Book Read Free

Londyn Falls

Page 19

by Jennifer Domenico

  “What if he doesn’t?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well, let me tell you. You strut up to him and say, ‘Luca, lay it on me. I’m ready!’”

  “Bloody hell, Maddie. There is no way I would say that.”

  “You should. It sounds good.”

  “No, it doesn’t.”

  “Then think of something better.”

  I tap my chin. “I would say, ‘Then kiss me. Kiss me, Luca.’”

  “That sounds good, too. Say that.”

  “Ah, but I doubt I’ll ever get the chance. Luca is afraid of love and I don’t know why.”

  “Maybe he’ll tell you, ya?”

  “Yes, possibly. He has been opening up to me. I sense there has been some sort of tragedy in his life. There is definitely some underlying sadness he carries with him. It’s in his eyes.”

  “You could be just the thing to make him happy. You make me happy.”

  “Thanks, Maddie. I’d like to make him happy.”

  “Maybe you should tell him how you feel. Have you thought of that?”

  “Absolutely not and I will not. I can’t take the chance of ruining my work relationship with him. It’s all going so well.”

  “Would you rather miss a chance to be in love?”

  I stare down at my food and move it around my plate with my fork. “I’m not ready yet.”

  “I get it. Give it some more time.”

  “I do have something to ask you that will be positively shocking.”

  “Ooh, what’s that?”

  “I’d like you to take me shopping. I want to buy some more dresses like the ones you wear. And some heels, perhaps.”

  “Really? All for Luca?”

  “Not entirely. I admit I like feeling pretty.”

  “Love it! We’ll go straight away.”

  “Wonderful.” I smile. “So, what’s new with you?”

  I sit back and listen whilst Maddie fills me on her various escapades, all the while thinking about Luca. What is he doing right now? Did he really want to talk to me when he called? Is it possible he could have feelings for me? Will I ever know if he does?

  After we finish eating, Maddie goes to get ready for yet another date. I don’t know how she has the energy. I pick up my book and read a chapter, but then return to my boodle. I have some serious thinking to do. What would I do if Luca said he loved me? Would I ask him to kiss me? Would we make love? A swoosh of warmth spreads throughout my body, heading straight for the epicenter between my legs.

  I finish my entry with words I never expected to write and feelings I would have never hoped to feel. I may not be ready to speak the words, but I can certainly write them. It’s undeniable.

  Note to self: I think I’m falling in love with the professor.

  I FIND MYSELF ANXIOUSLY waiting for Londyn to arrive. I wonder what she’ll be wearing today and if I’m the reason she started dressing up. It’s been a week since I was last alone with her, outside of work, and I’ve thought of nothing since. Looking down at my watch, I note the time. She’ll be here in the next five minutes. I busy myself with some paperwork. I don’t want to look as stupid as I’m behaving.

  When she comes in the room, I try to keep my ridiculous grin to a minimum.

  “Good morning, Professor,” she says. “I hope you slept well last night.”

  Hmm, not at all. I tossed and turned with visions of her and my unreleased desire. “Well enough. You?”

  “Well enough,” she says and sits at her desk. “Any plans for the weekend?”

  “Not really. You?”

  “I’m going to Ella’s mum’s house in Somerville. It’s her birthday.”

  “That sounds fun.”

  “It should be.”

  “I’ll probably do some writing.” I watch as she sets up for the day. Always the same routine. Pen, Chap Stick, and journal in the top left corner of the desk. Then she turns on her computer and while it boots up, she sorts through my mail she picked up on her way in. She isn’t looking at me yet, which affords me the opportunity to take her all in. The dress she has on today is dark red and very nice. It hugs her body so well I can imagine what she would look like without it. Her shape is voluptuous, feminine, and well, luscious. I love to walk behind her and watch the gentle sway of her hips and the way her cocoa brown hair falls down her back. I try not to stare at her chest, but I can’t tear my eyes away. I imagine that running my lips over the flesh that creeps below the fabric would be a pleasure indeed. I shouldn’t think things like that, but I can’t help it. I am a living, breathing man, after all.

  She looks up at me suddenly, catching me off guard. I clear my throat and shift my eyes away, aware of the fact that my arousal would be terribly obvious if she could see under this desk. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, silently cursing the burden of my attraction to her.

  “Would you like a cup of tea, Professor?”

  “I would, thank you.”

  “Be right back.”

  She leaves and I exhale, pulling my slacks away from the object that threatens to betray my feelings for her. When she comes back, I need to get my shit together. Thankfully, I have a morning staff meeting and then a meeting with a few students this afternoon to keep me distracted from her.

  Londyn returns and sets my tea down in front of me. It’s clear from the way she carries herself that she has no idea she is as alluring as she is. No clue to the depth of her beauty and how it’s so much deeper than her physical qualities, although those are very nice as well. I wonder if she even has any inkling what she is doing to me.

  “You have a busy day today,” she says.

  “I do. I’m afraid I won’t see you again until it’s almost time to go home.”

  “That’s sad for me.”

  “Is it?”

  Londyn looks over at me and smiles. “Yes.”

  “That’s kind of you to say.”

  “I mean it.”

  “I know you do.”

  A half an hour passes while we work. I am trying to focus on my tasks, but the teenage boy that still lives within me wants to stare at the beauty across the room. The silence between us is filled with so many unspoken words I just can’t find the nerve to utter. God, I fucking want her so badly right now.

  “You’re going to be late for your meeting,” she reminds me gently.

  “Yes, of course. I should go. I’ll see you later.”

  “I’ll wait for you.”

  I swear I heard her mutter something else. She looks away and I just have to ask. “Did you say something?”

  She shakes her head. “Just that I’ll wait.”

  “Okay.” I gather the files I need and head to the meeting room. I need to focus for the next two hours and stop having crazy sex fantasies about my assistant. Ugh.

  BLOODY HELL! I CAN’T believe I let that slip from my lips and he almost heard me. I couldn’t help it. It’s just the word that popped into my head when I told him I would wait. Always. I freaking said always out loud. I’m such a bloody idiot! I am acting ridiculous. Why don’t I just strip down and throw myself on the desk? That would be about as subtle as my current behavior.

  Typing the letters he asked for, I try to stop the dirty thoughts holding my brain captive. Luca is so attractive and so, what’s the word? Captivating? Breathtaking? Maddie’s voices pops into my head and I smile. Delicious. Yes, the man is delicious.


  I look up to see Ella in the doorway. “Come on in.”

  “How are you?” she asks.

  “Really good. You?”

  She sits in the chair in front of Luca’s desk. “Good. I figured I’d pop over to chat since our bosses are in a meeting.”

  “Good plan. I’m just finishing these letters.”

  “So things must be going well since you’re still here?”

  I laugh. “Yes, it’s going well.”

  “Is he ever as difficult as I’ve heard?”

  “He isn’t so mu
ch difficult as he is just particular and exacting. He has no tolerance for errors or a lack of effort. I’ve seen how he pushes his students and at first, I thought he was an ogre. He can be harsh, but as it turns out he just wants their best and they always seem to rise to the occasion.”

  “But towards you? He’s fine? No temper tantrums?”

  “Not at all. He’s very pleasant towards me.”

  “Hmm. We always heard yelling coming from here and assistants in the ladies crying.”

  “If he yelled at me I would leave.”

  “Yeah, they all did, either by choice or by force. He doesn’t yell at you at all?”

  “No. We get along fine.”

  “Cool. Are you ready for your own space? The renos are almost done in the office we use.”

  “We talked about that. Maybe next term. For now, we decided I would stay here because he has so much to teach me it’s just more convenient. It doesn’t bother me.”

  “You do have a nice view,” she says motioning towards the window. “And if you get along, then no rush.”

  “Right.” I print my stack of letters and place them in a nice pile on Luca’s desk to sign. “So, you and Dixon? How is that?”

  Ella’s face lights up. “Great! We hung out at my place last weekend and it was awesome.”

  “That’s wonderful. I could tell you really liked him.”

  “I do. He’s nice and wicked funny.”

  “You must be looking forward to your party this weekend?”

  “Yes. He’ll meet my crazy family. You’re coming, right?”

  “I am. I can bring my friend?”

  “The more the merrier.”

  “I’m excited. I don’t go out much.”

  “Why not? You’re young.”

  “Yes, but I’m boring.” I laugh.

  “I don’t think you are. I think you’re sweet.”

  “Thanks, Ella.”

  Ella’s attention turns towards the door and her eyes open wide as she straightens herself in the chair. “Hello,” she says.

  “Hi, is Luca here?” a man’s voice asks and I know immediately who it is.

  I stand and approach him, stepping from around the corner. “Hi, Nico. Luca is in meetings most of the day today.”

  “Hey, CC! How are you?”

  I blush a bit when he says that. He looks amazing in a white shirt and torn jeans. He seems tanner than he was before, making the whiteness of his smile fill the room even more than usual. I have to say, though, he doesn’t knock me off balance as he did before. I think his brother is better.

  “I’m well, thank you. Would you like me to leave a message for Luca?”

  “Nothing specific. Just tell him I stopped by. You have a second to chat?” he asks, as his eyes shift to Ella.

  Why should Ella leave? What could he have to talk to me about? We ate dinner one time and that was it. Nothing to discuss in my opinion. Ella sits glued to her chair, clearly interested in this interaction.

  “For what?” I ask.

  “Just a minute?”

  I sigh. “Ella, could you excuse us for just a moment?”

  “Yeah, sure. Call me when you’re done?”

  “I will.”

  She leaves and I sit back in my chair.

  “I’ve wanted to talk to you since that day me and Luca argued in front of you.”

  “Then why didn’t you? You knew how to reach me.”

  “Yeah, I know, but Luca was really pissed. I didn’t want to mess things up between you two and our relationship is delicate. I don’t need him mad at me.”

  “I get it. No big deal, Nico.”

  “It is a big deal. I feel like I hurt your feelings.”

  “Not at all,” I say, trying to keep my tone light. “It wasn’t like we had something going on. We just ate dinner.”

  “Yeah.” Nico stands there, not moving, but not saying anything. I wish he would leave. “I enjoyed our dinner that night. You’re really cool.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Is Luca doing alright?”

  “To my knowledge, yes.”

  “You look really pretty today.”

  “Thank you.”

  Nico shuffles his feet awkwardly for a moment. “Okay, I’ll get out of your hair. If you could tell him I stopped by, that would be great.”

  “I’ll tell him.”

  “Thanks. Bye, Londyn.”

  “Goodbye, Nico.”

  He leaves and I slump back in my chair. That was awkward. Of course he hurt my feelings! He dropped me like a hot potato. Ella hurries back into the office and sits down, not waiting to be called.

  “Who the hell was that?” she asks.

  “Di Roma’s brother.”

  “Why did he call you CC?”

  “Stupid nickname he created for me.”

  “He has a nickname for you? What does it mean?”

  “He only spoke to me once and decided to call me that. It means charming creature.”

  “Wow. He’s way hot.”

  “Yes, he’s good looking.”

  “Good looking? He’s a panty melter.”

  I laugh, remembering how I had the same thought when I initially laid eyes on him. “I suppose he is.”

  “Now that you say they are brothers, I can see the resemblance. Luca is hot in an intellectual, seduce your mind, elegant way. His brother is hot in a raging hormone, rip your panties off and hook up in the bathroom at the bar, mind blowing sex kind of way.”

  “That’s an interesting comparison.”

  “Don’t you think?”

  “I haven’t thought about Luca in that way,” I say, completely lying through my teeth.

  “Well, you’re alone then. Most women around here do.”

  “I can see why. He’s younger than most professors.”

  “Yeah, he is.”

  “I just see him as my boss.”

  “That’s good. It would be hard to work with him if you were distracted by his looks.”

  “Yes, it would.” I know from experience.

  “You couldn’t ignore Nico if he was in the room, though. He radiates sex appeal.”


  “Why did he want to talk to you alone?”

  “We had a slight misunderstanding when I first met him. He was worried he offended me, so he was apologizing.”

  “Oh, how sweet.”


  “I have to say, as much as I like my Dixon, I wouldn’t mind being the filling in a Di Roma brother sandwich.”

  Her comment causes me to burst into laughter. “You’re crazy!”

  “This I already know!” She looks at her watch. “Shoot, I better go. I have some work to do I promised would be done by lunch. Wanna join us?”

  “No, I’m good. I’m reading a really good book right now.”

  “Okay.” She smiles. “Talk to you later.”

  “Yes. Bye.”

  I return to my tasks and smile as I realize Nico’s spell over me has been completely broken and replaced by his charming, older brother’s allure. I disagree with one aspect of Ella’s description of the brothers. When I’m alone with Luca and he looks at me with those sweet brown eyes, I see a man capable of panty ripping, mind blowing sex. It’s a lucky woman who gets that man’s affection. Could I ever have such fortune shine on me?

  WALKING BACK TO THE OFFICE, I feel the excitement building in me, knowing I will see Londyn again in just a few minutes. As I approach, I see a student from my Italian Cinema class walking towards me. If I remember correctly, her name is Stephanie.

  “Professor Di Roma? Do you have a moment?” she asks hesitantly.

  “I do. What can I help you with?”

  “I’m in your cinema class and I just had a question about one of the movies on the list.”

  She hands me the list of movies I passed out. “I couldn’t find a copy of this one anywhere,” she says pointing to a selection.

  “I haven’t heard of other students having problems
. Did you ask someone in class?”

  “No,” she frowns. “I saw you walking and came to ask you.”

  My normal response would be to chastise the girl for not using her resources. Someone attending Harvard should be able to troubleshoot something this simple on her own, but as I look down at the girl, I can’t bring myself to do it. I’m just not in the mood to lose my temper. Hmm.

  “Ask around. If you can’t locate it, let me know and I will loan you my copy.”

  “Thank you, Professor.”

  “You’re welcome.” I pass the girl and walk back to my office. I’m getting soft.

  When I walk in, Londyn looks up at me and smiles. I swear my heart actually fucking fluttered in response.

  “Welcome back, Professore,” she says, using the Italian word. “The letters you asked me for are on your desk for you to sign. I printed your student meeting schedule for this afternoon and it’s is resting on your keyboard. And whilst you were away, Nico stopped by to say hello.”

  “Did he? That’s all he wanted?”

  “Yes, that’s all.”

  “How are you two?”

  “Nico and I? Perfectly fine. Why?”

  “Just wondering. After that awful day in my office when I almost lost you.”

  “Today was the first time I’ve seen him since. He apologized, which was unnecessary. It really doesn’t matter to me.”

  “Did you want to date him?” I ask, afraid of her answer.

  “I don’t really know. He’s obviously a very attractive man so I imagine many women are initially interested in him. I didn’t get to know him, though, and for me, there needs to be much more than just a pretty face.”

  “You seem to be more interested in a person’s mind.”

  “I am. Looks don’t hurt. The combination of such is very potent.”

  “I agree.”

  “Like you.”

  Did she just say what I think she said? “Me?” I ask, grinning.

  “Well, yes. You are unbelievably brilliant, articulate, sophisticated. And then you have that face to top it all off.” She smiles. “Potent.”

  “That is quite a compliment.”

  “You are worthy of it.”

  I have to fight the sudden urge to cross the room and pull her into my arms. I want to kiss her. No, it’s more than want. I need to kiss her. But I can’t.


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