “Twice a week. You and Dan. Does it get any better? And all thanks to me.” Tara takes a bow and nearly head-butts me. I quickly jump to the side and slam myself against a tree.

  “Ouch.” I rub my side. “Anyway, you’re coming too, aren’t you?” For all my eagerness about wanting to be alone with Dan, my instincts tell me to wait. At least initially, anyway.

  “Of course I am. It will be just like before only a different venue.”

  “Except I don’t need anyone to stand on guard. And you can’t sit in with me. So, if he doesn’t have a separate room for me to use then it could be difficult.”

  “We’ll sort it when we get there. If it turns out you don’t need me I’ll stop going.” Her voice is bright enough, but I can tell by the look on her face she doesn’t want to be left out.

  Chapter Seven

  “I’VE GOT SOMETHING TO TELL YOU AND I’M NOT SURE HOW YOU’RE going to take it,” Tara says as we’re heading toward Dan’s house for the first time. A look of guilt shoots across her face and she steps away from me.

  “What?” I fix her with my most intimidating stare and she lowers her gaze to the floor.

  “Your first appointment.”

  “Yes. With Abby.”

  “She had to cancel, so I gave her time to someone else.” Why do I not like the sound of this?

  “And this someone is?”

  “Harry.” Her voice is so quiet, it’s barely audible. And her face is a delicate shade of pink.

  “But I don’t do readings for guys.” I’m unable to hide the panic in my voice.

  “I’m sorry. But he was so insistent.”

  “I don’t know, Tara. It’s not like reading girls.”

  “Guys are still people. It will be fine. Trust me.”

  Yeah, right.

  “Hi Harry,” I say. I usher him into Dan’s sitting room which is situated next to the kitchen. Luckily Dan is upstairs working. I don’t think I could focus if he was too close.

  “Megan.” Harry’s voice is strangely weird and low. There’s a bead of sweat running right across his forehead. I do believe he’s nervous. Why can’t I have this sort of power over guys in my normal life?

  He flops down on one of the dark red leathe
r chairs and starts to strum his fingers on the arm. I’d almost feel sorry for him, if it wasn’t for the way he tormented me during the first year at school. Not that it matters now.

  Harry coughs and I realize that I’ve been ignoring him.

  “Right. If you can give me something of yours to hold, to help me focus, then we’ll start.”

  He frowns then reaches into the pocket of his pants. “This okay?” He holds out a small flat stone. “It’s my lucky pebble. I never go anywhere without it.”

  “Perfect.” I gently rub the pebble between my two hands and a feeling of warmth floods through me. It takes me by surprise. I glance up from staring at my hands and rest my gaze on Harry. “What would you like to ask me?” My voice sounds different. All soft. It seems that we’re going to become good friends. How weird is that?

  “There’s this girl.” Tell me something I don’t know. “She smiles at me a lot. I often see her looking in my direction. I want to ask her out, but I need to know if she really likes me, or is she just being... you know... just being friendly.” He shuffles awkwardly in the chair, then crosses one leg over the other, stays in that position for about five seconds then uncrosses it.

  “I sense a romantic involvement for you. This girl feels close to you already. But you need to take the initiative. She doesn’t know the extent of her feelings for you yet. And... hey... who is she?” I shouldn’t really be asking. I mean it’s my job to know everything. But I just want to double check, since what’s coming through at the moment is weird.


  He wants to date Tara. That’s what I thought. All my feelings are telling me that she wants to date him, too. Only she doesn’t know it yet.

  Shall I tell her? If I don’t say anything and he asks her out, she’ll know that I know and will hate me for not telling her. If I do say something and Harry finds out he might not ask her. This is definitely not one of Tara’s win win situations, that’s for sure. More like a lose lose.


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