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Londyn Falls

Page 42

by Jennifer Domenico

  “You deserve it. Thank you for standing by me all these years.” I chuckle. “And thank you for not seducing my future wife.”

  Nico laughs and runs his hand through his hair. “I could tell she wasn’t that kind of girl. She was too sweet for me and I knew it. If you hadn’t gotten so angry, I probably would’ve asked her out again, but I don’t think anything would’ve come from it.”

  “Did you kiss her?”

  Nico shakes his head. “Only her cheek.”

  I exhale.

  “Did you love her then?”

  “No. Maybe. I don’t know. It crept up on me.”

  “So, you proposed? That’s major.”

  “I know. Mom and Dad are going shit. I love her though, so much, and I wanted her to know how much she means to me and how committed I am to her.”

  “That’s awesome. I am thinking those same kinds of thoughts.”


  “Yes. I think we have some time to go, but I know Candace is the right woman for me. I don’t want to be with anyone but her.”

  “Maybe the time apart was good.”

  “I think so.”

  We finish our coffee and prepare to leave.

  “Please think about what I said,” Nico says. “We don’t need to hurt anyone.”

  “I will.”

  We hug and go separate directions. As I walk back to my car, I spot a church on the corner. Something about it calls to me and I cross the street and enter. It’s quiet and dark inside. A lone woman kneels at the altar, lighting a candle. I walk quietly and slide into a pew. Staring at the large, crucifix in the front of the church, I mentally rehash my conversation with Nico. I’m so glad I talked to him, but now I know he doesn’t want me to tell anyone else the truth. I can’t decide how I feel about that.

  Bowing my head, I do something I haven’t done in a million years. I pray. I close my eyes and ask that if God is listening, or if Sara is, or anyone, to please tell me the right thing to do. I just want to make all of this right. Once and for all. I sit quietly like this for several minutes then suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up, surprised to see a priest sitting next to me.

  “Hello,” he says softly. “I’m Father Patrick.”


  “Is there anything you would like to talk about with me?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Hmm. Something told me I should come out of my office to greet you. Are you sure?”

  “I’m not a practicing Catholic.”

  “That’s okay. I am.” The priest smiles and I feel comforted.

  “Should I confess?”

  “We can just talk if you like.”

  “Okay, we can do that.”

  He stands and walks me to a small room. We sit at the table and I realize this is exactly what I needed. I tell the priest my story and how everything has changed. Then I ask what I should do. The whole time I’m speaking, he listens and smiles kindly.

  “How did your brother’s words make you feel?”

  I reflect back. “Afraid I would cause more harm than good.”

  “Who is this about? Is this about making yourself feel better or helping other people? Does it benefit the people in your life to know what really happened?”

  I stop to really think about the priest’s words. He’s right. Nico’s right. Even Londyn wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do. I am selfishly trying to rid myself of the guilt and not thinking about how much it would hurt those around me.

  “Thank you for talking with me, Father. I’ve realized that I was more focused on relieving my guilt instead of thinking of my family. I’m just not sure how to move forward from here.”

  “It seems from what you told me that the biggest regret you had was your broken relationship with your brother and you have begun to repair it. Perhaps you can simply extend some forgiveness to yourself. You’ve grieved the loss. You’ve punished yourself for ten years. Now you are in a place of healing. Just let that process happen. Enjoy your life and the people in it.” He leans forward a little and squeezes my hand. “If it helps, you can always say a few Hail Mary’s and Our Fathers.”

  “I’m not sure I remember how. I’ll light a candle for an offering.”

  He nods. “I hope somehow you’ve been helped today.”

  “Immensely. Thank you.”

  “Perhaps I’ll see you again. You’re always welcome here.”

  We part ways and I walk to the altar. The old lady is still there kneeling. She looks up at me and smiles and I smile back. Then I light a candle and kneel down to say a prayer of thanks. I got the answer I needed. Just before I leave, I say another thanks for Londyn coming into my life. I wouldn’t be in this place if it weren’t for her. I turn to say goodbye to the old lady, but she’s gone. I didn’t hear her leave, but obviously, she did.

  Walking back outside, the sun seems to shine a little brighter. I pull my phone out to call my love. I’ve been gone much longer than expected and I hope she isn’t worried.


  “Hi, angel.”

  “Hello, how has your morning been?”

  “Amazing. I’m on my way home. You’re still there?”

  “Oh, yes. I’m here. I’m reading in the study.”

  “Perfect. I will see you soon. I have so much to tell you.”

  “Good news, I hope.”

  “The best.”

  I HANG UP MY PHONE after speaking to Luca and hurry to brush my teeth and wash my face. He’s been gone for ages, but he sounded very happy on the phone so I’m excited to hear about his morning. I walk back to the study and settle back in my chair, waiting for my love to arrive.

  A bit later, I hear the front door open. He appears in the doorway of the study, with a gorgeous smile across his lips.

  “I missed you,” I say.

  “I missed you more. I’m so happy you’re still here.”

  “Where else would I be?”

  He walks towards me and pulls my wrist until I’m in his arms. “I don’t want you to leave anymore. I just want you here all the time.”

  “I know.”

  “Are you ready for that?”

  “Well, I accepted your proposal last night, so I suppose I am.”

  “You don’t regret it?”

  “Of course not.” I rub his cheek. “I can’t wait to be your wife.”

  He leans forward and kisses me, wrapping me in his warmth. I feel as though my body just merged with his. We cannot be separated.

  “What did you do this morning, angel?”

  “I read. Talked to Maddie for an hour. She’s over the moon for us.”


  “I called my parents and Devon and told them my news.”

  “How did they react?” Luca grins.

  “Well, it seems they were already expecting it. You asked my father for my hand?”

  “Of course. It was very important to me that they all knew my intention.”

  “It’s very sweet. Luca, you astound me.”

  “I astound myself,” he laughs. “Sit. I have things to tell you.”

  I curl up in my spot and listen to Luca’s incredible morning. Tears fall steadily down my cheeks as he speaks. Suddenly, Luca’s voice breaks and he stops speaking. He leans forward into my arms and…he cries. Sobs, really. Body shaking, heart breaking tears. I almost don’t know what to do. My strong, stoic man is the most vulnerable he has ever been. The only thing that seems right is to let it happen. I stroke his hair and back as he gets it all out.

  When our eyes meet again, I’m taken aback by his expression. His eyes are red, but also so peaceful, so calming, and so very loving.

  “Thank you,” he whispers. “That’s been a long time coming. I feel so relieved. So happy. The thousand pound weight I strapped to my chest for ten years is gone. Telling Nico I loved him was so powerful. Confessing to the priest was necessary. When he told me to forgive myself and just enjoy the people in my life, something
inside me shifted. Nico has told me that. Clara has told me that. So many people, and I never thought I could do it. But you,” he kisses my lips gently. “You, beautiful angel, came into my life and brought so much love. I know I can do it now. I heard those words with new ears today. I have a new heart. The cobwebs and sadness and pain and darkness are gone, replaced with such beauty and joy, it’s overwhelming.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Luca. So proud. You were, and still are, the most incredible person I’ve ever known. When you love, you love entirely. You put everything of yourself into it. I’m so happy you’ve decided to let Nico feel that again.”

  “So am I. It’s because of you.”

  “No, Luca, it’s because of you. You are doing the hard work. I am just here to love you through it.”

  “It means everything to me.”

  “I know.”

  Luca pulls back and sits on the ottoman. “I’m going to call my parents today and tell them I’m bringing you. I’d like to call Clara, too. She’s going to love you.”


  “I told Nico I proposed. He’s very happy for us. I thanked him for not seducing you.” Luca laughs. “He told me he was going to ask you out again until I got so mad.”

  “Well, I’m glad you got mad then.”

  “Yeah, that was a crazy day.” Luca brushes my cheek with his fingers. “I believe I owe you some flowers?”


  “Throwing Nico’s out.”

  I laugh softly. “I don’t need flowers. They just die anyway. I have everything I need.”

  Luca looks at me oddly.


  “Sara used to feel the same way. Do you like chocolates?”

  I shrug. “I like them fine, I suppose.”

  “What is the perfect gift for you then?”

  Tilting my head, I smile. “That should be easy. Books, of course.”

  Luca laughs. “Of course. What was I thinking?”

  “I’m pretty easy to please.”

  “Did it bother you that I said that about Sara?”

  “No. Why would it?”

  “I don’t want you to feel I’m comparing you.”

  “I don’t.” I smile. “It’s just a commonality I shared with her. Here’s a secret. More woman feel that way about flowers than you think.”

  “Is that so?”


  “Then why are we led to believe it’s the perfect gift?”

  “Effective marketing, perhaps?”

  Luca laughs. “Are you hungry?”


  “Come on. Let’s feed you.”

  We walk out to the kitchen and I sit at the dining table.

  “Did you sleep well?” Luca asks.

  “Yes. Lots of wine and lovemaking will do that for a girl.”

  “You were incredible last night. That outfit…” he rubs his crotch and I giggle.

  “You’re insatiable!”

  “I do want you constantly. Like right now.” He starts to walk towards me, but I put my arms out to stop him.

  “I need a shower before you touch me again. I haven’t freshened up yet.”

  Luca pretend pouts. “Neither have I, really. We’ll eat first.”

  “Do you buy presents for your family?”


  “Have you?”


  “Christmas is in three days.”

  “I’m aware.”

  “I propose a shopping excursion. I haven’t done a thing yet.”

  “We can do that. Then more lovemaking?”

  “Definitely more lovemaking.”

  Walking down the pavement in Boston, I look around at all the beautiful holiday lighting. Huge wreaths are wrapped around each light pole with strands of lighting hanging delicately between them. Every so often, the sun peeks out from behind a cloud reminding us of its existence. My hand is held firmly by my love as we stroll. We’ve gone into and out of numerous shops looking for just the right items for our friends and family. We only have a few things left.

  “How are you holding up, angel?”

  “It’s bloody freezing out here.”

  “It is. Your cheeks have the most delightful rosiness to them right now.”

  “Well, the rest of me feels like a popsicle.”

  “Let’s go in here and warm up,” Luca says, pulling me into a jewelry store.

  We walk inside and are greeted by a young woman. She explains that everything is on sale today, with free gift wrapping included. Luca and I part and look in separate areas.

  “What do you think of this for Madeleine?” Luca asks me a few minutes later. He’s holding up a pretty, gold necklace.

  “I think it’s lovely, but I never buy her jewelry.”

  “What do you get her?”

  “Handbags, shoes, spa packages.”

  “Here look at this.” He grabs my wrist and leads me to a glass case. Inside are two bracelets. They look very delicate and each has a gold heart dangling from it. Engraved on the heart it says, ‘Friends Forever.’

  “Oh, Luca. It’s perfect. She’ll cry. It’s so fitting for this time in our lives. She just mentioned how we’re growing up and our lives are going to change.”

  “How about this one with the diamond on it?”

  “No, I like the plain one. I have enough bling in my life.” I wave my left hand at him and laugh.

  “Alright.” Luca turns to the salesgirl behind the counter. “We’ll take the set of bracelets, please.”

  “Do you think Nico would like this watch?” I point to a stunning, very masculine black watch in a case.

  “I never buy Nico jewelry,” Luca says laughing.

  “Well played, sir. What do you buy him?”

  “I usually get him clothes. He likes clothes.”

  “I think you should get this watch for him. It’s very nice.”

  “I will do whatever you want,” he says, pulling me into him and kissing my neck. I squeal with laughter and couldn’t care less that we’re attracting the attention of passersby.

  Luca releases me, straightening his coat. “Can you add the watch?” he asks the clerk.

  We wait while she rings up our purchases and wraps everything.

  “Where to next?” Luca asks.

  “There was a shop near Strega that has this handbag in it that Maddie just died for. I would love to get it for her. Can we go by there on the way back?”

  “Of course.” He looks down in the bags. “Okay, we have my parents, Jake and Priscilla, Nico and Candace, Devon and Maddie. What about your parents?”

  “I’ve taken care of them already.”

  “What did you get them?”

  “An engaged daughter.” I grin. “I also scheduled a fruit basket to be delivered on Christmas Eve. They love things like that.”

  Luca laughs softly. “If you say so.”

  “Would you like to get something for Sara’s family? It’s the tenth anniversary, after all.”

  “I didn’t even think of that.”

  “You could drop it off the morning of the 24th on our way to the Cape. Unless you’d rather do it alone some other time. I would understand.”

  Luca reaches for my hand and swings it as we walk. “I’ll call Clara tonight. I’d love for Sara’s family to meet you and know how you’ve helped me. You sure you’re okay with that?”

  “I will do whatever you want.” I jump up enough to kiss his cheek as he laughs.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  “You couldn’t possibly. I’ve had more than my share.”

  “I could and I have. You’ll see it when we get home.”

  “Oooh, I’m filled with anticipation.” Glancing over at a nearby shop, I see something I absolutely must have for Luca. “Can you wait for me outside?”

  “I do not want you to buy anything for me.”

  “Who says I am?”

  “Why do you want to be alone?”

  I cro
ss my arms across my chest. “Luca. Can I please have a moment and you not spoil this for me? Christmas makes me happy.”

  “Well, since you put it that way. I’ll wait outside for you.” He kisses my forehead before leaving me.

  I rush to the counter and get the attention of the man behind it.

  “Excuse me. Could I purchase this, please? And can you wrap it?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Right away.” He takes the item from the case and quickly wraps it as I pull out my credit card. I think this is perfect. The clerk hands me the wrapped box and my receipt.

  “Thank you.” I tuck the package in my bag and join Luca.


  “I am. Just the handbag and then we can go home and relax.”

  “Home,” Luca repeats as we stroll down the pavement. He tilts his head at me. “I remember thinking about home once. I thought my house was a place where I kept my things and slept, but I had no idea where home was. Now I know.”

  “I love you, Luca. I will forever.”

  “I know this.”

  “Ready to see your surprise?”


  “Yes, now. Before I strip you down and spend the rest of the day in bed. Keep your coat on. It’s cold where we’re going.”

  Taking my wrist, he leads me to the back of the house, an area I’ve not been in yet. There’s a door that Luca unlocks with a key he takes from the top of the doorframe. Looking around, I can’t make sense of the space. It’s just a door in a foyer type area.

  “What is this?” I ask.

  “Remember I told you this used to be two homes?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “This was their entrance. I had this area closed off. Eventually this door won’t be here and it will be a stairwell to the second floor.”

  Luca opens the door and leads me up the narrow, wood steps. “I’m going to widen these.”

  “Makes sense.”

  We get to the top and I take in my surroundings. The floors are hardwood and there are several doors that are closed. There’s also a lot of dust and a chilly draft.

  “The bedrooms are down there.” Luca points to his left. “The master bedroom will occupy that section of the home,” he says gesturing to the right. “There will be an en suite bathroom and walk in closest for the master and a large hall bathroom here.”


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