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Darkness Of Truth (An FBI/Romance Thriller~ Book 6)

Page 26

by Kelley, Morgan

  If the man wasn’t a pain in the ass and always causing tension then all would be well.

  It was time to watch before the judgment came.

  Once he was taken, there was no turning back.

  * * *

  Walking around the original crime scene in the brightness of the day was far less creepy than after dark. It would actually be a fun place to camp, if two people weren’t killed and skinned there. The scent of death still permeated the air, ruining the ambiance.

  Julian stood over to the side of the clearing. One set of drag marks were clearly visible on the ground. “I believe this is one of the entrance points. I’m going to follow it for a little while,” he said, getting Elizabeth’s attention.

  “Don’t get lost, kids,” she replied, staring at the journal in Ethan’s hands. They were flipping through the GPS locations.

  Tori stood beside him. “I’m going with Julian. I have the gun,” she said, grinning at him. “Someone has to save his ass if trouble pops up.”

  He wanted to say something totally inappropriate but he refrained. They were starting to slip back into their easy manner, and he didn’t want to screw that up.

  “I’ll go with them,” offered Sheriff Duffy.

  “Great,” muttered Julian.

  Elizabeth analyzed the number of locations as her husband pulled out the GPS device. “We’re going to see what pops up close to here.”

  They divided up and began their searches.

  Julian maneuvered through the underbrush easily. It was something he’d done many times on the Rez, and despite the pain in his chest it was fairly easy moving for him. When he looked back, Tori was lagging a little as the sheriff was talking to her in low whispers. Julian slowed down, and when she was close enough, he held out his hand. Part of him believed she’d push it away, but he still reached for her.

  Tori looked up into his eyes and smiled. When her fingers closed around his, she squeezed reassuringly.

  “The drag marks are through here,” he said, holding a branch for her and letting it go to hit Duffy. “Oops.”

  The man gave him a dirty look. “That’s okay; I don’t mind getting smacked in the face with branches. I have a superior view back here,” he stated, pointing at Tori’s ass when Julian turned around.

  Squeezing his hand, Julian let it go. He wasn’t letting the man piss him off. Right now all that mattered was Tori was holding his hand, and they were on a trail. Stopping, he noticed the drop of blood. “Tori Honey, give me a glove and evidence bag.”

  He slipped on the latex, picking up the brown leaf with the single blood drop.

  “Wow you actually found something,” stated Duffy.

  Julian didn’t look up. “Yeah, it’s called having a skill. You should get one. Sitting on your ass all day doesn’t count, and neither does sleeping with Carly Kester. Anyone and everyone can do those two things.”

  Tori fought to not laugh at his comment. Apparently, the hangover was dissipating and Julian was feeling a little better. Or maybe it was because the issues between them were healing closed.

  “This way,” Julian pointed, leading Tori. “That’s the tree right there.”

  Duffy looked around. “They all look the same. How do you know?”

  Julian walked towards the tree. “I just know.”

  Tori inspected the bark of the tree. “We have more blood. Jules, you have a pocket knife?”

  Whenever she used his nickname his heart clenched. “Yeah Honey, I do,” he replied, pulling it out of his back pocket.

  “That’s some small knife, Julian. Mines much bigger,” taunted Sheriff Duffy.

  They both ignored him as Tori chipped the bark off the tree from the spot into a bag. “Got it,” she said, handing him his blade back.

  There was crunching of leaves and all three spun around, Sheriff Duffy pulling his gun at the sound.

  “Whoa, put it away!” Elizabeth said, as both men stepped in front of her to keep her safe. “You’re awful quick to pull that side arm, Sheriff.”

  “I heard you coming.”

  Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “Yeah, that’s probably because we were making noise so NOT to sneak up on you.”

  Callen stayed in front of his pregnant woman until the man’s gun was holstered. “You find anything here?” he inquired, eyes never leaving the jumpy sheriff.

  “Yeah, Julian found us a blood trail and also some on the bark,” Tori said, proudly.

  Elizabeth held up the journal. “This is the last set of coordinates. I’m betting he was here digging and then got clocked. What’s on the bottom of that rock?”

  When Sheriff Duffy reached for it bare handed everyone objected.

  “Wait!” came the chorus of protests.

  “Come on! Put on a glove, Sheriff.” Elizabeth shook her head, not believing the man didn’t know to not touch evidence without one on his hand. Then again… why was she surprised?

  Julian reached down and picked up the round flat stone. “There is blood on the bottom.”

  Ethan pointed. “Want to bet if we dig, we find truffles?”

  “Am I allowed to dig without gloves?” Duffy asked, sarcastically. “Or are you planning to test each grain of dirt for a fingerprint.”

  “I almost forgot how funny you were,” said Elizabeth. “By funny, I mean cross dressing crazy, not entertaining,” she got in another dig about his brother.

  If looks could kill, Elizabeth would be dead.

  Both men stood almost in front of her, arms crossed, sun glasses on and almost dared the man to say anything to her.

  Julian enjoyed the verbal bitch slapping, and pulled Tori back against his chest, watching Duffy have at it.

  After clearing the dirt he found what they were looking for at the base of the tree. “I see white truffles. These are worth a great deal of money.”

  Tori brushed a hair from her face. “So the man was poaching truffles from Native land to make money.”

  “Sounds like the Indians got cranky,” muttered Duffy, standing.

  “Native American,” corrected Elizabeth automatically. “I swear we had this damn conversation before, Sheriff. You don’t seem to get it.”

  He laughed. “I get it. I just don’t give a shit about what they want to be called.”

  “He has a point,” stated Julian, drawing all their attention. “Jimmy wants to be called good in bed, and he doesn’t get what he wants either.”

  Callen grinned and offered Julian a fist bump. “He walked into that one.”

  “Yeah he did. Apparently, Elizabeth is wearing off on me,” stated Julian, winking at her.

  Sheriff Duffy wished he could get the bitch FBI director and his ex tracker alone out in the woods for a little while. He’d make them both sorry for being assholes.

  Tori pulled out her phone, snapping a few pictures of the truffles for the files. “We’re golden. Let’s get out of here before there’s more bloodshed.”

  They all walked out of the dense trees back into the opening where the killer performed his ritual.

  “I guess we should head out of here,” stated Elizabeth. “It’s going to be dark in a little while, and I don’t want to be stuck out here with a killer and a sharp knife.”

  They all started towards the ATV’s.

  “Hey Sweetheart,” James Duffy crooned to Tori. “You have dirt on you,” and he slapped her on the ass.

  If Duffy wanted to cross a line, he’d done it. It was one thing to verbally spar with someone, but to put your hands on them was a dangerous thing.

  Everything in Julian snapped at the simple act. Baiting him he’d suck up, but to actually touch Tori was another thing. He rushed the sheriff, taking him to the ground.

  “Oh shit,” muttered Elizabeth, watching the two men beat the hell out of each other.

  James Duffy didn’t expect it, and they both went down to the ground hard. The rolling continued until the positions were reversed.

  Julian was the smaller of the men, but he managed t
o get him off him. “Don’t put your fucking hands on my woman, Jimmy,” he growled, taking a shot to his sore chest. It took him to his knees, and once again the men began rolling around.

  “Do we stop them?” Callen asked.

  Elizabeth believed getting the mad out always helped, but when James Duffy pulled his weapon, they all moved fast, drawing theirs too.

  “Drop it, Sheriff,” said Ethan.

  Julian spit the blood from his mouth as he stared down the barrel of the sheriff’s gun. He had no doubt the man would shoot him and call it self-defense.

  Tori had enough and finally lost her temper. She’d been forced to be the bait to taunt Julian, and it pushed her over the edge. Tori grabbed the Sheriff’s wrist quickly, pulling his hand up into the air as the gun went off. Her next move was to slam her knee into his ribs, stealing his breath, and then quick jabbing her elbow into his face. Without a fight, he dropped to the ground at her feet. “Seriously? Your finger was on the damn trigger you asshole?” she practically growled, as he lay staring up at her.

  Elizabeth started laughing. “Man, is that what it looks like when I do it?” she said, snorting.

  “Yep,” both of her men said together. Neither was happy that James Duffy had his finger ready to take a life. That was a big no-no in law enforcement. You kept your finger off the trigger until you intended to pull. Accidents could happen.

  “You boys are absolutely right. That is hot!” Elizabeth grinned, at her friend.

  Tori moved over to Julian and ran her fingers across his face. “Are you okay?” she asked, staring into his eyes.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry I lost my temper.” Julian swallowed his anger for the sake of their relationship.

  Tori looked at him surprised. “It’s okay Julian. He deserved it.” Then she noticed the blood on his shirt. “Shit Babe, your chest is bleeding. Immediately she went to pull his shirt off his body, and stared mouth hanging open. “Julian!” Tori took two steps backwards, eyes locked on his.

  “It was my attempt to get you to forgive me,” he said, staring up into her eyes from his knees. “I love you, Victoria. Marry me.”

  She didn’t know what to say. Across the man’s chest he’d tattooed her name. It was raw and red and had to hurt.

  “Spend the rest of your life with me and be my wife.”

  * * *

  The doctor pulled the blood stained sheet up over her body. They’d tried everything to keep her alive, but they simply couldn’t stop the bleeding.

  These things occurred and no one ever had an answer as to why. It was senseless in this age of technology, but it still happened.

  The baby screamed, as life filled her lungs. Five feet away her mother lay dead. One was born and one had passed in an exchange of one life for another.

  It was sad and poignant.

  It was the beginning and the end.

  “What do we do now, Doctor,” asked the nurse, cradling the baby in her arms, as she attempted to soothe her.

  “We notify the family of her death and the baby’s birth.”

  The woman cradled the infant, holding her tight and trying to offer some resemblance of peace. “She begged us to call the baby’s father. I have her phone and his name.”

  He ran his fingers over the little girl’s forehead. “Let’s clean up the mom, get the baby taken care of, and then call her daddy to come get her.”

  “Her next of kin lists only a grandmother, but Desdemona specifically wanted us to call the man on the birth certificate.”

  The doctor nodded. “I think we should give her the final wish.”

  The nurse nodded. “You know who the grandmother is right?” she asked, softly.

  He nodded. “It’s probably a good thing she has a father somewhere that’ll want her.”

  * * *

  “Marry me, Victoria Rose Christensen.” Julian stayed on his knees waiting for her answer. It wasn’t lost on him that she stared, as if weighing the options. In his gut, it didn’t bode well.

  He’d never asked another woman on the planet that question, and if she said no, he never would again. It had to be her or nothing. Every single piece of the fabric of his being knew the truth; Tori was made for him, and in his mind he couldn’t go on without her at his side. All that mattered in life, since the day she knocked him into a leach filled swamp, was getting to this exact moment and question. She’d taken over his life, his dreams, and waking hours and this was the culmination of his life.

  Now it was all about waiting for her reply.

  Tori gazed down into his face, shocked that he was doing this here and now. Then add on top of it they’d just had a fight. Staring from his golden speckled eyes to the tattoo that ran the length of his chest, she decided on the only answer worthy of him and the situation.


  Julian stared up at her, unsure if he’d heard her right. “Did you really say yes?”

  Tori shook her head, waiting to see his response. “I’ll marry you, Julian.”

  He jumped up, as life was reborn in him, and he’d finally found the other half of his heart. She’d made the commitment! “Seriously?” He picked her up and spun her around.

  She laughed at his incredulousness. “Absolutely.”

  Julian kissed her and couldn’t believe his luck. The day went from shitty to fantastic in a matter of hours. He lost the girl to gain her back again.

  Today was the best day in his life.

  He refused to break the kiss, unwilling to lose the moment quite yet. Julian didn’t care if he had an audience. Let Duffy stare at him from his spot on the ground. Tori was going to marry him, and this was the pinnacle in life.

  Elizabeth started sniffling, and both men wrapped an arm around her until the three were connected together. “This is so beautiful,” she whispered, watching them together.

  “This is where you propose to her?” stated Sheriff Duffy standing up. “At a crime scene? You Indians are completely ass-backwards.” Then he spun to face the FBI agents. “Who knows what’s going on with you three? Some sick sex game where you’re passed between brothers.”

  Elizabeth pointed at him. “Shut up and don’t ruin their damn moment, or I’ll come over there and beat you down something fierce. As for passing around women, you have sex with a woman servicing the entire damn town. You should talk!”

  Ethan and Callen both dropped a kiss on her head, snickering at her reply.

  “This is the most unique proposal ever.” Elizabeth couldn’t help but grin. It seemed fitting. Death brought them together and now it was making them one forever.

  “This is ridiculous,” muttered Duffy. “I’m getting out of here!”

  “Leave the key in the ATV at Julian’s cabin!” Ethan demanded, watching him storm off alone.

  The three remained there, sharing the moment with them, trying to be completely unobtrusive.

  “Love is amazing,” whispered Elizabeth to her men.

  “Yeah it is,” they answered together.

  Tori enjoyed the feel of the man pressed to the front of her body, and then she remembered how raw and red the tattoo had been. Pulling away quickly, she slapped him on the arm.

  “Ouch! What was that for?” he asked, laughing.

  She simply pointed at his chest. “That had to hurt. Are you crazy? No one does that on a whim!”

  There was laughter from the three standing not far from them. When Tori turned towards them, she couldn’t help but start to laugh too.

  “I think it’s romantic,” said Elizabeth, grinning and wiping her eyes. “Not every man will go and put your name on their bodies just because.”

  Both the men beside her raised their hands.

  Obviously, Elizabeth had to clarify. “Okay MOST men won’t do it. Maybe it’s a native thing.”

  Julian laughed. “I’m never doing anything like this again,” he admitted. “It hurts like a bitch!”

  Ethan nodded in agreement. “Worst place to get a tattoo on the body in my opinion, and I hav
e twenty four of them. It hurt for days.”

  Elizabeth went to her friend and hugged her. “Congratulations. I’m so happy for you,” she whispered. “You deserve this, Tori.”

  Her eyes welled up. “Thank you.”

  “I think we need to celebrate tonight,” Elizabeth said, grinning. “Dinner is on Director Blackhawk!”

  He started laughing “It absolutely is, and I’d have it no other way.”

  Elizabeth hugged Julian. “At a crime scene?” she whispered in his ear. “You got very lucky there my friend! This could have gone horribly wrong.”

  Pulling away, he grinned wickedly. “Don’t I know it!”

  Callen glanced over at the sun beginning to dip behind the trees. “We better haul out of here. The sun’s going down, and we need to be in a safer place. I don’t like the idea of hanging out in this circle waiting for the killer to pay ‘pick the outsider’. ”

  Ethan had to agree. “Let’s call it a day.”

  Hopping onto the ATV’s they all roared out of the clearing, racing back to Julian’s house. This time Elizabeth rode in front of her husband, and Tori again sat behind Julian.

  Tori teased him unmercifully with her lips across his shoulder and hands on his abs. Her entire plan was to drive him completely and totally insane with lust, and then roll around in bed with him before dinner.

  Once there, they all parked and dismounted.

  “We’re going to run this evidence into the lab. Why don’t you go have a good time alone for a while, and we’ll meet you in two hours for dinner at that Italian place in town,” suggested Elizabeth, winking at her tracker. The look on his face said it all.

  It was time to celebrate with sex.

  Julian grinned. “Perfect.” Grabbing her hand, they ran towards the house.

  “You’re such a romantic,” stated Callen laughing.

  Elizabeth grinned wickedly. “I just really enjoy when every story has a happy ending. You can see they were meant to be. I think it’s going to be fun to watch their lives unfold now. I can’t wait.”


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