Book Read Free

Written in the Stars

Page 5

by Sara Hantz

  “What are we going to do about it?” Dan asks, once we’re a little calmer.

  “I was kind of hoping you’d take her out. Only once. I didn’t say anything about it being long-term.” Considering earlier, I’m sounding rather confident. “I’ll pay for the movie tickets—no need for you to be stuck with that.”

  “You seriously thought I’d agree? Once word gets out Ben and the others will think me a jerk.”

  “I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate.” I lower my eyes.

  “And what’s in it for me?”

  What is it with this guy that every time we ask a favor he asks what’s in it for him?

  I glance up and notice he’s grinning. He’s joking. What an awesome guy. Perfect on the inside as well as the outside. “You name it, and it’s yours.” I match his grin. “Within reason. Of course.”

  “Of course,” he repeats, his eyes glinting in the sun. Wait, there is no sun.

  “Are we okay, then?” I tentatively ask.

  “I must be off my head. But, yes.”

  “Yes?” I screech.

  “I said so, didn’t I? Just tell me when and where and I’ll do it. We’ll talk payment later.”

  Chapter Eleven


  “Yep. Some time tonight. He has to come back to school for a debate team meeting.”

  I still can’t believe he’s doing this for me. If only it was because he likes me. As in likes me. That would be like all my birthday’s coming at the same time.

  “Is he going to text you once he’s asked her?”

  “I don’t think so.” It didn’t cross my mind to ask him. Then again, knowing Dan he’d say they’d be no need because I should be able to tell.

  “So how will we find out then? Unless Alice tells you. I hope so. I won’t be able to sleep tonight until I know. This is soooo exciting. Well, not exciting for Dan, but you know what I mean.”

  To be honest, I’m not sure that I do. And exciting isn’t the word I’d have chosen. My hugest worry is that he’ll go out with her, realize she’s a lot nicer than he thought and then want to see her again. Just having this worry is scary enough, because if it’s actually one of my feelings then it’s going to happen.

  “Yeah, I suppose. As long as he doesn’t suddenly discover that underneath her bitchy exterior she’s really nice.”

  “Megan. You don’t seriously think he’ll fall for her, do you?” She rolls her eyes toward the ceiling.

  “It hasn’t stopped other guys, in the past. She’s never been short of boyfriends, has she?”

  “Agreed. But this is Dan we’re talking about, and there’s nothing she can do to sway him. He’s too loyal to Ben. She’s a cheater and guys like Dan don’t go for girls like that.”

  “How can you be so sure?” I ask.

  “Look.” She picks up the half eaten bag of chips from my desk, sits on the edge of my bed and gives a sigh. “I have known Dan all my life, so if anyone should know it’s me.”

  “How come you didn’t know about him dating Kristin until I told you?”

  “And how come you can’t tell whether or not he’s going to fall for her?” she reports.

  “Don’t start. It’s Alice’s belief that I know everything which got me into this mess in the first place.”

  Maybe I should give out a pre-appointment fact sheet, so all my clients know exactly what to expect, and what I do and do not know.

  “Don’t worry. Everything will be all right,” Tara reassures. “And if you’re so worried about it, we can always go with them to the movies.”

  “I bet Dan would love us to make up a foursome. You, me, Dan and Alice, it’s so... ouch.” I rub my leg where Tara prodded it with her foot. “What did you do that for?”

  “Because you’re being an idiot. I didn’t mean go with them, as in with them. I meant we could follow them, and sit behind to keep an eye on things.”

  “And if they sit in the back row, they’ll see us.”

  “Okay,” says Tara. “What about we just happen to be at the movies the same time as they are and we’re with a couple of guys?”

  “Like who?”

  “Like Harry and one of his mates.”

  “And you reckon he’ll be up for it?” I ask, after sitting back on the bed, unable to hide the surprise in my voice.

  “Sure. I’ve already asked him.” Tara replies.

  “When? How come? And why didn’t you tell me?” I fold my arms, and glare at her.

  “Because it only happened earlier today, when you were at Dan’s. I didn’t tell him it was to spy on Alice, because I didn’t know about it then. We were chatting and he mentioned the latest Bond movie. I said you and I want to go too and why don’t we go together.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Just like that.” She nods.

  “And who’s this other guy he’s going to bring?”

  “Craig,” she says, looking embarrassed.

  “As in Craig who you have the hots for?”

  “Used to have,” she corrects me.

  “We can’t tell them our real reason for going. No one must know Dan and Alice’s date is a set up apart from us.”

  “I know that. But I’m sure we can trust them not to tell anyone.”

  “Yeah, right,” I counter. “Which planet are you living on? As much as I quite like Harry, I’m not totally deluded into thinking he’ll be able to keep quiet about something as gossip-worthy as this.”

  “I guess. So we’re cool then?”

  “Sure. As long as Craig doesn’t think I’m going because I want to go out with him.”

  That’s the last thing I need—for Dan to think I’m into someone else.

  Chapter Twelve


  My head swings around before I can stop it, and I make eye contact with Alice. She doesn’t look happy. I give a sort of half wave and turn back to face Tara, who’s shaking her head.

  “Sorry. My head turned before my brain engaged.”

  “So much for us being discrete. Still, at least Harry and Craig didn’t see them. Because it would be just our luck they suggest we all sit together.”

  The guys are buying the tickets, while we wait beside the door into the screen where they’re showing our movie.

  “You’re right. That could have made things very difficult.” I shudder just thinking about it.

  “We don’t want Dan and Alice to think this is all a set up. Or Harry and Craig, for that matter,” Tara says.

  “That’s hardly likely, though, is it?” I scrutinize Tara’s face. “Is it?”

  “No,” she retorts. “And don’t look at me like that. You know I’m not going to say anything. Why would I? I don’t want to ruin everything between Harry and me. Not that there is anything between us, yet.”

  “True. Where are Dan and Alice now?”

  “If I tell you, promise to keep your head facing in my direction.”


  “Dan’s lining up for tickets and Alice is heading toward the bathroom. Oh crap.”

  “What? Tell me.” The temptation to turn and look is so great, I have to use all my inner strength to stop myself.

  “Harry’s spotted Dan and is talking to him. Now Dan is looking over here.” Tara gives a smile and waves in their direction.

  “Can I look? Please.”

  “Do you think that’s wise? Dan’s certain to guess what we’re doing if he sees you.”

  “He won’t. Harry’s probably said we’re all together. So it’s fine,” I reply.

  Apart from totally ruining any chance I have of getting together with Dan because he’ll think Craig and I are seeing each other.

  “What’s wrong?” Tara asks.

  “Nothing, why?”

  “You suddenly look all upset.”

  “Sorry. I was just thinking
that if Dan sees me with Craig, he’s never going to ask me out.”

  “We’ll make sure he knows you’re just friends. Leave it to me.”

  “Ready girls,” Harry’s voice brings our conversation to an abrupt end. “Guess who we’ve just seen?”

  “Dan,” Tara and I both say together.

  “Man, nothing gets past you two. Well, you’ll never guess who he’s here with.”

  “Alice,” we say together, then burst out laughing.

  “Why would he hook up with her?” Harry asks. A frown crosses his face. “After last year and Ben, there’s no way.”

  “Well, she is hot.” Craig says. The three of us look at him like he’s totally lost it. “Isn’t she?” he asks, tentatively.

  “Come on,” I say, not wanting to dwell on Dan and Alice’s suitability any longer. “The movie starts soon and if we want to sit together we better get in there.”

  I don’t wait for anyone to reply, just make a bee-line for the door into the movie.

  More by luck than design, we manage to sit three rows behind Dan and Alice, which means I have a clear view of everything they’re doing. So if he puts his arm around her I will know. I’m not sure what I’ll do about it. Although, I am a good shot with the popcorn.

  “Are you going to spend the entire movie looking at the back of Dan’s head or are you going to watch.” Tara whispers.

  “It’s only the trailers, and I don’t want to see them.”

  Actually, I’m not so much staring at Dan, as wondering why on earth we decided to spy on him in the first place. What good is it going to do? We know he’s taking her out, seeing as I arranged it with him. What’s the point? Other than to give me a nervous breakdown. Tara would have been better off going out with Harry on her own.

  “That was awesome,” Harry says as we walk across the foyer to leave the movies.

  I agree. At least I think I’d agree if I’d been able to concentrate on the movie instead of Dan and Alice. I said it was madness following them. But, one thing I’m happy about is that he kept his hands to himself and they didn’t snuggle up.

  “Starbucks, anyone?” Tara asks. “There’s an hour before we have to be back.”

  I nod my head in agreement, while scanning the entrance to see where Dan and Alice are. Except they seem to have disappeared. Where are they? They weren’t very far in front us when we left.

  “Can you see them? I mutter to Tara when we get outside and start walking towards Starbucks. The guys are a little in front of us so don’t hear me.

  Tara shrugs. “No. But don’t worry. They’ll be going back to school.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Trust me. My friend's a psychic.”

  “Ha. Ha. You’re so funny.” I temper my words with a grin.

  “Okay, so you’re not a psychic. Just don’t tell anyone or they’ll be demanding their money back.”

  “Don’t even joke about it. We don’t want to jinx everything.”

  Tara puts her arm around my shoulder and gives a squeeze. “Everything will be fine. Dan isn’t going to do anything with Alice. No one is going to think you’re a fake. Which, by the way, you aren’t. We’re going to have a fun time at Starbucks with Harry and Craig. And Harry is going to ask me out properly.”

  Once we’re inside I ask the boys what they’d like to order. As they paid for our tickets it’s only right we offer to get the drinks.

  “I’ll come with you,” Craig says. “You two grab a table.” He nods to Tara and Harry.

  How sweet is that? Craig wants to give them some time together. Except, that’s a girl thing and guys don’t usually think like that. In which case, what’s his game?

  “Sure,” I say, striding toward the counter.

  “I’ve been wanting to talk to you alone,” Craig says quietly, while we’re in line.

  “What about?”

  “Well, this seeing into the future you do. I sort of wondered if you’d...”

  “Sorry Craig,” I say, interrupting him. “Not in here. If you want a reading you’ll have to book an appointment through Tara, like everyone else.”

  “No I don’t want a reading. It’s just... I wondered if...” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. “I wondered if you would choose the winning lotto numbers for me.”

  Oh good lord. Now what have my abilities gotten me into?

  “What did you say?” Tara asks.

  “I told him it wasn’t ethical. If I could predict the lotto am I really going to tell him?”

  “Exactly. Because if you could we’d have raised the cash you need a long time ago.” Our eyes lock and I can tell from the expression on Tara’s face that we’re having the same thoughts.

  “Maybe we should try,” I say.

  “You said yourself it isn’t ethical.”

  “Well, it probably won’t hurt to try.” I shrug. “Anyway, do you think Dan kissed Alice goodnight?”

  “No. Definitely not.”

  “But, can you be sure?” I ask.

  “He doesn’t like her. He only took her to the movies to help you out.”

  “I know.” I let out a huge sigh. “Only I would be so dumb as to make everything up when dealing with the meanest girl in school.”

  “Not one of your smartest moves.” Tara giggles. “Anyway, don’t sweat it. He’s taken her out, just like you predicted, so everything’s fine.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  “You’re not looking properly.”

  “I’m telling you. It’s not here.” She stands up, places her hands on her hips and sends one of her don’t-question-me glares in my direction.

  I jump up from the bed and stride over. “Move out the way.”

  “Be my guest.” Tara steps to the side. “You won’t find it.”

  I kneel, lean into the closet and proceed to fling to the side all the socks, books, and other stuff I’d strategically placed over an old toiletries bag housing the tin containing the money we’ve earned so far.

  “I don’t believe it,” I shout, after frantically searching. My heart is pounding big time. This so can’t be happening.

  “Do you think someone stole it?” Tara asks.

  “No, I think the money jumped out the closet all on its own and ran away. Of course someone stole it.” I check myself and draw in a breath. “Sorry, Tara. I didn’t mean to yell.”

  “How much was in there?” She crouches down beside me, and starts to move a few things in what seems like a halfhearted attempt to look for the money.

  “Three hundred and seventy five dollars.” In temper I pick up a math book from the floor and throw it toward the bed so hard it flies right over it and smacks against the wall. “Who would do such a thing? And how come they found it? It’s not like it was on show for everyone to see. And no one knew the money was in there apart from you and me.”

  “Maybe someone wanted to borrow your clothes and found the tin while they were looking.”

  “Why would they look on the floor of my closet when my clothes are either hanging up or in my drawers? Anyway, who cares how they came to find it. The money’s gone and there’s nothing we can do about it.” I sit back on the floor and wrap my arms around my knees. “I can’t believe I was so stupid as to not put it in the bank.”

  “There must be something we can do,” Tara says.


  “Go to Mrs. J. She can do a random search of all the girls’ rooms. Remember, they did that last year when Gemma’s iPad went missing?”

  “And what will happen when she learns I had all that money in my room? I’ll tell you. She’ll totally freak because we’ve been warned not to keep large sums of money in the house.”

  “Okay, forget Mrs. J. We’ll find the thief ourselves and get the money back.”

  “And how are we going to do that exactly?” I ask.

p; After all my hard work. I’ll never be able to make up the money. Not by the end of the trimester.

  Tara kneels next to me facing the closet. “First of all we need to examine the crime scene.”

  “Since when have you been a forensic scientist? Just forget it. There’s nothing we can do. I’ll have to admit to my parents what happened with the ATV, borrow the money from them, and forget about ever being able to afford to go anywhere again.”

  “Why don’t you try and tune into the scene and see if you can find out who’s been in here?”

  “You know, that...”

  “Ewww,” Tara interrupts. “What’s that?” She points to something on the floor to the left of the closet.

  I lean across her and reach out to pick it up. “It’s a fake nail tip. And it’s not mine,” I say, stating the obvious.

  “Nor mine,” Tara adds. “The thief must have broken her nail while she was in here. Which means, the crime scene has produced some real evidence.” Her eyes are bright. “See. What did I tell you? Can you get anything from it?”

  I tune into the nail in my hand, and a grey desolateness washes over me, followed by anger.

  “I don’t know who owns the nail. But I do know that they’re very upset.”

  “It’s a start,” Tara replies.

  “I’m not so sure. It means we need to check the nails of every girl in the house, focusing on the ones who look like they’ve been crying and we’ll have our suspect. Forgive me if I’m not jumping up and down with excitement at the prospect. Because even if they do all agree to show us their nails, which we know they won’t, no way do we have the time.”

  I’m totally bummed. There’s no point in doing more readings. Not now.

  “We’ll be able to do it. It’s almost time for dinner, so we can begin by surreptitiously checking girls out while they’re eating.”

  I’m not going to stay angry. That won’t help matters. And who knows, we might get lucky. Stranger things have happened.


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