In the Hour of Victory
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Great Belt, the, 215, 219–21
Green, William Pringle, 280
Greenwich hospital, 222
Grey, Captain George, 106
Grindall, Captain Richard, 278
Groix, Battle of, 9, 12–13, 15, 26
Guadeloupe, 302
guard ships, 153
guillotine, 31, 33, 37
gunlocks, 266
gunners, 33, 163, 266, 335
gunnery, 33, 110, 136, 182, 266, 318, 334
gunports, 59, 68, 194
gunpowder, quality of, 76
gunsmoke, 12, 75, 270
Gut of Gibraltar, 247
Haiti, 242, 302–3
Hallowell, Captain Benjamin, 97, 189, 194
Hamilton, Emma, 170, 211, 220, 250
Hamilton, Sir William, 170, 176
hammocks, 149–50, 326
Hampton Court, 119
handwriting, 14–15
Hardy, Captain Thomas, 97, 241, 273
Harfleur, siege of, 207
Harvey, Captain John, 67–8, 267
Harwich, 119
Havana, 110, 249
Hawke, Admiral Edward, 306
Haydn, Joseph, 173
Hellespont, 172
Hemans, Felicia, 183
Henry IV, King, 207
Henry VI, King, 207
Henry VII, King, 208
Henry VIII, King, 6, 208
Heracleion, 169
Hervey, Captain John, 35
Hewen, Walter, 338
Hispaniola, invasion of, 297
Hoche, General Lazare, 121, 162
Holland, John de, Earl of Huntingdon, 207
Holy Roman Empire, 297
Hood, Admiral Alexander, 9, 14
Hood, Admiral Samuel, 32, 36, 136, 214
and Battle of St Kitts, 162, 190
and Battle of the Nile, 177, 189, 196
Hopping, Edward, 107
hospital ships, 148, 153
hospitals, 18, 148
Hoste, William, 173–4
Hotham, Admiral William, 10, 137, 214
Howard, Sir Edward, 93
Howard, Katherine, 208
Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, 208
Howe, Admiral Richard
age, 165
allows French escape, 9, 47, 101, 110
collapse after battle, 7
dispatch technique, 39–40
his dispatches, 14, 47–55, 71–5
fear of typhus, 72
and French convoy, 38–9
naval career, 34–6
and officers’ conduct, 13, 37, 51–2, 100–1, 251
personality and portraits, 35
political reputation, 34
reputation, 154
and Révolutionnaire escape, 47, 51, 64
and sailors’ loyalty, 35
signalling system, 57
tactics, 57–9, 91
work ethic, 40
writing style, 15, 47
see also Glorious First of June, Battle of the
Hughes, Edward, 36
hulks, 153, 287
Hutt, Captain John, 68
income tax, 242
India, 154, 162, 172
Inglis, Captain John, 132
invasion threat, 89–90, 112–13, 121, 153, 210, 248, 250, 252
Ipswich, 6
Ireland, 89, 166
iron-clad battleships, 8
Italy, 161–2, 171, 209, 273
Jacobins, 30–2, 79, 119, 161–2, 172
Jamaica House of Assembly, 328
Jamaica station, 306
Jeanbon Saint André, 33–4
Jeanette (French crew member), 291
Jervis, Admiral John (Earl of St Vincent)
age, 165
allows Santissima Trinidad escape, 110
appointed First Lord, 248
and attack on mercury ships, 89–90
and Battle of the Nile, 169–74, 177, 181, 197
behaviour in the Caribbean, 86–7
blockade of Spanish fleet, 112
congratulates Nelson, 94, 100
his dispatch, 14, 90–1, 94–7, 99–104
and Duckworth, 305, 329
ennobled, 111
naval career, 86–8
and Nelson’s promotion, 165, 169, 173, 177
and Nelson’s squadron, 165
and officers’ conduct, 13, 96–7, 99
opposition to Howe, 34
orange anecdote, 106
political career, 86–8
reputation, 87, 154
and size of Spanish fleet, 102–4, 108
and state of Spanish fleet, 85
tactics, 91–3, 103–4
his telescope, 90
and Thompson’s conduct, 13, 92–3
writing style, 15, 99
see also St Vincent, Battle of
Junot, Jean-Andoche, 163
Jutland, Battle of, 338
Karlskrona, 219
Kattegat, 215, 218
Keats, Captain Richard, 13, 307, 316, 325
kedging, 213
Kelson, William, 338
Kempenfelt, Admiral Richard, 16, 36
Keppel, Admiral Augustus, 16
King’s Naval Gold Medal, 281
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, 172
Knight, Captain John, 136
Knights of St John, 166, 209
Knowles, Captain Charles, 13
Kronborg fortress, 217–18, 226, 228–9, 237
Kronstadt, 214, 217, 219
Kupang, 137
La Granja de San Ildefonso, 83
Lagos, Battle of, 10, 37, 306
Lancet, The, 146
Lannes, Jean, 163
Lapenotiere, Lieutenant John, 22, 290–3
le Roy, Jean-Baptiste, 160
League of Armed Neutrality (Baltic League), 210–2, 215, 217, 228, 234–5
Leeward Islands, 11, 302, 309
Leissègues, Admiral Corentin de, 17, 20, 303, 309
Liberty, figure of, 118
lifebuoys, 239
lightning conductors, 159–61, 169, 250
lightning strikes, 159–60
Lisbon, 89, 108
livestock, 148
Lloyds Coffee House, 6
L’Orient dockyard, 9, 181, 249
Louis XIV, King, 83, 307
Louis XVI, execution of, 30–2, 83–4
Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland, 153
Louis, Admiral Thomas, 307–8, 314, 316–17, 328
Loutherbourg, Philippe de, 8
L’Ouverture, Toussaint, 302
MacDonnell, Don Henriquez, 285
Mack von Leiberich, General Karl, 170–1, 297
Madeira, 308
Madrid, 83, 252
Malaga, 90
malaria, 123, 164, 242
Malaspina, Alessandro, 285
Malcolm, Captain Pulteney, 308
Malta, 166, 171, 209
Mansel, Thomas, 107
Marengo, Battle of, 208
Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples, 170
marines, 19, 36, 106, 338
Maritime Penitent Young Women’s Refuge, 240
Marmont, Auguste de, 163
Marsden, William, 22–4, 292, 345–6
Martin, Captain George, 93
Martínez, Pedro, 338
Martinique, 302
Martinique, Battle of, 136
Mary Tudor, 208
Matilda, Princess, 226
Mediterranean fleet, 17, 85, 87–8, 124–5, 165, 169
Mediterranean station, 16–17
Medway, River, 122
mercury, 17, 89–90, 102
Merton Place, 159, 161, 250, 252
Meures, Admiral, 129
Millard, William, 237
Miller, Captain Ralph, 98, 100–1, 107
miners’ safety light, 239
Minorca, 305
Mission to Seafarers, 240
Molloy, Captain Anthony, 13, 51, 59, 64, 72, 178
Montagu, A
dmiral George, 38–41, 46
Moonlight Battle, 10, 37, 123, 307
Mosse, Captain, 221, 233
Murat, Joachim, 163
Murray, Captain George, 214, 233
Naples, 170–1, 173, 182, 215, 252, 273, 288
Naples, King of, 181, 211
Napoleon Bonaparte
abandons invasion plans, 252
and Battle of the Nile, 196, 302
and Battle of Trafalgar, 273, 297–8
crowned Emperor, 249, 310
death in exile, 7
and Dutch republic, 153
escape from Toulon, 20
growing political influence, 154–5
invasion of Egypt, 154–5, 161–3, 166–8, 171–2, 180, 202–3, 332
invasion of Spain, 288, 335
and peace negotiations, 242, 248
promotes naval expansion, 329
retreat from Portugal, 11
and Saint Domingue, 302–3
seizes power, 202–3, 208–9
and Villeneuve, 252, 186
National Historic Ships, 340
National Maritime Museum, 29, 90, 118, 159, 246, 295, 301
Naval Chronicle, 161
naval discipline, 87, 248, 263, 275
Naval General Service Medal, 338
naval warfare
attacks on enemy rear, 308–9
and historiography, 331–2
ineffectiveness of, 331
and numerical superiority, 84, 182
and ships at anchor, 162, 168, 182, 190
unpredictability of, 334
Nelson, Frances, 108, 154, 197
Nelson, Rear-Admiral Horatio
admiration for Duncan, 154
admiration for Howe, 47
admiration for Jervis, 88
affair with Emma Hamilton, 170–1, 211, 215, 250
arm amputated, 154
and Baltic command, 241–2, 250
and ‘Band of Brothers’ myth, 13, 177–8, 253
and Battle of Copenhagen, 9, 211, 215, 217–22, 225, 228–34, 237–8, 241–2
and Battle of St Vincent, 90, 93–4, 96–102, 105, 107–9, 111, 164, 169
career revived, 250–2
his coffin, 246
his death, 239, 254, 263, 292
description of Battle of Copenhagen, 228–34
description of Napoleon, 203
his epitaph, 305
his funeral, 286
handwriting, 172, 228
ignores signal, 225, 233
leads boarding party, 93–4, 97–8
London Gazette report, 97–9
naval memorabilia, 159–61
Nile dispatch, 172–9, 257, 278
and officers’ conduct, 13, 177–8
physical frailty and mental courage, 164
his pigtail, 246
his portrait, 325
preparation for Trafalgar, 253–4, 261
promotion, 164–5, 169, 173, 176–7, 178, 215
relationship with Berry, 278
relationship with Collingwood, 251
relationship with Gould, 13, 178
relationship with Keats, 307
relationship with Louis, 307–8
relationship with Parker, 215
relationship with Saumarez, 13, 110, 177
religious faith, 175–6
reputation and fame, 99, 101, 111, 233, 250
and siege of Bastia, 108, 137
his signal at Trafalgar, 12, 254
statues of, 111, 164
style of command, 251
tactics, 177, 253–5, 264–6, 268
Turner’s painting, (‘The Battle of Trafalgar, 21
October 1805’ by J.M.W. Turner, 1823–4), 8
ultimatum at Copenhagen, 233–4
his uniform, 111, 246
wounded at the Nile, 7, 176
wounded at St Vincent, 107–8, 164
wounds, 7, 107–8, 164, 176, 250–1
writing style, 15, 26, 97, 99, 172, 176
relations with Saumarez, 13, 110, 177
see also Nile, Battle of the; Trafalgar, Battle of
Nelson, William, 175–6
Nepean, Evan, 22–4, 94, 112, 169, 343–5
neutral trading rights, 209–12, 241
New York, 35, 214
Newfoundland, 35
newspapers, French, 180
Nieuwe Maas River, 117
Nile, Battle of the, 157–203
and ‘Band of Brothers’ myth, 13, 177–8, 253
British casualties, 146, 178–9
British squadron, 17, 165, 180–2
French account, 182–9
French casualties, 179, 249
French correspondence, 196–7, 202
French fleet, 165, 181–2
French losses, 9, 183
French prisoners, 179–80
French ships escape, 177, 196
L’Orient explosion, 183, 194, 196
maps, 189–96
Mediterranean storm, 165–6
Nelson’s dispatch, 169–70, 172–9
Nelson’s hunt for French, 166–8, 304
Nelson wounded, 7, 176
Poussielgue’s letter, 196–201
strategic importance of, 332
use of combustible ammunition, 194
Nile Medal, 337–8
Nine Years War, 336
Nizao, 314
Noble, Lieutenant James, 97
Nore mutiny, 87, 112, 121–2, 137
Norris, Admiral John, 188
North River attack, 214
North Sea fleet, 17, 87, 122, 124–5, 134
captains, 136–8
Northesk, Rear-Admiral William Carnegie, Earl of, 13, 262, 269, 278, 280, 306
Northwest Passage, 240
Norway, 210, 212
Norwich, 99
Ochakov Crisis, 214
Onslow, Admiral Richard, 128, 132–3, 135–7, 140, 150, 214
Orange, Princess of, 119
oranges, 106
Orfordness, 138
Ottoman Empire, 155, 162, 166, 171–2
Ottoman navy, see Turkish navy
Otway, Captain Robert, 221, 225
Palmerston, Lord, 8
Pareja, Don Antonio, 285
Parker, Admiral Hyde
age, 165
and Benhall Manor, 208, 241
correspondence with Kronborg commander, 226–8
his dispatches, 217–25
handwriting, 15, 217
marriage, 214–15
naval career, 214–15
and Ochakov Crisis, 214
reputation, 13, 208, 233–4, 241
signals Nelson to withdraw, 225, 233
writing style, 15, 217
see also Copenhagen, Battle of
Parker, Admiral of the Fleet William, 326
Parker, Captain (later Admiral) William, 40–2, 46, 51, 64, 97, 101
Pasley, Admiral Thomas, 36, 51, 64–5, 308, 341
Paul I, Tsar, 123, 171, 208–11, 217
his death, 234–5, 241, 332
peace negotiations, 162, 242, 248
Peace of Amiens, 242, 248, 250
Pedder, Thomas, 146
Pellew, Admiral, 296
Pepys, Samuel, 21–2
Perriam, Nancy, 107
Philip II, King of Spain, 83
Philip V, King of Spain, 83
Pichegru, General, 119
Pierson, Lieutenant, 98–9
Pilford, Lieutenant John, 279
Pitt, General John, 297
Pitt, William, 86, 88, 211, 214, 219, 222, 242, 247
Plymouth, 5, 39–40, 71, 76, 148, 332
Point Catalan, 314
Portsmouth, 5, 71, 77, 148, 245, 307, 328
Portugal, 11, 123, 172, 335
Poussielgue, E., 196–201
Pover, Lesley, 164
prison ships, 72, 153, 180, 287
prisoners, 18, 60, 72, 130, 163, 179–80, 286–7
prisons, 18, 72, 180, 28
prostitutes, 240
Prussia, 210
Pym, Captain Samuel, 308
Quebec, capture of, 86
Quiberon Bay, Battle of, 10, 37, 306
radio, 336
raiding squadrons, French, 297–8, 328
Redmill, Captain Robert, 279
Renaudin, Captain Jean-Francois, 67
Rennes, 286
repairs, 18, 55–6, 76–7, 335
Reuter, Admiral, 129
Revel, 214, 217, 219
Reynier, Jean, 163
Richard II, King, 207
Richard III, King, 208
Richard of York, 207–8
Riguelme, Don Francisco, 290
Rio de la Plata, 286
Riou, Captain Edward, 221–2, 232–3
Robespierre, Maximilien, 30, 38, 79, 119, 249
Rochefort, 20, 34, 249, 302–3, 308
Rodney, Admiral George, 36, 110, 123, 307
Rome, 171
Rose, Captain, 232
Rosily, Admiral Francois, 252
Rotherham, Captain Edward, 278
Rotterdam, 117, 119, 139
Royal Navy
budget cuts, 248
command competence, 251
mutinies, 87, 112, 121–5, 127, 151–2
and patronage, 176
promotion system, 164–5, 176
reduction in size, 330
reputation, 20–1, 89, 112, 127, 152–3, 261, 280, 332–3
shipbuilding policy, 310
size and cost, 25
undermanning, 36
and women, 107
Russia (Russians), 123, 171–2, 208–10, 217, 219, 221, 234–5, 242, 335
Russian army, 212
Russian navy, 123, 136, 172, 203, 211, 214, 217, 241, 298, 335
Russo-Maltese Treaty, 171
Rutherford, Captain William, 279
causes of death, 12
personal losses, 148–50
welfare of, 239–40
sails, 245–6
Saint Domingue revolt, 302–3
St Ives, 94
St Kitts, 309
St Kitts, Battle of, 136, 162
St Lawrence River, 86
St Lucia, 136, 330
St Paul’s Cathedral, 222, 305
St Petersburg, 235
St Vincent, Battle of, 81–113
British casualties, 104–6, 109, 146
British order of battle, 133–4
description of casualties, 18
duration, 91
and mercury ships, 17, 89–90, 102
Nelson wounded, 107–8, 164
Santissima Trinidad escape, 110–11
size of Spanish fleet, 102–4, 108
Spanish casualties, 109–10, 249
Spanish flagship, 86
Spanish losses, 9, 110
Thompson’s conduct, 13, 92–3
St Vincent, Earl of, see Jervis, Admiral John
St. James’s Chronicle, 21
Saints, Battle of the, 10, 37, 110, 136–7
Saldanha Bay, Battle of, 11, 120, 125, 153
San Domingo, Battle of, 299–329
British casualties, 318–23