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Darkness Of Truth (An FBI/Romance Thriller~ Book 6)

Page 15

by Kelley, Morgan

  She nodded. “If you think it’ll help, please. I just want my Andy back. How do I go on without him? He was my life,” she sobbed, leading them to the back door. “He was working on the fence beyond those trees and to the right. You won’t miss it. It’s still cut. I don’t have the heart to go out there and mend it.”

  Since she loved two men, much like Gail loved her husband, Elizabeth knew how hard it was going to be. Whenever she thought about losing one of them, her heart sank.

  They started across the pasture and no one spoke. All three of the FBI agents were hoping they didn’t find a white feather. For Gail’s sake, they didn’t want to have to tell her that her dear husband was lying on a morgue table missing his skin. It would be too gruesome.

  “Ma’am, what are we searching for out here,” inquired the deputy. “If you think he’s already dead, what can we find out there but sheep? It’s been a couple of weeks since he’s gone missin’.”

  “I’m not looking for something as much as scoping out the area,” she offered.

  “Oh, I see,” but he didn't.

  Elizabeth scanned the property line. “It really does butt the reservation,” she stated, pointing. “If the killer came out through those trees, Andrew Sumner would have had his back to him. He could have grabbed him then.”

  Callen walked to the fence and stared at the wire. “It was cut. There’s a clean slice through the metal. The killer probably lured him out here with the damaged fence. This was definitely premeditated. The killer was looking at this man for some reason.”

  Walking to the fence post, Tori began inspecting it and found a piece of the puzzle. “I think we can confirm that this man was taken by our killer.” Standing, she pulled on gloves. “We have a white feather.”

  Elizabeth moved towards her agent, watching her pick up the eagle feather from the post. It was nailed there. “I want that nail too. We need to get it out. If the killer put in through that feather, maybe we’ll get a print off the head.”

  Whitefox pulled out his pocket knife, flicked it open and began digging around the nail. When he worked it out of the wood, Tori caught it in her gloved hand as it fell.

  “Bag it as evidence.” Elizabeth considered it. “The killer left the reservation for this specific man. Why?”

  “Land dispute?” Maxwell Kelly offered earnestly. “The Natives get pretty irate whenever you put a fence up around here, especially if they think you took rights to their land. They get a might cranky,” he said.

  Callen looked over. “We Natives generally have a good reason to be testy, son. History isn’t pretty and growing up trapped on a reservation is a one way trip to desolation and misery.”

  Elizabeth was surprised; Callen generally didn't make comments about his past to anyone outside his personal circle. The entire assignment had them all off balance.

  “I beg your pardon, Sir. I didn't mean anything by it,” stated Max Kelly. “I hope I didn't offend. I just meant that if one of your victims is Mr. Sumners, the land could be why. He may have pissed someone off.”

  Elizabeth didn't like the way that sounded. Running her hand reassuring down Callen’s arm, she offered him calm and peace. “If that’s the case, then every white man this side of the mountains is the next target. We’ve been stealing the Native’s land since Columbus. Could it be that black and white? A simple land dispute?”

  “In the mind of a killer, it could be anything,” Callen reminded her. “We should head to the next potential victim’s home. That may give us another piece to the puzzle.”

  She started back across the pasture, her eyes sweeping the land that Andrew Sumner owned. What the hell could a farmer with fenced in property possibly do to piss off a native?

  During the trip to the next location, Callen was having a really hard time concentrating. Elizabeth sat beside him, absently rubbing her baby bump ever so lovingly. Something about the very maternal action warmed his heart and blood. At that moment he was torn between picturing her holding his son in her arms and making love to her for the rest of the night.

  “Callen?” She said his name, touching his cheek with her fingers. “Are you okay?”

  He looked around, trying to figure out what she had said to him before. “Sorry, I was lost in thought.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “You were thinking about the baby again, weren’t you? When you do, you get this look on your face.”

  Grinning, he admitted it. “Yeah, I was thinking about my son.”

  Tori leaned forward and spoke to her boss. “You have to be excited,” she pointed at the bump. “Your other son is damn cute, and I bet this one’s going to be a heart breaker too.” Tori knew they didn't differentiate that Callen wasn’t CJ’s biological father. Both men shared the little boy they loved with all their hearts. It was rather sweet.

  Elizabeth snickered. “I can’t wait. More damn men in the house.”

  “Don’t you have a house keeper now?” questioned Tori. “There’s some estrogen for you.”

  Callen gave her a look. “That’s a touchy subject, Tori. Oh look! We’re here.” He bailed out of the Denali fast.

  Laughing, she knew he believed there was going to be some sort of nuclear explosion.

  Obviously, Tori didn't get what was happening.

  “She doesn’t like me,” Elizabeth answered, grinning. “I’ve been trying very hard to drive her nuts, and it’s working. Bly rearranged my kitchen, lectured me on my mothering skills and told me a reputable woman doesn’t wear scandalous underwear like I do.”

  “What?” Callen objected, staring at her. “I don’t care if she is dad’s pie maker. I’ll fire her myself if she makes the lingerie go away,” he muttered. “Damn woman trying to ruin my sex life by playing mother. Bly better not mess with perfection.”

  Elizabeth elbowed him, forcing him to focus, as they knocked and waited for someone to greet them. When it opened, there was a relatively younger woman there.

  “Can I help you?” she asked, staring up at the large man. He had to be the sexiest thing she’d seen in a while.

  “Is this the home of Jeffrey Hopper?” Elizabeth asked, taking in the petite blonde. Her eyes were still on Callen and Elizabeth’s irritation level was rising. It wasn’t like she wasn’t used to Callen and Ethan garnering stares from women, but it still bugged the hell out of her, especially when she was pregnant.

  “He’s my brother. Who are you?” she questioned, suspiciously. “He’s been missing, and I filed a report the other day.”

  Elizabeth repeated the routine, pulling out the badge and giving the standard FBI line.

  “Come in, please. My name’s Sara. ” The woman led the way into a modest living room. On the walls were hunting trophies, sports memorabilia lined the shelves, and there wasn’t a hint of color. All in all, it reminded Callen of his home on the Rez, before he met Elizabeth. It was a bachelor pad, and he was betting so was this.

  “We need to speak to you about your brother,” Tori said, watching the woman ogle Director Whitefox, like he was a tasty morsel on the menu. Yeah, this was going to get ugly.

  “When did you last see him?” inquired Elizabeth.

  Sara thought about it. “Jeffrey went out truffle hunting a few days ago. He’d camp out and make a weekend of it. That’s why I didn’t report him missing until a day ago. Have you found him?”

  Callen took over. “We found a body on the reservation. We came here to get a DNA sample to run against the remains.” There was no point telling her there was more than one. Why cause more of a freak out.

  Sara sat there open mouthed. “You’re saying he’s gone?” The hysteria began bubbling up in her chest. “Jeff is dead?” Now came the tears.

  Whitefox handed her a tissue and ended up holding a sobbing woman. He looked at Elizabeth helplessly, praying she didn’t lose her mind.

  “Sara, we need you to focus here for us. Where did he go truffling?” inquired Elizabeth.

  She sniffled, holding onto the big native man for dear l
ife. “I don’t know. His spots were secret. He wouldn’t go out with anyone, but when he’d come back he’d have a bag of truffles.”

  Tori took a wild stab at it. “Did he go on the reservation? It’s not far from here.”

  Sara thought about it. “Yeah, I think he did. He once said something about a big stash of white truffles on Indian land.”

  It made sense. The man wandered on Native land and the killer took him out. “Sara, we need something for a DNA comparison.”

  The woman understood and went searching in her brother’s room until she found his brush. “Will this work?” she queried, sitting back down.

  “Yes it will. We’ll have the results by tomorrow. Thank you for your help,” Elizabeth said, standing.

  She began crying again and was holding onto Callen.

  “Maxwell, why don’t you comfort Sara here, and then head back to Mrs. Sumners after she calms down.” When the man grinned, she shook her head. “How did your brother get to the reservation, Sara?”

  Slowly the woman released her death grip on Whitefox, and Max slipped into the spot, offering to let the woman hold onto him.

  “I believe he walked. Jeffrey wanted to save the earth and didn’t like fossil fuels.” Sara began sobbing again, and this time the young deputy held her in his arms, allowing her to weep.

  Elizabeth, Callen and Tori escaped out the door while they still had the opportunity.

  “So an outsider crosses onto Native land, rooting around for truffles that aren’t his and goes missing. A farmer that has land touching the Rez goes out to fix a fence and is taken too. What do they have in common?” Elizabeth asked, taking the keys from Callen.

  Tori thought about it. “They’re both outsiders.”

  Elizabeth mulled it over. “They both got a little too close to something they shouldn’t be on or near.”

  Whitefox didn’t like where it was heading. “The white feathers can also mean the enemy was overcome.”

  “Someone has a grudge and isn’t afraid to kill for it.” Elizabeth started toward the Denali.

  “Gee, an angry Native that hates outsiders. This should narrow it down considerably,” added Callen, sarcastically.

  Tori had that feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  This assignment was going to get ugly.

  ~ Chapter Six ~

  Walking back into the ‘Cup o’ Joe’ brought back a flood of memories- some good and others not so great. The recollections of the past were awash with pain and anger for both Elizabeth and Callen. Had there been any other choice, they would have found another place to grab lunch, but it was Red River and small towns were limited in dining choices.

  “Are you going to be okay here?” Elizabeth asked Callen, as he stared at the diner blankly. She knew what he was dwelling on, because the same thing was plaguing her mind too.

  “Yeah, you?” Whitefox knew that Elizabeth was battling the same war that was brewing viciously in his own gut. Once again, demons of the past were lurking around the corners, waiting to sink their vicious claws into hearts.

  “Yep,” she hopped down, glancing over at Tori. “They make a really good burger, if you’re into cholesterol and dying early.”

  The woman could sense the tension that was emanating from both Elizabeth and Callen. Whatever had happened here was making both their lives hell. Of all people, Tori understood what that was like. “I think I’ll save the cholesterol for dinner, and go with something a little less heavy, but thanks for the suggestion.”

  Walking in, Elizabeth saw the owner sitting behind the counter and her heart soared. The chauvinistic pig had to be taught a lesson the last time she was in there, and hopefully seeing her would bring back all the memories. At least there’d be a highlight to her day.

  “Well howdy there, Joe Lemar. It’s been a long time, now hasn’t it?” she drawled, whipping out the southern accent and leaning against the counter.

  The man looked over, smiling and then saw who was waiting for his attention. First dawned recognition, then he paled, and lastly came the twin looks of horror and terror.

  “That’s right! The FBI is back in town. I hope you missed me Mr. Lemar.” Elizabeth dropped her sunglasses onto the top of her head, watching the man back away from his seat at the counter. He literally blanched at the sight of the woman.

  When his eyes ran the length of her body she laughed. “It is indeed me and looksee here. I’m having a baby again. You want to tell me I’m chubby or slap me on my ass? I have a new partner here ready to beat you down.”

  The man shook his head and allowed his eyes to move towards the big native man standing protectively beside her.

  “Good thing, Darlin’,” she turned her head to wink at Callen, who was watching the man with an amused look on his face. Gone were the memories, and back was the easy going nature that he was known for. Who knew the jackwagon Joe Lemar would come in handy after all.

  “Let’s get a table by the window,” said Tori, confused by what was going on around her. Then again, it wouldn’t be the first time.

  They both followed her, silently. Callen only paused to allow Elizabeth to slide into the booth, as he once again protectively flanked her. Tori took the other side of her in the red vinyl ‘U’ shaped seating.

  Wilma May wandered over, surprised to see them again. “Wow, this here is a shocker,” she said, grinning at Elizabeth. “I see you’re having another baby. You want the usual, Sugar?”

  She laughed. “No, this kid likes salads. I’ll have the biggest one you have and keep all dead animal far from it.”

  Callen laughed. “She’ll also have some vegetable juice and some cheese and hard boiled eggs on the salad.” When he looked over at her, Elizabeth was smirking. “You know the doctor said protein.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  Tori ordered her lunch, trying to be cognizant of Elizabeth’s food aversions. She tried to keep it low on the animal flesh. “I’ll have a BLT with fries, please.”

  Callen went with the same thing Elizabeth was having, but with some soda. “Thank you, Wilma May,” he said, pleasantly.

  Elizabeth began telling Tori all about the man at the counter. “He once called CJ chub while I was pregnant. When he slapped me on the ass, I dumped cherry pie filling all over him and kicked him in the…”

  “Angel,” Callen warned, laughing.

  Tori began snickering. “Damn, I wish I could see you do it again. It’s been quiet on the Rez. I miss seeing people receiving a beat down.”

  Elizabeth patted her hand. “How’s therapy?” Both she and Callen knew she was working hard at the VA hospital. Tori Christensen had served her country and left a part of her soul in the sandbox.

  “It’s good. No more nightmares. Well, not many. I think you were right about finding someone to sleep next to that can chase them away. Julian’s damn good at that.”

  Elizabeth grinned. “You both look happy,” she paused, “are you coming back?”

  Tori didn’t want to hurt her friend or boss, but chances were no- she wasn’t. “I don’t think so. Julian wouldn’t survive off the Rez. His whole family is there, and he loves his horses.”

  She understood. Sometimes you had to make accommodations for the ones you loved.

  “Did you know he has a twin?”

  Elizabeth stared open mouthed. “There are two Julians?” Then she began laughing. “Seriously?”

  Tori nodded. “Justin is the EXACT likeness, but just a Marine. Then he has two sisters that are twins too - Claire and Liana.”

  Elizabeth was about to make a comment when she saw the figure out of her peripheral vision, drawing her attention.

  Callen felt a tap on his shoulder, assuming it was Wilma May, he turned grinning, only to have someone plant a big, wet kiss on his lips. Elizabeth’s hand clasped in his, as someone invaded his personal space with her mouth.

  Elizabeth saw red.

  Tori’s hand actually went to the butt of her weapon.

  Callen furiously
pulled away at the unwanted contact. He had a thing about unsolicited touching of his body, and this was a big violation of it.

  “Hello there, Mr. Whitefox. I see that even though I gave you my number and my lips on the back of that card, you still forgot about me. Now maybe you won’t,” purred the woman.

  Elizabeth wanted to grab Carly Kester by the blonde hair and beat the living hell out of her. The woman was a suspect in their last investigation here, and they’d tricked her into giving DNA. Elizabeth should have known that the entire thing would blow up in their faces. This was just one more demon that was going to make being in Red River complete and total hell.

  Callen wiped his mouth on the back of his hand; his other hand still firmly in Elizabeth’s praying she didn’t lose it and vault the table to kill the woman.

  “Sorry Ms. Kester, but I’m taken,” he held up his left hand that held the Blackhawk family ring, letting her see it. “So, no more kissing, please.”

  If it bothered Carly, she didn’t let it show. “I see you let the rabid dog out of the cage,” she nodded at Elizabeth.

  This time it was Callen’s hand that clenched. The woman was asking for trouble if she planned on torturing Elizabeth. Protectively, he lifted his arm, and Elizabeth slid beneath it, laying her head on his shoulder.

  Carly looked confused but continued. “I really thought you were going to call me when the assignment was over. We were supposed to get together for a good time.”

  Tori didn’t know what the hell was going on, but already she didn’t like the woman. Elizabeth had been nothing but kind to her and had become her friend. Cautiously, she watched the woman, biding her time.

  Callen opted to tell the truth. “Honestly, Ms. Kester. We just needed a DNA sample to see if you were the killer. I wasn’t really interested in you, or spending any time with you afterwards. But it’s flattering to know you’ve been thinking about me all these months.”

  Carly went red.

  “As you can see, I’m a little busy here with my woman and my friend, but it was nice seeing you again. Have a really nice day,” he dismissed her, dropping a reassuring kiss to the center of Elizabeth’s forehead. When he turned his head back, Carly struck.


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