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Ryder (Knights Corruption MC Series Book 5)

Page 4

by S. Nelson

  “Why not just come in the salon and we can do it right now?” I countered, focusing on his full lips while waiting for him to answer me.

  “Because if I see that guy, I’m gonna put him flat on his back. Besides, I don’t think your friend would appreciate it.”

  He was right. Sia would definitely disapprove if Ryder waltzed back into the salon.



  “Yeah, fine. I’ll come over when I’m done here.”

  “How about I pick you up?”

  “How about you don’t push your luck?”

  He gave me a tight smile before releasing me and retreating, shoving his hands in his pockets as he waited for me to make a move. Only after I’d turned and started walking back toward Transform did I hear the roar of his bike before he raced off down the road.


  As I watched Braylen roll out her little black bag across my kitchen counter, I couldn’t help but stare at her ass. I mean, come on, it was right in my direct line of view. The way her jeans cupped her cheeks was enough to make me want to tear them from her body. Her legs looked killer, even though they were covered by dark fabric. They seemed to go on for miles, even when only wearing her sneaks.

  “Are you staring at my ass again?” she asked, looking over her shoulder just in time to catch me in the act.

  “You know damn well I am, woman. Your ass is one of the things I love about you.” I hadn’t meant to say love; it popped out of my mouth before I could stop it. Braylen noticed as well, judging by the stiffening of her shoulders as she turned back around.

  We weren’t there yet, expressing our feelings and shit. Yeah, I cared about her and wanted to be around her more often than not, but I sure as hell wasn’t in love with her. Hell, I’d never been in love with anyone before. I wasn’t quite sure I even knew what it felt like.

  I’d been involved in a long-term relationship many years back, but thinking about it now, I was never in love with Rose. She’d gotten pregnant a month in and I did the right thing by sticking with her. In the end it just didn’t work out, the danger surrounding the club too much for her, which I completely understood. I wanted her to take my daughter and move far away, outside any reach our enemies would’ve had.

  Which brought me to another point—Braylen didn’t know I had a daughter. I’d meant to tell her a few weeks after we started hanging out, but it just never seemed to be the right time. And now . . . fuck, too much time had passed for her not to know. Or so I’d been told by Jagger, Tripp, and Stone, Jagger being the one person I feared revealing my business before I could. After all, his woman was Braylen’s little sister. But he assured me it was my news to tell, so he promised not to say a word to Kena.

  “Okay, let’s do this.” She walked toward me with a pair of scissors in one hand and clippers in the other. She looked like a woman on a mission, pointing toward the chair she’d set in the middle of the kitchen, silently instructing me to take a seat.

  Braylen shocked me from time to time, either with her sass and stubbornness or her ability to hold a grudge and give me the cold shoulder. During the time we’d been together, I could safely say she kept me on my toes. Life certainly wasn’t boring where she was concerned. I just hoped her intentions were on point that evening.

  “You’re not gonna shave my head because you’re pissed at me, are you?” My thoughts immediately flew to when Hawke’s woman, Edana, shaved his head when she’d found out he’d been cheating on her. She did the deed while he was sleeping, cutting off his long hair like Delilah did to Samson.

  Hawke was no damn biblical figure, though. He was a guy who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants, until his woman had unfortunately been attacked—raped and beaten, to be exact—by some of the Savage Reapers a while back. Since then, he’d been towing the straight and narrow, watching over Edana like never before, glued to her hip whenever she left the house. It was a side none of us ever thought we’d see, but unfortunately it took a devastating incident to wake him the hell up.

  “No, not unless you give me reason to,” she teased, spraying my hair with a water bottle. “Now keep still or you’re gonna end up with a funky do.” She smiled, and it was the best sight in the world—next to her lying beneath me, of course.

  Braylen was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. And sexy as fuck. She knew I lusted after her, and if she didn’t know just how much I’d be sure to remind her very shortly.

  We’d started off a bit rocky, me running my crass mouth and her telling me exactly what she thought of me. “Arrogant” and “cocky” were the two descriptive words she used the most, but after being around her a few times, I’d managed to wear her down enough to convince her to give me her number. A few phone sex sessions later—me always initiating because I couldn’t stop myself from picturing her naked—and she’d agreed to come over to my place. To be alone. Just the two of us.

  I happened to be a pretty good cook, so the first time she came over, I made her spaghetti and meatballs. I knew it didn’t sound like anything too fancy but it was tasty, and she agreed.

  She’d gotten a splash of sauce on her chin, and when I leaned over to wipe it away with a napkin, I couldn’t help myself. I’d used my tongue instead. Remembering the first time I’d kissed those pouty lips of hers was enough to make my dick hard, a happenstance that occurred on the regular whenever she was near me.

  “Almost finished,” Braylen whispered, the warmth of her breath tickling my earlobe, a strand of her hair gently brushing my neck. She was inspecting her work, leaning in so close I could smell her shampoo, some kind of mango scent. Closing my eyes, I sucked in a breath while she clipped away here and there, the buzz of the clippers jolting my gaze from the darkness and back to her.

  “Be careful with those damn things,” I warned, nervous she was gonna exact some kind of revenge because I’d embarrassed her earlier.

  “Stop being a damn baby. I’m just trying to clean up your sideburns.” Her tongue snuck out from between her delectable lips, wetting the bottom one and teasing the fuck outta me. When she was done with the sides, she circled me until she was standing directly in front, moving closer until she full-on straddled my lap.

  “What are you doing?” Surprise and excitement filled my veins, thickening other parts of my body as the realization hit that she was sitting on me.

  “I need to get close so I can inspect the front of your hair.”

  “You better not sit like this with your clients. So help me Christ, Braylen.” I couldn’t help it, the words tumbling outta my mouth before I could even think to stop them as my imagination ran wild. My heart picked up pace, ramming against my ribs like it wanted to break free from my chest altogether.

  “Oh stop it. You know damn well I don’t.”

  “Do I?” I couldn’t stop.

  “Do you want me to have an accident with the clippers? Because that can certainly be arranged.”

  A stare off ensued, both of us vying for dominance with raised chins and narrowed eyes. Eventually, she continued her work, turning my head from side to side multiple times. Finally, she blew out a satisfied breath and placed the clippers and scissors behind her on the table, all while still sitting on my lap. “There. All done.” Our eyes locked again and although only a few seconds passed, it felt like a lifetime.

  I lived in the brief silence. I existed there, reveled in it.

  Looking deep into her eyes made me nervous. Not from what I saw, which was something deeper than lust, but because I knew my feelings for Braylen were stronger than I let on. To her and to myself. It was my place in the club to try and keep the peace, to make sure everything went off without a hitch. Granted, I’d done a shitty job as of late, but I continued to try. Whatever was happening with Braylen and me, however, was making me second-guess myself, questioning how I saw the world and the people around me.

  Maybe I was losing my mind. Or maybe I was just desperate to get Braylen naked and fuck her until neither one o
f us could move.

  When she finally did make a move to stand, I grabbed her waist and pulled her back, thrusting upward as she came down. The friction of our bodies connecting, albeit still covered in clothing, elicited a shiver of maddening desire. Far be it for me not to explore the possibility that she’d feel the same and give in to what I had planned. She had to know this was where we’d end up as soon as she stepped foot in my house. Especially when she straddled my lap, feigning it was part of her hair cutting process. I call bullshit. She knew exactly what she was doing, taunting and teasing me with her body, the way her thighs clamped on the sides of mine, the way her eyes drank me in when she thought I hadn’t been paying attention. The way her tits pressed against my chest as she ran her fingers through my hair.

  Yeah, she knew what she was doing all along. Probably had this whole scenario planned out on the drive over.

  “Don’t do that, Ryder.” Placing her hands on my shoulders to hoist herself back up, she struggled against my hold. I refused to let her go until I knew she was completely over being upset with me. Not only for earlier but for the other night when she’d left in a huff.

  “I’m not letting go until you kiss me.”

  “Not gonna happen, so you may as well let me up.” She tried to remove herself again, but again I stopped her. “Ryder,” she said threateningly, “let me go.” She was so cute when she tried to be authoritative.

  “Nope. Not until you plant your lips right here,” I said, tapping my mouth with my index finger.

  “One kiss? Then you’ll let me up?” She looked skeptical. I didn’t blame her.

  “Uh-huh.” A smirk found its way onto my face. I tried to hide it, but I failed big-time, causing her to cautiously study me.


  “You like that word, don’t you?”

  “Do you want me to kiss you or not?” I nodded. “Then zip it,” she said, a twinkle of mischief lighting up her brown eyes. The corners of her lips tilted upward, a secret only she was privy to, right before she leaned in and pecked me on the mouth.



  No emotion.

  She drew back and tried to stand once more.

  “What the fuck? That’s not a kiss,” I growled. Wrapping the thick strands of her hair around my hand, I tightened my grip and pulled her close. “This is.” Crashing my lips to hers, I teased her mouth with my tongue, begging for entrance into her warmth as my free hand disappeared down the back of her jeans, pressing her closer to create the contact I needed.

  It wasn’t long before she opened for me, tangling her tongue with mine as a deep groan escaped from the deepest part of her. It was matched only by one of my own.

  I bit her bottom lip.

  She sucked on my tongue.

  I cupped her ass.

  She stroked my cock through my jeans.

  Fuck! This was more than a kiss, and we both knew it. Rising from the chair, I kicked it behind me and walked toward the kitchen table, planting her on top of it before breaking away from her mouth. “Goddamnit, woman! You drive me crazy. Do you know that?” I tugged at her shirt, pulling it over her head with ease when she offered no resistance.

  “You’re just horny,” she whispered breathlessly, fumbling with my belt buckle and pulling me toward her as she tried to unhook the leather strap. When she finally freed it, she unbuttoned my jeans and hastily unzipped them, pushing the material, along with my white boxer briefs, over my hips until my cock sprang free. I was painfully hard, and I feared if Braylen was just messing with me I’d lose my shit. If it was all a joke, her sick way of getting back at me for making her angry earlier, I’d beg to fuck her if that was what it took.

  I grappled with whether or not to restrain her, tease her until she pleaded for me to fill her. Thankfully I didn’t have to do anything, losing myself and all of my reason when her delicate fingers circled my thickness, stroking me from base to tip over and over again.

  “You better stop or I’m gonna come before we even get started.”

  She rolled her eyes and shrugged, as if what I’d warned couldn’t possibly happen. Granted, my stamina was pretty impressive, if I did say so myself, but we hadn’t had sex in a few days, and I was more than amped up to blow.

  Cupping the back of her head, I brought her mouth to mine again, kissing her so deeply I felt it in my goddamn toes. She tasted so sweet, her lips, tongue, and teeth enticing me to strip her bare and claim her until she begged me to stop.

  “Let’s get these off you.” I reached for her jeans, practically ripping off the top button and tearing them down the front. As soon as the fabric parted, I pushed her onto her back, hooked my fingers into the waistband and shimmied her jeans over her hips, much like she’d done with mine. Only I took them all the way off her, tossing them over my shoulder before tearing off her white lace panties.

  Pulling her back into a sitting position, I reached behind her back and unhooked her matching bra, flinging that somewhere behind me as well. All the while, Braylen continued to stroke me, softer than before because she didn’t want me to come yet any more than I wanted to.

  “I’m still upset with you,” she said, smearing a drop of precum over the crown.

  “I can live with that,” I rasped, mentally counting to ten to calm myself. “Just as long as I get to bury myself inside that sweet pussy of yours.” She loved when I used that word—pussy. It turned her on beyond all reason.

  “Say it again,” she whimpered, moving toward the edge of the table and spreading her legs. Her arousal glistened between her thighs, the sight enough to almost make me lose it right then and there.

  Leaning closer, I nipped her earlobe. “Pussy.”

  She shuddered, her fingers tightening around my cock.

  “Careful, sweetheart.” Braylen flashed me a wicked grin before lining me up at her entrance. “Do you want me to fuck you now?” She nodded, lowering her fingers to cup my tightly drawn balls. I groaned into her mouth as I seized her lips once more, thrusting inside her in one quick motion, joining our bodies before either of us could take our next breath.

  We’d stopped using condoms a month prior; we were both clean and she was on the pill. Taking her bare was the best feeling in the entire world. No barrier, just skin on skin. Heightened pleasure for us both.

  She gasped, her own moans swallowed by our kiss. “Ryder!” she screamed, bracing herself on the table as I withdrew before roughly plunging back inside. There was nothing sweet and calm about how I took her. Braylen loved it rough and so did I. We both needed the aggressive sex more than ever, anger still simmering inside both of us for various reasons.

  The legs of the table screeched against the tiled floor, the back-and-forth rhythm matching the erratic beat of my heart. I wanted so badly to fuck her with wild abandon, but I toed the invisible line between having rough sex and eviscerating her.

  As soon as I hit her sweet spot, she threw her head back and arched her tits in my face. Without a second thought, my teeth grazed one of her nipples, my fingers pinching the other hardened bud. “Oh my God!” she cried out. “Yeah . . . right there. Yeah . . . yeah.” She pumped her hips toward me as I drove into her, neither of us giving in to the other. We were both chasing our high, the sweet bliss of release that was inevitable.

  “I love fucking you, baby,” I roared, moving to bite down on the tender flesh of her throat, running my tongue over the affected area to soothe away the bite of pain.

  I marked her.

  I claimed her.

  I fucked her until her pussy started to clench.

  “That’s it. Come for me.” I pushed her body to the limits, forcing her to look at me while she came all over me. Her body squeezed my cock, shooting tiny spasms down my shaft until I was barely holding on.

  Braylen shouted my name as she came, her fingers diving into my hair and yanking while she rode out her wave of pleasure. Tinges of pain erupted at the roots of my hair follicles, but it only drove me to fuck her fast
er, stretching her orgasm out as long as possible.

  When she was finally sated, I chased my own climax, my bruising grip on her waist crushing her to me. “Oh fuck!” I shouted over and over until my balls drew tighter, the all-too-familiar pull starting at the base of my spine.

  I wanted to last longer but her body demanded so much from mine. I gave her greedy pussy everything, spilling every last drop inside her as my orgasm threatened to pull me under and never let go.


  Still sitting on the table, Ryder’s face buried in my neck and his cock still jerking inside me, I realized there was no other place I’d rather be. Call it hormones, or the high from my orgasm, but something pulled me toward this man time and time again. I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what the connection was, and after trying to dissect it for weeks—months even—I came to the conclusion that it was inexplicable.

  All I wanted to do was melt into the man pinning me in place, but I couldn’t release all of myself. Not completely, without reservation. Especially since there were so many things up in the air between us. We were like oil and water, and other than a few rare moments sprinkled in between, the only times we meshed as one were when we were having sex. Or leading up to the utterly delicious act.

  As the pace of my heart steadily slowed, my eyes roamed around the space of Ryder’s home. His place exuded masculinity, rustic décor everywhere, yet I found it cozy. A hearty fireplace took up the center wall of his living room, a few pieces of camel-colored leather furniture surrounding the focal point. His kitchen was small yet updated, all the latest stainless steel appliances glimmering in the condensed space. One of my favorite areas of his house, however—beside his bedroom, of course—was his en suite bathroom. The antique claw-foot tub called to me each and every time I spent the night. Although I wasn’t sure I’d be sleeping over again anytime soon, not with the threat of him possibly maiming me in my sleep.


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