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Mr. CEOooooooo

Page 6

by Olivia T. Turner

  She shakes out her hands as she takes a deep nervous breath and my pulse starts racing even more. I can’t take my eyes off her. I know in that moment that my life will never be the same. She’s in it now, whether she knows it or not and my life has a new purpose. My universe revolves around her.

  Another bid lights up the screen and my lips curl up as a snarl rips out of my throat. I’ll kill anyone who tries to take her from me. They’ll die screaming if they think they can touch her.

  I pry my eyes off of her for the split second that it takes to smash my hand onto the button, upping the bid by another twenty-five grand.

  No matter how many times I hit the button, someone else keeps trying to outbid me. Adrenaline rushes through my veins as I pace around the tiny room, cursing as these dead men keep trying to take her from me. I smash the button again and again and again.

  I don’t care what the cost of her is. I’ll pay every cent that I have until all of my billions are gone and I’m left with nothing but her.

  I just want this to be over and have her secure in my arms but these fuckers keep hitting their buttons as well.

  I slam back my scotch as the bidding crosses a million dollars. My throat is painfully dry from my rushed breathing. There’s a pounding in my ears as I hit the button again.

  When the price passes three million dollars, it’s only me and bidder number four left fighting for her.

  I glare at his window with furious eyes, dreaming of smashing through it and slitting his throat. Any competition to her must be eliminated. I don’t care if it’s murder. I don’t care if it’s barbaric. I only care about possessing her completely and anyone who threatens that must be removed from this planet.

  The second he bids, I’m smashing my fist down onto the button like a hammer. Every hit of the button makes my rage increase until it’s nearly boiling.

  When the price crosses four million I hit the green button with so much frustration that it jams.

  Pure panic seizes me as the counter counts down from ten. I claw at the button as it crosses nine, eight, seven. Each second lost is like a stab of adrenaline to my heart and I start to freak out, punching and kicking the chair, desperately trying to get the button to work.



  I can’t breathe. It’s not working.

  “Wait!” I scream but the sound just echoes in the soundproof room, bouncing back into my pounding ears. “I want her!”



  I can’t think. My hands start shaking.

  The screen turns red as the clock winds down.


  A cold chill rips through me as every worst fear comes crashing down on me. I’m going to lose her.


  The price locks on $4,250,000. Bidder number four wins.

  My stomach drops as I fall to my knees, feeling like I’m going to puke.

  The door behind her slides open and I explode to my feet before she disappears through it and out of my life forever.

  I’ll die without her. I know because I’ll slit my own wrists if I can’t live with her by my side.

  A guttural roar erupts from my chest as I grab the chair and yank it off the ground. With a savage grunt I smash it into the dark window as hard as I can. It crashes through the glass, smashing the window to pieces.

  Jessica screams as she jumps back, jerking her head toward me. Her eyes are wide with shock as her trembling hand flies up to cover her open mouth.

  I charge through the broken glass onto the lit up stage as she gapes up at me with the most striking brown eyes that I’ve ever seen. She’s even more flawless in real life without the darkness of the glass muting her beauty.

  We just stare at each other like two souls who are finally seeing their other half for the first time. There are no words that can be said to describe what I’m feeling.

  My chest is burning, my head spinning, but I dig down deep for her.

  “I’m taking you.”

  She swallows hard as she looks up at me with a soft expression on her face. My heart nearly explodes when she nods.

  “I’ve been waiting for you.” Her voice is better than any song I’ve ever heard. Sweeter than any candy I’ve tasted. Each soft word cuts through me and strums on my soul, making my chest swell up.

  Without a second of hesitation I grab her and toss her over my shoulder. She moans as I grip the back of her soft thigh with my hand and turn back to the broken window.

  Bidder number four is banging his fists on his window in an outrage. He better hope that the glass doesn’t break because I’ll end his life before the shattered pieces hit the ground.

  I’d love to go and take care of him now but the girl on my shoulder is my top concern.

  I need to get her out of here. I need to get her to safety.

  I need to get her to my room.

  And that’s exactly where I’m going.

  I grit my teeth and run.

  Chapter Two


  One hour earlier…

  “Put this on.”

  “What’s wrong with my clothes?” I ask, taking a step back from the thick woman. She just lets out a grunt as she shoves the school girl outfit into my chest.

  “You look like a girl who shops at a thrift store,” she barks as she looks me up and down.

  She’s got that wrong. I don’t shop at a thrift store, I steal from a thrift store.

  “Wear that and it will add at least another six figures to your price.”

  My price. I swallow hard as she rips the curtain closed in my changing stall. I hear her stomp away and curse at one of the other terrified girls.

  My hands are shaking as I change into it. It’s so revealing and I want to yank the curtain off of the pole and cover myself with it.

  I look at myself in the mirror and nearly burst into tears as I regret every decision that’s led me to this moment.

  But what choice did I have? It was the only way.

  When my father died he left me with a stack of bills that went up to my chin. He got into a grisly motorcycle accident. After a dozen or so surgeries and three weeks in the hospital, he finally let go in the middle of the night.

  The insurance refused to cover it and he left me with a measly three hundred and seven dollars in his savings account and fifty one dollars in the jar under his bed. The bank seized our tiny little house and once the last of my friends said I couldn’t sleep on their couch anymore, my only choice was to live on the streets.

  I have no family and my selfish mother took off when I was three, never to be seen again. I was on my own. I’m still on my own.

  I thought I won the lottery when a man off the street pulled up beside me in a limo and stuck a business card in my hand. It was a simple offer: Trade in my V-Card for fifty thousand dollars.

  I didn’t want to but I agreed.

  My whole life, I’ve been saving my virginity for someone that I loved but what choice did I have after my father died? If I lived under a highway overpass it would only be a matter of time before someone came by and took it from me anyway. I might as well get paid for it.

  So I said yes and it’s led me to this moment; stuck in a small changing stall with my stomach rolling with nerves. My heart is pounding as I’m wishing that I could speed up time so this could all be over.

  The curtain rips open and the large woman nods in approval as she looks me up and down. “Better.”

  She grabs my wrist so hard that I let out a whimper. She turns to me with a grin. “If you think that hurts, you’re in for a hell of a surprise when you meet these men.”

  I want to ask her what she means but my mouth is so dry and I can’t find any words. She throws me in line, sandwiched between a terrified looking girl in baby doll pajamas and a girl who’s sweating nervously in a tight nurse’s uniform.

  I wonder if they got examined too. I still get nauseous when I think back to this afternoon when the woman made me strip as she st
ood there with a flashlight. She had to make sure that I was still a virgin.

  She looked pleased when she found out that I was.

  “When I say go,” she says, marching up and down the line of young girls like a general addressing the troops before battle. “You walk onto the stage and stand there until the door opens. There is no crying allowed. You’ll lose ten thousand dollars from your cut for every tear that I see. Look sexy and don’t forget to smile.”

  She stops in front of me and yanks down my shirt, showing more cleavage than I’d ever want to show.

  “There are hungry billionaires behind that glass that are paying big money to be the lucky one to pop your virgin cherries,” she continues. “It’s time to earn your cut.”

  The door opens and she pushes the first girl through. I take a deep breath and hold it, staring at the door as it closes like the blade of a guillotine.

  I’m next.

  I glance over my shoulder, looking for an exit but there aren’t any. My chin starts trembling as the seconds tick away slower than normal.

  There’s an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach as I stare at the door, dreading the second that it’s going to open.

  When it finally does my legs buckle. I reach out and place my palm on the cold cement wall, trying to focus on my breathing so I don’t pass out.

  The first girl hurries out of the room, looking wide eyed and panicked. She looks like a soldier returning from the battlefield who saw more than she expected to see.

  It makes me feel even worse.

  The door slides closed and I close my eyes, wishing that I was anywhere but here. I wish for my man to come and save me.

  He’s not real but he comes to me during my dark hours when I close my eyes. He came to me in that horrible moment when my father died. I was falling into the abyss and he’s the one who grabbed me, and pulled me out. He held me to his chest and rocked me, telling me everything was going to be okay.

  I never saw his face but I could feel his loving presence, wrapping around me and filling me with warmth.

  He came to me when the bank took my house and I walked with my backpack full of clothes from friend’s house to friend’s house, begging them to let me stay on their couch. He was there for me then, holding my hand as I stumbled down the sidewalk in shoes that I outgrew months ago, encouraging me, telling me that he was coming for me and that when he did, everything was going to be okay.

  He comes for me in my times of need and my heart nearly breaks when he leaves me all alone now.

  I need him more than ever but he doesn’t come.

  I’m truly on my own.

  The door slides open again, and before I can run away, a strong hand grips my arm and throws me forward. “No crying,” the woman barks.

  I hold back a scream as I end up in the middle of the round room with the harsh bright lights beating down on me. The only exit slides closed behind me, and I feel my face turn pale.

  My heart is racing in my chest. My stomach is rock hard.

  I gulp down terrified breaths as I slowly look around at the dark glass panels that make up the walls. There are eight of them, shaped like an octagon.

  They can see me but I can’t see them. All I see is a hazy reflection of a scared little girl who looks like me.

  It’s then that I feel a familiar presence. It’s like a wave of warm air coming at me from one of the panels. I turn to it and stare in shock as I recognize him. He’s here with me. My man.

  Every second in here feels like a tick, tick, tick like I’m standing next to a bomb about to go off.

  But somehow, with my man’s presence here with me, I feel strangely okay.

  The buzzer rings when the bids are finished and the door behind me slides open.


  He never came to save me. The presence is there but he does nothing when I need him the most.

  My stomach hardens once again as I turn to the door, feeling dizzy and more alone than ever. I clutch my stomach, trying not to cry as I take a step forward.

  And then, he comes.

  The window behind me shatters as a chair flies through it and skids to a stop at my feet.

  He bursts through the broken window and rushes up to me as I stare at him with my heart drumming in my chest.

  He’s stunning.

  His body towers over me. He’s thick with muscle under his tightly tailored suit that screams of wealth and power. The intense look in his dark eyes makes my muscles quiver.

  I knew he would come for me. This is fate unfolding before my eyes.

  “I’m taking you.”

  His voice is firm. Dominant. Full of power and control.

  It’s exactly what I need to hear. I’ve been waiting months for him to come to me and say those words.

  I’ve been waiting for him to save me.

  He’s waiting for an answer but I’m lost in his intense dark eyes.

  I nod. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  God, have I been waiting.

  He lunges forward and grabs me with strong, confident arms, tossing me over his round shoulder easily. A small moan falls from my lips when I feel his big masculine hand grip the back of my naked thigh to hold me in place.

  Lust and arousal courses through me at being stolen like this. The swirling warmth settles between my legs making me wet under his hard touch.

  Someone starts banging on one of the windows from the other side and he doesn’t wait around to find out who it is. Without another word he sprints out the door, carrying me over his shoulder with him.

  Carrying me to safety.

  Carrying me to where I belong.

  With him.

  Chapter Three


  We explode out of the main doors of the building into the cool night sky, and I get a burst of energy when I see my rented limo waiting for me across the street. It’s wedged between a dozen or so other limos but I recognize mine immediately because my driver installed golden rims on it.

  I’m holding onto Jessica tight as she bounces on my shoulder with every pump of my sprinting legs. I dart my head around, looking for more security but the street is empty.

  For a building full of a billionaires, the security is pretty light. I only ran into two security guards on the way out and they were amateur at best. I took them both out easily, knocking them out cold with my fists.

  I head for the limo, hoping that the driver is in there and not getting a bite to eat or taking a piss somewhere. The driver’s seat is empty.

  “Fuck!” I shout, kicking a dent into the door. The fucker better have left the keys inside or he’s a dead man.

  I take a breath of relief when I look in and see them resting on the dash.

  “I’m getting you out of here,” I say as I run around the car and open the passenger side door. Jessica’s skirt runs up high on her milky thighs as I lower her to her feet and the sight of her white cotton panties is enough to make me moan out loud.

  She climbs into the passenger’s seat and I hesitate for a second before closing the door. She looks so damn tempting sitting there with her cleavage in full view and her school girl skirt hiked up her legs. It’s painful to take my eyes off her.

  Running footsteps slam onto the pavement behind me and I shake out of my daze, closing the door and sprinting back to the driver’s side. I jump in and start the engine, peeling away from the curb as the security guards arrive at the limo.

  Jessica screams as one guy grabs her door and tries to open it. He gets his foot run over for the effort.

  I grit my teeth as I look at him through the rearview mirror, sitting on his ass and screaming as he holds his injured foot. If I wasn’t in such a hurry to get this sweet girl to safety, I would throw it into reverse and give him a kiss on his lips with my bumper.

  Jessica struggles to keep steady as she slides around on the long front seat as I speed through the dark streets, taking sharp turns and accelerating at a pace that limousines weren’t designed to
go at.

  “Put your seatbelt on,” I command when I finally slow down. I’m confident that there’s no one following me now. There’s no way they could have caught up and anyway, they have no idea which direction I went.

  She does as I say and I loosen my death grip on the steering wheel now that she’s safe with me.

  “Where’s the driver?” she asks, looking into the backseat.

  Her voice sends warm shivers shooting through me with every word that she speaks.

  “He’s not here,” I say with a shrug. I guess he’s walking home.

  The threat to her is gone yet my heart is still pounding as hard as it was when we were being chased. There are so many feelings ripping through me and it feels like I’m being crushed by the weight of them. They don’t make sense. How can I be so obsessed with this girl who I don’t even know?

  The answers will come soon enough but all I can think about right now is getting her to a safe place where I can lock her away, rip off those clothes, and sink my hard cock into her to fill her with my cum. I want to take her virgin womb and coat it with my sticky load so that she’ll be mine forever.

  The need to claim her is raging through my veins, eating me alive with its primal demands.

  I would stop the limo and take her now but I want to keep her forever and it won’t be safe until we’re in the air, flying out of the country.

  I merge onto the empty highway and speed down the middle lane, heading for the airport. I have a private jet waiting for me. Waiting for us.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, turning to look at her for the first time since our getaway started. She looks so small and delicate sitting there, looking like she’s getting swallowed by the large seat. The shine of the streetlights dance across her innocent face, making her look even more beautiful if that’s possible.

  In that moment, I know I did the right thing. I’ll probably be a wanted man now, living on the run now that seven powerful billionaires saw me take what wasn’t mine.

  There will be repercussions. For them. If they try and take this young girl away from me, they’ll see that she is mine and mine alone.


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