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Whispers in the Code

Page 14

by Stephanie

  “If you’ll excuse us, we’ll finish our dance in peace, and then we have other matters to attend to,” I finish.

  Erickson narrows his eyes, wrinkles creasing his forehead.

  Shake his hand. It will make him feel better.

  I lean forward and offer my hand, which he shakes once—too hard—before turning and forcing his way through the chatting dancers. I glance at Val. “I don’t think Stuart likes him any more than you do.”

  She huffs and crosses her arms. “I see what Lady Black meant about political unrest. I keep picturing that man with a pair of knives in his back.”

  “Better not be my knives,” an accented voice says behind us. “I’m not wasting good butcher knives on the likes of him.”

  Val spins around, shrieking with delight. “Mama!” She grabs the older woman in a fierce hug, nearly sending the two of them sprawling, and lets out a string of Spanish so fast that I don’t bother trying to translate it. I step back, shifting nervously, and wait for Val to introduce me. Her mother is a short, plump woman with dark brown curls, and the obvious source of Val’s height.

  Behind them is a tall young woman with her arms folded over her chest. Bright red dress, haughty chin raised as she looks us over with dirt-black, mischievous eyes. The way she looks at me—I shudder. Despite the life-spirit healer, traces of pain still trickle across my back from Lady Black’s training, and this particular woman looks even more menacing.

  Next to the young woman is a guy my age, with short hair and a giant grin, and he holds the hand of a girl who looks to be in her early teens. She bounces on her feet, biting her lip and beaming with delight.

  Considerably friendlier.

  “Tim—this is my mother. Mama, this is Tim… erm… Master Zaytsev.” Val faces us toward each other and Mrs. Salazar puckers her lips. “We met on one of my missions,” Val explains. “He’s a computer programmer, and he’s also a member of the Camaraderie.” Her mother leans in and whispers to Val in Spanish, lending to a blushing fit of giggles. “Mama!”

  Her mother turns to me. “Good to meet you, Master Zaytsev.” To my surprise, she gives me a giant hug.

  I gasp for breath and give her a thumbs-up. “Likewise.”

  Mrs. Salazar leans in again beside Val. “I like him,” she says in what sounds like a whisper I’m meant to hear. “Nicer than that last boy you brought home.”

  The young woman behind Mrs. Salazar murmurs her agreement. “Nice find, Val. He’s actually a looker.” Heat flares in my cheeks as she pushes through the group toward me. “I haven’t heard much about you. I’m Isabella. Val’s older sister.”

  I spare a glance to Val. “I haven’t heard much about you, either?” The resemblance between their faces is clear now that they’re together, despite the staggering height difference.

  “Naturally,” Isabella says. “Val never was good at introducing her boyfriends. By the way—”

  Mrs. Salazar clears her throat. “Isabella…”

  Isabella shrugs callously. “I’m just looking out for my little sister’s best interests.”

  “Valerie can take care of herself,” Mrs. Salazar chides. “She’s brought us far more honor than your shenanigans ever have. You will treat her with the proper respect—just as you would treat any of the Camaraderie leaders.”

  Isabella scoffs. “Lo siento, Mama.” She turns to me and curtsies. “Let me try again. I’m Isabella Gabriela Martina Salazar, and it is my great pleasure to meet you.” She raises her hand in midair and I hesitantly take it. She flashes me a grin. “You’re supposed to kiss a lady’s hand, not shake it.”

  I wince, but Val slips her arm around my waist. “Oh, big deal. Do you see anyone else kissing hands?” She points to the other two. “That’s Daniel, my younger brother, and Zoe, my youngest sister.”

  Zoe doesn’t notice me, staring instead at the dazzling fireworks overhead.

  “Hello,” Daniel says, beaming.

  I wave and quickly shove my hands in my pockets to avoid further social mess-ups. “Nice to meet you.”

  Daniel looks between us both before his gaze flicks to our pendants. “You two are really part of the Camaraderie of Evil? The Camaraderie of Evil?”

  “There’s only one.” Val holds out her pendant. I follow her example, and Daniel’s eyes go even wider.

  He laughs. “That’s awesome.” He touches my pendant, flipping it between his fingers while I try not to fidget. “You’re international leaders. Congrats, sis.” He punches her in the arm, and Zoe points to the pendant.

  “Bonito,” she whispers.

  Daniel nods, saying something in Spanish and poking Zoe’s nose. She bats his hand away, glaring at him, and then returns to staring at the pendants.

  Mrs. Salazar lays a hand on Val’s shoulder. “You’ll have to tell us all about your adventures,” she says. “Though I realize that may have to wait. I’m proud of you, Valerie, very proud.”

  Warmth floods my chest as Val hugs her again. “Gracias, Mama.” She rests her head on my shoulder. “I couldn’t have done it without Tim, though. He’s the one who helped me escape so I could finish the mission.”

  “I’m sure you could have escaped,” I say quickly. “Your insight, and all that.”

  Val tugs my arm, and my knees go weak. Her brown eyes are even lovelier in the ballroom with all the light.

  “Don’t underestimate yourself, Tim,” she says. “I would have taken a lot longer to get the flying car running, and you disabled their tracker.”

  I scuff my shoe along the floor, embarrassed. I disabled the tracker in the car, got Val to the Camaraderie, and delivered one pendant to waiting hands. If only the rebels hadn’t come back for the car. But then, if they hadn’t, would I have worked up the courage to kill Lady Winters? Would I even be here?

  “Why don’t we talk over refreshments?” Mrs. Salazar suggests.

  Val shows her fangs in a grin. “Sounds good to me. I think the snacks are this way.” She leads us to a long table lined with finger sandwiches and cookies.

  I select a cucumber sandwich to nibble on while Val visits. I don’t want to intervene, and I wish my family could be here to see this. To know what we’ve accomplished. But this is bigger than anything a Community leader might host, and far more open about powers and the outside world.

  “So, Tim, tell me about yourself.”

  I jump, startled from my thoughts. With the others distracted in conversation behind us, Isabella leans on the table, flipping her wavy hair across her shoulders and adjusting the “V” of her dress so that it shows even more skin than before. Tall, curvy… and for the love of the Community, I just got through dealing with Lady Black.

  She winks. “Look, I know about the times Val snuck out with her boyfriend’s brother and the time she took a month to try dating girls, but what about you?” She pokes my nose. “You’re an international leader. Had any affairs yet?”

  I recoil. “Of course not! Why would you even ask that?” My hand clenches around my pendant, but I falter. She just said… “Val snuck out with her boyfriend’s brother?”

  She would never do that. I know her, I—

  Isabella rests her hand on my shoulder and sidles closer. “Easy, Tim. I didn’t mean anything by it. One time my sister had a little too much to drink and, in all fairness, he did have nicer cheekbones.” Isabella reaches for my face and I stumble. “Kind of like yours.”

  I press my lips together as a fresh jolt of pain runs through my back. “Val’s not going to cheat on me.”

  Isabella’s eyes widen, and she lets out a high-pitched laugh that sounds beast-like in itself. “Oh, Tim—you are new, aren’t you? You’re a leader; you make your own rules.” Her voice drops, sultry as she positions herself so I see clear down her dress. Nice form—

  I quickly raise my eyes. I’m not going through this again.

  “We could hang out tonight. I am the more fun sister to be around. Val’s sweet, but she gets
a little rough with her powers. Put one poor guy in the hospital.” She slides her hand over mine. “Come on. Let me show you a few perks of the position.” She presses her bosom against me, and I’m all too aware that there’s only a few pieces of fabric between us.


  She stares at me. “What?”

  I shake my head. “I’m not interested.”

  “Oh, Tim.” She places a hand on her hip and waggles a finger at me. “Has the heartbreaking vampiress already sunk her teeth in too deep for you to let go?”

  I rub my shoulder self-consciously. Teeth. Right. Yeah—she’s sunk her teeth in. “Just leave me alone, all right?”

  Isabella raises her hands in defeat. “You’re missing out.” She turns on her high heels, and then glances at me over her shoulder. “But I’m sure you can find me when you change your mind.” She grins, readjusts her dress, and returns to the group where Val is smiling and laughing, chatting with her family as if nothing is wrong.

  I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I’m glad Val’s sister is only here until the end of the evening.

  “Excuse me, Master Zaytsev? Commander Rick said I’d find you over here. Might I have the honor of a word?” I turn toward the familiar Russian accent behind me and my jaw drops.

  “President Feodosiy.” I bow before I remember I outrank him. “Certainly.”

  The president chuckles. Though he looks the commander’s opposite—clean-shaven with thinning, grey hair and a slender, unimposing body—I suspect he and the commander would enjoy evening drinks together.

  “An honest man…” He gives me a good-natured smile. “we don’t see many leaders as humble as yourself in these circles.”

  I’m not sure whether he heard my previous conversation or not, but I suppress the giddiness running through me and nod. “Thank you, sir. It’s an honor.”

  “No, Master Zaytsev, my honor.” He touches his chest lightly, beside a little pin of the Community flag. “I read the reports about your work within the Community, and I am proud the Russian Community produced a leader such as yourself. You are a testament to our country’s efficiency.” He offers his hand and I shake it, dazed.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  He smiles. “Keep up the good work, and congratulations on your new position. I’m sure the commander will teach you well.” He gives my hand one final shake, salutes me, and then leaves. I nearly bounce on my feet with excitement. The president just congratulated me. And called me a testament to the Community’s efficiency. I clamp my fists at my side to keep from punching them in the air.

  I hurry back to Val. “Did you see that?”

  She turns, wisps of hair framing her face as she tilts her head, curious. “Who was he?”

  “The president of Russia, congratulating me on the job.” I grin.

  She touches my shoulder fondly. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so happy.”

  “Well, there was the time we went to Japan. First date.”

  Val tosses her head back and laughs. “You’re such a flatterer.” But she grabs my arm and her mother nods approvingly. Guess I can’t do much better than that, though Isabella gives me a knowing, crooked smile.


  Zoe darts between us and thrusts a small, shiny object into Val’s hands. She jabbers a string of sentences I don’t follow. Val holds the object to the light, turning it and smiling.

  “Can I see that?” I ask, curious. Zoe makes a face at me and snaps at me in Spanish. I blink. “What’d she say?

  Val bites her lip, amused, and responds to her sister before handing me the object. “She said it was ‘her jellyfish ship. You have your own.’ I told her she has to share.”

  I glance between Zoe’s pouting face and Val’s bright one, and then hesitantly take the object. The item is meticulously detailed, a perfect rendition of a silver jellyfish. Not a ship, per se, but still. “I already have one?” I ask, handing it back.

  Zoe snatches the trinket back and returns to the table near a pile of forks. Val nods. “Yes. Your… pet, remember?” Her smile fades, and I realize she’s referring to the Legion Spore.

  But how does Zoe know about that?

  Daniel gawks at me. “You have a pet jellyfish? Awesome! Mama…”

  “No.” Mrs. Salazar shakes her head. “No pet jellyfish. Two lizards and whatever else you keep in that bedroom of yours is plenty.”

  He grins, unfazed, and I return to watch Zoe. She takes a fork in her hands, staring at it with her lip tucked between her teeth. The fork shifts form, softening into a little ball in her hands. She strokes the silver, murmuring, and soon enough she has two little figurines formed from the metal. One looks like a miniature toy soldier. The other looks like an exact replica of the portrait of Lord Black hanging from the wall in front of us.

  “She’s a metal elemental?” I ask, staring at Val. I’ve seen that power listed in the Camaraderie databanks, but only on occasion. For whatever reason, they’re rare. I lean over the teenager’s shoulder, and she holds up the toy soldier—female, perfectly detailed to the camo outline on her uniform—playing with it and the jellyfish… and making it look like the jellyfish is trying to wrap its tentacles around the soldier.

  Jellyfish ship.

  “Insight,” I whisper. I wince at a sudden, sharp reminder from Stuart that I’m supposed to be thinking of Tetris or solitaire.

  “Yep.” Val lays a hand on my shoulder. “How’d you guess?”

  “I’ll explain later.” I cross my arms, watching Zoe play with her new toys. “How old is she?”

  “Sixteen,” Val says. I frown. Zoe seems so childish. So… dedicated to her toys. It’s like there’s this whole, massive gathering around her and she doesn’t even notice. Val squeezes my shoulder gently. “Zoe’s mind never fully developed,” Val explains. “She’s amazing with her powers, but she’ll never go to school or take an academic job.”

  “But powers don’t develop until you hit puberty. How did you know to keep her?” I ask.

  Daniel’s jaw drops and Isabella smirks, settling her hand on her hip with a satisfied snort. “See, Val? I’m not the only one.”

  “Oh, shut it!” Val snaps. “He’s from the Community; what do you expect?”

  I glance between her and Isabella. “What’s wrong?”

  Val faces me, cautiously looking me over. “Unlike the Community, the territories don’t execute people with mental disorders. Not unless the parents ask them to.”

  “But it’s not…. efficient.” I pause, staring at Val’s eyes, and then at Zoe. The girl laughs, holding up the little jellyfish figurine and the soldier. I lick my lips, feeling like everybody in her family is watching me. “Sorry. It’s just… it’s different from what I’m used to. I mean… even the Camaraderie is different from the Community.”

  Val smiles approvingly, and I let out my breath. “We all have things to learn,” she says. She guides me to the table where Zoe’s playing. Val points to the figurine of Lord Black and asks her sister a question in Spanish.

  Zoe raises her chin and answers matter-of-factly. Val covers her mouth with her hand, laughing nervously.

  “What’d she say?” I ask. “What’s wrong?

  Val lowers her voice. “Well, when you’re at a Camaraderie ball, you normally don’t refer to Lord Black as ‘Jellyman.’ ”

  I wince. Fair enough.

  “I asked if she was going to play with the other toy she made, and she said they’ll fight later. I guess she’s not done playing with the soldier yet.” Val pats my shoulder and we leave Zoe to her metal crafting.

  “Yeah, I guess not,” I murmur, though I hope Zoe’s not suggesting I’m going to see more OA soldiers—

  Tetris. Falling Blocks. A large orange “L.”

  Thanks, Stuart. I rub my head, distracted by the game he started in the back of my mind. At least it isn’t too hard to pick up where he left off.

  Fascinating child
, Stuart notes. Powerful in her crafting. He pauses. You missed a block. I get the image of a blue square missing its mark.

  I take a deep breath, ignoring the game points I lost, and then focus on Val. “You all right?” she asks.

  “Yeah. Just getting private messages,” I grumble.

  Val rubs my back and Mrs. Salazar steps forward. “I shouldn’t keep you from your duties,” she says, patting Val’s arm. “But I’m glad we could come. Thank you for the invitation.”

  “You’re welcome, Mama.” She hugs each of them, even Isabella.

  Then Mrs. Salazar hugs me. “You keep an eye on my daughter,” she says, her eyes betraying a sparkle whereas her lips suggest she’s scolding me. “Else I’ll get a nice big cleaver and etch your name on it.”

  “Uh—yes ma’am,” I say.

  Val’s face turns beet red. “Mama…”

  “Don’t worry. Just tell him how I ran off the boys I didn’t like,” Mrs. Salazar calls over her shoulder as she ushers her family onto the dance floor.

  I take a cookie from the refreshments table. “So… butcher?”

  Val nods. “Yep. And not afraid to use her job as intimidation.”

  “I noticed.” I watch the family mingle, and they even get a brief audience with the Mexican governess. “They seem nice.”

  Val nods, bashful, and leads me back amidst the swirling gowns and crisp waistcoats. “I’m glad you think so.” She offers her hand, poising as if she’s a dainty lady. I laugh and take it.

  We spend the next hour attempting to dance and being introduced to various leaders as Lady Black and the commander find them. Finally, the symphony switches to an uplifting composition. No one interrupts us as we fly in circles across our small portion of the dance floor. Then, just as the song concludes, Val stumbles into me. I yelp as I catch her. She clutches my arm as she looks around the room, dazed. It’s as if she’s looking through the crowd, but she can’t see the people in front of her.


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