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Darkness Of Truth (An FBI/Romance Thriller~ Book 6)

Page 28

by Kelley, Morgan

  Whitefox dropped a kiss on her forehead. “So, Julian really has a twin, huh?”

  Elizabeth wrapped her arms around his waist and curled into his body. When his hand lovingly stroked his child, her heart melted more. “Oh yeah, and I can’t wait to have fun with this.”

  Both men gave her the look. “Elizabeth! Be on your best behavior.”

  “Always, my sexy Native arm candy. Always.”

  After showering, Julian and Tori raced over to his mother’s homestead to help out. Hopping out of the vehicle, there was already chaos and craziness going on inside and out. Kids were playing kickball in the front yard and running around like mad. When they saw Julian and Tori, everything stopped and they charged, jumping all over them.

  “Uncle Jules!”

  “Aunt Tori!”

  Her eyes filled with tears as little Maryann went right into her arms and wrapped her legs around her, holding her close. “Hello my little peanut. How are you?” asked Tori, getting hugs from the girl.

  “Are you really marrying Uncle Jules?” she asked, her eyes incredibly big and excitement visible all over her face.

  “I certainly am,” she answered, grinning. “Is that okay?”

  Maryann giggled. “Yes it is! Uncle Justin said that Uncle Jules made a deal with the devil to catch a hot babe. What’s that mean?”

  Julian started laughing. “It means I’m going to kick his butt when I get inside,” he answered.

  Tori shook her head. “We better go see your mother. If we don’t you know what happens.”

  “Dish duty!” he answered, laughing.

  Clarissa Littlemoon was very tough. She had to be with all the kids she had raised alone after his father’s death. Leading her through the excited children, Julian pulled his fiancée into the home he grew up in as a boy. Standing not far from the door were his sisters, also a set of twins, but very different. Liana immediately got married after high school and began having babies. Claire went into the Navy to ‘see’ the world and escape the Rez.

  “Jules!” they yelled at the same time. Both women crashed into him, and he winced from the pain.

  “Take it easy guys,” he muttered, the agony of the tattoo being slammed into overwhelming him.

  Both sisters stepped back. “Are you okay?” whispered, Liana, looking over her shoulder for her mom. “What happened?”

  Tori started laughing. “Tattoo,” she whispered.

  The girls stared at him openmouthed. “Mom’s going to shit a brick, Jules. You know how she feels about tattoos. When she finds out you better run!”

  He simply shrugged. “I think at my age I should be allowed to get one, and if that doesn’t work, the FBI can protect me.”

  The sisters started laughing, crossing to Tori to hug her. “Welcome to the family, Army,” stated Claire, kissing her on the cheek. “You are a glutton for punishment to be marrying him.”

  Liana hugged her next. “Mom is so happy. Start popping out the kids, and I’ll be your new best friend. My uterus is exhausted!”

  Again Tori looked horrified. “Uh, how about I marry him first and then we talk about kids after that. Until then, you and your reproductive organs are on your own.”

  Julian snickered, truly believing his girl fit in perfectly with his sisters.

  Around the corner strolled Justin, and he skipped right past his twin to go to Tori. “Hello gorgeous woman. What the hell is this I hear about you marrying him? Don’t you want to marry the better looking twin?”

  Tori laughed as he swept her up in his arms.

  “Oh, you and I have a lot to talk about, Justin. Like why the hell you followed me back to Damascus and sent your brother pictures of me with my lawyer.”

  Justin grinned. “He made me do it.”

  Now there was laughter from Julian. “Yeah, thanks for taking the heat there.”

  Clarissa came around the corner. “Justin! Put your brother’s fiancée down! No picking up women in the house!”

  He obeyed immediately. “Yes mom!” Justin dropped a kiss to her cheek. “Congrats, Tori! Welcome to the family.” Then he went to his brother and hugged him fiercely. “I’m glad you fixed it. You both were meant to be together.”

  Tori crossed the room to the little woman that gave life to her new family. The woman wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly.

  “Hello little one,” she said, kissing her soon to be daughter on the cheek. “You look better and better every day.”

  Clarissa was referring to her condition after leaving the VA. When Julian brought her home she’d lost forty pounds off her already thin frame. Unsure what to do, Julian called his mother and she rushed over immediately. While he lay on the couch with her, unable to let her go, Clarissa went to the kitchen and cooked up a storm. Then she proceeded to make Tori eat.

  Needless to say, the momma bird nursed her back to health with food and Julian healed her with love.

  “I feel better too, especially today. This is the best day of my life. I can’t wait to marry your son.”

  The woman led her over to her boy. “You plan on taking good care of her, Julian?” he asked, taking his hand.

  “I’m going to make her the happiest woman in the world, Mom. I swear.” Julian moved towards her and pulled her into his arms, drawing her lips to his for a kiss. It was slow, deep and showed everyone in the room exactly what was in his heart for her.

  All the kids went wild and started laughing as their lips stayed connected, despite the pandemonium.

  There was a sound of more tires in the driveway.

  “Stop making out in the middle of the living room. Your bosses are here!” Clarissa demanded, slapping them both on the arm.

  Julian pulled away from his fiancée, and again he wanted more of her. There was this never ending need for Tori.

  Justin whistled from the door. “Holy shit, that woman is hot! You get to work with her?” he grinned, wickedly.

  Tori and Julian laughed. “Let him try,” whispered Julian in Tori’s ear. It was going to be payback for talking him into a drunken tattoo. “It’ll be fun to watch.”

  She giggled at his whispers. “Okay. What’s a little blood shed at our engagement party?”

  Both of Julian’s sisters peeked out the window to see what their brother was fascinated with. Then they saw the men.

  Claire began giggling as she pulled Liana over to look too. “Oh hello, boys! Those are some fine Native men. I’m so glad I’m single.”

  There was more snickering from Julian and Tori, as they watched it all unfold.

  Yeah, this was going to be one hell of an engagement party.

  Elizabeth hopped down from the Denali and looked around. There were kids staring at them like they were strangers trying to lure them away. She strolled towards the group, crouching down in front of a few of them. “Hi. I’m Elizabeth Blackhawk. I’m Tori’s friend. Is she inside?”

  “Yes.” The kids watched the two big men behind her. “Who are they?”

  She grinned, introducing them. Both men got down at their eye level too, so they wouldn’t make the kids as nervous. “Can we go see Julian and Tori?” Elizabeth inquired.

  All the kids pointed towards the house, watching the three walk away.

  Ethan and Callen followed with a case of beer and one of champagne for the couple. “Julian has a really big family,” stated Ethan, grinning at a preteen boy checking out his wife’s ass when they walked by. It wasn’t like he could blame him. Ethan remembered being that age, a Native boy and on a reservation. If a woman like Elizabeth had walked by him, he’d have given chase too.

  “Yeah, it must be fun to have this much chaos,” admitted Callen, grinning at the tiny little girl hiding beside a berry bush, trying to blend in.

  Elizabeth went to knock on the door and found it pulled open before she could touch the wood.

  “Where have you been all my life?” said the man, grinning at her.

  At first he caught her off guard, but then the face r
egistered and Elizabeth began laughing uproariously. He indeed was the exact replica of his brother, just with a Marine haircut and a different shade of brown eyes. Apparently, this man was the more forward of the brothers, which was saying a lot considering Julian was bold himself.

  “I’m Justin,” he held out his hand. When she took his, he valiantly kissed the top of her hand.

  It only caused her to laugh more. “Here I thought Julian laid it on thick. You must be Justin. Just so you’re aware, I’ve been warned about you and the two men behind me get testy when you try to manhandle the goods.”

  Justin looked up at the big men that he’d never noticed until she pointed them out. “Holy crap!”

  Elizabeth started laughing. “I’m Elizabeth. The one with the scowl is Ethan, and the one with the look of death is Callen. I’m guessing by the look on your brother’s face, he didn't warn you that I’m married,” she pulled open her blazer and pointed, “and pregnant.”

  Julian was laughing and couldn’t stop. Sometimes his brother made it too damn easy. “Payback is a bitch, Justin.”

  Ethan and Callen handed the man the Case of beer and Champagne and kept the stern look on their face. Following their woman in, they nodded at the Julian. “He didn't know, huh?”

  Tori started laughing. “Nope.”

  Elizabeth went to the older woman in the room. “Thank you for inviting us to your home, Mrs. Littlemoon. We’re very happy to be here.”

  Clarissa lifted a brow. “You always this polite?”

  “No, usually I’m bitchy, crass and downright rude, but I like to let people think that I’m nice at first. Then I screw with them when they least expect it.”

  “I like her,” stated Clarissa to Tori.

  Elizabeth hugged her friend. “Congrats, Tori.” Then she whispered in her ear. “Since we’re family, you get to call me Lyzee.”

  Tori sniffled. “Thank you, Lyzee.”

  Julian went to Callen and Ethan and hugged them. “Thanks for the booze. Why not liquor my family up some more. Then you can really see my brother in action. I apologize for him ogling your pregnant woman. I’d like to say he’s not always like this, but why lie?”

  Clarissa looked down at Elizabeth’s belly. “Oh, there’s a pregnant woman in the house! I get to feed you!”

  Elizabeth went with her and Tori to the kitchen. “I don’t mind being fed and neither does the baby.”

  In the kitchen the smells of Native food filled the air. “I cook for an army, so I hope you and your baby are hungry.”

  “What can I help with?” she asked. “I’m pretty competent in the kitchen.”

  Clarissa looked appalled. “Guests don’t help in the kitchen!”

  Elizabeth grinned. “Now here I was under the impression I was Tori’s family and not considered just a guest.” She turned it right back on the woman. “I guess I was misled.” Elizabeth winked at her friend.

  “I really like you,” she said, patting her cheek. “You and my Victoria get on some aprons. We have work to do.”

  “Well holy shit, fry bread. I’m moving in,” she said, grinning. “Can I call you mom too?”

  Clarissa laughed. “I love your family, Tori.”

  The woman nodded. “So do I Mom. So do I.”

  * * *

  They all sat around the table after enjoying an amazing meal. It was a comfortable environment all together. Julian was definitely blessed with a strong family that loved him and wanted only the best for him. It was also clear that Tori had found a place to be protected and safe.

  Julian was sitting beside Tori, and she was leaning comfortably against his body. Every now and again he’d drop a kiss to her cheek or forehead. It was obvious to everyone in the room that the man was completely in love with her. They shared their adoration with all that watched them.

  Elizabeth leaned against both men that flanked her. She’d shift from one shoulder to another, drawing the speculative stares of Julian’s brother and sisters. Yet, no one brought it up. It made Elizabeth want to chuckle.

  Clarissa watched the men lovingly touch Elizabeth’s belly, sometimes separately and sometimes together. “I have to ask, and I hope it doesn’t offend you, but you three are a couple?”

  Elizabeth glanced from man to man. “Yep.”

  Clarissa grinned and started whipping out the Native language. Most of it Elizabeth caught, but the term referring to them, she’d never heard before.

  “It means the sharing by brothers.”

  Elizabeth repeated the word and laughed. “Good to know there’s a term for it.”

  Liana started speaking in their Native Language and Julian sat up fast, getting ready to warn her.

  Before he could get a word out, Elizabeth thanked her for thinking her men were the hottest things on the planet. She happened to agree.

  Both Ethan and Callen grinned, definitely not offended.

  Liana looked embarrassed. “I didn’t mean to insult you,” she said, as he mother slapped her.

  Elizabeth held hands with both men. “I’m not insulted that you think their sexy. I’m also not insulted that you assumed I didn’t speak the language, but that was risky with them. They are Native,” she stated, motioning to the men beside her.

  Clarissa was impressed. “You speak the language and are with two men. You must love the culture.”

  Elizabeth pointed to her belly. “I want my children to be fully immersed in their heritage. I want them to be proud of their past and their ancestors.”

  Clarissa definitely liked the woman. “So who is the father?”

  Neither man moved, but Callen tensed.

  It bothered Elizabeth that he had to hide what he was proud of and that it wounded a part of him. “Callen is the father. Ethan is the father of our other son.”

  Ethan squeezed her hand lovingly and she in return did the same for Callen, sharing their love and support.

  Tori realized how doubly blessed she definitely was in her life. Not only was she marrying into a great family, she’d been adopted into one too. When she leaned back, her shoulder hit Julian in just the wrong spot and he winced in pain. “Oh Jules, I’m sorry are you okay?”

  That drew Clarissa’s attention. “What’s wrong with your chest?” she demanded. “Did you get hurt working?” The mothering instinct kicked in as she moved to her boy.

  Everyone at the table started laughing, since they all knew why he was suffering.

  “I’m sorry, Julian,” whispered Tori, starting to laugh. She’d just drew the attention of the big mom guard dog.

  Clarissa put her hands on her hips, as she stared around the table at her kids and guests. “What is going on here? Why is everyone in on some secret and yet your own mother has no clue.”

  Julian opened his mouth to protest. His brother threw him right under the oncoming ‘mom wrath’ train, just for shits and giggles.

  “I tried to tell him, Mom. I warned him not to do it, but he insisted.” Justin grinned, wickedly.

  Tori was giggling now and holding her fiancé’s hand. “You’re dead,” she mumbled through the onslaught of tears. Her fiancé looked nervous as hell.

  “Stay calm, Mom,” Julian reassured. “I screwed up big time with Tori and had to win her back.”

  Gone was the motherly concern and now she was glaring at him. “Tori, what did he do to you?”

  Oh, if there was one thing she learned from the Littlemoons was it was every man or woman for themselves against Clarissa. It was a free-for-all when it came to saving their asses from her. This was her chance to save them or toss them to the angry mom wolves. She went with the latter.

  “Julian accused me of having an affair, and then had Justin stalk me three hours away to take incriminating photos. Except it turned out to be me with my lawyer, and not a man I was having a torrid relationship with. Then I believe he told me something along the lines that I used him, betrayed him and didn't deserve his love.”

  “Hey! I never said you didn't deserve my love!” he
objected adamantly.

  Clarissa slapped her son with a dishtowel. “Are you out of your damn mind? She isn’t that skank you brought home last time. That’s a quality woman and if you can’t look at her and see she’d never cheat on you, then I did a very bad job raising you.”

  Julian tried not to laugh. “I had a moment of insanity. But I made up for it; it’s how I got her to marry me.”

  His mother looked confused.

  Julian stood and pulled off his polo shirt. His mother gasped and his sisters and brother started to break down into fits of hysterical laughter.

  Clarissa Littlemoon began cursing in her native language as she paced back and forth. Then she turned on Justin. “You! Take off your shirt! If he got one, you probably did too. You two can’t ever behave together.”

  Julian started laughing at his brother, knowing they were both going down on this one. It was much like his entire child hood. Once again, they were busted by the ‘mom cop’.

  The man stood, pulling off his shirt and across his back was the Marine’s symbol and mantra.

  More cursing started up, and this time it was peppered with English, which made it even funnier.

  Elizabeth was laughing so hard, she thought she’d pee her pants. “Oh this is priceless. For once a set of brothers are in trouble and it’s not you two,” she giggled, glancing at the men beside her.

  Clarissa stopped in front of Justin and smacked him too. “You knew how I felt about marking up your body with tattoos!”

  He was laughing at the absurdity of it all. “Mom. I’m in my thirties, and I live in my own house. I served three tours, and I think I can get a tattoo without having to ask your permission.”

  Now she pointed at her other son. “Look at the FBI directors. I bet their mothers don’t have to have this conversation with them! They are reputable men, and now you went and inked yourself up!”


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