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Londyn Falls

Page 40

by Jennifer Domenico

  Normally, words are exchanged between us, but not this time. We are silent, with only the sound of our breathing between us. He leans closer and kisses me softly, then tenses against me as he releases into me. I join him with my own climax, breathing heavy, as my body is overcome with pleasure. He collapses on me, kissing my neck and whispering, ‘I love you’ in my ear. I release his hands and hold him close to me, relishing this moment of overwhelming emotion between us.

  We lay like this for several minutes, me, rubbing Luca’s back and he, kissing my neck. Finally, he looks up and kisses my lips.



  He pulls me up and hands me a few tissues to clean up. “I wanted to make love to you in this room. It’s where we fell in love. Our work interactions were part of it, but it was here that I realized how connected we were. It was in this room that I had my first thoughts of love for you. It was in here that I kissed you for the first time and told you what was in my heart.”

  “I love this room. I have since the moment I saw it.”

  We walk to the bathroom and I watch as he draws a bath for us. I catch my reflection in the mirror and run my fingers over my flushed cheeks. I look so different. Am I beautiful? Priscilla called me stunning. I peer a little closer. Am I? Could I ever own those attributes? I find myself standing straight and taking in my own figure in the mirror. Suddenly, Luca’s arms come from behind and wrap around my waist.

  “Do you see what I see? Do you see how gorgeous you are?”

  “I’m trying. I feel like I look different. Less…plain.”

  “You’ve never been plain to me, but you do look different. You look happy and in love and it’s very becoming.”

  “Jake said I look like a porcelain doll.”

  “You do. Especially when you put your hair up on your head. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.”

  So do I. “I feel beautiful because of you and that’s more than I’ve ever felt before.”

  “Progress. Come.” He leads me to the bathtub and helps me step in. Luca climbs in behind me as I lie against him and drag my fingers through the silky water.

  “Are you excited?” he asks.

  “About what?”


  “Well, yes, I am. I need to call my parents in the morning. They must be dying to speak to me about all of this.”

  “I’m sure they are. Your father was very kind to me.”

  “He’s a good man.”

  “I agree. Devon was very open to me as well. He was surprised, but said he only wanted your happiness.”

  I play with some suds and ponder our future. I don’t know when he’ll ask me to marry him, but I know when he does, I’ll say yes. A thousand times, yes.

  “What are you thinking about, angel?”

  I laugh softly. “If someone would have told me back in August on the day I interviewed with you that we would fall in love, I’m fairly certain I would have punched the person.”

  “I was such a brute that day.”

  “No, not a brute. Just direct and very intimidating. I was just shocked I actually got the job.”

  “There was something about you that made me feel you could handle me. I had no idea it would be this well.”

  “I loved you for so long, Luca.”

  “I loved you back.”

  “Like a library?” I ask, laughing.

  “Like the British Library.”

  “Oooh, good one.”

  He twists my chin so that I am looking at him. “I mean it. I love you more than I thought I was capable of.”

  “I know, Luca. I feel it.”


  We settle back into the water, silently absorbing each other’s love. There is nothing, absolutely nothing better than being in his arms.

  “Hi, Mummy. It’s me.”

  “Londyn, dear, how are you?”

  “Very well. How are you and Dad?”

  “We’re fine. We had a very unexpected phone call recently.”

  “I heard about that.”

  “He’s in love with you?”

  “Yes. You were right, Mummy. All along he shared my affection.”

  “That makes me so happy. Dad, too.”

  “Is he around?”

  “Yes, he’ll be happy to speak with you. Be right back.”

  I wait nervously for my dad to get on the phone. I have no idea what his reaction will be to all of this.


  “Hi, Dad.”

  “How are you?”

  “I’m well. I heard Luca talked to you about dating me.”

  My dad hesitates a moment before speaking. “Yes, he did. He’s quite a gentleman.”

  “He is that.”

  “Does he make you happy?”

  “Oh, yes, Daddy. So happy. He’s wonderful.”

  “That’s all that matters to me. Devon said he’s a nice chap and so I feel fine with it all. However the future unfolds.”

  “Thank you. It means a lot to both of us. I’m so touched he spoke with you and Devon.”

  “So are we.”

  “I’m meeting his family for Christmas. I’m a bit nervous. He’s never taken a girl home with him.”

  “Be yourself and they will love you. You’re a good girl.”

  “Thank you, Daddy. We’re going to Italy in the summer. I hope we can stop by and say hello.”

  “I hope so, too. Do you want to talk to your mum?”

  “Yes, please.”

  My mom gets on the phone again and we talk for several minutes about my upcoming plans. I promise her I will send pictures and we end the call. I walk back to the study to find Luca sitting at his desk. A tiny thrill shoots through me when I remember our lovemaking session on the very desk he works at. He looks up at me with his messy hair and glasses. He couldn’t be more handsome.

  “How was your talk?”


  “What do you want to do today?”

  “Eat and then make out with this hot, Italian professor I know.”

  Luca stands and pulls me into his arms. “Lucky man.”

  “Maddie,” I call out from the bathroom. “Can you help me?”

  Madeleine steps into the bathroom and laughs when she sees me. “What are you doing?”

  “Trying to figure out this darn getup. This is why I don’t bother with lingerie.”

  “Well, after you see the effect it has on your man later on, I bet you’ll have a change of heart. Stand up.”

  I do and Madeleine bends down to snap the stockings into the garter belt. I bought this outfit just for this occasion, hoping Luca will unwrap me like a Christmas present after the party tonight. It’s black with pink trim and looks super naughty and sexy. I love it.

  “There. All done.”

  I turn and gaze at my reflection. I’m wearing full makeup, my hair is curled in large, romantic tendrils and I’m wearing the most stunning lingerie. I hardly recognize myself. I step into the black stilettos I chose and Maddie helps me into my black, velvet gown. I wiggle around until we get it up and she zips up the side for me. I adjust the strapless bodice a bit.

  “You don’t think it’s too much cleavage, do you?” I ask.

  “I think it’s perfect. You look absolutely fabulous.”

  Looking in the mirror again, I smile. I admit I do look very pretty.

  “Luca will die when he sees you!”

  “I hope he likes it.”

  “There is no doubt.”

  “Okay, well, here I go.”

  Madeleine kisses my cheek. “Have a blast tonight.”

  “You still haven’t told me about your date with Devon.”

  “I know. We’ve both been so busy this last week. We’ll catch up soon.”

  “Can I at least get a brief update?”

  “I’m seeing him again. Tonight, in fact.”

  “You are?! That’s wonderful. So it went well?”


nbsp; “Should I take your evasiveness as a sign that you are editing out the dirty bits?”

  Madeleine laughs. “No dirty bits to report. He was a proper gentleman and I expect he will stay that way. We had a good time and decided to take it slowly. It’s a courtship.”

  “Ah, I love that.”

  “So do I. He’s just as heavenly as I imagined.”

  “Did he kiss you?”

  “You said you didn’t want to know those things?”

  “No, I said I didn’t want a detailed description.”

  “Yes, he kissed me and not just on the cheek.”

  “Oh, Maddie! I’m so happy for you.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

  “I know, but you were kissed by Devon Harper.”

  Finally, Madeleine lets her excitement show. “I know! I do hope he does it again. It was lovely.”

  I hug her and then take a deep breath. “Thank you for helping me.”

  “I’ll go, but I want to see Luca’s face when he sees you.”


  Madeleine walks out ahead of me. “Okay, Luca, are you ready to see her?”

  “I am.”

  I walk from the hall and wait for his reaction. His face reads the exact expression I was hoping for.

  “Oh my God, Londyn. You are stunning.”

  I CAN’T BELIEVE MY EYES. Gone is the demure girl who hates makeup and in her place is a woman who looks like a model. I always thought she was beautiful, but this, this is far more than I ever expected.

  “Londyn.” I walk towards her and just continue to stare. “Amazing.”

  She twirls around for me. “You like it?”

  “Like it? I don’t even have words.” Londyn looks incredibly elegant, grown up, and definitely sexy. The black velvet dress embraces her curvaceous figure, amplifying her delectable cleavage, seizing my attention in the most alluring way. My eyes shift up and down the length of the dress, taking in every detail. At the waist, the material seems to swirl around her, draping elegantly to the floor where I can just see her shoes peeking out. She grins and lifts the dress slightly, identifying the sexy red-bottomed heels we previously discussed.

  “Louboutins,” Londyn says, grinning.

  “Perfect,” I say in response.

  Madeleine nudges my arm. “Wait till you see the rest of what’s under it.”

  “Maddie!” Londyn exclaims.

  “Well?” She laughs. “Have fun tonight. Fill me in tomorrow.”

  “You too.”

  Madeleine leaves and I continue staring at Londyn as though I’ve never seen her before.

  “Luca, you’re embarrassing me.”

  “You shouldn’t be embarrassed. You should be aware of how incredibly beautiful you are. You know I think you’re gorgeous without your makeup, but tonight, wow. You’ve left me nearly speechless.”

  “I just wanted to look nice for you tonight.”

  “You’ve succeeded. And then some.”

  “Thank you.”

  I hand her clutch to her and help her into the cashmere wrap she purchased for the festivities. Gripping her hand, I lead her out front, and watch surprise take over when sees the limousine waiting for us. The driver gets out and opens the door for us and we slip inside.

  “It’s a long drive to Gloucester.” I open a bottle of Champagne and pour each of us a glass. “I’m happy you’re with me tonight.”

  “So am I.”

  We clink glasses and take a sip. She doesn’t know what I have planned, but she’s about to find out. Tonight, our relationship is going public.

  She glances over at me with that ubiquitous curiosity showing in her eyes. “What are you thinking about?”

  “The evening. I’m excited.”

  “You enjoy holiday parties?”

  “I’ll enjoy this one with the prettiest girl in Boston on my arm.”

  “You flatter me.”

  “You deserve it.”

  We lean back and enjoy the ride. I thought I would be nervous, but I’m not at all. What I’m about to do feels like the most natural thing in the world. I just hope she feels the same way. Sometime later, we exit the turnpike and make our way to Good Harbor Beach. I’ve always liked this area, with its stretch of sandy beach, lighthouses in the distance, and the iconic Fisherman statue. There are just enough big boulders scattered around to add to the quaint New England feel. Angela’s house is only a few miles from here. Londyn is none the wiser at this point and that makes me smile. She doesn’t see this coming at all.

  The driver pulls into a parking space and opens the door for Londyn. She steps out and I quickly join her.

  “I thought the party was at a house.”

  “It is.”

  “Then why are we here?” she asks, looking around.

  “I wanted to be alone with you first.” The driver hands me a blanket and I lead Londyn to a nearby boulder. Brushing away any sand, I lay out the blanket over the large rock, then lift her and sit her down on it. I take my spot next to her and hold her hand. “It’s a beautiful night.”

  “Yes. The moon is gorgeous bouncing off the water.”

  “It’s a perfect night, really.”

  “Well, other than being terribly cold.”

  “We won’t be here long.”

  “I’m fine. It’s romantic and lovely.”

  I pull her close, wrapping my arm around her. We sit like this for a moment while I collect my thoughts. I need to hurry, as it is very cold out here. I climb off the rock and stand in front of her, illuminated by the full moon and the headlights nearby.

  “Londyn, as you know, I love you deeply and I can’t imagine my life without you.”

  She nods.

  “Since the night we discovered our love for each other, everything changed. I never knew that love could feel like this. I am…at peace. I have more work to do with the people in my life, but because of you, I feel brave enough to tackle it and accept the consequences. Your love has made me realize that I wasn’t really living at all. I was denying myself happiness and pushing away everyone who cares for me. All that is changed now.”

  She shivers and pulls her wrap closer and I know I need to speed this up. “I brought you here because it’s a beautiful, peaceful place and I wanted to ask you this before we went to the party.”

  “What is it, Luca?”

  I take a deep breath and pull the tiny velvet box from my coat pocket. Opening it, I turn it towards her and show her the glistening diamond ring I bought for her. She stares at it and then looks up at me, her eyes filled with tears.


  “Londyn, will you please marry me?”

  She covers her mouth and nods her head.


  “Oh, Luca, yes! A thousand times yes!”

  I lift her from the rock and swing her around several times before setting her back down. Carefully, I put the ring on her left ring finger. She watches me with a huge smile on her face the entire time.

  “Let’s get inside the car, angel. It’s colder than I thought.” We hurry back to the car and get back inside. The driver turns the heat higher and I hold Londyn’s hands in mine.

  “Do you like the ring? If you don’t we can exchange it.”

  “It’s perfect. I love it so much.” She rubs her finger over the vintage design. “When did you do this?”

  “The day you saw me with Jake and Priscilla. We had just come from there.”

  “I can’t believe it.”

  “You’re my fiancée now. Are you happy?”

  “I’m simply over the moon. Truly stunned. I don’t think it’s actually quite hit me yet.”

  “At Angela’s party, I plan to introduce you as my fiancée. What do you think of that?”

  “If you think that’s best.”

  “It is best. I’m going to marry you and I want the world to know.”

  She nods and continues to stare at the ring. I lift her chin so her eyes meet mine.

>   “Thank you, Londyn. Thank you for everything. Especially for accepting my proposal.”

  “Was there any doubt?” she asks softly.

  “There is always doubt. I thank God every day that I wake up and you are still beside me. I don’t know how I was so lucky to earn your love, but I am truly grateful for each moment we have together.”

  She reaches up and brushes her fingers across my cheek. “You are easy to love. Nothing in my life has been more natural than falling in love with you. You were made from my dreams, Luca. Just for me.”

  “Just for you.” I lean in close and kiss her softly, so as not to mess her lipstick. I won’t be so gentle later. “Shall we go?”


  I tell the driver to carry on and smile as Londyn continues to stare at the rock on her hand. I didn’t know if she would like something so big, but it was important for me that she have something worthy of her beauty. It looks incredible on her. I take her hand in mine as we finish our drive to Angela’s house. As we pull into the drive, Londyn grips my hand tighter.

  “What’s wrong, angel?”

  “I’m terribly nervous. I’m so out of place here. What do I talk about?”

  “Whatever you like. You are just as intelligent as anyone in this room. Have you forgotten you are the person who, at age twenty-five, speaks five languages and carries two master’s degrees? You have nothing to fear.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Very sure. Besides, I imagine there will be plenty to discuss when they find out that we’ve recently become engaged.” I look down at my watch. “Seventeen minutes ago.”

  She laughs and I feel her relax against me. “You’re going to do fine. Unfortunately, as my wife there will be many more events you will attend by my side. At least this one is for pleasure.”

  “As your wife,” she repeats.

  “Yes, as Mrs. Di Roma. How does that sound to you?”

  “Absolutely divine.”

  I kiss her cheek. “To me as well.” The driver opens the door. “Let’s go.”

  WE WALK INSIDE AND as people look at us, I just want to run away. This is not my environment. This is Luca’s. I’m nervous about what people’s reactions will be. Most know I am his assistant. How will he explain that I’m now his fiancée? Oh my God, I am actually engaged to Luca Di Roma. I could die. Simply die.


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