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Darkness Of Truth (An FBI/Romance Thriller~ Book 6)

Page 32

by Kelley, Morgan

  Callen slid the sheet back up her body, momentarily resting his hand on her cooling forehead.

  “Go in peace, Desdemona Adare.” Now that he’s said his goodbyes, it was time to take his daughter and leave.

  Exiting the morgue, she was waiting for him and the anger on her face was palpable. The nurse looked panicked and unsure what to do to contain what was about to erupt.

  “You killed my granddaughter with that half-breed bastard child of yours!” Morgana Adare raged, pointing at him.

  “Condolences in your time of loss, Morgana,” said Callen. “I said my goodbyes, and I’m going to let you have your time with her now too.” Callen remained completely calm, because he no longer had anger towards the woman that wanted to hurt his heart. She’d made her choices, and she paid dearly for them.

  “She died because of you! If you never crossed her path, she’d still be alive! Take that spawn of yours and get her out of here. I never want to see her or you ever again!”

  Callen didn't care what the woman called him, but to direct anything at his daughter was crossing a line. The generally calm man snapped, anger bubbling up. “This is all my fault, Morgana? This is all about her meeting me? FINE! I’ll own my portion of her death, if you carry your weight too.”

  The woman was outraged. “How is this my fault? You got her pregnant and left her.”

  “I didn’t know she was pregnant, and as to your fault, she never would have met me if you didn’t start this all rolling with your own daughter. You pushed her to a man that killed her and set all this into motion. If you weren’t a bitter old hag then, she wouldn’t have died full of hate. You made her into you, so congratulations.”

  The woman looked appalled.

  Callen continued. “You carry this cross on your shoulders, but my child isn’t to blame for your sins, Desdemona’s or mine. You stay the hell away from my daughter and my family, or it’ll be you that’s lost in this hell hole of a swamp!”

  Callen stormed away, leaving the older woman to stand there in tears as his words hit their mark.

  Getting in the elevator, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  Nurse Marly touched his arm. “Take her and go. Get her away from that old woman. She’s the town crackpot.”

  He was well aware. The whole gene pool was one big mess on both sides. “I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks so,” he said, patting her hand on his arm. “Again, thank you.”

  On the maternity floor, he buckled his child into the car seat that Desdemona had the fortitude to bring with her to the hospital. As he walked out the door, he made a promise to himself and his daughter. They’d never be back.

  Finally all the ghosts in Cypress Grove were no longer his concern. The only thing he needed to worry about now was his child.

  There were bigger battles ahead.

  The fate of their lives hung in the balance. Would Elizabeth forgive him?

  Or were some sins too big for redemption?

  ~ Chapter Twelve ~

  Early Saturday Morning

  Lying in wait in the darkness, he was able to watch the man stumble from his truck to his front door. Obviously, he was inebriated. How he managed to drive that big truck home without killing anyone was beyond him. For that alone he deserved to be punished.

  This was going to be easier than he thought. At first, he believed the man would put up a fight. Now he realized that if he even did recognize him, his response would be dulled- thanks to the booze bender. Here they said Natives were alcoholics, but they should see this man. Now it was simply a matter of knocking him out and then dragging him away to his demise.

  He patted the pouch at his side, knowing the herbs waiting to be utilized would give him the fortitude to take the skin and wear it through the ritual.

  Soon it would be time to make him pay for all the harm he’d done.

  Creeping up to his side, he patted him on the shoulder. When he spun around, the rock clocked him hard against the temple, and he crumbled.

  The only good thing was the man lived far enough out of the way. Now he wouldn’t have to transport him until the job was done. Then he knew where he was going to be placed.

  It was time.

  Someone had to pay.

  * * *

  There was no hell like the one, where you anticipated your family being mad at you for a very long time. Leaving Red River without an explanation and heading to Cypress Grove was going to be a sore point between them all for a very long time. All he could hope was at one point, there would be forgiveness.

  He knew deep down that he should have told them. Now that his child was safe and in flight with him, there was nothing but remorse. At first, Callen was terrified he wouldn’t get to leave with the baby, and his family already had to clean up enough ‘Desdemona related’ messes. This was his to handle or screw up.

  Yet now there was fear.

  Elizabeth had some firm rules about lying and not telling the whole truth, and this was surely going to come back and bite him on the ass big time.

  He stared down at his phone, re-reading the few texts his woman had sent him. They ranged from pleas for him to call her, promising they could work out whatever was wrong, and inquiries if he was safe. The panic in the words alarmed him, and Callen knew right then, he should be dialing her and giving her a heads up as to what was coming.

  Something in him just wouldn’t allow him to do it. He knew the appearance of his child was going to be a vicious wound, and desperately he wanted to just rip the Band-Aid off all at once. Not little by little, exacerbating the situation. Bringing home another woman’s baby and asking Elizabeth to love her as her own…it was bound to hurt.

  The peeping from beside him drew his attention, as his child struggled with the flight. Gently, he cradled her in his arms and left kisses across her face and forehead. “I love you, sweet pea. Daddy loves you so much.” He began pacing back and forth with her, up and down the FBI jet aisle. “It’s okay my little one, I have you. I promise I always will too.”

  The baby stared up at him, eyes blindly seeking something, anything as she sucked on the pacifier.

  “Let me tell you about your family. Your momma didn’t make it, but it’ll be okay. We have a family for you.” He prayed they’d accept her, and he wasn’t lying to her on day one. “You have a baby brother coming and you have a step brother too. CJ is going to take care of you his whole life. You’re lucky because you have two little men to keep you safe. I know one of them will be like your Uncle Ethan and guard you fiercely.”

  She held onto his finger and his heart melted. “When I was a boy, my mom died too. She wasn’t a great mom, but I survived.” Just barely, he thought. “There’s a woman at home who’ll love you.” Again he hoped and prayed he wasn’t lying to his child. “She’s beautiful inside and out. Whenever I’m afraid, she takes care of me. I think you’ll like her. I hope you call her mom and love her like I do.”

  Callen kissed her as her eyes slowly closed.

  “I’m sorry I missed the last ten months. I promise you that I won’t miss any more time with you. I’ll walk beside you down the path of life and pick you up when you fall. I’ll carry you when you’re too tired, and keep you safe. I love you, little one.”

  When the door to the cockpit opened, Callen glanced up.

  “Director, we land in five minutes. Please buckle in and hold onto the child.”

  Callen nodded, carrying her to her car seat. “It’s just about time to meet the family, sweet pea. No matter what, you won’t be alone anymore. Despite it all, you have me.”

  He sat back and closed his eyes, as he prepared for the wheels to touch down and the cabin to depressurize. “Please let this go well,” he whispered, praying to anyone that would hear him. “I need her to love this child and want her. How do I choose between my daughter and the woman that owns my heart?”

  Callen took a deep breath, sincerely hoping that even in death; Desdemona Adare wouldn’t be his total destructio

  * * *

  The man lay prone beside the fire. His hands were bound behind him and his eyes closed. The knock on the head took him down, but the alcohol helped make him manageable. It was always entertaining to watch a big strong oaf hit the dirt hard.

  It was like David and Goliath.

  He watched him with gleeful eyes at what was going to be happening. After knocking him out, he stripped the man and prepared him for the ritual. Eventually he’d move him, but not until it was all done. Since the FBI enjoyed going back to his ritual site, in hopes of tracking and finding him, he’d take the dead man there.

  There was the pause for laughter, as he thought about the look each FBI agent would have when they found the next body.

  He loved a twist in the plot and a surprise in the end.

  The reaper enjoyed his work. He stood among them invisible, and when they least expected it, he stole their lives. It was easy to judge them of their sins when you watched them unnoticed. This man had to pay for the blight he’d brought down on the Native people.

  Enough was enough of his vicious words and hatred.

  Now he’d pay with his worthless life.

  * * *

  Elizabeth woke with the sun beginning to peek through the windows. She was facing the spot on the bed that would normally be holding Callen. It was empty and cold, much like her heart. He promised he’d be back, and still he was nowhere to be found.

  “He should be here soon. He’s just landed in Red River,” stated Blackhawk from behind her. “I’ve been tracking him all night. I knew when the plane landed, and when it took off again.”

  “Is he alone?” she asked, softly. Elizabeth knew that he’d know. Ethan would have asked how many passengers were on the manifesto.

  “No. He’s not alone.”

  Elizabeth began crying again, at the idea that he’d bring Desdemona back there with him. It crushed her heart and made her want to scream in pain and frustration. For the life of Elizabeth, she couldn’t imagine what the woman could say to make him take her back. She didn't know why she was surprised.

  Her biggest nightmare raged on, and now she was trapped living it.

  “I think we should go down and get you coffee. We’ll sit on the couch and wait for him. When he gets here, we sit down and calmly discuss it.” Then he was going to drag his brother out back and beat the bloody hell out of him for even contemplating bringing that woman back into their lives. Hell was about to open on the man who broke his wife’s heart.

  Elizabeth wiped her eyes. “Okay Ethan.”

  He took her hand in his, helping her dress. Slipping on her pajama bottoms and tank top for her, he held her against his body. “We’ll work this out, baby. If he plans on leaving, I’ll raise EJ as my son. I promise you that boy will always be mine. I have us through all this.”

  She nodded, believing him to be the kindest, most honorable man in the world.

  This is why she knew he was her soul mate from the minute they met. Without him, she’d be lost and falling completely apart.

  Elizabeth allowed Ethan to lead her downstairs, as she sat on the couch as her husband made them coffee. When he brought it to her, she noticed that they both looked like death warmed over. He must not have slept at all. “I love you, Ethan, and I’m sorry I was mad at you last night. It was better I didn’t know what was happening. I would have just embarrassed myself trying to get him to stay here.”

  Blackhawk kissed his wife. “I told you, it’ll work out. Have faith.”

  Now he hoped his words were right, or he may need an alibi.

  Callen pulled into the driveway of their rental house. He was beyond exhausted. The baby screamed most of the ride, probably from the discomfort of the air pressure once they landed. When she finally fell asleep, Callen began to relax. God, how the hell did Elizabeth do this motherhood thing for twelve weeks alone? He was on ten hours and frazzled. He swore that if she didn't hate him, on mother’s day he’d buy her a bus load of anything she wanted.

  Pulling his daughter from the restraints, he grabbed the diaper bag and headed to the door. When he checked the knob, it wasn’t locked and that meant only one thing. They were both going to be waiting for him.

  Pushing the door open, there was nothing but fear in his heart as he contemplated the outcome. What he wanted was for the woman he loved to cherish the child he’d given life to, forgiving him for the mess he’d made.

  Again he sent out a silent prayer to his grandfather, begging for help.

  “We’re in the living room, Cal.” Ethan called, waiting for the man and his guest.

  Whitefox dropped the baby bag and carried her towards the impending doom that could be waiting for them. As he rounded the corner, he stopped as they both stared at him.

  “I have a problem.”

  Elizabeth stared open mouthed at the man. It wasn’t what she expected. She honestly believed Desdemona would be walking around that corner, and here was one of the loves of her life holding a newborn.

  Blackhawk didn’t know what to say. This might be the biggest shock he’d ever received in his life.

  “I have a child,” he said, softly. Callen watched her hand go to her belly, as the stab of pain shot through her eyes. There was no doubt of what Elizabeth was feeling for the life she was herself nurturing. “I mean, I have another child.”

  Blackhawk jumped up, moving to his brother’s side. “Callen, you better explain and fast.” Ethan took the infant from his arms, cradling the baby carefully. “Seriously, it’s now a really good time to start spilling it all. Where’s Desdemona?”

  Elizabeth visibly flinched at her name, as if slapped. The woman that once was her friend wouldn’t let her have any peace. The ghosts that previously haunted her had now found her.

  Callen stood there, wanting to go to Elizabeth and hold her, but he feared her reaction. He wasn’t sure he could handle her rejection.

  Even if he knew he did deserved it.

  “I received a call last night. It was the hospital in Cypress Grove. Desdemona died giving birth.” Callen took a sip of coffee from his brother’s cup, not daring to sugar coat the truth. If the woman hadn’t tried to hurt him with his own child, he might have felt sympathy. As of now, the well was completely dried up. “They told me I had to be there before dawn or the baby was going to child services. I couldn’t let my child be placed in foster care.”

  Ethan didn’t know if he should tell his brother he was sorry, or just let it go. They all knew there was no love lost between Desdemona and any of them.

  “I’m sorry to hear that Callen.” Elizabeth said, softly.

  Ethan pulled the blanket back more and grinned down at the little bundle. All the pink was a dead giveaway. “You have a daughter.”

  Callen stared over at his brother and was grateful he was being so damn good about all this. “Yes I do.”

  “Did you know?” Elizabeth finally asked from the couch, drawing both their attention. It was the big question she needed the answer to before she could start living again.

  It all hinged on this one answer.

  “No. I didn’t know, and she wasn’t going to tell me.”

  Elizabeth stood, moving tentatively towards the child. Now that she knew Callen didn’t keep any secrets from her, she was more willing to let the pain go. He’d been a victim in all this too, and because she knew how vicious Desdemona was, she didn't doubt what the woman planned.

  “I should have told you both, and I’m sorry I rushed out of here like a maniac, I just needed to get her. I couldn’t let her be some nameless bastard child in the system.”

  At the words, both Ethan and Elizabeth understood what motivated him to do what he did. This was his big terror in his life. All their reassuring for the last months couldn’t soften this blow.

  Elizabeth took the child from her husband, staring down at the sleeping bundle. She was pretty damn cute. Everything in her melted for the little baby that was innocent in all this. How could she hold any a
nimosity towards a sweet little bundle of baby chub? “Does she have a name?”

  Callen moved towards Elizabeth, still afraid to touch her. “Her name is Catherine Naomi Whitefox. I named her after both of your mothers and grandma.”

  Elizabeth took her back to the couch and held her on her lap, stroking her soft baby skin. She already began to forgive him, seeing the tiny little cherub. This little girl was part of the child she carried. This was EJ’s sister, and Catherine was going to be part of their lives.

  “She’s absolutely beautiful, Callen. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.”

  It was Callen’s turn to flinch. Not ‘ours’ but his. It wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but again, what had he expected? Already Elizabeth was being more than calm. In her place, he didn't think he’d be as graceful and generous. “Thanks.”

  Blackhawk started pacing. “We’re not equipped for a baby with us on an assignment. We need to sit down and work up a plan on how to deal with this.”

  Elizabeth simply picked up her phone and did what she did best- handle the situation without batting an eye. On the third ring, Wyler answered the phone.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked nervously. “Who’s hurt?”

  Elizabeth spoke softly, to not wake baby Catherine. “No one’s hurt, Dad. We have a family situation. I need you to pack up the SUV, grab CJ and Bly and head up here today. I can’t explain now, just wait for the GPS instructions and get here when you can, please.”

  “Okay Sweetheart.” He disconnected the call, knowing it had to be vital.

  Elizabeth sent him an email with the address of the house, and then glanced over at Ethan. “She needs baby things. You’re up. There was an all-night supercenter twenty minutes before Red River. Pack and play, baby clothes, diapers, baby formula and anything else a newborn needs. You know the drill. This isn’t your first day at the rodeo, Cowboy.”


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