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Taming Precious Sinclair

Page 19

by Sasha Combs

  Hamilton was referring to the late night phone call, and the hurried way she rushed the caller; wanting to resume their embrace.

  “Yeah... That was the Michigan office calling. I spoke with someone earlier today, explaining that I wouldn’t need the company plane to take me to Houston. The travel department just got the message and they wanted to be sure that the information was accurate.”

  Precious felt the weight of the large stone; reminding her of its promises. She ran her thumb across the ring Hamilton had placed on her third finger. On New Year's Eve, he’d knelt beneath the stars on a balcony; asking if she would do him the honor of being his wife. Although she wore his ring, few people knew about their engagement; apart from their families and their close circle of friends. Tomorrow, they would fly in his plane to Houston. After her meeting, they had decided to visit her parents in Michigan. They needed to begin planning for their wedding. Hamilton said...

  “I spoke to Sammy yesterday. She’s spending Easter break with her dad.”

  “So, she’s calling him dad now.” She smiled when she said this because Precious found the young girl to be amusing and she enjoyed her company.

  “Sammy said that William made that one request. He told her that he felt like an uncle or a friend when she called him by his first name. Sammy asked me if I would be offended, because since the age of four, I’m the only father that she’s ever known. She’d been to young to recall that, at one time she’d called William, ‘daddy’. He told her this and when he did; Sam said that his eyes teared up. I told her not to worry about me or my feelings. I’m just glad that she finally has her father back in her life.”

  “So, he’s really doing fine. Sounds like the rehab center instructed him on ways to cope and manage his alcoholism.”

  “Yeah. I think he finally gets it now. He’ll be an alcoholic for the rest of his life but he doesn’t have to give in, allowing the urges to control him.”

  “What about Roberta. What’s she saying these day?”

  Hamilton laughed because Precious refused to use his ex-wife’s nickname. She preferred rolling the ‘R’, and she couldn’t do that if she called her Bobby. Hamilton said...

  “Bobby is up to her old tricks as usual. Trying to manipulate her daughter. But, these days, she’s meeting firm resistance because her daughter refuses to be easily swayed. Sammy is growing up and she isn’t as gullible. Sam won’t allow her mother to interfere in ways that might be damaging to her life.”

  “But Roberta can determine when and if Sam sees her father.”

  “Well, to a degree. Will’s drinking did cause him to lose most of his visitation privileges but Sammy put her foot down. She told Bobby that she would go to court with her father, telling the judge what her life has been like living with her mother. I told you what happened when I married Bobby. Sam was shipped off to boarding school and since then; she rarely sees her mother, not even on holidays. After the divorce, the only person Sam could count on, was me. I keep track of her likes and dislikes. Things like books, clothes and goodies. Every month, I pass this information on to Audrey and she mails monthly care packages to Sam. Every year, I arrange trips and shopping sprees and we always travel during the summer months. Sammy is a lonely child, and her mother is only in her life whenever her job allows this or when motherhood is popular and viewed as the flavor of the month. However, not many people know about this side of Bobby’s life and right now... With so many new agents getting in the business; Bobby doesn’t need that kind of negative publicity. She also has other important matters to tend to. Recently, she’s been flitting across the globe, courting her next potential husband.”

  “What? You’ve got to be kidding me.” She said, then laughed.

  “Nope. Poor bastard. It’s a guy half her again. A Brazilian model according to Sammy.”

  “What is it with that woman and young men?” Precious said, then she turned to face him, lying on her side. Over the months, their topics had been many but this subject had not been one of them. She’d shifted her position because she wanted to see his facial expressions.

  “So...” She said, then her lips curled into a flirtatious smile. “You said that Bobby was how much older than you?” Precious recalled the difference in their ages, but when he’d explained the age gap; Hamilton had left out a few essential numbers.

  He brushed her hair back, while staring at her face. He said...

  “What’s the interest?”

  “Oh, I was just wondering.”

  He laughed then said...

  “Yeah, right. I’m sure you were. Precious, if you’re wondering about my age... Just ask me. I have nothing to hide. Besides...soon it won’t really matter.”

  “All right. Hamilton Gantry... How old are you?”

  “I turned thirty-eight in May. May 27.”

  “Thirty-eight.” She repeated.

  “Yes,... And you’re twenty-three. Is that a problem for you?”

  “On paper fifteen years is a big gap.” Precious eased herself near him, closing the distance. She kissed the tip of his nose, then smiled while saying...

  “I guess I can live with it. What about you?”

  “I’m here aren’t I.”

  “Yeah... You say that now.”

  “Precious, remember... I’ve always known your age. When we made love, I knew exactly what I was getting into and not once have I regretted it. Age is just a number baby. We’re bigger than that.”

  “Hmm.” Was all she could think to say. She turned her back to him. Spooning the way they’d been earlier. She said...

  “Good. Because when we get married, I’m sticking to you like glue. But take my word for’ll never regret it.”

  Hamilton was certain that her statement would be true because he still found himself counting his blessings. At times, he would sit, wondering about their future; it’s during these moments, stunning thoughts would overtake him. Hamilton would feel awestruck whenever he thought about their life together because he still couldn’t track the path that had won her heart. He isn’t even sure when and how it happened, but Precious was evolving with each passing day. Turning into the person he’d always known was inside of her. She wanted all the things that she’d once abhorred. She’d traded in recoiling thoughts that debunked relationships and marriages; exchanging these images with all that was good. Amelia Precious Sinclair had come to know love in a way that affected her decisions. She’d learned that her love story didn’t have to be a collection of unfulfilled hopes and dreams. She didn’t have to leave a trail of lost promises, wading in her wake. Instead, the love that she shared with Hamilton had birthed a new person inside of her. A woman with a new set of values. Now, she had a true sense of self; a grateful heart blessed with the joy of romance and all the promise that his love offered.

  The End

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