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Darkness Of Truth (An FBI/Romance Thriller~ Book 6)

Page 9

by Kelley, Morgan

  It was hard to not be appalled when you were sharing your body with another human being and couldn’t eat meat. “Knocked up?”

  Quickly, he changed the subject. “Oh look, we’re here.”

  Pulling into the driveway, they checked out the house. “Not as big as the last time but cute,” Elizabeth replied, as she hopped out and reached for her suitcase. Before she could even touch the handle, Callen was at her side.

  “Not happening,” he said, grinning.

  “I love you,” she gushed, unable to hold it in any longer. Elizabeth threw herself against him and took in the scent of the man. The tears overwhelmed her and slid down her cheeks.

  “Elizabeth! Are you okay?” Callen demanded, getting worried. He looked over at his brother in question, who mouthed ‘baby hormones’.

  She sniffled. “Yeah, I just wanted to tell you I love you, and I missed you.”

  Callen was overwhelmed himself by the complete and total love he was feeling. Leaning down he swept her up into his arms, and instead of giving him hell, Elizabeth simply laid her head on his shoulder.

  Pulling the hair tie from his hair, Elizabeth enjoyed the feel of his long brown hair in her hands. The silkiness and the scent called to her, offering peace as she pulled it over his shoulder and played with it.

  This wasn’t like her, and Callen was still worried; hormones or not. “I’m going to go help Ethan carry in the supplies. I want you to rest on the couch for a while, okay?” he stated, following his brother through the doorway of their rental.

  He found the couch in the living room and placed her there. Taking off his jacket, he laid it over her to keep the chill of the house from making her cold.

  “Okay,” she whispered, yawning.

  Ethan grabbed his zippo and handed it to his brother. “Start a fire. I’ll get the things. It’s cold in here.”

  Callen went to work, knowing she was watching him. Whenever Elizabeth was near him or simply observing him, his entire person was filled with awareness. “What do you want for dinner?” he asked, stoking the fire.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Elizabeth answered, still feeling a bit overwhelmed at the emotion that was swamping her. It was hard to not be weepy in general, but Red River was compounding the hormones and stressing her out.

  Callen reached for her purse, digging through it until he found the jar of peanut butter and a spoon. “Start with this, and I’ll go help Ethan get dinner started.”

  Elizabeth took the jar and smiled. “Thank you, my love.”

  He leaned down and took her face between the palms of his hands. “You can tell me whatever is bothering you.”

  Well hell, apparently he was just as astute as his brother. She must be way off her game. “I’m good, Cal. I promise.”

  Whitefox didn’t buy that for a damn second. “I’ll be back in a little bit.”

  Elizabeth nodded and when Callen left, she slid further down into the couch, pulling his Jacket close to her face to breathe in the calming scent. She’d only close her eyes for a few moments and relax. The combination of Callen’s cologne and the crackle of wood on the fire relaxed her so much; she was gone to the world.

  Whitefox carried the box into the kitchen and placed it on the counter. “What’s wrong with Elizabeth?” he demanded, knowing his brother either figured it out on his own, or Elizabeth confessed it all.

  “Got me,” he said, nonchalantly.

  “Really?” Callen was getting pissed. “I’ve noticed something important over the last few months. When you’re aware of information that you shouldn’t know, you play dumb just like you are now.”

  “Cal, let it go and cut her a break.”

  How did he explain he simply couldn’t? “She’s crying, hormonal, and looks like she lost her best friend. You want me to just let that go? As part of her life and part of us, I’m to forget it and feign ignorance?”

  Blackhawk was between a rock and a hard place. “I can’t tell you what she told me. I may be your brother, but she’s our other half. I’m in the middle here and loyal to both of you.”

  “Did I do something? Is it me?” Now he was starting to get worried. It must have shown on his face.

  Blackhawk sighed. “It’s not you. It’s just bad memories.”

  “I don’t understand. Help me fix this, Ethan. I need you to help me figure out what the hell is wrong.”

  “What’s different this time from the last time we were here?” He finally said, being as nondescript as possible. Ethan wanted to assist his brother, but keep his word to Elizabeth too.

  Callen thought about it. “The killer was different, the house was different. I was different. Elizabeth was pregnant with a different child. The possibilities are endless, Ethan! Come on!”

  “Who’s missing?”

  Then he got it. Bad memories and Desdemona Adare were making Elizabeth a wreck. “Please take her home. I’ll be okay here by myself.”

  Blackhawk laughed. “Yeah, that isn’t going to happen. She’s going to ride this one out. Elizabeth is pretty resilient. Just give her time, steer clear of ‘she who shall not be mentioned’, and we’ll all get the hell out of here in one piece.”

  Whitefox nodded. “Okay that I can do. I won’t bring up Desdemona, ever again.” Personally, she was dead to him emotionally anyway. He’d buried the hatchet and any attachment he’d once had for the woman.

  Dinner was just about ready. “Why don’t you go get Lyzee, and we’ll have some soup and sandwiches, hit bed, and call it a night. Tomorrow we have the autopsies, and we need to get ID’s on the two male victims. I want to head to the council and force them to tell us the name of the would be poacher.”

  “We already know,” he said, grinning. “Our Lyzee charmed the pants off the reservation police chief. He let her sneak a peek at his personal email. She printed it out when he took a stroll.”

  Blackhawk didn’t know whether to laugh or shake his head. “That’s skirting the law of legal culpability in court, Cal.”

  He shrugged. “They won’t throw a pregnant mother in jail,” he added, laughing.

  “Go get our woman, so I can feed her and remind her that we need to follow the law, not break it.”

  Whitefox always enjoyed when his brother was frustrated with any of their antics, this wasn’t any different. Leaving the kitchen, when he approached the couch, Callen noticed Elizabeth was sound asleep. Dropping down beside her, he lifted the jacket and her shirt to kiss his son, resting in her belly. “I love you, my little one,” he crooned, placing his hand on her belly. As of yet, he’d yet to feel his son move like his nephew used to all the time. “Daddy loves you, EJ.”

  Blackhawk stood behind his brother grinning at how peaceful Elizabeth looked sleeping, and the way Callen was talking to her belly. He remembered doing exactly that not too long ago. “She must have been exhausted.”

  He looked back at Ethan. “Elizabeth didn’t eat dinner, will she be okay?” Part of him wanted to wake her up, the rest wanted to make sure she slept. Then he thought back to her threat of death during her late night snack wake up calls.

  “Bly made her something to eat before we left the house, and she had an apple before lunch. She’ll be okay.”

  Callen stood, crossing to his brother. “Come on, let’s eat and then crawl into bed with her. I’m tired too. I didn’t sleep well without you two,” he admitted. “I had this big bed to myself and instead of enjoying the space, I was out of sorts.”

  Blackhawk knew exactly what he meant. “It wasn’t the same without you either.”

  Wednesday Morning

  Tori woke to the feel of lips moving across her back and shoulders. She could smell his aftershave, which meant Julian had been up for a while. “Mmmmmm Tom, you feel really good, but don’t let my boyfriend catch you in bed with me,” she teased, and then yelped when he bit her on the neck.

  “You're funny, Victoria. If I ever find you with a Tom, Dick or Harry, I’ll kill them all,” he teased back, except inside he wa
sn’t finding it funny. The easy manner of her joking set off a myriad of emotions in him and churned his gut.

  She could tell by the tone in his voice that he wasn’t completely entertained. Rolling over, she stared up into his eyes. “Julian, I’m only kidding. Are you okay?” she questioned, worried about him.

  There was a flash of something in his eyes, and then it was gone. “Yes, I’m simply wondering if you’re going with me to the trails or staying in bed all day.”

  Tori glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “Julian, it’s six in the morning. Are you out of your mind? The sun just came up.”

  He laughed. “We need to get moving. Wear rugged boots, and try to not take too long.”

  She watched him stalk away. Now she was sure that her teasing him hurt him somehow. “Julian wait!” Tori slid out of bed and followed him into the living room, slipping into her robe. “Did I upset you?”

  He just kept his face neutral despite the pain he was feeling in his heart. “No, I’m good, Victoria. You need to get dressed. We leave in fifteen minutes.”

  With that, he was out of the house and to the paddock. Tori stood in the window, watching him. Julian was moving around the horses and lovingly stroking them, but his face was completely wrong. It was only then that something occurred to her.

  For the first time since knowing him, Julian lied to her.

  It didn’t take her long to get ready. It was still chilly out in the mornings, and Tori didn’t want to freeze, so she dressed in the clothing that she figured would keep her most comfortable and warm.

  Military garb.

  Finishing with the laces, she stood, staring into the mirror. The Camouflage pants and boots reminded her of her time in the war, and the feelings began seeping back. With a few calming breaths, control was back and the panic subside enough to finish dressing. Tori pulled on a black tank top and pull over. She tucked her gun into the back of her pants, instead of on her hip. It was invisible to the naked eye, hidden beneath her outer wear.

  Her heart was still a little bruised that the man she loved wasn’t telling her the truth, but she let it go for now. Later they’d be having a discussion about it. If Tori was going to have a relationship with someone, then she needed complete trust and honesty.

  That wasn’t too much to ask, was it?

  Exiting the cabin, she knew Julian was observing her. Tori could feel the speculative glare at her choice in clothing. It was rare she’d pull on fatigues. It seemed appropriate that they were going into the woods and that a war was brewing between them. Maybe she wanted him to be wary, or to know he’d crossed some unspoken line. One way or another, her clothing was very apropos.

  “Ready?” asked Julian, dropping his sunglasses onto his nose, hating the tension and knowing it was his fault.

  “Yeah, I’m ready.” Tori noticed they were taking the horses with them. “Hello Wakanda my love. Are you well today?” she crooned to the mare, letting it sniff her. “Want to take a hike in the woods, sweetheart?” she asked, before mounting up.

  Julian didn't know how to fix what he’d just done. “Let’s go,” he said, wishing he didn’t snap at her yesterday and lie to her earlier.

  “Yeah, let’s.”

  * * *

  Elizabeth was the last one out of bed and dressed that morning. Going to bed exhausted and waking up tired was getting to be old. This pregnancy thing was killing her. There was no way it was this bad with her first baby. “EJ, don’t you love mommy?” she inquired, rubbing her belly. “Cut me a break and at least let me eat today.”

  Roaming into the kitchen, Callen was behind the stove and cooking. Well, so much for that idea. Sadly, the man had many skills in bed, in life and in general, but cooking was the one thing he couldn’t master.

  “Hey beautiful,” he said, cheerfully. “I made you something to eat.”

  Blackhawk started laughing at the look on her face.

  “What?” demanded Callen. “I’m trying,” he said softly, knowing he was deficient in that department.

  Elizabeth immediately came to his rescue. “I can’t wait, Callen. Ignore him. I’ll eat whatever it is you made me.” Those words pained her greatly. Suddenly, she began praying he was going to say toast or a bagel.

  “Sit down, Angel,” he said, rustling around the kitchen counter and finally bringing over two bowls for her. Placing them in front of her, he grinned, proudly.

  Elizabeth stared down at the bowls. One had cut up fruit. Okay, so far so good. That was easy to keep down. The next bowl looked suspiciously like oatmeal.

  “I know the baby likes it.”

  Elizabeth smiled at him, hoping she could get it down and keep it down. Sticking her spoon into the gray porridge like mass, she took a bite and then opened her eyes. “You did this all by yourself?” She glanced over at Ethan and he nodded

  “It was all Callen. I had nothing to do with it,” he replied, grinning.

  “I was scared shitless, but I have to say, you mastered oatmeal.” Okay, it was a little stickier than she liked, but it tasted like oatmeal, smelled like oatmeal and baby seemed eager to let her consume it.

  “I did okay?” he asked, nervously. Growing up, he had no one to teach him how to cook. This was all brand new for him.

  Elizabeth hugged him happily. “You did an amazing job, Callen. Thank you!” The look on his face almost made her want to weep. “I’m so proud of you. I think I can eat oatmeal every day.”

  He began to laugh, picking her up off the ground to hold his woman in his arms. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear, as he clung to her.

  “Can I eat now?” she requested, laughing, “Because it’s cruel to put food in front of me and then not let me have at it.”

  Whitefox put her down and grinned. “Yes.”

  Ethan gave his brother a fist bump. “I knew you could do it,” he said, laughing. “I don’t know how you pulled it off, but don’t doubt the outcome. Just go with it.”

  Callen shrugged. “I read the instructions.”

  Both Blackhawks started laughing. “Seriously? That’s all it took?”

  “Yep. Want some oatmeal, Ethan?” Callen asked, getting some for himself.

  “Uh, no.”

  Callen shrugged and sat beside his Elizabeth. His hand immediately went to the baby bump hoping to feel his son move. “Anything?” he asked.

  “Sorry Cal. I feel him inside moving but he hasn’t started kicking and being wild yet. Give it some time. Once he starts up, I won’t get any sleep.”

  Blackhawk looked up from his email. “And when she stops sleeping, WE stop sleeping. Elizabeth is evil. She’ll lay against you with the baby bump pressing against you so you both feel the baby all night long.” A little piece of him was disappointed that he wouldn’t be feeling it too.

  “I don’t mind. I’ll stay up all night if I have to,” Whitefox offered, not wanting to miss a single second of the pregnancy. This was his first child and it mattered. Every second was precious.

  “Thank you for breakfast, Cal. We were hungry,” Elizabeth stated, finishing her fruit.

  “I’m glad Bly thought to pack oatmeal for you, Lyzee,” stated Whitefox.

  Both Blackhawks thought back to the scene in their kitchen and laughter ensued.

  “What?” Callen glanced back and forth between the two of them not sure what he’d missed.

  Ethan grinned wickedly and let him in on it. “Guess who we caught making out and getting handsy before we left for Red River.”

  Callen dropped his spoon. The look was somewhere between horror and abject fascination.

  Elizabeth snickered and handed it to him. “Yep. She was giggling and Dad was bright red when Ethan busted him.”

  “I don’t know if I should be entertained or just freaked out that our nearly sixty year old father is getting lucky while we’re on assignment.”

  She started laughing. “I’m entertained and happy for Wyler. He deserves some affection and love too.”

  Blackhawk though
t about it. “You know if he marries her, I’m going to call her mom just to make dad nuts.”

  Callen started laughing. “Shit, that will embarrass the hell out of him if we all called her that.”

  Elizabeth wasn’t participating in that little fun fest. “I’m not screwing with Bly. Last time I cursed in the house, she rearranged the kitchen. It took me two days to find a butter knife.”

  “We should buzz him on the tablet and see if dad’s awake,” snickered Whitefox. “Can we?”

  Ethan logged onto video call and waited to see if his father would link up with them. When his face came onto the screen, he was holding CJ in his arms. “Hey CJ! Daddy misses you!”

  Elizabeth waved at her little man. “I miss you, baby boy. Mommy will be home shortly.”

  “Is he being good for you, Dad?” asked Callen, grinning at his nephew. The child was more like his son, since he and Ethan had decided to share the kids equally. Why differentiate when the children would be blessed with two men that claimed them as their own?

  “As always he’s a dream. Last night he slept the entire night. I didn’t hear a peep out of him until thirty minutes ago.” Wyler smiled at his kids. He missed and loved them. “When are you three returning?”

  “Not for a while yet, Dad,” Elizabeth answered.

  Something drew Wyler’s attention, causing him to give a subtle nod. He could only pray his kids would miss it.

  “Is Bly there already?” questioned Ethan, grinning. When his father blanched both boys started laughing.

  “What?” Wyler pretended to not hear the question.

  Elizabeth was amused. “Moring Bly. Thank you for packing oatmeal. It was baby’s breakfast this morning,” she stated, knowing the woman could hear her.

  “You’re welcome, Elizabeth,” came her reply from the background.


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