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Be My Everything (Brothers From Money Book 11)

Page 10

by Shanade White

  True to his word, they didn’t sleep much that night, finally falling asleep wrapped in each other’s arms as the first rays of weak light began to blossom on the horizon. Chloe fell into a deep sleep, her body still tingling from the wonderful things they’d done. When she awoke hours later she reached for Jack, but his side of the bed was empty creating an instant sense of loss. But when she sat up she found a note explaining that he had to go pick up Josh but that he’d see her later at the barn.

  Relieved that he hadn’t just left, she showered almost sorry to wash the smell of Jack off her skin. The world looked like a new place this morning, all the pressures of her job no longer quite so overwhelming. She knew that some of the relief came from the fact that she’d accepted that there was something between them. Now she’d no longer have to fight her attraction to Jack. Not only that, but she’d had the most amazing night of her life with a man who valued her pleasure as much as he did his own.

  Jack shut the door of Chloe’s cabin quietly and crossed the space between cabins sorry that he’d had to slip out of bed without waking her, but he had to pick Josh up this morning. Paige had been generous enough to watch him but it was time to get him home and if he’d woken Chloe he knew that it would have been hours before he’d be able to pull himself away from her.

  After a quick shower, he jumped on his four wheeler and headed for Paige’s and his son, surprised to find himself humming as he drove. It had been a long time since he’d been this happy, years in fact, but he was glad that no one was around to hear him. Chloe had opened up a new world to him, a world that included pleasure like he’d never experienced before, but it was more than just pleasure, it was passion. A passion shared between only them, if he’d known what was possible with Chloe he might not have waited so long, he’d never dreamed that he’d feel such a connection to her after such a short time.

  When he pulled up in front of Paige’s house, he was annoyed to feel his phone buzzing in his pocket, he’d missed Josh and was ready to see his son’s smiling face. Tramping down his annoyance, he pulled the phone out of his pocket, only to have the annoyance resurface when he saw who the call was from.

  Isobel’s parents had been a thorn in his side since their marriage had come crashing down. They never believed that their daughter had been so deceptive and certainly didn’t believe Jack’s claims that she’d had an affair. Part of Isobel’s problem had been her parents who had spoiled her from the time she was born, giving her everything she ever wanted. Now he understood that they’d been grooming her to marry someone just like him with the expectation that they’d be well cared for.

  After they’d been married he’d done just that, bought them a house, gave them money, and a new car for each of them. But it had never been enough, her mother never satisfied with what he’d offered them had poured on the guilt until Jack gave her anything she wanted. It couldn’t have been easy for them to go from the highlife back to their former life, the house and cars gone when Isobel moved out of his life.

  Now their main complaint was that they didn’t get to see their grandson enough, a claim he didn’t really believe. They’d been a large part of the reason he’d wanted to move to America. Besides spreading rumors about him, they’d called the authorities several times to report that he’d been abusing Josh. It had never amounted to anything but a huge headache for him and the family. The final straw had come when they tried to sue him for custody of Josh on the grounds that he wasn’t Jack’s child, the complete opposite of what they’d been claiming since he’d been born. Of course the suit came with a huge request for child support, a clear signal to not only Jack but the courts that they were only after money.

  He’d cut off all communication with them after the trial, hadn’t even told them that they were moving to America, so he had a pretty good idea what this phone call was about. Knowing that there was no sense in putting off the call, he didn’t let it go to voice mail like he wanted. The call progressed just as he’d thought it would, but what he didn’t anticipate was how it would make him feel.

  Naturally, it was Isobel’s father on the line, full of indignation that he’d moved without telling them. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing moving that boy half way across the world without telling us. We’re going to see you in court again, you can bet on that.” Her father had screamed at him.

  Jack had to take a deep breath before he answered, “It’s not up to you where my son and I live, the judge made that very clear. You have no right to Josh and frankly I don’t really care if he doesn’t ever see you again.” Jack said, not holding anything back, the time when he would have tried to keep this civil was long gone.

  “That doesn’t mean you can just up and take him away.”

  “That’s exactly what it means.” Jack said, and hung up.

  It took him a few minutes to calm himself enough to think rationally, but once he had, he realized that he’d just done exactly what he’d promised himself he wouldn’t. He gotten involved with Chloe, forgetting that Josh was his number one priority. He’d let his baser needs override his common sense, the last thing he needed in his life was another complication, and Chloe was definitely a complication. It had been easy to forget that there was more at stake here than his own feelings. Josh was involved too and the last thing he wanted was to make his life any harder than it already was.

  He’d just have to back off his relationship with Chloe. It would be one of the most difficult things he’d ever done, but it had to happen. Maybe someday he’d look for another woman to love, but for now Josh was what was most important, it was time to get his priorities straight. Josh and the sheep had to be his main focus right now, what he’d started here in America was all they had, the new life they both needed. The call from Isobel’s parents made it crystal clear why he’d left his life in Australia for a new one in America.

  Chapter 10

  When Chloe arrived at the ranch and saw Jack across the pasture, she felt a trill deep inside, but was still slightly shocked by what had happened. She watched as he crossed the pasture toward her, a big smile on her face, but that smile quickly faded when she saw his face. Instead of the warm greeting she’d expected, it looked like the old Jack was back, the scowl on his face evidence of his displeasure. Searching her mind for a reason for the look, her heart sank when instead of greeting her with a hug and a kiss like she’d expected, he simply launched into a report on the sick sheep.

  Mystified by his behavior, she did the only thing she could do and pretended that nothing was wrong when inside she was dying. By the time she left the ranch, it was all she could do not to cry, her emotions so close to the surface a frozen smile was the only way to maintain her composure. As soon as she’d driven far enough away that she couldn’t be seen, she pulled her truck over and cried. Again she’d let a man trick her to get his own way, evidently he really meant what he’d said about not worrying about tomorrow.

  Once she’d cried herself out, she put the truck back in gear and headed out for her next appointment, her stomach cramped from the pain of rejection. Deep down she’d know that she was making a mistake, but once again she’d let herself be fooled, but unlike with Brandon she wasn’t going to let Jack’s deception destroy her life. In fact, she decided, she’d ignore it just like he had, pretend that the night meant nothing to her either.

  As strong as her resolve was to ignore the hurt Jack had caused, it still managed to surface several times that day. It would hit her at odd times when she wasn’t expecting it, gradually realizing that it was as much the loss of what she’d thought was going to be something wonderful as it was the fact that she’d been deceived that had her upset. It was like getting just a taste of something especially yummy only to have it taken away before you’d eaten your fill.

  By the end of the day, she was exhausted but knew that unless she vented some of her frustration she’d never be able to sleep that night. There was only one person she wanted to talk to, strangely enough the one person w
ho had recommended that she sleep with Jack. Michelle picked up on the second ring, her voice full of her usual enthusiasm for life, but as soon as she heard Chloe’s voice she knew that something was wrong.

  “What’s happened?” She asked immediately.

  “Nothing new, I just made a mess of my love life.” Chloe answered, barely able to keep the tears at bay.

  “Oh, honey tell me what happened.”

  Chloe recounted as much as she could about their night together, the tears flowing freely by the time she was done. “I never dreamed he’d treat me like this. He didn’t say a word about us, just pretended it didn’t happen.”

  Michelle took a deep breath, then said, “I’m so sorry I ever suggested that you have sex with him. I don’t know what I was thinking, he really is as bad as you said.”

  “Oh Michelle, it’s not your fault. I think it would have happened whether you suggested it or not. I just wish I’d been smart enough not to let my feeling go past the physical.” Chloe said, feeling some of her pain easing with her tears.

  “How deep are those feelings?”

  “Honestly I don’t know. I thought I was falling for him and that he actually cared about me, but I guess that was just wishful thinking.” Chloe said, taking a deep breath as her tears began to abate.

  Michelle was silent for a long time, then she said, “Maybe you should look at this as a learning experience, find the good in what happened and focus on that.”

  Chloe thought about her words, then realized that maybe Michelle was right. If she took that kind of approach Jack’s rejection might not hurt so much. “You might be right.” She finally said.

  It was true that Jack had given her something wonderful, the knowledge that she had passion inside her, the kind of passion that made sex a wonderful thing. He’d also taught her that letting go sometimes could be a wonderful thing, but she also knew now that she’d have to be careful not to confuse her physical desire with love because they were two very different things.

  “I’m sorry things turned out this way Chloe, but just remember there’s someone out there who can make you feel like Jack did and give you the affection you deserve. He’s out there just waiting for you.” Michelle said, some of her usual enthusiasm returning to her voice.

  When Chloe hung up the phone, she felt much better. Not only had Michelle helped her put some perspective on what had happened with Jack, she’d begun to get angry. He’d behaved like a jerk, used her emotions to get what he wanted, but it was never going to happen again. No matter how much she wanted him, he was nothing more than another immature man who only thought of himself and his own pleasure.

  Jack watched Chloe walk away knowing that he’d hurt her, it was clear in the set of her shoulders and stiff way she was carrying herself. He wished he hadn’t had to do it, but he just couldn’t see any other way, staying involved with her was just not possible because he might start to care about her. There was no room in his life for romance or a relationship and all the drama that came along with them.

  But as she drove away, he had to admit to himself that he had already started to care, their night together showing him how wonderful they could be together. It was going to take all his will power to stay away from her, but it was what was best for Josh, he’d already had so much happen to him in his short life the last thing he needed was to be in the middle of Jack’s love life. Some day when Josh was older he’d be able to have a life of his own again, but right now Josh was what was important.

  Chloe and Jack managed to find a way to work together, each burying the feelings that surfaced every time they were together. It had been over a week since that night and Jack’s conscience was getting the better of him. He knew that Chloe deserved an explanation but he couldn’t seem to find the words. Finally, he couldn’t take the hurt in her eyes any longer and decided to try and talk to her.

  Chloe had just given the sick sheep a clean bill of health and was packing up to leave when Jack said, “I need to talk to you, I’ll walk you to your truck.”

  She wasn’t sure what to expect, more flattery or some lame excuse but she didn’t need either so she said, “That’s okay, just say what you need to here.”

  Jack hadn’t expected Chloe’s response, so he faltered when he said, “I wanted to explain about the other night....” but Chloe cut him off with a wave of her hand.

  “Don’t worry, I understand it was one night, no need to explain. We’re both adults.” She said, then turned and walked away.

  Jack was so shocked by her dismissal that he didn’t go after her. He’d thought that she was upset about the way things had gone, but maybe he’d been wrong. Maybe the connection he’d thought they’d shared had only been in his head and not real, but it had felt so real to him, so different from what he’d shared with Isobel. That was when the enormity of the mistake he’d made hit him. With Chloe it was different than it had been with Isobel, different in the best way possible, and he’d pushed her away.

  As he finished his chores for the day he thought about how different Chloe was than Isobel. He should have known from the very beginning that Isobel was too good to be true, but he’d been so in love with her from the very first moment that he’d overlooked what had been so obvious. By the time he realized that she was nothing more than a self-centered spoiled brat, it had been too late, he’d married her, made a promise.

  His brother’s had encouraged him to divorce her as soon as they all realized what she was like, but Jack had been stubborn, saying over and over again that he’d made a promise. Now he saw just how stupid that had been, but at the time it felt noble. When Isobel’s father called the other morning it had brought back all the pain and hurt of Isobel’s treachery, but Chloe was nothing like Isobel. She was kind and caring, dedicated to her job in a way that he could only be impressed with, but most importantly, she didn’t seem that impressed with the money that came with the Montgomery name.

  Climbing onto the four wheeler to go get Josh he found his thoughts in a jumble. He wanted Chloe more than he’d ever wanted a woman, but he wasn’t sure that he was ready to let another woman into his heart. Isobel had wounded him badly, so badly that he’d hurt Chloe when he turned away from her, the one thing he’d never meant to do. She’d put her trust in him and he’d destroyed it in one of the cruelest ways a man could. The time they’d shared together had been magical but he’d ruined it, now he might never have a chance to fix what he’d broken.

  After he picked Josh up, he found himself heading for Honey Hills and Marissa’s advice. He hadn’t been in the canyon for very long, but it was clear that Marissa was the one everyone turned to when they had a problem, and he had a big problem. She met him on the porch, a big smile on her face, but it didn’t take long for her to see that something was wrong.

  “Jack, I’m glad to see you but I have a feeling this isn’t just a friendly visit. Come in and tell me what’s wrong.” Marissa said, taking Josh from his arms and giving him a quick inspection. “Josh looks fine so it must be the sheep.”

  Jack followed her into the house and nodded when she handed the baby to the nanny who swept Josh into her arms and gave him a big kiss, making him laugh. They went back to the kitchen and Marissa pushed him down into a chair, then busied herself putting together a pitcher of iced tea and a plate of cookies. She poured them each a glass of tea then put a cookie on Jack’s plate trying to give him time to collect his thoughts.

  “The sheep are fine.” He finally began. “It’s about....oh heck I’ve done something really stupid....I...”

  Marissa waiting patiently for Jack to get his thoughts together. “It’s Chloe, I...well....I might have done something to hurt her and I don’t know if I can fix it.”

  It didn’t surprise her that Jack was coming to her about Chloe, she’d seen the relationship blossoming and knew it was just a matter of time before one of them did something stupid. Although they were a perfect match, they had both been hurt in the past and those scars were still fresh fo
r both of them.

  “You’ll have to tell me what happened if you want me to help you.” Marissa coaxed.

  “I don’t know if I can, it’s stupid and kind of embarrassing.” Jack said, not able to meet Marissa’s eyes.

  “Jack, you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want to talk to me. You’re not the only one who’s made mistakes, it happens to all of us. I did something stupid once that almost cost me the love of my life, I know where you’ve been, talk to me.”

  Hearing Marissa admit that she’d made a mistake with Scott made it much easier to finally open up. It even gave him the slightest bit of hope that maybe he could fix what he’d done. He wasn’t even sure where to start, but Isobel seemed to be the most logical place, so for the first time since he’d come to the canyon, he told his story, discovering that it didn’t hurt as much to talk about it as it used to.

  “Jack you’re an intelligent man, you keep saying that the rational and logical thing to do is to cut yourself off from the world and take care of Josh. I want you to think about what kind of life that’s going to be for both of you, by cutting yourself off from the possibility of love. You’re denying both of you and Josh the chance to love someone else. Don’t you want your son to have a mother? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life alone?”

  It took Marissa’s words a moment to penetrate his brain, he’d been thinking one way for so long he had to concentrate to see what she was getting at. “Jack,” she continued, “you’re teaching Josh that when someone hurts you the solution is to shut yourself off. Is that what you want?”

  Those words penetrated his brain immediately, “God no, that’s the last thing I want.”

  “Now tell me what happened with Chloe.” Marissa demanded, the stupidity of men and their egos making her short with Jack.


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