Book Read Free

Londyn Falls

Page 46

by Jennifer Domenico

  “Thigh highs?”

  “Yes,” I grin. “Easy access.”

  “Smart girl.”

  “I try.”

  The passion of our kissing intensifies and I feel breathless. We roll around on the blanket, Luca’s body a glorious weight upon mine. Before long, my dress is off and I’m wearing nothing but my bra and panties. Untangling myself from him, I stand and straddle Luca as he runs his hands up and down my legs. Doing a move that I hope comes across as sexy, I slowly unhook my bra and drag it across his chest. Then, I slide my panties down and remove them. Now, I’m standing in a public library with nothing but my stockings on!

  “Come here,” Luca says. The expression on his face suddenly makes me feel like a little lamb facing the big, bad wolf, but I know that this wolf is all about pleasure.

  I lower down until Luca’s tongue makes contact with the tingly space between my thighs. Holding on to the shelves to brace myself, I throw my head back in sheer pleasure as Luca drives me mad with his tongue and fingers. He licks me until I cry out his name, shocking me when it echoes through the large hall.

  Flipping me over, he lays me down on my back and slides into me. I arch my back to push him in further. My legs are lifted above me as Luca gently nibbles my flesh near my knee. I throw my arms above my head, completely surrendering to the passion I feel. Luca leans forward and holds my face between his hands, gazing intently in my eyes. It’s almost too much, but I’ve learned to hold his stare. It’s worth it to see that much love and desire looking back at me.

  “I fucking… love you… so much,” he says as he pounds into me.

  Before I can say a word, he rolls us over so he is lying on his back. I grasp his amazing cock and slide it into me. In my mind, I’m the sexiest, most sought after porn star. Or maybe, I’m Venus. Yes! That’s it. I’m the goddess of love and sex, adored and desired by many, but I only want one. This man. At this moment, he is fucking the bloody hell out of me.

  I run my fingers through my hair then down my body, groping and clawing at my own breasts. I feel as though at any moment, I’m going to explode. Luca reaches forward, and taking his thumb, rubs the tiny nub between my legs. That was all I needed. When it hits, for a moment, I can’t make a sound. It’s like a tremor moving through me that increases in speed with every second, until I finally cry out, bucking wildly up and down on his spectacular cock.

  Oh my Lord, it’s too much. Too much! The orgasm continues to assault me, like a never-ending pleasure roller coaster until I’m spent. Exhausted, I roll off Luca and lie on my back, rocking back and forth and holding my stomach.

  “Are you alright?” Luca asks, his face full of concern.

  Suddenly I begin laughing. “Luca, my love, I’ve never been better in my life.”

  He smiles and relaxes, lying next to me. He holds me in his arms and I quiet down, trying to absorb what just happened. When I open my eyes, Luca’s are closed. I look around and smile. I got my wish.

  “We should go,” Luca says. “We have to be out in less than an hour.”

  “What time is it?”

  He looks at his watch. “Nearly midnight.”

  “This was a magical night and so creative. Thank you.”

  “It was a pleasure to give you this.” He kisses my nose. “You look so beautiful in the soft light of the lamp. Your skin seems to glow.”

  Goddesses of love and sex do that. I grin at my silly thought.

  “What’s funny?”

  “Nothing at all. It’s just been a great night.”

  “The only night I imagine will be better is the first one we spend as husband and wife.”

  My grin widens. “I look forward to that.”

  Luca extends his hand to help me up. Finding my undergarments, I quickly dress. Luca finishes buttoning his shirt and looks quizzically at me.

  “Have you thought about a date?”


  “Our wedding.”

  “No. You?”

  “Yes. Would you like to marry in Italy this summer?”

  I’m sure my entire face just lit up. “Oh, Luca. I would love to.”

  “We’ll marry there and we’ll have a reception here. In the library.”

  “It would be a dream.”

  “I’m here to make all your dreams come true, angel. Mine came true when you gave your love to me.”

  I reach up and brush my fingers across his cheek. “You are a magnificent man, Luca. No one compares to you.”

  “As long as you’re happy then so am I.”

  “I am happy.”

  He grins and gathers our things as we walk to the front entrance. Before we walk down, he turns to me and pulls me into his arms, kissing me full on the lips.

  “It’s midnight, angel. Happy New Year. Thank you for spending your life with me.”

  “Happy New Year, Luca.”

  Sure enough, a guard is standing by the door waiting for us to arrive. As we walk down the stairs, I imagine taking this walk in my wedding gown, surrounded by our friends and family. I simply must make sure I’m not dreaming. For the second time since Luca declared his love for me, I pinch my arm. Oh yes, I’m definitely awake.

  I look up at my love, who smiles back at me. “You’re still awake. This is all really happening.”

  “It’s so perfect, I had to be sure.”

  We say good night to the guard, who smiles knowingly at Luca. I’m only mildly appalled that it’s likely this man saw me in birthday suit, but I decide it doesn’t matter. I had the absolute time of my life. I’ll fill at least twenty pages writing about this night.

  Our driver opens the door for us and I settle against Luca as we ride home. I’m starting to feel sleepy and can’t wait to climb into Luca’s enormous bed.

  The car pulls into the driveway and we get out and go inside. I walk straight back to the bedroom and peel off my dress. Entering the bathroom, I grab my toothbrush and glance at my reflection in the mirror. My cheeks are rosy and my hairstyle held up in spite of my wild evening. I decide I like how my eyes look with the makeup I chose. I run my hand over my tummy and think it’s not so bad. It’s rather nice actually. I’m not sure if my perception is clouded by love or by wine, but suddenly I’m aware of my own beauty. It’s taken me twenty-five years to feel this way. A tear escapes my eye and slides down my cheek.

  Luca clears his throat and when I look at him, he’s naked and leaning against the doorframe. “Have you finally realized how spectacular you are? It’s not just your looks, angel, you are the most alluring female I’ve ever known.”

  “It’s the first time I’ve ever truly believed it,” I say quietly. “I feel extremely beautiful in this moment.”

  “You are in all moments. Ready for bed?”

  “I am.”

  I finish brushing my teeth and join Luca in bed. I snuggle close as he wraps his arm around me.

  “What a beautiful night,” he says quietly.

  I kiss his cheek. “Yes, beautiful. Other than the first night you made love to me, this was the second best night of my life.”

  “Let’s sleep now, angel.”

  “Goodnight, Luca.”

  I SLIP OUT OF BED to make coffee. The winter break flew by and now it’s back to work. In my mind, I wonder how different it will be now. My relationship with Londyn is public knowledge. No more sneaking around and illicit touches. I still can’t lay her out on my desk, but I can show a bit more affection. I adjust myself at the thought of making love to her at work. I have to find a way to make that happen someday.

  I prepare the coffee and walk carefully back to the bedroom with our cups. Londyn is still sound asleep and I hate to wake her, but I have to. I set the cups down on the nightstand and kiss her head.

  “Angel? It’s time to wake up.”

  She moves and stretches. “Nooo,” she whines.

  “We must, sweet girl. Besides, if we don’t, I’ll climb back in bed and spend the day between your legs.”

  “Hardly moti
vation to get up, Professor.” She grins, moving the hair off her face. “I’ll get up. We have work to do.”

  “Yes, we do.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  “About what?”

  “Going to work with me now that everyone knows we are in a relationship? Do you worry what people will say or speculations they might make?”

  “I couldn’t care in the slightest. I’ll do my job as I always do and if I find out someone is talking shit about us, I’ll deal with them.”

  “Are you sure we don’t have time for a bit of a shag?” she asks.

  I laugh. “I love when you say things like that.”

  “What else do you love?” she asks as she leans forward to nuzzle my neck. Rising up on her knees, she presses her breasts against my face. I respond by sucking them into my mouth. Before I know it, we fall back into bed and she lies down as I take over her body.

  “YOU HAVE MEETINGS AT ten and two today,” I say, looking at Luca’s calendar. “I’ll spend the morning looking through your mail and making sure the class schedules are set.”

  “Thank you.” Luca’s replies briefly. His attention is pulled away by the many tasks that need to be completed this week before the students come back from break. Stopping for just a moment, he turns on his iPod and soothing music suddenly fills our space. We sit quietly for several moments, listening, and I am transported to those first days with Luca. When the song is over, he opens his eyes and smiles at me.

  “Would you like a cup of tea?”

  “I would,” he says looking up at me.

  “Be right back.”



  “I love you.”

  “Love you back.”

  “Like a library?”

  I laugh. “Libraries have a whole new meaning now. I definitely love you like a library. In fact, I love you like the secret archives at the Vatican Library!”

  “Secret archive love? I’m flattered!”

  We laugh as I nip out. In the break room, I prepare two cups of tea. I hear the door open and look up to see Ella.

  “Hey, Londyn!”


  “How was your break?” She laughs. “I guess that’s a dumb question. You’re engaged!”

  “I am. It was nice.”

  “I’m still shocked. I had no idea something was going on with you two.”

  “It really only started after Thanksgiving.”

  “But how?”

  “It’s quite amazing. I’ll tell you sometime, but now I have so much work to do.”

  “Cool. We’ll catch up soon.”


  I walk back to the office thinking about Ella. That interaction was seemingly normal, but I remember the gossip, the lies, and the prying into my life. I don’t know how to handle it. It’s times like these I need Maddie. She would know what to say. Perhaps I’ll call her later. It’s time we caught up a bit.

  Walking back into the office, I see Luca on the phone looking very upset. He is silent as he listens to whoever is speaking. He looks up at me and I swear he’s on the verge of tears.

  “What can I do?” he asks. “Yes, we can be there…” he looks at his watch. “In about an hour. Can I bring anything?” he listens again. “Okay, Mamma. We’ll see you soon. Yes, I’m bringing Londyn.”

  He hangs up and wrings his hands. “Candace is hurt.”

  I cover my mouth and gasp. “What happened?”

  “They aren’t sure yet. She got up this morning and went to take a shower. When she was taking a long time, Nico went to check on her and he found her passed out in the bathroom. They are doing tests now, but she’s unconscious.”

  “Oh no!”

  “My mother said they could use some coffee and food. Nico is a mess and Christopher won’t stop crying.”

  “Let’s go. We can do work later. This is family.”

  “I pray that Nico doesn’t lose her. I know how truly painful that can be.”

  “Let’s not think things like that. We have to hope for the best.”

  “You’re right.”

  We grab our coats and hurry back to Luca’s house to get the car. He drives as fast as possible. When we near the hospital, we stop at a fast food restaurant and get a variety of food and coffee for everyone. Arriving at the hospital, Luca calls his mum to find out where they are. Riding the elevator to the floor they’re on, Luca squeezes my hand. I say a silent prayer that somehow this will work out.

  When Adele sees us, she rushes to hug first Luca, then me. Nico is sitting in a chair, looking very distraught, holding an equally upset Christopher. He looks like he’s lost his best friend and my heart breaks for him. I walk over and sit next to him, rubbing his back. He glances at me, but doesn’t really react.

  I watch Luca and his mum speak. His expression worries me. The doctor comes out and Nico looks up.

  “Mr. Di Roma, can I speak with you please?”

  “I’ll take Christopher,” I offer.

  Nico hands the child to me and walks over to the doctor. The family huddles and I feel the least I can do, is try to keep the child calm. I have a feeling this is going to be a very long day.

  MY EYES SHIFT BETWEEN NICO and Londyn. She sits quietly, holding Nico’s son who seems to have calmed in her arms. Nico’s voice suddenly cuts through the silence.

  “Are you sure?” he asks, a desperate tone in his voice.

  The doctor says something else and Nico buries his face in his hands. I immediately rush to his side, fearing the worse.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  Nico cannot compose himself. The doctor explains that Candace is diabetic and must have fainted from low blood sugar. Initial tests show that other than a mild concussion, she didn’t suffer any major injuries and she will make a full recovery.

  The doctor leaves and I put my arm around my brother. “You alright, Nico? It sounds like she’s going to be okay.”

  “No,” he says, shaking his head. “I didn’t know until now.”

  “It sounds like she didn’t know she had it either.”

  “Not that.” He looks up at me with bloodshot eyes. “I didn’t know how horrible the pain must have been for you. I didn’t understand until I was faced with losing the only woman I’ve ever loved. I’m so sorry, Luca. I wish I had been more patient with you.”

  “You do not owe me an apology.”

  “I do. I was such an ass. I stole women from you just to hurt you. I made constant digs. I couldn’t understand why you didn’t want to be around me.”

  “Nico, we’ve resolved this. We don’t have to talk about it anymore.”

  “We do. You apologized to me, but I never did the same for you.”

  I look over at my mother and Londyn. Londyn’s expression reads pure concern and it should. Nico is highly emotional right now and I need to calm him down before he says something he shouldn’t.

  “Now I know how awful it must have been for you to lose Sara. I understand why you thought it was your fault and why you resented me.”

  “Nico, please. It’s okay. I forgive you. Let’s just focus on Candace.”

  “It’s not okay. We lost ten years. I’m sorry, Luca. I’m sorry we lied. I’m sorry for all of it.”

  “Nico, stop!” I whisper. “Don’t do this to mamma.”

  Nico’s eyes shift between my mother’s and mine. She looks at us suspiciously.

  “A lot of what happened is my fault. It still would have been awful. We would have lost Sara, but-”

  “That’s enough.”

  “But at least you wouldn’t have had to bear the guilt of what happened to me and lying to everyone. I made you do that and I’m sorry.”

  My mother is suddenly at my side. “What did you say?”

  Londyn stands and steps away, holding a now sleeping Christopher in her arms.

  “I’m sorry, Mamma, it’s time you knew the truth,” Nico says.

  I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand. I
can’t stop this from happening.

  “We lied about the accident,” he says. “We said I was driving, but I wasn’t. Luca was driving.”

  My mother looks at Nico then at me. He’s crying even harder now.

  “We didn’t want to hurt anyone. We thought it was better to lie. I did. Luca wanted to tell everyone the truth, but I wouldn’t let him. I just thought it was better. Even at Christmas…” he stops and wipes his face. “Luca was going to tell you and I still talked him out of it. For all these years, we’ve kept this secret. It ruined Luca’s life and strained our relationship. It’s my fault, Mamma. Can you forgive me?”

  Tears run down my mother’s face and I wish I could be anywhere but here. She looks down at the floor and walks slowly back and forth.

  “I always wondered,” she says softly. “Why would Luca bring you along? Why would he sit in the back seat? It never made sense. I didn’t ask because I knew in my heart it was a lie and I was afraid of the truth. Why?”

  Nico starts to speak, but I put my hand up. “We panicked, Mamma. I knew Sara was dying and I didn’t know what to do, so I called Nico. He thought it would ruin my life and career if they knew I was driving. He thought he was young enough that nothing bad would happen.” I lower my head. “We kept the lie going because it just seemed like it would do more harm than good if we didn’t. We never wanted to hurt anyone.”

  She rubs my arm. “You carried this with you all these years?” I nod my head. “And you, Nico, it was your idea?”

  “I just wanted to protect Luca. He was already hurt bad enough losing Sara.”

  “I see.” She walks away and stares out the window. Glancing over at Londyn, she motions for her to approach.

  “Did you know about this?” she asks.


  “How does it make you feel?”

  “Sad. For so many people.”

  “Yes. I feel sad.”

  “They never wanted to hurt you or Sara’s family. Luca intended to take this to his grave. He only told me because he felt I should know why he was so broken.”


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