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Londyn Falls

Page 32

by Jennifer Domenico

  “What, Ella?”

  “It’s ridiculous, really. I just heard it myself.”

  “What is it?”

  “Some crazy story about how he was going to fire you one day so you, um, well, you gave him a blow job to save yourself.”


  “Yeah. The rumor is he is keeping you around because you give good head.”

  “That’s preposterous!”

  “I know. I told the person I heard it from that I didn’t think you were like that.”

  “Not in the slightest. What would make someone start such a rumor?”

  Ella shrugs. “Who knows? Personally, I think it’s just because he never keeps anyone around this long. People don’t know what to think.”

  “It couldn’t be that I am actually competent in my position? It has to be something scandalous?”

  “I wouldn’t let it bother you too much. I’m sure it will die down. I just thought you should know.”

  “Who said it?”

  “I don’t know where it originated from.”

  “Thanks for sticking up for me.”

  “Of course, we’re friends.” Ella smiles at me. “Well, I guess I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “Yes. See you around.”

  I walk back to the office slowly. Who would start such an ugly rumor? How insulting. I place the tea on Luca’s desk and go back to mine quietly.

  “Everything alright?”


  “I don’t believe you at all. What happened?”

  “I saw Ella in the break room.”


  “She said there is a nasty rumor about me going round campus.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, it seems that people think I’ve secured my position with you by spending a great deal of time on my knees.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  “They think I’m still here because I offer my blow job services on a regular basis.”


  “That’s what I said. Ella said she heard it around, but she stuck up for me and said it wasn’t true.”

  Luca narrows his eyes. “That’s a ridiculous rumor.”

  “Of course it is.”

  “Why don’t people have anything more interesting to do?”

  “I wish I knew.”

  Luca’s face falls into a frown. “I’ve been meaning to tell you something and I think now is the right time.”


  “I don’t know that you should trust Ella.”


  “I had an interaction with her a while back and I found it slightly unnerving.”

  “In what way?”

  “She came to see you the Wednesday before the Thanksgiving break. She asked me a ton of questions about you. I answered none of them because frankly, I didn’t think it was her business.”

  “What kind of questions?”

  “About your work and your personal life. She asked if you had a romantic interest. It was very odd. I wondered why she would ask me and not you.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Honestly, I was going to, but I got distracted. It didn’t seem that important at the time and then I forgot until today.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “It’s possible she is involved in the rumor.”

  “Do you think?”

  “I don’t know, but it could happen, right?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Are you upset?”

  “A bit, but at least we know it isn’t true. You and I both know that I maintain my position here through honest work, not my feminine wiles.”

  “Which are considerable,” Luca adds, smiling.

  “I only don’t like people talking about us in that way. I don’t want the focus shifted away from the work that you do.”

  “Don’t worry about that. Everyone will know eventually that I’m madly in love with you. Tongues will wag for sure at that point. Quite frankly, people can think whatever they want. I give zero fucks about it.”

  I laugh. “I love it when you swear. It’s so opposing to your normally polished self.”

  “What else do you love about me, Londyn?”

  Tilting my head, I ask, “Shall I tell you?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Hmm,” I tap my chin and look at my watch. “You have to leave soon for your meeting.”

  “Tell me one thing.”

  I smile and shift my eyes down before looking back up at him. “I adore the way you run your fingers through your hair. I fantasized about being able to do just that.”

  “And now that you can?”

  “I shall take every opportunity.”

  Luca crosses the room and stands very close to me. He pushes the fabric of my dress off my shoulder and kisses the nook that curves up my neck. I shudder with delight and run my fingers through his gloriously soft and thick hair. He smiles and kisses my lips.

  “Will you sleep with me tonight? Just sleep. I need to hold you.”

  “Yes,” I answer, breathlessly.

  “Thank you.” We stare at each other for a moment and the look in his eyes suggests he is holding back from taking me home right now.

  “You must go now, Luca.”

  “Yes, I know. I don’t want to be away from you.”

  “I’ll be here when you return.”

  “We’re having lunch together.”

  I nod. “Yes.”

  “I’ll see you soon.” He kisses me again before walking out the door.

  I nearly faint from his sudden absence. I must remember to breathe. When he is near, it feels like the very air is being sucked from me. I sit back in my chair and open Luca’s email. There must be fifty of them waiting for a response. Sigh. At least I have something to occupy me until lunch.

  “GOOD MORNING, LUCA,” Angela greets me when I walk in the conference room.

  “Morning, Angela. How was your weekend?” I say.

  “Oh, just fine. You?”

  “One of the better ones. I got a lot accomplished.” One could say that what I did this weekend was an accomplishment. I grin at the memory.

  “You look like the Cheshire Cat at the moment.”

  “Well, I do feel rather satisfied with myself.”

  Professor Hernandez comes in the room in a panic. He’s always disheveled and running late, but he has to be one of the most brilliant Spanish History teachers in his field.

  “Buenos Días,” he says. He usually greets us in his native tongue.

  “Good morning, Luis,” Angela says.

  I nod my head and take my seat.

  “So,” Angela starts. “I must say I love the idea of offering classes from all three of our subjects for the study abroad program next year.”

  “I do, too,” I say. “I think it will attract more students, too. My early research is pointing to Bologna as an ideal location in Italy. I thought perhaps we could design an excursion to Spain as part of the program.”

  Luis claps his hands. “Yes! A wonderful idea. I can organize the Spanish leg of the trip.”

  “I can arrange entry for the art museums,” Angela offers. “Bologna has some very nice options.”

  “I’ll work on accommodations in Italy. I know Bologna quite well. We’ll need to solicit for chaperones to stay in the hotels with the students.”

  “Won’t you stay there?” Angela asks.

  “Definitely not. I need alone time.”

  “Well, I don’t mind. My husband and I can stay and depending on how many students we get signed up, that may be enough.”

  “I am sure my parents will want to make the trip. They can be the chaperones,” Luis says.

  “Okay.” I make a note. “I’ll get Londyn started on calling around in Italy. She can get several options for us to look at prices. Did you ask the dean about the scholarship when you had lunch with him, Angela?”

  “I did mention it. He said he liked our idea of requesting a presentat
ion rather than an essay. It’s a little more creative.”

  “Perfect.” I write that down, too. “Sounds like we have a really good plan to get started with then.”

  “How long were we planning? Six weeks?” Angela asks.

  “Yes, starting sometime in June,” I say. “As long as we are back at least a few weeks before the semester starts.”

  “Agreed,” she says.

  “Alright, I will make the calls to Spain and inform you the next meeting of my results,” Luis says.

  “Good. How about two weeks? Is that enough time?” I ask.

  “Yes, I think so,” he confirms and Angela nods her head in agreement.

  Luis and Angela stand to leave, but I touch her arm, causing her to pause. “Can you hang back just a minute, please?”

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  I wait for Luis to leave then lower my voice. “Have you heard any whisperings about me and Londyn?”

  “No, I don’t believe so. Like what?”

  “Anything inappropriate?”

  “Not at all. Why do you ask?”

  “Londyn was told there was a rumor going around about how she is keeping her job with me. Let’s just say it wasn’t flattering.”

  “Oh, that’s terrible. The only things I have heard have been kind. Things like you seem happier, calmer, more focused. We all agree she has been a positive addition to your life, but I’ve never heard anything bad.”

  “Well, that’s good to hear. You would tell me?”

  “Absolutely. Who told her that?”

  “I’m not sure.” I decide to lie in order to protect Angela’s relationship with Ella. I don’t want her getting caught in the middle.

  “Is Londyn upset?”

  “She was at first. She takes her work very seriously and she is extremely professional. We talked about it, though, and she is fine now.”

  “Good. Poor dear. It must have been upsetting.”

  “It was. I’m going to treat her to lunch today and discuss this project with her. I think it will lift her spirits.”

  “She’ll like that.” Angela moves her glasses on top of her head. “The last time we talked, I was asking you about your feelings for her. Any development on that front?”

  “Oh, Angela, you make me laugh. As I said before, I am fond of the girl and she does a good job for me. I feel we are developing a good friendship that I hope to maintain for many years.”

  “Oh, Luca, you make me laugh,” Angela repeats, clearly teasing me. “You just keep up with that story if it makes you happy.”

  “It makes me happy. If there are any major developments, I will be sure to let you know.” I wish I could confide in her, knowing she would be a supporter, but I just don’t know if I can trust she wouldn’t say anything to Ella. I don’t know why, but I think Ella is definitely up to something.

  “Well, at least I’m on the list.”

  “The very top.” We turn to walk back upstairs.

  “I’m happy to hear that things are still going well, rumor aside,” Angela says.

  “Very well. I’m lucky to have found her.”


  At the top of the stairs, I say goodbye to Angela and head into my office to see my angel. I’ve already decided I’m taking her off campus, so we can be alone. I just want to be able to look into her eyes and touch and kiss her freely without prying eyes. At least that rumor didn’t make it to the faculty level. When I walk in the office, Londyn is on the phone and looks startled when she sees me. Her voice lowers right away.

  “I’ll call you later. Luca is back.” She hangs up and smiles at me. “Catching up with Maddie,” she offers.

  “You aren’t obligated to tell me.”

  “I wanted to. No secrets.” She smiles.

  “Yes, no secrets. Are you hungry?”

  “Getting there.”

  “Good. Get your coat. I’m taking you to one of my favorite places. It isn’t far from here, but we can’t walk.”


  “No, just a few stops on the T.”


  “I hope you like the place.”

  “Luca, it doesn’t matter. I want to be anywhere you are.”

  “I want to go away from here so I can be truly alone with you. I don’t want to hold back my feelings for you anymore.”

  Her expression is enough of a response for me. Never have I been graced with such a sweet smile.

  We walk outside and across the street to the T. I am aware of our surroundings right now, seeing many students and faculty around us. An unpleasant but necessary thought hits me. How long can we maintain this balance of being in love and work? It’s only been a day and I can barely stand it. Looking over at her, I wonder what she’s thinking as she gazes out the window.

  We get to our stop and step off, walking down the sidewalk. I immediately take her hand in mine and squeeze it. We make our way down the block to my favorite Mexican restaurant.

  “You like Mexican, I hope?”

  “I do.”


  We go inside and the hostess seats us. I gaze across the table as Londyn studies the menu.

  “Do you already know what you are getting?” she asks.

  “Yes. I get the same thing every time.”

  “I think I’ll have the spinach enchiladas.”

  I laugh. “That’s what I get.”

  “Well, then, I’ll get the carne asada if you promise to let me have a taste of yours.”

  “Of anything you want, my love.” I stand and move so I’m on the same side of the booth as she is. “May I kiss you?”

  “You never need to ask.”

  I press my lips against hers and relish the feeling of desire spreading through my body. We kiss until I hear our server clear her throat to get our attention.

  “Excuse me,” she says.

  I laugh and shift in my seat while Londyn brushes her hair off her face. Her cheeks are bright pink and I love that I am the cause of it.

  “We’re ready to order. Londyn?”

  “I’ll have the carne asada, please.”

  “You, sir?”

  “Spinach enchiladas, please.”


  “I’ll have a Corona.”

  “Just water for me, please,” Londyn says.

  The server walks away and I turn back to Londyn. “Nothing to drink?”

  “I’m sufficiently intoxicated. I don’t need alcohol.”

  “Am I too much for you?” I ask.

  “Not at all. I have nowhere near gotten my fill of you.”

  “I hope you never do. I want to be in your life forever, Londyn.”

  “I do hope.”

  I kiss her again and then move back to my side of the booth. “If I don’t get away from you, I’m going to lay you out on this table and have you for lunch.”

  She giggles. “That would be quite a sight. You may not be able to show your face here anymore.”

  “That would be well worth the penalty.”

  “I love you,” she whispers. “It’s absolutely brilliant to be able to say that aloud.”

  “And brilliant to hear it.” I take a chip from the basket and eat it. “I have a project for you.”


  “We’re planning the semester abroad for next summer. I’m tasked with setting up the hotel in Bologna. Would you call around and get some options for me?”

  “Of course.”

  “Will you come and stay with me there?”

  “If you want me to.”

  “I do.”

  “Then yes.”

  “Do you think you could stay with me for six weeks?”

  “I don’t know how I survive every moment we are apart.”

  “You know,” I say, leaning across the table. “You’re just as romantic with your words as I am.”

  “They sound different coming from you.”

  “To my ears, you sound like an angel singing.” I take
a sip of beer. “A beautiful, British angel.”

  She laughs, which is more heavenly music to my ears. Our food is delivered and we eat, stealing glances as we do. After lunch, we start our trip back.

  “I’ll be busy this afternoon so let’s talk about tonight now,” I say.


  “I can take you home after work and you can get an overnight bag.”

  “Why don’t I go home as I usually do and then I’ll come round a bit later?”

  “Why would you do it that way? I don’t like you riding the T after dark.”

  “You may say you don’t care, but I personally don’t want the entire campus knowing of our affair just yet. I think we should keep things as normal as possible. Besides, it will be only six-ish or so. There will be plenty of people and commuters about. It’s perfectly safe.”

  I sigh. She’s right. “Okay, but please don’t call what we have an affair. It’s so much more than campus gossip.”

  “I know, my love. I didn’t mean it that way.” She leans over and kisses my cheek just before we get to our stop. “You must know I’m extremely excited to be back in your arms in just a few hours.”

  “As am I.”

  We step off the train and put a respectable distance between us once again. I know I won’t be able to keep this space between us forever. In fact, it’s near impossible not to run through Harvard Yard right now, declaring my insane love for this woman.

  LOOKING AT THE CLOCK on the wall, I start to shut down for the day. In about an hour and a half’s time, I will be back with Luca. Naked, I do hope. I smile at the mere thought.

  I leave a note on his keyboard that says, ‘see you soon’ and depart. By the time I get home, pack a bag and get back, he should be home. I head outside and get on my train to go home.

  Back at home, I quickly update Maddie then put a few things in a bag. I simply can’t believe I am going to spend the night with Luca. I laugh aloud even though no one is in my closet with me to hear it.

  Just as I’m leaving my phone rings.

  “Hello?” I answer.

  “Hey, Londyn, it’s Ella.”

  “Oh, hello. How are you?”

  “Good. I know it’s last minute, but I was wondering if you had plans tonight. I scored some extra concert tickets for a local band and thought you might want to go.”

  “Oh, that’s really nice, but I can’t tonight.” I need a good reason. “I have plans with Maddie.”


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